
Getting along

Eighteenth of May.

By the time Joseph got up the sun was already out nearing noon. He turned over on the bed to see the person across the room still sleeping.

Joseph sighed and thought: So it wasn't a dream. Such a person really exists.

Joseph got up and started his day. After cleaning up he went to get breakfast and brought it up to the room. Technically he had school at this time but he often skipped it anyway. Nowadays he'd be looking for Taylor since dawn. He didn't think it was a good idea to go too far from Tyler so he didn't go out searching today. He found something to read and waited for the other to wake up.

Tyler didn't wake up until after lunch. The previous day was extremely exhausting. Now he was in a comfy bed in a warm room after a warm bath. He couldn't remember the last time he was so relaxed. When he turned his head and opened his eyes he could see the boy who helped him yesterday. He was sitting up on the other bed quietly reading something.

When he heard rustling Joseph looked up.

Tyler looked at him, still half asleep. He always felt that this person looked at him strangely.

Did he know something?

No that wasn't it. It's more like he was worried about something but refuses to acknowledge it. He didn't always act like this but in the corner of his eye Tyler always saw a glimpse of this look.

Joseph was the first to speak: look who's finally awake. Breakfast is over but there's lunch on the table.

Tyler got up and looked at the short table. He was hungry. He slept for too long and was both groggy and starving. They both got up, sat at the table and ate. It was a little cold but still better than nothing.

Joseph already ate so he only took a few bites then spoke: now that you're up you can get dressed and I'll take you town. I'll show you the best places for work. You can save until you have enough for new clothes. You should also make enough for a new cane. I doubt you'll be able to get the old one back anytime soon.

Tyler ate as he listened. This kid was really on top of things. Not only offering a place to stay but also setting him up to get back on his feet. Tyler thought that if he wasn't so difficult to get along with he might even be considered a really good person.

When Joseph finished he asked: shouldn't we get a cane first. Otherwise how will I work?

Joseph: Maybe so, but you don't have enough money. It's better to just find a job where you can sit down. Then I'll bring you back here. Canes can be expensive. It's better to save the money first.

Tyler questioned him: Are you willing to let me stay here then? Won't we get in trouble if I'm caught?

Joseph looked down at the table hiding the look in his eyes and said: you don't have to worry about that. There's so many kids here and the adults are usually easy to avoid. Also you look quite similar to someone else here so they will probably assume that you're that person.

There was a clear disdain in his voice at the mention of the adults working there. He obviously didn't get along with them.

Tyler continued to question: But what about that person? Is this their room? When they come back won't they want their room back?

Joseph pulled a straight face and said: Even still. If that person comes back then they will help you as well. I know them quite well so I know that it's fine.

Tyler felt strange. It seemed as though he was missing something. Was he just lucky to find someone who wants to help? Was there something more to the story here? Where was this missing person and why was this kid so strange when he first saw me? Tyler wanted to know. But he also had things he didn't mention so unless the other was willing to say on his own he wouldn't ask.

Tyler relented and stopped his questioning: Okay then. I thank you for taking me in. Where are my clothes from yesterday?

Joseph was relieved that the other didn't ask any more questions.

Joseph: They are being washed but I don't think you should wear those to the jobs. I'll find something else so just finish eating.

After saying this Joseph got up. He remembered what he just said and thought to himself: That's right, if Taylor were here he would help. Even if this person looked strangely similar to him, it's not him and couldn't replace him.

Thinking this Joseph finally decided to let Tyler wear Taylors clothes. They would fit better and the two should look neat when doing their jobs. Tyler finished eating and went to clean up. When he changed, he noticed how these clothes fit a lot better than the other ones. He thought about it and decided it was better he didn't ask who these belong to. He tied up his hair and met Joseph to leave. His shoes were also different yet they fit almost perfectly. Tyler refused to think about it. Stranger things have happened. He was lucky the person he's borrowing from was his size. That was it.

Before opening the door Joseph said: I can't go around carrying you all the time so you should get used to using my arm as support when you get tired.

Tyler nodded. He paused for a moment then asked: what should I call you?

Joseph didn't understand and asked: How do you mean?

Ever since they met they talked with ease using words like you and we and I. During their long walk home they would go from normal conversation to fighting to the silent treatment in a few sentences. At that time they both realized that they should only talk about the important things and keep personal thoughts to themselves. Tyler only said his name once in reference to being called something else. The chance for a proper introduction passed before they realized.

Acknowledging their mindless interactions the two of them were speechless.

Joseph recovered first: It's Joseph. Just call me that.

Tyler: Alright. My name is Tyler. Feel free to call me this.

Feeling slightly awkward, the two went to town.

It was a fifteen minute walk from the orphanage so during this time Joseph did most of the walking. After reaching town they took a break at a park then Joseph brought them to the different jobs. Most of the bosses recognized Joseph so it was a little easier getting Tyler situated. Recently the people have been a little worried about Joseph not coming around anymore. The last anyone saw him he was asking everyone if they'd seen Taylor. Everyone knew he was distressed but they didn't know what to do. All they could do was keep a lookout for Taylor.

The two of them were known for keeping to themselves so despite their worries no one really had the right to comfort the poor kid. Joseph however did not know this and could only assume that he was the only one looking. After that afternoon the adults were saying that they talked to Joseph recently and he's doing work again. Not only that but the person with him looks to be Taylor. The people were relieved they could now stop looking for Taylor. Everything was back to normal.

Joseph didn't know about their sincerity towards his situation but he did know that because of him almost everyone knew that Taylor was missing. Even if they didn't really care about his disappearance the news of his return was slowly getting out there.

Joseph knew that his actions of showing Tyler around would mean that Taylors missing case would officially end. If they saw Taylor alive and well they would stop looking. But Joseph let him be seen anyway. He didn't care because he knew that they wouldn't find Taylor.

Ever since he disappeared Joseph had a dark feeling. He wanted to believe that Taylor was alive somewhere but stuck and couldn't get back. But if that wasn't the case then what should he do then? If someone had done something to Taylor how would he know? When he met Tyler he knew that this was his last chance. Even if it meant admitting that he might not find Taylor alive. He was his last bet to find Taylor at all.

Joseph was using Tyler. He stuck with him and helped him get back on his feet and despite the usual back and forth they got along well. But he was only using him. Under the assumption that someone knows what happened to Taylor and is keeping their mouths shut. That he didn't leave but was taken. He wanted to let whoever took Taylor think that he was fine. Tyler was bait. He knew that by doing so he was putting Tyler's life on the line but he had already lost the most important thing in his life. He no longer had the heart to care about others. Especially not some copycat he barely got along with.

Even still he stuck by Tyler and never left him alone for more than a few minutes.

If anyone tried to talk to him he'd intervene. He was constantly watching for suspicious people while also creating opportunities for the perpetrators to act. It was a cruel thing to do and he knew that Tyler was innocent. Tyler was suspicious enough in his own regard so he refused to feel bad about his actions. The coincidence of his arrival was too great to not try something. Especially if it meant finding Taylor. So Joseph set his plan in motion and waited patiently.

Twenty-third of May.

Joseph and Tyler had already been living and working with each other for almost a week. Whenever they were free they picked up a new job. Saving their money together they ate meals at the orphanage. They went to bed when they were tired and woke up late the next day. Following this simple schedule and repeating it daily.

Tyler was happy to be making money and couldn't wait to get stuff of his own. He and Joseph were together almost all of the time. Yet for some reason when they talk it often results in insulting each other in some way. They often relied on each other for work but other than that they were never on the same page. Tyler couldn't understand it. He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Their fighting almost made him feel like they were closer than they were. Being able to mess with each other without hating each other seems like something that would take years to cultivate. But they could do it. It was probably because both of them had put up this invisible wall. So either of them could walk away at any moment without any hard feelings.

They could compliment when deserved and insult when tested. There was no need for apologies between them. But that only meant that they didn't know each other well enough for any insult to do any actual damage. They talked a lot but they didn't know anything about each other.

The more Tyler thought about it the more he preferred the way things are now. As opposed to any regular friendship. He was content with continuing as is but that didn't mean he was oblivious. He could tell that Joseph had hidden motives. It was clear that there was something heavy in his heart and it won't leave until he accomplishes his goal. Tyler knew but he didn't care. He liked that neither of them asked any questions. To him the more questions someone asks the more he has to lie. Thus deepening the rift between them.

Both Tyler and Joseph had secrets and neither of them hid that fact. It was the one truth they were willing to admit. They were smart enough to know that by asking questions they would be exposing themselves to be questioned as well. So they acted like nothing was wrong. But it was the waiting that got to Tyler. The days kept passing by and he learned that he liked being with someone who was just like himself. But the longer it went on the more he felt that it would end soon. He didn't know what he was waiting for so it was easy to tuck the thoughts away. But they never disappeared. Just lingering at the back of his mind constantly reminding him not to get too attached. Today could be the last day.

pretty much the same as before. thanks for reading. I'm doing my best but I want to get better. experience is key so go me. and advice is good to so go to all of you.

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