
Naruto : Venom : Chapter 57

I make my way towards the Uchiha compound. I enter Sasuke's house and call out to him.

"Oi! Sasuke you here?" There's no answer. "Great. Idiot is probably training right now. He needs to learn how to relax."

I walk into my room. That's an odd thought, my room at the Uchiha compound. I really need to get my own place. It isn't like I can't afford one. Actually I might already have a place, my childhood house. I have no idea if it got destroyed in the invasion. I've just been living with Sasuke ever since.

"Might as well go check."

With a goal in mind I leave. It only takes me three minutes to get to my house. It is still standing, it is actually in great shape. This part of the village didn't see much action, it is far from the stadium the Chunin Exams took place in.

Part of me was hoping that the house was gone. I don't know if I can live here again. The place I grew up with my family at. It holds so many memories of my parents, and now those memories hurt.

I'll sell it. Whether or not Sasuke stays or leaves Konoha, I need to move out. I just can't live there. Anywhere but there.

With an unnecessary sigh, I make my way back to the Hokage tower. The Logistics division is based out of the basement. They'll be able to get my house sold, or point me towards someone who can.

I enter the Hokage tower and make my way downstairs. I walk up to the receptionist.

"Hello, my name is Alvarcus Mar. I'm looking to either trade my house for one of equal value or sell it. Do you guys do that, or is it someone else?"

With a lazy flourish, the receptionist replies, "Yeah we can do that. I'm Daichi Nara. What's the address of the house?"

Ah, a Nara. That explains the laziness. We talk details for awhile. Which house, proving that I actually own said house, estimated value and expected sell date.

"You said you were willing to trade?" Daichi asks me for clarification.

"Yep. Long story short I have bad memories associated with it now." I reply.

Daichi snorts at my response, the jerk. "Won't be the last time. Due to the invasion, Konoha owns some houses. No one is living in them anymore, some are even furnished already. If you don't care about using a dead man's stuff I can trade you one of them for yours. What do you say?"

It would be nice to not have to move stuff out of my old house. Besides, all the things I need are at the Uchiha compound.

"Where are the houses at?"

"North, east, south, west. Anywhere really." He lazily drawls out an answer.

"Eh, east. That is closer to the training ground I normally use. What kind of floor plans do you have over there?"

Daichi grabs a scroll from a shelf behind him. "For the the trade, you can have a two bedroom two bath. Nice kitchen and living room." He tosses me a key. "Go check it out. The address is on the key tag."

"You're not coming with?" This is unusual. Surely someone should accompany me?

He rolls his eyes, "I have your name and where you live. If you try any funny business I know where to find you. Go, I'll be here when you get back."


I leave the Logistics department. It doesn't take long to get to the house by using the shinobi highway, roofs. Only a couple of minutes, and I'm not moving at max speed. It is a social thing, in the village you don't move fast unless you have a reason to. A shinobi moving fast means something is wrong.

The house is simple enough. The furniture there screams bachelor, but that is fine by me. Everything is in working order and it has a surprising view of the Hokage Monument.

"I'll take it." I tell Daichi once I get back.

"Great." He shuffles around some papers on his desk. "Fill this out and it's yours."

One piece of paperwork later, I own a new house.

"That was surprisingly easy. Is it always this easy?" I mutter to myself more than Daichi but he responds anyways.

"Hell no. You were a dream client. Usually it takes weeks for a shinobi to find a new place." He yawns, "That and we have a surplus of empty houses. It's a buyers market right now."

"True." I agree, "An invasion will do that. Thanks for the help."

I'm now a new house owner, at twelve years old. This is a weird place.


Later that Night, Uchiha Compound

I figured I would stay one more night at Sasuke's house. That way I can tell him I'm finally getting out of his hair and where to look for me at. He doesn't come back until late, very late.

"Hey Sasuke. How was training?" I greet him.


Short replies. He's regressing, he was much more open before. He actually would talk in more than one word sentences.

"Well I have good news! I've got my own place now. I'll be moving in tomorrow."

"About damn time." There's the Sasuke I know. "I haven't had peace and quiet since you moved in."

I laugh, "Please! I'm quiet. I barely even bothered you!"

"Your mere presence bothers me!" He says with a playful grin.

This is how we should be. This is how team seven works, we playfully insult each other. I wish Sakura was still here for it.

"So, this is goodbye then."

"Goodbye? I'm only a few minutes away. Plus we are on a team, we will see a lot of each other."

This is not goodbye. I refuse to let this be goodbye. What if the Sound Four came tonight? What if tonight is the night he leaves?

Sasuke rolls his eyes at me. "I know that stupid. Unfortunately I'm stuck with you. You just don't go away."

"You're stuck with me?" I walk over to him and sternly poke him in the chest. "Do you have any idea how much crap I have to deal with for being your teammate?"

"Please I am the perfect teammate. You could have Naruto instead."

I shudder. "Nope, I couldn't deal with him for that long. He has way too much energy. And you are not the perfect teammate! Do you have any idea how often your fan-girls approach me to ask about you?"

Sasuke turns stark white. Which is quite impressive since he is already rather pale.

"No. They don't. Please say they don't."

"They do. All the time." Oh I have to mess with him! "Why do you think they stopped stalking you so much? I've thinned the herd for you."

"Really?" He sounds surprised. His next words are spoke very seriously. "What did you tell them? Alvarcus, what did you tell them!"

"Nothing major." I grin evilly, "Only that due to a horrible mission accident you have lost the ability to reproduce."

"Sorry, it sounded like you just said that you told my fan-girls I was castrated. I must have misheard you."

"Nope, you heard me right!" I merrily say.

"Alvarcus, you have five seconds to tell me you're kidding or I start stabbing you."

Dead serious, Sasuke draws a kunai and points it at me.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One."

He lunges at me, I lazily fall backwards out of his strike range and roll to my feet. He doesn't let up, he chases me all around his house while I'm cackling like a hyena. This was worth it. This was totally worth it.

"Alright! I give, I lied. Now quit trying to stab me!" I've had my fun, there isn't any reason for him to suffer more. "Ouch! What the hell I said I was kidding! You didn't have to stab me!"


It is Sasuke's turn to grin evilly. "That was for making me chase you around my house."

Fair enough, I shall not seek revenge.

"Now be quiet. I'm tired and want to sleep. This is the last day I have to put up with you. It isn't going fast enough."

"You know you'll miss me!" I call after him as he shuts the door to his room.


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