
Chapter 2: Time Travel

Guys, just wanted to say that the MC didn't watch supernatural, so although it may look like it, it's only because he's already seen it through his prophetic abilities as the Angel of Time.


(1st person POV)

"Oh Heavenly Father, may this young soul be able to carry the immense burden he will have to hold. For the sake of this world, may you never falter in your path. You have my blessing DEAN WINCHESTER" I announce in the frozen time of hospital.

As an angel of time, I've seen all that is too come, and this boy Dean Winchester will carry the burden of the world, along side his brother. Although I cannot interfere that much I can at least give him the ability to not lose himself. To always be able to stand up against all odds, and have resilience against threats that may come.

As I finished blessing him, I left the hospital, since my work is done and resumed time. I might get an earful from Death. Although I stopped time, there are some powerful beings that aren't affected by the Mass time stop, such as God, Death and Amara. Not even Lucifer and Michael are able to stay unaffected by it. That is the power that God gave me.

As I leave, I teleport myself to the Heavens door and I'm greeted by the door guards.

"Welcome back, St. Amon" they say in unison. I nod back to them in response.

"There's no need, I'm not like Michael, you don't have to be so stuck up towards me." I say, these angels are so boring, they are like robots. With no emotions, they follow orders to a fault.

As I arrive in Heaven, I'm greeted by Michael. Standing there with all his might and presence. After God left, Michael took command over Heaven and the Heavnely host. This guy is so hands on, I wasn't able to get a rest for a long time.

"Did you stop time in Heaven again?" He asks with a stoic expression

"Maybe…" I reply, every time I stop time there is an alert on Gods throne. It was something used to monitor me.

"Did I not tell you not to do it without purpose or permission!? You have missed months of work, which has stopped our brothers and sisters from transversing through time, which may cause unreplacable damage…." Michael says as he starts to lecture me about why, me, being away from my position is bad.

My position in heaven is to keep any ruptures in the fabric of reality, causing there to be a rift which opens a door to another reality, or timeline. I also have the pleasure of erasing entire timelines when it is no longer needed. And finally to give permission to Angels if they want to travel through time.

[A/N: I always wondered why God gave the Angels the ability to travel through time without permissions. I can think of 101 ways where that can go terribly wrong. For example, Balthazar. That's all I got to say.]

I have an entire group that works under me. There job is too watch out for any anomalies in the time stream. For example, if there is a nephilim, it is my job to erase it and there whole timeline. But since the 1300 I stopped erasing Nephalims. The reason for that is, why would I want to kill children. The purest beings in all existence. Their souls shine with fevor of their innocence and purity. A nephalim, although an abomination, is but a child. One that can be taught to do good. So once God left I stopped.

I do sometimes hang around with Gabriel, he thinks he's able to escape my eyes, but I've caught him always. He left because he had enough of the fighting between Michael and Lucifer, as he couldn't pick a side he retreated and dissapeared into Earth.


-24 years later-

(Castiels POV)

"You have to stop it Dean," I say, and immediately, I send him back to the past, specifically days before his Mother makes the deal. I'm doing this all for them, all I want is to give Dean the information about his parents past.

"Im taking a huge risk by doing this" I think.

I didn't inform the archangel of Time, about my activities, but by now he must of felt a disturbance. I need to prepare, if he is a foe, I must stop him. He is the most mysterious, aswell as one of the most powerful heavenly hosts in Heaven, it is not yet time for anyone to fight an archangel. If the stories are true, then if he's a foe, he'll be a terrifying foe.

"Castiel." I hear a voice behind me, only to see a middle aged man. He's found out so quickly!

(POV change)

After spending 24 years in heaven, it is finally time for the apocalypse to start. Half of the planet will be destroyed if everything that I've seen goes the way it is meant to be planned. However I have seen countless timelines where the apocalypse doesn't happen.

No matter how many apocalypse I have witnessed, it all comes down to Sam an Dean Winchester. The two brothers with the fate of the world on their shoulders.

As I'm lounging in heaven, I sense an Angel trying to send someone back in time without permission. Travelling without my permission is punishable by imprisonment for 200 years.

So descending onto Earth, I find a gruff, but handsome looking man. Entering his dreams, I try and make him say yes.

"You are looking upon an archangel of the Lord, I have a divine mission that I must uphold and you will help and assist me by letting me use your body and flesh to carry out his will. Say yes, and God will forever remember your sacrifice." I say, spouting as much bullcrap as I can.

"Oh Lord, yes you may, I would be honoured for you to use my body, oh divine being." He replies, with fanatical fevor. I'm going to have to erase this memory of him.

Possessing the man, I feel a little weak as this is not my chosen vessel. I could create a human body strong enough to hold my power but time waits for no one, even me.

Teleporting to the motel room, where I can feel a time rift- invisible to any supernatural beings-, appear behind the Seraphim who dared to defy my orders and not inform me of any time travel.

"Castiel, you dared to send a human back in time, without my permission?" I ask the seraph in front of me.

"Amon…" he replies with a wry smile, "I had to show him the truth about his past and reveal to him the truth about Sam's powers, that he's not just a freak."

Not immediately answering, I think of what I have to do. He must serve his punishment, however i understand what he's trying to do. Before I reply back to him he says,

"I have no intention of changing the timeline, or causing any time disturbances, all I want is to give him information."

Hmmm… " Do they know of their destinies as vessels?" I ask, if he told them then it'd be a big problem at this moment.

"Not yet, I have yet told them about being vessels." He replies.

"I have decided, for your punishment, you will go a week without being able to use your grace, and as soon as Dean gathers the necessary information I will bring him back aswell as wipe the memories of everyone who saw him. You are also forbidden from travelling through time until I deem it not to be so." I say giving out my punishment to the seraph before me. He might've fallen in the future, but right now he's still part of the Heavenly host, and as an archangel, all Angels are my younger siblings, so I do what I can for them. This is but the least punishable thing.

"I am grateful for your mercy, Amon." He says as he does a small nod in respect.

Disappearing from the motel, I arrive at the time when Mary, makes a deal with Azazel.

Spotting the man out of time, I approach Dean

"Who are you!?" Dean shout at me as I approach him.

"Castiel has broken a heavenly rule, so I have come to rectify his mistake. You are to be sent back immediately, without any interference." I say to the man who I had blessed, one day that blessing will show its true power.

Putting my hand on his head, I render him unconscious, and go back to the present to deliver him back to his motel room.

Castiel, still inside as not even a second has gone by, sees the unconscious Dean, and becomes tense.

"Quell your misunderstanding, he is unconscious, he would not of let me take him out of there without causing a ruckus." I say to Castiel. "If you need me for anything, do a ritual. If I deem it proper, I will assist you, if not I will ignore you."

"Goodbye, St. Amon" says Castiel as I dissapear from the motel room. Since I am here I might aswell enjoy myself. Maybe see what my little brother Gabriel is up too.


(POV change)


I woke up, from what seemed like a long dream, of where I'm sent to the past, meet my mother and her family. Aswell as seeing my father die, and my mother making a deal with a demon. The last thing I remember was a man putting a hand on my head, and then everything went black.

"Are you awake?" Say a voice behind me.

"GAAAH! How many times do I have to say not to do that." I say to Castiel.

"I'm sorry, about what happened. I sent you back there not to change anything but to give you a broader perspective on your brother Sam." Say Castiel. So everything want a dream. Did mom actually make a deal with a demon?

"Wait then who sent me back here, I don't remember seeing you there?" I ask in confusion.

"You met one of the Archangels, Amon. He controls the concept of time, and any time travel would have to go through him first."

"Archangel? Your boss?"

"Yes my 'boss', since I didn't inform him, he has forbidden me from travelling through time, and sealed away my grace for a week. He also erased any memories of you that anyone may have and fixed the time stream, so everything you tried to do is useless, except for the information he allowed you to keep."

"So my parents won't remember me? I done all that just for them to forget me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry it had to be this way Dean."

Cass says before sitting down, on the bed. He doesn't have his grace for a week. He's a normal human now. I wonder what he'll do.

"Where's Sam?" I ask, noticing my brother is missing, "I've got to tell him what I saw"

"He left, I would know what he's doing if I still had my grace but I don't." Replies Castiel.

"Welcome to the club." I chuckle as I call Sam.


(1st POV)

Arriving in mansion, I walk in, go greet my brother, who I haven't seen in thousands of years.

Walking into the mansion, I spot my brother with a bunch of scantly dressed women caressing his body and hair.

"Long time no see Gabriel." I greet.

"Bro, long time no see. Come sit, sit." How blasphemous of him, I sit anyways. Who wouldn't want a bunch of hot women groping you up.

"So, the trickster huh, how was your time as Loki" I ask

To be continued….


So how did you find this chapter? Did I do good? Bad? Awful? I thought I've done a great job 👏👏👏

Anyways I wanted to ask, who do you want as a pairing, I need to set things up early since this will be slow romance, I don't want him to just meet a women and they both fall in love, in like one chapter. So give me some suggestions.

Next chapter