
A Insane Mother


Asterius, "Lord of the Stars," is a beautiful name.

So thought the queen of Crete, PASIPHAE.

Her son was an enigma. Even her other children—Androgeus, Ariadne, Deucalion, or Phaedra—were not as… abnormal as her little brother Asterius.

Even her daughter, who inherited her magic, Phaedra, found the boy's existence somewhat peculiar.

Of course, only she, Daedalus, and her husband knew how the boy had been… conceived, though others had their suspicions.

However, she would never let them discover it and attempt to kill her little "Ast."

The queen was a beautiful and intelligent woman,(Appearance of Pasiphae is Queen Marika From Elden ring).

Just like her sister Circe and her niece Medea, she was a sorceress, even though her powers paled in comparison to Medea's. She could still perform a few tricks, like the time she cursed her husband, who always cheated on her with commoners and other despicable nobles. She cursed him to kill any lover with his ejaculation, which would birth serpents, centipedes, and other pests that devoured them from the inside out.

As shameful as it was. She still loved her youngest son and still felt anguished over what she had done with the white bull. But she still felt *that*, she was definitely cursed thanks to her husband's pettiness, failing to make a SIMPLE SACRIFICE he had sworn to the DAMN OLYMPIAN GODS.

But now it was the queen who had to pay the price.

Walking through the vast corridors to the room of her youngest, she recalled once again what she felt when he was born.

Love, fear, affection, dread, anger, compassion.

A real mix of emotions. She felt small while looking into those gleaming crimson eyes of the little hybrid. "Minotaurus," her husband had said would be his name. After shouting at him for his foolish idea and reminding him that all of this was his fault, she put an end to it. Her husband then thought of a new name: "Asterius." She liked it.

Carrying a child in her arms was nothing new, but having a baby so heavy with horns and terrifying black and red eyes was.

Having all those eyes on her as she walked with him in her arms was only a slight annoyance, she didn't care about any of them.

Queen Pasiphae had nothing to fear—


Pasiphae widened her eyes at the sound of a woman's scream coming from Asterius's room.

The queen hurried, rushing straight to the room with speed.


Forcing the door open, she was met with an entirely unfamiliar scene.

The maids were pressed against the walls with terror-stricken faces.

She narrowed her eyes at the sight ahead that caused all this.

On the floor, her four-year-old Ast was holding, with his small chubby fingers, the twisted wrist of the maid.

The maid lay on the ground with a strangled scream of pain and terror.

Meanwhile, her son remained unchanged. With his perpetually cold, emotionless face, as if he had just caught a mosquito that was bothering him.

Calmly approaching the terrified maids, she quietly questioned them, though she was sure her little one would hear due to his hybrid nature.

"M-madam, we were cleaning, and Lora tried to approach and s-s-speak kindly to the little master, but he suddenly A-ATTACKED her and broke her wrist!" said one of the maids without looking her in the eyes, trembling and stuttering.

This made Pasiphae narrow her eyes toward them, but she simply waved them away, dismissing them.

Calmly approaching her little baby and the maid as if it were all a simple game, she knelt to her little star's level and smiled sweetly, speaking in a calm voice to the four-year-old.

"Ast? My little star, why are you so upset? Did she bother you? Did she touch you?"

The queen knew that, for some reason, her son HATED physical contact. As a newborn, he would scream and thrash about if anyone other than her held him. Strangely, Minos was one of the few who could hold him without the baby crying. Even his siblings were treated harshly.


As expected, the little child didn't respond but visibly tightened his grip on the girl's wrist.

This made the maid whimper annoyingly even more, causing Pasiphae to roll her eyes at the servant's sobbing.

Turning to the girl, who was shedding tears down her face, Pasiphae grabbed the maid by the hair and yanked her close to her face.

"What did you do?"

Looking into her eyes, she saw the servant frantically looking around, trying to come up with an excuse and stuttering the words of the previous maid. However, her son's grip on her dislocated wrist reminded her of how much deeper she was in trouble.

This caused her to scream.

"I-I GOT SCARED! He always looks at us with those frightening eyes. I tried to talk to him, but he marched toward me, and I got scared, I hit him, but he grabbed my hand and broke my wrist. I'm sorry, madam, forgive me, I swear I won't do it again, but please let me go!" The servant spoke nervously and quickly, trying to free herself from the hybrid's grip while feeling her scalp being pulled more and more by her lady as she heard her confession.

Pasiphae, with a blank face, merely nodded at her words, not showing her anger beyond pulling more of the maid's hair.

Unbeknownst to the terrified servant, Pasiphae slowly pulled a small blade from her ankle, one she usually kept for her own safety in case she was attacked by surprise.

"I see…"

Pasiphae spoke with a serene smile as she looked at her son, and with her eyes, she ordered him to release the maid.

The little hybrid, reluctantly, let go of the maid's wrist. Quickly, the maid grabbed her dislocated arm while whimpering and massaging the area.

She glanced in fear at the boy before turning to her lady upon hearing a sigh.

"I'm glad you confessed… you are dismissed, Lora."

She spoke with a rewarding smile on her face.

Lora smiled in relief, believing she had been forgiven. She quickly bowed to her lady while muttering words of gratitude.

"T-Thank you, my lady, I won't disappoint you again—GAAH!"

Before Lora could finish her apology, a small dagger was plunged into her throat.

Looking with teary eyes at the hand that stabbed her, she caught a glimpse of her lady with that same sweet smile that had always graced her.

"I know, Lora… I know…"

As she spoke, the queen held her hand over Lora's bloodied mouth to stop the gurgling from spilling into the room and reinforced her grip, stabbing the maid's fragile throat five more times, slicing through flesh and vocal cords, making sure she wouldn't survive.

With a hollow THUMP, the maid's body fell to the floor, while Pasiphae looked in disgust at her bloodstained hands. But ignoring that for a moment, she looked at her little Asterius, who still stared coldly, but with a gleam of surprise in his crimson eyes.

She slowly knelt, carefully avoiding staining her white dress with blood, and held her son with hands drenched in the dead servant's blood.

"Asterius, no matter who dares to hurt you, always tell mommy, and she will take care of it. I will always protect you, my little star."

Kissing the forehead of the little hybrid sweetly, she noticed his pupils dilating as he looked at the body on the ground.

Slightly moving his mouth and licking his lips.

Looking from the body to her son, she smiled sweetly and stroked his pure white hair before turning back to him.

"You may taste, my star. She was your tormentor, wasn't she? It's only fair that she serves as nourishment for you to grow strong and fed."

The queen exclaimed to her little prince, who, as if entranced, trotted forward with his chubby legs toward his cannibalistic feast, and with his little hands, he wrapped them around the dead maid's eye socket and, with a single pull, ripped it from its orbit, dragging blood and flesh with it.

Like someone savoring a grape, he placed it into his mouth, and with a wet, crunchy sound, chewed the orb of flesh in his mouth, completely ignoring the fact it had once been a person.

The queen, her eyes gleaming with madness, stood up, wiping her hands on a nearby cloth. She adjusted her dress and, with calm steps, left the room, allowing her son to enjoy his new meal.

As she exited, leaving the door slightly ajar, she saw the maids' pale faces, green and on the verge of vomiting. Those who saw their lady quickly stepped back and bowed deeply.

Did they see? Well. The queen smiled the same smile she had given Lora before slitting her throat, causing the maids to pale further.

"Let this be a lesson to you all. My little Asterius is still a prince. YOUR prince. Attacking him is the same as attacking the royal family. Punishable by death!"

Pasiphae soon left, closing the door behind her so her son could feed alone.

After walking a few steps ahead, she stopped again. Frowning, she raised her hand, calling one of the maids.

One of them, either brave or foolish enough, approached her Queen with trembling steps.

Pasiphae turned to her, looking at her with madness and sadism in her eyes, and gave the maid a command.

"Tell the soldiers to kill every single member of Lora's family. I want each of their throats slit and their bodies chopped up to feed my little star… are we clear, Nora?"

The Queen's words made the maid pale even more with fear and anguish at what she would have to order.

However, fearing for her own life and her children's, she simply nodded, not trusting her voice to speak.

"Good... don't disappoint me again."

And with the order given, the Queen left for her chambers. All that blood, and seeing the wild hunger in her son's beautiful eyes, made her body heat up and her intimacy wet. She would drag her husband to satisfy her, whether he wanted to or not, he would have to fulfill his duty as a husband. Her son's eyes reminded her so much of his TRUE father that she almost feared attacking him right then and there. Minus would do for the next… 2?... well... maybe 4 hours…

"Fufufu… it will be a hot and fun night…"

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