

Looking down lodged into his midsection, was a small pocketknife with trembling petite hands holding it tight. Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she hicked and sobbed. Shane's shirt dampened with blood, bitting his cheek Shane didn't expect this was how his night was going to go, from dirtying his hands with Ben to stopping by at Bobby bar on a whim to this. Grunting as her trembling moved the blade deeper, Shane Grabbed her hand holding the pocketknife startling her, as she tried to pull back.

"Listen kid if your going to stab someone, hold the damn knife right." Her eyes widened, as her breath hitched.

"W-what?"she said stuttered, Shane furrowed his eyes, as he mentally shook his head tighting his grip in the process making her wince.

"Like this." Holding her hand steady, to stop her shaking he moved her fingers that where stained with blood from her holding the sharp edge of the pocket knife, to the handle.

"That's why they where made for in the first place, to not cut your self." Confusion was plastered on her face as she looked at Shane, in disbelief who slowly pushed the pocket knife out of his midsection and slowly stood up. Reaching into his leather stained jacket.

Shane glanced at her, still kneeling on the ground gazing in shock at the dripping pocketknife in her hands, while he pulled out a roll of gauze and stuffed them into his open wound, hearing the sound of sirens coming Shane spoke."let's get out of here kid." Pressing his hand over the wound, Shane turned around and started walking towards the opposite direction, looking back he saw that she slowly followed behind him a small distance away, as he was lost in thought.

After a few turns, Shane and the mysterious stabbing girl found themselves in an empty skatepark, where they both sat on the bench towards the moons direction, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and his lighter from his pocket Shane, stuffed his fingers into the pack and grabbed one before placing it into his mouth and lighting it.

Looking at the quiet girl, Shane decided to break the silence."Give me your shoelace kid."

"What?"her short black hair ruffled with the wind, as her brown eyes turned to Shane who sighed.

"Is that your favorite word or something, pass me the damn thing will ya." Startled, she took off her torn black shoe and hastily removed her shoelace. Holding them out to Shane, he grabbed them.

"Give me the knife." Shane's words froze her, noticing this he spoke."I'll give it back."for a few seconds she did nothing, as Shane gazed at her she slowly reached into her back pocket and pulled it out.

"Here." Shane looked at the stained pocketknife infront of him, and reached for it taking it away from her, looking down to his wound he took his hand that was applying pressure off, and removed the soaked gauze and threw it to the ground.

Wincing slightly as the wind pressed against it, Shane saw the wound and was slightly surprised for all her shaking she left a damn clean cut. Glancing at her, as her face paled slightly Shane used the pocketknife and made small incision around the wound before, pushing the shoelaces inside each incision and closing the wound."here."

Passing back her pocketknife, as she looked at it with a slight disgust look she soon pocketed."it ain't really my business to pry into other people lives, nor do I make it my business but…I've already made it my business, why where they after you."looking back at Shane, she spoke.

"Because I escaped." She said softly to Shane who saw her body, tremble lightly as tears began to appear.

"Me and my friends were just having a couple of drinks, when…They appeared." Furrowing his brows, Shane could already tell whatever she experienced traumatized her deeply.

"Who's they?"with a light shake she responded.

"I don't know, they never gave us their names they said they where managers of some sort of Agency, That scouted for 'Unnoticed potential'."she said sarcastically at the end.

"We where to drunk to even put 2 and 2 together, and went along with it and before I knew it we where in the VIP section with Premium Maeve Hennessy in our hands dancing to the music. Where they promised us a chance to meet our favorite heroes if we went with them, and we did god we where so stupid." Pushing her hands to her face, as she retold her story, not noticing the subtle shift in Shane as he heard the word heroes.

"Where did they take you."rubbing her eyes, she peeked at Shane through her finger and said.

"They called it, The House of Cards."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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