
Chapter 11

"Right, so you decided that it was more productive to wash your clothes?" Alice asked with a small smirk on her face.

'Ah fuck.' 

"Well yeah, I dropped them this morning and im going to go out tonight so I need them washed and dried as quickly as possible and I thought this was the best time to do it." Arthur replied with a small nod of his head before turning his attention toward the washing machine once more.

'Act normal, act as if what im doing is completley normal and she won't be suspicious at all.' Arthur thought to himself before he saw someone appear in his vision.

Alice had decided to climb up and sit on top of the washing machine.

"Couldn't you just leave the clothes at home so that they get washed?" Alice asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm going out right after school, what's it matter to you where i wash my clothes or what i do in the first place?" Arthur questioned as he rose an eyebrow himself at the girl.

"Right, sorry sorry. You can do whatever you want, i was just curious is all." Alice said before releasing a soft giggle.

"What's so funny?" 

"Nothing, I just always used to think that you were this perfect guy, the perfect student who always gets the best grades, always looks proper and everything. Guess your human aswell. Almost thought you were a machine for a while." 

"Yeah, i guess i am only human." Arthur replied whilst he looked at Alice in the eyes.

"Alice, why are you running so late, you know that Carlisle asked us to get out of school early today." A voice said from outside of the janitor room.

"Oh right, I almost forgot that i had something else to do." Alice mumbled to herself before she lifted herself and jumped down from the washing machine.

"Well it was nice meeting you again, and just so you know, you're always welcome to come join us during lunch Arthur, you dont have to sit alone." Alice said as she gave him a small wave before heading out of the room.

'Always welcome to join you? Join you and what? Endanger my life with that supernatural crap? No, thank you.' Arthur thought to himself as he lowered his gaze and leaned down against the wall.

Minutes passed and after around half an hour, the clothes were done being fully washed and dried.

'Great' Arthur thought as he quickly took them out and placed them back inside his backpack before getting up from the floor and heading out of the room.

It was only a few moments after he left that the school bells rang, signaling the end of the class.

'Time to head off to my next class now, with the washing done, I can finaly relax for the day.' Arthur thought as he started walking in the direction of the Spanish class.

Spanish wasn't Arthur's forte, in fact, it was the class that he was the worst in.

He just couldn't learn languages easily, it had been one of the hardest things for him to do so that he could keep up the image as the perfect student however if he wanted to get a one hundred percent scholarship for university then he had to do it.

Hours passed, the classes ending one after another and finally, the last class for the day was over.

Slinging his backpack over his left shoulder, Arthur headed out of his classroom by himself and started walking through the halls of the school towards the exit.

As he was walking through the halls, he felt someone come up from behind him and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Arthur, you want to come with us to port angeles today? We found this place where we can drink." 

'Jacob' Arthur thought as he turned his head to face the teen.

"Drink? Are you sure you should be doing that Jacob, if you get caught your old mans going to give you quite the long lecture just like last time." Arthur asked with a slight smirk on his face.

Ofcourse it was fake, he didn't really enjoy Jacobs company however the boy did have his benefits, one of them being that he was what most would call the delinquent of the school.

Practically no one dared to stare the young man in the eyes, not even the professors, he was known as a problematic teen who would even dare beat up the teachers if they got on his nerves.

The boy was nineteen already, having failed two years in a row however it looked like he was going to be passing this year finally.

'The professors probably just want him out of their hands already.' Arthur thought.

"Dont worry about that, he wont ever find out like last time. I'm making sure to be extra careful, so what do you say?" Jacob asked with a small chuckle whilst he had a grin on his expression.

"I don't have any money left, Can't really lie to get more either." Arthur said as he shook his head.

"Ah don't worry about that, I'll pay for you man, can't leave the homies behind just because of money. Meet us at the park downtown at eight in the evening. See you there Arthur!" Jacob said as he patted Arthur's back before turning around and heading to another group of young boys.

Arthur stood there still for a moment before continuing his walk towards the school's exit.


Releasing a soft sigh, Arthur had only one thought in his mind.

'What a damned drag'

Arriving outside of the school, Arthur quickly walked outside of the school grounds and started heading toward his house.

He would be going out with Jacob later tonight so he wanted to atleast get the homework done before he went there, he knew for a fact that he wouldn't be coming back to Forks until after midnight.


Hey guys, here's the chapter for the day.

I wanted this fanfiction to be slow pace, some might even think its way too slow paced however this is how i wanted to write it. There will be lots of small events like this before the plot even starts which is in around two months inside the fanfiction.

Either way, that's all that I wanted to say, thanks for reading and for the support.

If you want to read chapters ahead of public release then check out my Patreon at:


As always, Lots of Love

White Author

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