
6. Going Home

Unlike their first plan, the freed people don't go to the town they saw before. Alex thinks that it might be a dangerous town affiliated with that facility.

After all, he and some kids here were from orphanages affiliated with them, so it won't be strange for them to have a town under their control and the closest town to them seems to be the most suspicious.

That's why now they go to find another town even though it will take longer. Thankfully, there are some animals they can catch and cook even in this rocky land.

Well, it's animals like lizards or snakes, but they're still sources of nutrition. As for water, they use magic to get water to drink. There is a water mage among them and they can also melt Ultear's Ice Magic.

Alex used Shukaku's ability to detect through the earth to find civilizations. He keeps checking every once in a while as they walk and they finally find a village after 2 days.

It's a small village that doesn't have many people in it. But because it's just a small village, the people there are very kind. They are willing to help the freed people even though none of them has any valuable items.

The villagers just see the freed people's very bad condition, especially the children and immediately move to help. If it's a big city, then they will be questioned too much and maybe won't even get any help.

The village chief then talks with an adult man that represents the freed people while the others are eating the food prepared by the villagers.

They talk about what happened and the man just tells the village chief their true story. Alex doesn't stop him because it will be harder to lie about this thing with all these children here. The kids might reveal the truth anyway, so it's better for them to be honest.

"It must be hard to believe, but I am saying the truth, Sir."

"No, I believe you. At the very least, I can tell that these children have suffered a lot. So, what will you do after this?"

"That's..... Honestly, I don't know. Some of us want to return to our families, but we don't know how to find them. Those who don't have places to return to also don't know what to do."

"Then I suggest you go to the City of Nira. There, you can find information about their hometowns and finding transportation is easier there. Also, you said that all of you can use Magic, right?"

"Yes, to some extent."

"Then those who don't know where to go can join a Magic Guild in that city. It's not a big Magic Guild, but they are legal and you can make a living by taking jobs in the Guild at least."


"Yeah, I was a member there. My magic is not strong, but even I could take jobs and live decently before moving here."

The man looks at the other freed people and they all nod, agreeing with the suggestion.

"Thank you very much for your help, Village Chief."

"Haha, it's okay. I just want you to quickly make money yourself and maybe you will repay us in the future when you become rich, HAHAHA!"

Everyone laughs because they know the old chief is just joking. The village's atmosphere is good despite having all these refugees.

Though Alex is actually suspicious of the villagers, or more like he just can't fully trust them yet. Maybe it's because of his bad experience, but he just can't believe other people that easily.

Thankfully, the villagers seem sincere in helping the freed people. They don't do anything bad even until the freed people leave for the City of Nira the next day.

The villagers even help them go to the City of Nira with their horse carriages so they will arrive quickly. They really arrive in Nira after 5 hours, thanks to the villagers' help.

Some of the villagers that come with them even help them talk with the local authority to help some of them find their families.

Alex can finally feel relieved now after knowing that they will be safe. Ultear actually already knows the way to go back to her home. But Alex just couldn't leave the freed people on their own until he knows they will be fine.

They are now in front of the Magic Guild that the chief mentioned. The freed people decide to join and take jobs to get money for now. Even those who want to go home also need money, after all.

"Alright then guys, we'll take our leave."

Alex finally decides to leave with Ultear now that the freed people know what they need to do.

"Are you really leaving now, big brother Alex?"

The kids have gotten attached to Alex who has saved them.

"Yeah, I need to send Ultear back and I also have things I want to do. Listen to the uncles and aunties, alright? I will come here to see you in the future."

He pats their heads before saying farewell to everyone and leaves with Ultear. Everyone says their farewell and gratitude to Alex and Ultear as they leave.

Alex and Ultear leave the city and go to her hometown. They go there by foot because they don't have money to ride a carriage. They follow the map Alex drew on a small paper when they were looking at the map in the city.

It takes them around 3 days to reach the town close to Ultear's house. This place is very different from the previous places they've visited because the whole region is covered with snow as it is located quite high on the mountain.

Ultear doesn't seem to struggle in this cold and snowy place while Alex keeps shivering as they walk. His teeth are chattering and he can't walk properly, so Ultear needs to help him.

"I p-probably will turn into a-an ice stat-achoo before we even reach y-your house."

"Come on! Don't say silly things Alex! You will be fine. It's just a little chilly."

"A l-little chilly, m-my ass! Ugh! W-wait a minute, I will do so-something. H-help me dig the snow."

Ultear sighs, not knowing what Alex wants, but she still helps him dig the snow until they find the soil.

Alex puts his hands on the soil and soon it turns into sand. The sand then climbs up his body and starts covering his whole body.

He is now completely covered with a rather thick layer of sand and looks like a statue. But then the sand that covers himself starts turning to look like his skin, which makes Ultear's jaw drop.

"Good, I feel better now."

The sand layer is blocking the cold from outside and isolating his body heat to keep him warm. He remembers Gaara was using this skill as armor, but Alex thinks that it can be used like this and he is right.

They continue their way up the snowy mountain to Ultear's house. She walks happily while pulling Alex's hand impatiently.

It doesn't take long for them to finally arrive at her house which is the only one in this area. That house really looks warm, making Alex want to enter it quickly and sit in front of the fireplace.

But Ultear suddenly stops as she looks at a woman and 2 little boys training in front of the house only wearing their underwear.

"That's your mom?"

"Y-yeah, but who are they?"

"Hmm? They are not your brothers?"

"N-no, I don't have siblings. D-don't tell me mom really left me to live with those 2?"

Ultear seems very heartbroken when she sees her mom is happy with 2 kids she doesn't know. She thought her mom was replacing her with those 2 boys.

Alex doesn't know how long it has been since the researchers lied to Ur that Ultear has died. But it seems to be long enough because both Gray and Lyon have trained under Ur.

Most likely, Ultear was brought to the room in front of his cell after a few months since Ur brought her there to be treated although it has just been 3 months since he met Ultear.

The heartbroken Ultear wants to run away, making Alex sigh. All those problems would never happen if Ultear just approached Ur. She could be angry or whatever, but it all would be over once Ur saw her still alive.

"Where are you going?"

Alex holds Ultear's hand and stops her from running away.

"Sniff! Anywhere. My mom doesn't want me anymore."

"How do you know? Did she tell you she doesn't want you? Just because you see 2 unknown kids with your mom, you think she has left you?"

"Then what is it? Why does she look so happy with them?"

"How could I know? I never talked with your mom. If you are so curious about it, ask her. I am here. If she really doesn't want you anymore, I will take you with me, so ask her."

Alex grabs Ultear's body with 2 hands before throwing her toward her mom. Ur sees something flying towards her, so she turns around and catches it when she realizes that it's a little girl.

"UR! Are you okay?"

Gray asks as he and Leon come closer to her.

"W-what? Why's a little girl-."

Ur freezes when she sees the little girl she has just caught.



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Ch. 56: Evolving Job

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