
Changing Destinies

The day ended on a good note, after my duel with Ghislaine I continued training as if nothing had happened, despite the fact that I was already a Sword Emperor...

And I'm only thirteen years old...

After leaving the dojo I went straight home and gave the news to my parents, needless to say mom was in shock but dad was already expecting it.

"Do you think I didn't notice after those morning workouts?" He said

Although it was true, but at least he had the decency to congratulate me.

I also announced that I wanted to study other styles of the sword and they supported me.

Now I'm just lying in my room going over the events of the day.

"I haven't even had my third birthday yet...and I'm already a Sword Emperor..." I muttered to myself feeling a huge smile forming on my lips.

I couldn't contain my excitement and I rolled around in bed while I stifled a cry of excitement into my pillow.

So many years...and so much effort...have given me these fruits...this strength...

I finally managed to calm myself down and fell asleep with a smile on my lips. Tomorrow would be my first day as Sword Emperor...


"hmm?..." I opened my eyes and I was in that fucking white room.

"You have to be fucking kidding me, asshole!" I said angrily to the faceless being in front of me.

However, Hitogami did not answer me, I tried to read his expression but he was serious.

(sigh) "Gino, Gino, Gino...you definitely have the strongest destiny I've ever seen..." Hitogami muttered as he crossed his arms.

I raised an eyebrow at this as I looked at him.

"You already told me that the last time we saw each other," I murmured.

"Yes, I did say it, but now it's true" he declared.

My expression formed in pure confusion as I looked at him.

"So...what do you mean?" I murmured.

"I told you before that you changed the fates of the people around you, and that includes everyone, even Eris Boreas Greyrat and Ghislaine Dedoldia" he said.

I felt my mouth open and close like a fish in water as I looked at the bastard in white.

"Can you be more specific?" I said with frustration.

Hitogami sighed in exasperation and sat on the floor looking directly at me.

"Eris Boreas Greyrat, from the moment she interacted with you, her strong destiny with Rudeus Greyrat began to crack, and it grows more fragile with each passing day," he said boredly.

"E-eh?!, what do you mean it gets weaker?!, what do you mean?!" I said in shock

"And that fragile fate with Rudeus Greyrat began to become an increasingly stronger fate with you," he declared, ignoring me.

I could only look at him in disbelief.

"H-how is that possible?!" I said in panic.

This is bad...I had no idea...

"Why would that be bad?...You should do it even with that damn Migurd Roxy Migurdia!" Hitogami shouted in anger as he got up from the ground.

"S-so there's no way to stop it?..?" I muttered in fear.

"Emmm nope! These few months were enough to turn the fate of Eris Boreas Greyrat and Rudeus Greyrat into something even more fragile as long as you are near her!" He said excitedly.

(sigh) "And that doesn't matter to you, right?..." I murmured as I looked at the white floor.

"Not at all, I already told you it would be better if you did it with Roxy Migurdia!" He spat with disdain

"And...and what about Ghislaine Dedoldia?" I murmured.

"Oh her?...well she didn't have a particularly strong destiny with anyone actually but a pretty strong destiny has formed between you and her..." He said downplaying it.

I couldn't even form a smile at this, it was something I wanted but I didn't want Eris...

"Come on, don't be so sad!! In a short time the Water God and Aubertt Corvette will arrive here!" He declared.

"And how does that benefit me?" I muttered.

"It's not that you don't want to be stronger, but you still need to fulfill your part of the deal. Roxy Migurdia is currently heading to Begaritt!" He said excitedly.

"...then I have to intercept her in...the labyrinth?..." I muttered.

"correct my dear friend!!" He said clapping his hands

"We are not friends...and there is still time for that..." I said angrily.

"Hehe yes, certainly, I will come to see you in a year my friend! That will be the time to leave! You can make your life and get ready to leave! And don't worry! Once you have Roxy Migurdia, I won't bother you or Rudeus Greyrat and his family again!!" He declared in a playful tone with a malevolent smile

"...you know I've never trusted you, right?..." I said with disdain

"I couldn't care less about that, but we already have a deal and you must honor it!" Hitogami said irritably.

I looked at the ground analyzing the null options I had.

"Don't let me know at the last minute, just do it a month before I have to leave," I said with resignation.

"Okay, I'll see you later then!" Hitogami said excitedly. I immediately felt a force pulling me back and I woke up instantly.


I woke up agitated and with my back in a pool of sweat, it was honestly unpleasant.

I took a cold bath to calm my nerves. There wasn't much I could do about my situation. I was practically hanging by a thread. I was at the mercy of that bastard Hitogami...and that is fucking humiliating!!

I'm already a Sword Emperor but with my current strength I couldn't take on the heavyweights of Hitogami's apostles..

I also only have one year left to train...I have to tell my parents...


After my morning workout and training with my father, I went home to have breakfast, it was time to tell my idea...

"Good morning dear! Breakfast is almost ready! Sit down!" Mom said while cooking.

I obediently sat at the kitchen table and my father sat across from me.

We were both out of breath and had some bruises but nothing serious.

"Okay, here it is, enjoy it dear!" Mom said as she served me my plate of food.

"Thanks, Mom!" I said excitedly and instantly began to devour my food.

It was a nice breakfast, a sort of combination of chickpeas and rice from Begaritt with beans and eggs from a local bird.

It wasn't the best in the world but it wasn't inedible either.

Needless to say, I finished my meal in less than two minutes...it was time...

"Dad...do you remember the promise we made when I turned twelve?" I murmured.

"Hmm...ah yes, but you are already thirteen, why did you wait so long?..." My dad said as he finished his meal.

"Well... I wanted to wait to finish my training and besides, yesterday I became Sword Emperor." I explained to him while staring at him.

My father raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his chin in a thoughtful position.

"It's true... you have exceeded all of our expectations and at such a young age, and it would be hypocritical of me not to allow you to go, after all you have enough strength to take care of yourself." Dad said with a smile.

"Yes... that's the point... I don't want to leave right away but... maybe... today in a year?..." I murmured.

My mom looked worried and dad raised an eyebrow.

"Why a year? I thought you were eager to get out into the world..." Dad muttered in bewilderment.

"D-don't you think it's a little early Gino?..." Mom murmured sadly.

"Well...I heard from the Sword God that Reida Reia and a North Emperor would be coming and I want to train with them..." I muttered.

"Hmm I see...that's surprising, okay Gino, in a year then" Dad said ending the conversation

"Wait a minute, Tim! Gino hasn't even come of age yet and you want to let him wander around the world?!" Mom protested.

Dad crossed his arms as he looked at her.

"How many powerful people like him do you know? Besides, I remember that he said it would only be a couple of months, right?..." Dad said while looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"a-ah yes, six months at most!" I exclaimed.

Mom put on a complicated expression as she exchanged glances between me and Dad.

In the end she closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

"So just six months?...You promise Gino?" Mom said with a frown.

"I promise!" I said with a bow.

"...okay..." She murmured so I stood up from my seat and hugged her tightly, this made her mood improve noticeably.

So within a year i would set off to find Roxy...


[Eris Pov]

The day I faced the Dragon God together with Rudy was the scariest day of my life so far...

I felt so helpless, so weak... I saw how the man I love was almost killed in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything...

And when we returned to Roa and I found out about my parents' death, I was devastated.

So I made a promise to myself, I would part ways with Rudeus to train, and then when we meet again we can defeat Orsted together.

Those were the words I kept in my head throughout the entire trip to the sacred land of the sword, it was two months of travel, it was like a walk in the park compared to the demon continent.

And so after a long time I arrived at the central dojo, I made my way through the swordsmen there, my goal was to challenge the God of the Sword to train me.

However, the bastard bothered me and made me fight with a girl I didn't know, I defeated her easily obviously but...

My next opponent was Gino Britzs, a name I will never forget.

"He's attractive..." Was the first thing I thought...

No...besides that...he's strong...as strong as Ghislaine or stronger...

I tried to intimidate him but he smiled at me like a maniac which made me shudder, so without hesitation I lunged at him.

He defeated me, he easily disarmed me, I tried to hit him but he effortlessly dodged me and knocked me out.

When I woke up I was in a guest room at the dojo, I had been accepted and promoted to sword saint...but I was frustrated...

Shortly after I learned that this boy who is three years younger than me was already a Sword King...

Months passed and he offered to train me...

I don't know why but every time I see him, my heart races and I get nervous...

This shouldn't happen...not with him!...

The only one I love is Rudeus...but...

When I see him...I feel confused...

What should I do....


*insert comment begging for power stones, positive comments and reviews*

coment and give me power stones!!

Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts
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