
Sword Saint part 2

The wound extended from the corner of my collarbone to the center of my chest, blood seeping out the edges, dripping onto my clothes and arm.

"Hold him, calm down, right here," my father's deep voice said. That sound alone was able to draw my attention to him, away from all the sensations that were drowning me at that moment.

He stood in front of me, with bandages on his hands, while holding my arm, we had many supplies in the house, which we had needed for a long time for the wounds caused by training, However, it was the first time I had been cut so deeply, it would probably leave a scar.

He didn't show much remorse for potentially maiming his son, but he at least intended to clean it up.

I tried to focus on my touki, that warm and light energy inside me. It wrapped around my limbs, and electricity ran through my blood even after the fight was over.

I wasn't sure what had changed, but I could feel it, like water in my body.

It filled every scale of skin and raised hair.

It was an instinctive realization: I had reached the next level of understanding.

"Hey Gino, listen to me, boy," my father said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

At this, I blinked and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I muttered.

"Raise your arm slowly," he said.

I raised my right arm, a stab of pain made me shudder, but I continued. At shoulder level, I stopped when another wave of pain invaded me.

"Can you go higher?" he asked.

"...I don't think so, not without hurting something else," I replied.

"Wait there," he replied.

It took him minutes to finish bandaging the wound, covering that part of my chest and shoulder with the bandages, poking and prodding with wet tweezers, brought from somewhere in the house.

The stars seemed dimmer than minutes before, and the candle in the window on the kitchen table had gone out.

The summer night wind gave me goosebumps under my thin sportswear.

I breathed deeply, the heat inside my body, that crackling electricity, my touki...it writhed non-stop throughout my body.

Even though everything was dark in the night, I could see, the pores of my father's hands, the shine of the snow on the ground.

That was all my touki meant, a sensation, a deeper understanding of my own body, it was like magic.

At that moment I felt a deep, ... I felt weak, but my father didn't seem worried.

He bandaged the wound, dried it, and pressed it with a cloth. He had his own wound, that little red cut on the corner of his wrist.

It couldn't have been bigger than a paper cut, but it made me smile.

This man I call my father is an emperor of the sword, the only person stronger than him, in our art, is his teacher, the God of the Sword, I had managed to touch that man.

To a certain extent, I had validated my existence in this world, that was what I felt that night, as the stars shone above our heads.

He bandaged the wound in silence.

"Dad..." I murmured.

"Yes?" he replies

"Do you think we could try again after you've finished bandaging me?" I murmured

A puff of air, visible in the cold night, came out of his mouth.

"Unfortunately no, you won't be able to wield a sword with that wound, we're not users of the Northern God, we can't waste time without the proper technique" my father explained.

I frowned, the pain in my shoulder intensifying under the thin layer of bandages.

Did I understand what I was feeling, the energy flowing under my skin?...

"How long do you think it will be at least until I'm completely healed?" I asked.

"A few days or two at least, maybe just one or two now that you can use your touki" he replied

two or three weeks...to do nothing but sit and wait for it to get better...if only I could use my healing magic...but it would only cause more questions than answers...

what kind of ridiculous punishment is this?!

My father smiled at the expression on my face.

"Maybe we can find a magician to heal you, but don't get your hopes up too much," he said

I nodded firmly, I wasn't going to wait ten or twenty days for it to get better...


I ended up waiting ten days to get better...

The Holy Land of the Sword is a gathering place for all the best users of the God of the Sword style in the world, a place where swordsmen could come to advance their art, surrounded by other pioneers and dedicated students.

Magic users didn't tend to stay in one place for long.

Even in the Adventurer's Guild, the warm tavern in the center of town that had several job offers posted on the wall was filled only with swordsmen, not a single mage to be seen.

There was no church in town, of any of the religions that are so popular in this world, it turns out that swordsmen are a rather atheistic bunch including myself, and without a church, there were no priests with healing magic.

In the Holy Land of the Sword, no one could use healing magic, at first I was confused.

How did bloodthirsty swordsmen deal with training wounds?...

That question ate at me throughout the week I stayed home, under my mother's watchful eye.

I guess, in the end, all those swordsmen took care of their wounds, it was that simple.

However, I couldn't take care of my wound even though I could, that would only trigger a lot of questions that I'm too lazy to answer.

Nina came to visit me and laughed at the expression on my face when I looked at her, she came each and every one of those days, just to bother me.

I didn't need to do training exercises in my backyard, right where I could see! I don't need anyone to remind me that I couldn't do it!!!.

...that anger only lasted for a day, before I realized that this was the best training I was ever going to get.

After that, I watched her closely, every flaw in her technique, everything she excelled at, the spasms of her muscles, the snap of her sword as it cut through the air.

She seemed slower than usual during those days... as I sat watching from the side, I could easily follow the tip of her sword.

It had been a long time since I had focused on watching another person train, probably not since I was about two years old and still wasn't allowed to practice at all.

I had spent those first two years just as helpless.

Carried everywhere by my mother, only able to watch, never putting in any effort, I was too weak back then, and now with the bleeding gash carved into my upper chest, I was just as weak, just as helpless.

All those days I did nothing but laze around, Nins trained in my backyard, my father went to his dojo and I could only watch, I made no progress, and I gained no deeper understanding.

Even though the rest of my body was fine, all those people forced me to stay still, to heal myself, they said, that even my father, that man who tried hard to train every day, told me to sit and do nothing…

I had no escape and no way to improve, that feeling of constant concentration and pressure was gone, even though I sat all day doing nothing, I had lost my balance.

Maybe it was an illusion, but I almost felt like I was disintegrating through those days.

I couldn't do anything, I had nothing, after all, there was nothing for me to do in my life other than training.

Ten days passed by, fast and slow, I wasted them sleeping, sitting, and watching Nina train.

After that incredible night, I finally managed to land a punch on my father, the impact was indescribable, as if I had been given the whole world to snatch from my hands.

If those days had continued, I don't know what I would have done, but Nina helped me keep my feet on the ground, she gave me something to focus on.

The tenth day of my rest period was much the same, in the morning my father examined my wound again, it had a scab and he said it was healing well, but it would be another ten days or so before I could train again.

He said there couldn't be any disturbances, and he said I probably wouldn't stop even when I needed to, that's why I wasn't allowed to train.

I didn't answer, there was nothing to say.

Hours later, with the bright blue sky above, I was sitting on the porch, Nina was in front of me, brandishing a sword, she had arrived early that day, with some emotion in her eyes that I couldn't identify, worry, maybe, I don't know what she looked like.

I didn't like to think about how bad I felt after those days without being able to train, I imagined it was something similar to what an addict feels, separated from his vice.

I let out a deep sigh, being careful not to move the bandages that surrounded my chest and shoulder.

Nina, standing under the sunlight in the center of the snowy courtyard, used her real sword that day, it was all heavy metal in her hands, not like the wooden swords we trained with, I didn't know when she had started using the normal-sized adult sword, but the weapon was a meter long.

She handled it with ease, moving from a high stance to a mid-guard, her body always moving, taking a step at full speed, she stabbed the sword in front of her before putting it back in place, the snow on the ground cracking beneath her feet.

Nina's technique was impeccable, she moved with a firm stance that denoted many years of practice, no one could become so familiar with the Sword God style unless they had spent their entire life studying it.

Nina had been born with a sword in her hands and had dedicated her entire life to nothing else.

An eleven-year-old girl who had dedicated her entire life to a single art, a bloody art.

I shifted in my seat, my back leaning against the wall of my house as I watched her.

I was sitting on a small porch, just under the roof, the old wood was cold beneath me, normally, I could warm up by exercising, but I was supposed to keep resting, if I tried to do anything, Nina would stop me...

The cold summer air bit my skin.

I looked inside my body, with nothing else to do, the cold air pulled at me, drawing out that energy, my touki, the electricity that was springing from somewhere deep inside me.

The cold wind was reduced thanks to my touki.

Maybe that day, after ten days of stagnation, I would find something new.


How curious, when I try to do a good reading the views of this bonnet go down, ah but in the chapter of the 5th birthday this thing went off!!

Not a comment! Well, now I know what my dear readers want!!🗿

coment and give me power stones!!


Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts
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