
Chapter 2


As I watched mia hide her face In shame we all laughed we went to class and lecture began after a few moments of lecture our principal Mrs.ben came in with a boy he looked hot he looked like a Greek god but he can't be comparied to Davon hey class this is Kyle Larson

What!!!!! He is bearing my sunname I thought to myself I couldn't believe it a cute guy bearing my sunname wow

Well he will be joining your class Ms.kiara please show him around the school when this class is over the principal said.

Okay ma'am I will well Mr Larson you can have your sit he immediately sat next to me hi he said to me hello how are you


As I was introduced to the class I felt a familiar presence I looked round the class and saw I beautiful lady staring at me when the principal said my name she had a shocked expression then the principal ask me to have my sir I decided to sit next to her then I said hi to her and she responded her voice was so calm and soft then the teacher continued with her lecture so the lectures were over.

Hey can you take me round the school premises sure she answered when we stepped out of the class,a friend of her's which I got to know as Sophia came along with us it was a fun tour round school the a girl walked up to us with heavy makeup I immediately knew she was trouble

Hi handsome why are u walking with these freaks she said these freaks are my friends and they don't walk about with heavy make-up and not throwing their selves on every guy that they see I said to her and I heard Kiara and Sophia giggled in mockery How dare you speak to me in that manner huh don't worry I will get in this school girls let's go hahahaha girls let's go Sophia mimicked.


I watched her move around the school with the new guy it hurts me it was because of her I declined the invite to mia's party cause I know she wouldn't be going so I decided not too

Hey bro are you going to mia's party this weekend my friend David ask

No man am not interested,wow well everyone in school is going even the freaks Mia invited them cause her mom asked her to invite the whole school so just had too even when she didn't want to David said

Are you serious man

Yh I am the party is going to be lit to bad u are not going to...no I am I immediately stopped David from completing his words are you sure man David asked yh bro okay if you say so am on my way to the cafeteria you coming yh I am as we were going I heard mia calling Kiara and Sophia freaks but the new guy immediately the words that came out from his words was like a slap on the face I could hear Kiara and her friend laughing from where I stood casting them cold glances u saw how happy Kiara was after the insult given to mia

Bro who is that guy over there with the weirdo and her friend David ask my blood boiled as David call Kiara a weirdo I punched him on the face which brought attention to our side even Kiara turned to look at the catastrophic events I started beating him up so we got separated I left the crowd and immediately David followed me

Davon why did you hit me like that what have I done wrong

You called my woman a weirdo you fool your woman.... Who is your woman wait Kiara you guys aren't even dating and you are already these possessive about her wow do you even if she has a boyfriend you just concluded hey bro clam down okay David said

Quick warning don't ever speak lowly about Kiara where I am else they can be blood shed and am dead serious I said

Wow all this aggressiveness for one girl my bro is in love her teased but I didn't burge then we went in together soon it was time for PE everyone went for swimming class except Kiara the PE teacher was passing by our class and saw Kiara sitting he then ask her what she is doing in class then she told him she couldn't swim her then told her she would learn today he then asked her to leave the class when she left she changed into her swimming trunk she was telling the teacher she couldn't swim when he entered the pool class as she was talking to him he pushed her into the water thinking she was looking for excuse to skip his class when they all saw that she was drowning Kyle jumped in to save her he brought her out of the water she was coughing want out that brought the end of PE class for that day immediately I made a call to David.


After the humiliation that Kyle gave mia a fight suddenly broke out between Davon and his best friend David I wonder what happened to them both well we had PE class next I found out that we would be swimming so I decided to stay back in class since I couldn't swim when the PE teacher was passing by our class room he spotted me inside and asked me to go for PE I tried explaining that I couldn't swim he didn't listen as I changed into the swimming trunk as I was still trying to tell him when he pushed me into the water I started to drown kyle jumped in to save me as everyone gathered And I couldn't spot Davon the he not really care for me even a bit I was heart broken are you okay Kyle, Sophia,Ruby ask in unison with a worried look am fine guys I answered after a few moment if rest I stood up to go get changed I came out and left with my friends to our next class Kyle kept checking on me every minute and I was so sweet of him soon that day was over

Hey guys let me give you guys a ride home thanks but I am going to spend my night in Sophia's house you can give Ruby a ride home she has to go and come prepared for to night.

Ohhhh okay Ruby may I,I asked her

Yh sure Kyle opened the door for ruby and she followed him they were both staying in the same neighborhood and she said he was living alone as they drove off I and Sophia giggled and entered her car when we entered we were talking about Ruby and Kyle I know that Ruby has a crush on Kyle she blushes anytime Kyle look at her and he also likes her I can see it

Like I also noticed it am so happy for her let's set up a met cute for them sophia suggested i know right as we got to Sophia's private house the sight before us was shocking.

Next chapter