
The Announcement

As the reader may remember, the council in their private city hall made two decisions in private as a response to the continued mysterious disappearances throughout the upper levels of the Layered City.

Today is the day the two already approved proposals would be announced on public broadcast and would go into effect.

They are both meant to curb the level of crimes on the citizens of Natovis, and to attempt to find the source of the problem.

Why it took a decade and a half, as well as the reopening of the Eleenya Cosmosteeya case to actually try to take action again, no one could tell.

A City Manager that really was of some spokesperson role, walked on to the pedestal.

He gave a few updates and details on various subjects that are not important. He then got to the announcement of the two policies themselves.

"....so, the council has elected to hire a private investigator to look into the case at hand. The investigator will start where the previous investigator from almost two decades ago left off..."

One of the proposals of the public city hall from 20 years ago, back when the disappearances of citizens in the upper floors began, was also to appoint a private investigator to look into the Eleenya Costmosteeya case and the other disappearances to attempt to find leads to potentially solve the mystery. The investigator had failed at his assignment miserably, however.

He likely traveled down there and made it downward dozens of layers. From being leaked to the press somehow, reportedly the Authorities were able to recover a journal of his somewhere, but that is all the public knows.

The city manager then began to go into the details of the second proposal that would be taking effect very soon.

"....In order to mitigate the number of disappearances and other crimes in the meantime while the authorities work to solve what is causing the problem and how to stop it, we will be instilling a curfew indefinitely...."

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