
The Gauntlet

"All you have to do is wager with a human."

A God bargaining with a human. It wasn't unheard of, so everyone present was not particularly taken aback by that part. 

What puzzled them was the fact this 'Wager' seemed…completely one-sided.

"Why? For the treasures that lay there or perhaps rumours you've heard about power from the River of Styx?"

'River of Styx?' Illian wondered inwardly.

'Even for the greatest treasures in the world, there's no way to say any being on this earth, God or Human, would traverse through the underworld.'

'But to willingly ask to be sent there wasn't anything short…of insane. Why…'

Hera thought, staring at the standing Illian, her stoic expression faltering by the second.

"What's in it for you?" Zeus asked, repeating Hera's thoughts, his gaze sharp as he scrutinised Illian.

'The completion of my Quest and my return. But since I'm here…'

This was one of the reasons Illian wanted to come here besides getting to the Underworld.

His greed.

"You must allow me to choose any item from your private quarters."


This is the only word one could describe to explain what they were witnessing. 

A mere human child proposing something so fictional.

Illian knew this too. However, he didn't care. Because from where he was standing, he could see.

He could see Zeus' eyes. The same as his. Eyes of greed.

"Lord Zeus, I am determined. This is something I'm not willing to back down from. However…"

There were two ways Illian thought he could convince Zeus to accept this bargain.

The first was to challenge his public image. 

Illian was sure Zeus' popularity would become tainted after it became a widely known fact that the Great Ruler of Olympus backed down from engaging in a wager with a human child.

This was why he needed all these eyes in the banquet. 

These witnesses would help him in his goal without them knowing it.

And the second option, the most dangerous…

"Just tell me if the Mighty Lord Zeus would rather save face from losing a bet to a crippled human."

…Insult his Ego.


A crushing pressure suddenly bore down on Illian as he let out an awkward groan, one knee smashing into the ground as he struggled to keep his head up.

"I've had enough of you." Ares stomped toward Illian as his face darkened.

"Ares, that's enough," Zeus spoke in a neutral tone as if he didn't mind seeing Illian suffer.

Despite this, Illian instantly felt his ability to breathe return as the pressure subsided. 

Though Illian sweated profusely, he quickly made it to his feet as he wiped the dripping sweat off his chin with his forearm.

"I hope you understand my surprise on the subject. A case such as yours is new to me. The more you speak, the more interested I become in you."

Zeus rose to his feet as he spoke with a straight face, his gaze never leaving the boy.

"However, I'd like to see for myself who…or what I'm engaging in a wager with."

'I knew it.'

Illian couldn't prepare for everything with so little information. He was ready to meet some obstacles he didn't account for.

But he was still wary as to what they had planned for him.

"The Gauntlet."

Eyes turned to Ares as he suddenly spoke, Zeus smiling shortly after.

"Great Idea."


'Any item from Zeus' private quarters? Is that really all?'

Inside the same dining hall, not much time had passed as the long table with the dozen delicacies had disappeared, replaced with a large ring.

Inside the ring stood Ares and Illian opposing each other.

Meanwhile, Zeus and Hera sat on small thrones, spectating the scene as the rest of the gods stood by their sides, the miscellaneous workers watching from the back.

'What is it that he's really after?'

Hera thought, staring at Illian.

She found his reasoning for wanting to traverse into the Underworld…unconvincing. 

If he wanted an item from Zeus' quarters, he could have simply accepted the original deal and taken his pick.

She understood if he were to truly succeed, he'd be able to keep his staff while still choosing a treasure. 


'He can't possibly think he'll be successful. There's more to this.'

While she thought this…

'I was prepared for a challenge, but this isn't what I expected.'


As Illian thought this, three torches appeared above Ares and himself.

The Gauntlet.

From what Illian understood after their short explanation, it was a 'Game' enjoyed by Olympians.

Each player would be given three questions to ask the other. 

If the second player were to answer incorrectly, it would give the first a chance to knock them out of the ring.

Though Illian raised an eyebrow upon hearing this since it was almost impossible for him to forcefully remove Ares from the ring, the opposite being said for him.

But thankfully, there was a 'Balance' rule that gave all players the same strength.

However, if the second player were to answer correctly, they would be awarded a two-dimensional 'Shield' that could withstand the force of one attack before destroying. 

However, this only applied to the first question.

Anything answered after this would simply result in being safe from the opposing player's assault.

'This can be a rather simple game depending on the sort of questions asked.'

Going into this, Illian was aware he had no choice but to win.

If he were to fail, it would only prove he was a loud-mouthed boy with nothing to back up his wild claims.

This would allow Zeus to further manipulate the wager to his favour, if not disregard it completely.

But if he were to best Ares, The God of War, in a game of Gauntlet…

'If so, they'll practically be my bitches.'

Illian grinned at the thought.

"I will act as a Neutral Judge to this game. I'll also be choosing the topic for the game. The topic I've chosen is puzzles."

Illian inwardly exhaled in relief at the neutral topic. 

Had it been something like the History of Olympus, he'd be done for.

"The first question will be given to our guest, Illian. Begin!"

All eyes turned to Illian as he stared at his opponent, a straight expression as he stood frozen.

'How will you emerge from this?' 

Hera thought, watching intently. Zeus, too, had the same thoughts as his eyes stayed glued on the ring.

'This is the most fun I've had in a while. All because of a small boy.' 

Aphrodite stared with a smile, her eyes curled like crescent moons.

Meanwhile, Hermes grinned as he watched.

They all watched in anticipation of Illian's question. 

From the Gods to the citizens of Olympus, all had their eyes glued on a single human child.

"If you could travel anywhere in the world, would you choose to visit the mountains or the ocean?"




A silence erupted as a dumbfounded expression replaced the previous thoughtfulness. 

'What kind of question is that?!'

Aphrodite thought, her eyebrow twitching.

'Did…I overestimate him?'

Hera furrowed her eyebrows as she turned to Zeus; he, too, had a similar reaction.

"Does he think this is a joke?" Zeus grumbled.

"What?" Ares asked, his annoyance almost visible to Illian.

"The question is viable. Give your answer, Ares." Demeter interrupted, causing Ares to click his teeth.

"The Mountains."



One of the torches above Illian dimmed as it disappeared.

Simultaneously, a fairly sized blue circle, about the size of an adult male's limb, appeared before Ares.

The shield wasn't big on purpose. 

One would have to predict where the enemy would attack to successfully block. 

Meaning there was always a chance for the opposing player to win.

"You'll regret that." Ares hissed, Illian's expression indifferent.

"Ares, ask your question." 

Ares glared for a second before continuing.

"You are in the heat of battle and you're faced with two opponents. One is a skilled swordsman who attacks swiftly, and the other is a powerful brute who relies on strength."

"If you strike the swordsman, the brute will strike you back with full force. If you dodge the brute, the swordsman will have a clear shot at you. What do you do?"

Zeus nodded his head in satisfaction. It was a question even he had to take a second to solve. 

One needed expert-level battle experience to give a viable answer.

Something he knew the child lacked.

Rather than commenting, Hera watched intently as Illian stood, staring at his opponent.


"That's simple. I die."


Everyone present stared at Illian with a straight face, all their expressions changing in unison as they contorted into one of confusion.

"Hmph." Zeus scoffed, turning to Hera but pausing as he witnessed her straight expression.


Before Ares could finish, he was interrupted.

"Explain," Demeter ordered as she stared at Illian.

"Like I said, it's simple. I've never been in such a challenging battle."

"In such a situation, with my heart beating so fast and adrenaline clouding my thoughts, I wouldn't be able to make a decision that would result in me escaping with my life."

Ares stammered as he heard this explanation, taken aback as he repeated the question he asked in his mind just to make sure he wasn't mistaken in what he asked.

"I was asking what the best choice would be to survive from a strategic standpoint. I wasn't asking you specifically." 

"You didn't say that. You started and ended your question with the word 'You'."

"It's common sense to know what I meant."

In reality, everyone present interpreted the question as Ares meant for it to be understood.

However, knowing he was at a disadvantage, Illian used whatever tricks he could to get an upper hand.

And one of them happened to be Ares' poor grammar.

"It's also common sense to know you should think before you speak. If you failed to phrase your question properly, that's your loss."


Before Ares could boil over, Demeter's decision piqued his and everyone else's.

"Technically, he isn't wrong. Your question could be interpreted as such due to your lack of specification. His answer is correct."



A torch above Ares disappeared as his rage caused him to grit his teeth so hard they almost chipped.

"Petty tricks? That's how he expects to win?" Zeus grunted in dissatisfaction.

"I'm not surprised. But it's a petty trick that'll only work once. After that first question, Ares won't make the same mistake again." 

'That is if he makes it that far.' Hermes mused, grinning.

"Illian, ask your second question."

Despite the first question, silence prevailed as everyone waited for Illian's question.

"Now, based on your first choice, what is the temperature of the water in the ocean at your chosen mountain destination?"


Like everyone else, Ares raised an eyebrow as the question repeated in his mind.

However, unlike everyone else, Hera shot to her feet as she had her eyes widened, glaring at Illian with loathing.

'Shameful brat!'

"What's going on?" 

Aphrodite asked. She, like everyone else, couldn't help but rule out Illian's question as nonsense upon first hearing it.

However, upon seeing Hera's reaction, she stared at Illian's grinning face.

"What kind of question is that? Demeter." Zeus called out to the silent Demeter, and she replied shortly after.

"The question is viable. Give your answer, Ares." 

Ares stammered as he shot his eyes between Demeter and Hera, searching for someone who shared his confusion.

"The boy used the first question to create a contradictory second question."

All eyes turned to Hermes who simply smiled.

"Since Ares answered saying he'd visit the mountains, he cannot give an accurate answer on the temperature of the ocean since he wouldn't be at an ocean location."

"The question is made to be impossible to answer with complete certainty."

Hearing this, the gods turned away as they stared at the boy, deep in thought as they each had different thoughts, Ares included.

"Is that…allowed?" Aphrodite asked.

"There isn't a rule that states something like this is forbidden," Hermes answered, his words followed up by Zeus shortly after.

Hera thought, staring at the quiet Demeter who waited for Ares' answer.

"There doesn't need to be. Such a disgraceful tactic would be punishment enough for a true Olympian's honour and reputation." 

One could see Zeus' eyes letting out an ethereal blue glow as veins bulged on his neck.

'But even so, a judge can speak up if they rule a question unclear. So why is she…'

"Ares, answer the question."

Hera wasn't even able to finish her thought before Demeter spoke, causing the God of War to stare blankly, soon gritting his teeth.




Contrary to the previous questions, the torch above Illian did not instantly fade, instead glowing brighter as the light lowered down onto him like the water from a shower.

This was it. The sign that signified Illian's chance to attack.

And so…


Without hesitation, Illian lunged like a hungry lion, the closer he moved, the wider his grin became, everyone watching shooting to their feet in succession.

'He's slow and clumsy'

Ares noted, seeing both of Illian's hands lowered to the side and behind his body as if he were preparing to swing something.

'He's using his staff! The shield might not be able to withstand the force of such a weapon.'

Hera's eyes stayed glued onto the boy who dashed.

'The side!'

Ares could see the swing. 

He saw that it wasn't a fluke. It couldn't be. Too much power was put into it.

And so, his shield shot to his left side as he watched Illian swing with…

'Wait a minute…'

"There's nothing in his hands!" 

Aphrodite yelled in surprise, speaking everyone's mind as they all witnessed this, causing their breathing to halt and jaws to drop in anticipation.

But it was too late.


Ares met Illian's gaze as he stared at the needle object in between the boy's teeth.

This was the reason he failed to mention a certain aspect of his staff and used the command "Appear" rather than Expand.

Just in case.




Ruyi shot out in the blink of an eye, smashing into Ares' face as his helmet crumbled, his nose gushing out blood, and his eyes rolled back into his skull.

For those doubting their eyes, the loud sound of bones breaking only confirmed what their eyes were seeing as Ares shot back like a bullet, smashing into the walls of the dining hall.

"I'm sorry, did I forget to mention?"

Illian stood in the ring, a devious grin painted across his face.

"I can also make my staff shrink."

Next chapter