
Chapter 8

I stand back up thinking about how I'm going to get to Wales. It's not that far from here, but it's a pretty long walk that's for sure. Can I just run and jump there? Probably, with how strong I am, I'm sure I could do it. But I would attract unwanted attention. So, I have to find another way. It will also give me time to find out about my abilities. Speaking of which.

"Raphael,. Do you know any easy ways to get to Wales from here?" [ I advise you to take some kind of public transportation. But since you have no currency of this world in your possession, you could hitchhike for a ride. ] That means I've got to start walking there either way. Well let's go. As I walk to the broken down front of the abbey, I turn around and glance one last time at my grave. I wonder what scientists will think about the flowers? I'm sure the locals will like them at least.

Now, how am I going to know where to go? I don't even have a map or anything. [ You can use your innate system, which comes with a map feature. Just say or think the word map and it will pop up in front of you. ] "Oh, my system, thanks Raphael. Map." A light blue square screen pops up in front of me. Giving me a detailed map of the whole world. "This is interesting, it's like google maps or google earth but much more advanced. All I have to do is think and follow my commands." I would look weird to anyone else if they saw me touching the air in front of me for no reason.

I zoomed out a bit from my current position and moved the view point over top of Wales. My light green eyes glow in recognition of the site the map is showing. During my time as king I would always have to look at maps of Britain during the time of war. So I remember exactly where Camelot is supposed to be. "It's not too far from here. It will only take a few hours to get there without running."

I start on my new journey walking out into the streets of Glastonbury. I think about what exactly I want to do or be in this new life. As the Goddess because Excalibur was not returned to the lake she was not able to die. As a result she transformed into a Divine Spirit, wondering the lands for 1500 years. She shed many aspects of human emotion, as well as conventional human values and reasoning. She no longer placed value on individual human lives but rather on the collective essence of humanity. She did all she could to ensure this would come to pass.

She wanted prosperity for the people and for humanity. Even though her way of accomplishing her ideal was to freeze and store human souls to ensure eternal human existence. She still wanted to safeguard their happiness. In the end, Bedivere was able to return Excalibur to her, restoring her humanity and previous convictions. So, I will follow her path before she becomes a divine spirit. The path of being a just leader and king. And to hold the conviction that hard work, raising children, and leading fulfilling lives are the pathways to prosperity for the people and humanity as a whole. I will safeguard their happiness.

But I can't forget about my life and memories as Caster Artoria. 

Her life was a tragedy. She was given a destiny as the Child of Prophecy. A destiny to save the fairy kingdom from the tyrant ruler. In her dreams she would always see a storm, a terrible storm. One with a lone star in the distance. But all she wanted to be was a normal girl. She was stuck in her own perpetual storm of her making, and the only thing allowing her to keep on getting up was the lone star deep in the storm. She was always hiding her true thoughts and feelings to everyone around her. Though there was one who did thank her truly.

And at the end of her pilgrimage, when she gives her life to save the kingdom. No one thanked her, no one looked at her in gratitude. And when she looked back to her journey in her final moments, she never once regretted it. But that was not the end of her story. Even after the calamity was defeated, it was too late. The land was falling apart and as the fairies were disappearing, the curtain of this story would certainly close in a tragedy. There is no longer any hope left for the land.

And in the void, even after Artoria fulfilled her duty to all of fairy kind. The storm that embodies all of her negative emotions raged on with no end. The fairies condemned her for the destruction of land and thousands of voices accusing her for what happened. This was her reward. She questions the meaning of it all, struggling in the storm. But she feels a warm embrace come from within the storm.

One person protects her, one person reaches out. She was the first one to ever show kindness to her and her name was hope. Hope is what gave Artoria the power and courage to fulfill her destiny, a destiny she never wanted. When she came to this realization and forged her own resolve the storm stopped, and she moved towards that lone star in the distance. As she approaches the end of it all. She knows that even if others see it as a small or insignificant reason, it is what gave her the strength to push forward. And so she became that same star, a shining beacon that will guide and give hope to the world no matter the time. 

So this story will have a different ending, a bittersweet ending where hope prevails. The land may be gone but there was hope for the future. Her values and aspirations are all a part of me. But that hope, that in the end when there was nothing left she continued and prevailed. That is something I want to instill in humanity. To always have hope, that even in the darkest hours the light will always shine through.

These are my goals of who I want to be. The culmination of both of these Artoria. And I think I have the power to accomplish these things. I want to create a kingdom where people and humanity as a whole can lead fulfilling lives. Where they will never have to fear and lose hope. Because I will be the light of hope that shines to the ends of the world. 

I come back to my senses after going into deep thought. I notice a few people who I walk by down the road are staring at me. Is there something on my face? I reach up to feel my face, but my face is met with a gauntleted hand. Ah, I forgot to remove my armor. Well it can't be that big of a deal, it's not like S.H.I.E.L.D will come halfway across the world to see what I'm up to right.

Anyway, some of the people I am walking by are even taking pictures with their phones. So the year has to be sometime after 2008 when cell phones just became popular in the world. That means that the events of Iron Man and Captain Marvel have already happened. So that S.H.I.E.L.D thing might be a possibility. Whatever, I won't worry about it.

I see a truck driving by and wave him down. The truck suddenly stops, so I walk up to the window to talk to the man. "Greeting good sir. I have gotten lost and am looking to see if someone could help me back home." The older gentleman looks me up and down. "Well Miss, I don't see why I can't. Where are you headed to?" I blink once not really believing he would help me just like that. But considering what time period it is, people were more trusting back then. "I thank you, I am headed to southern Wales. Do you think you could take me?" 

The man nods his head in affirmation. "Yeah, I'm heading that way myself. I'll just drop you off as close as I can. That fine with you?" I also nod my head at the older man. "That will be fine sir." He waves his hand motioning to the back of the truck. "Well get in, it will be a few hours till we get there. I know it's a little cool out, but with what you are wearing I'm sure you will be fine." I follow his direction and climb into the truck with no difficulty, even with the armor I'm wearing. I go and sit down leaning my back against the back window of the truck. I feel the truck jolt as he starts driving again. 

"Sir, do you know what year it is?" The man glances at his mirror. "It's the year 2010 Miss." I take in the scenery as we get further away from the city and into the countryside.. "Ah, thank you for telling me. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when we are close." I tune out his reply as it's now time for me to finally learn about my status and skills.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Next chapter is the status chapter. There will be some confusing changes, but there are reason for all of them. So enjoy the ride!

GoddessArtoriacreators' thoughts
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