--[Kaoru Pov]--
When Puck mentioned the Yin spell called "Shamak", Kaoru felt a gleam of excitement in his eyes. Finally, magic. Finally something he could use so he wouldn't feel so useless. Puck, ever encouraging, offered him a little demonstration of how it worked.
"Alright, Kaoru, first I'll explain what "Shamak" is and then I'll show you how to use it," Puck said with a smile as he hovered in front of him. "I think with your current handling of your magic gate, you could do it without much trouble. Just remember to be careful, okay?"
"Okay, got it," Kaoru replied with a confident smile. Though, deep down, he was a little nervous. "Mediocre control, huh? Well, at least I'm not on the verge of breaking my door like I used to be."
"Okay, watch closely," Puck said as he floated to the side, turning gently. He extended one of his front paws and said in a clear, calm voice, "Shamak"
Suddenly, Kaoru's world changed completely. Everything around him went dark, as if he had been enveloped in a thick cloud of black smoke. He could see nothing, not even his own hands. The deep darkness had not only nullified his vision but also his hearing. He tried to scream, but the sound did not reach his ears. It was as if he was completely cut off from his own body.
"This is... hellish..." Kaoru thought as he tried to move, but every step he took was meaningless. He was walking blindly, disoriented, unaware that, little by little, he was getting dangerously close to the small river that crossed the garden.
"It's a high-grade Shamak" Puck explained to Emilia, calmly but full of pride. "It's different from a low-grade Shamak, where the sufferer can still feel the ground and what's going on in his body. Here, the senses are completely separate."
"Ah, so that's how it works," Emilia murmured, curiously observing the spell's effect on Kaoru.
With a snap, Puck undid the spell, and Kaoru regained his senses all at once. The world regained its colors and sounds, but as he looked down, he realized he had one foot on the edge of the river. He stumbled backwards and fell, sitting on the grass, panting.
"That was scary!" exclaimed Kaoru, impressed but also somewhat excited. "So that's the Yin element, huh? It's... very versatile."
Puck floated over to him, spinning in circles above his head with an amused grin. "You know? The Yin element is very underrated," Puck explained. "Given that people with knowledge of spiritual arts can dispel a Shamak in seconds. But it's quite useful against mabestials or , and also against people who don't know those arts."
"And what are 'debuffs'?" asked Puck, cocking his head, curious.
"Oh, it's slang from my village," Kaoru replied, scratching the back of his neck. "It refers to effects that weaken the opponent. You know, like reducing their capabilities."
"Ah, weakenings, you say!" Puck nodded, as if he found the information interesting. "Well, the "Shamak" branch are . For example, the Shamak I used on you separated your senses from your body, didn't it? That's separation, not weakening per se."
Kaoru nodded slowly, still processing what he had experienced. "Dude, this is complicated. But if I can use it right... it could be very useful"
"By the way, Kaoru," Puck continued, hovering closer, as if about to reveal a secret. "Did you know that you can add words to the incantation to change its function?"
Kaoru raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"For example," Puck explained, 'if you use the word 'El'' along with Shamak, you can separate the body from the affected person's mind, causing them to become completely immobilized."
"Immobilized? That sounds very useful dude."
"It is," Puck replied with a smile, "but even I can't do it. Only Betty could pull something like that off. Her affinity and mastery of the Yin element are exceptional."
Kaoru sighed, trying to take in everything he was hearing. "Had enough of the tsunami of information Raigor gave me in the capital when I came to this world, and now I have to memorize magic spells. My brain can only take so much."
"So Beako must be awesome with the Yin element, right?" said Kaoru, trying to gather his thoughts. "So much so that even you can't do what she does?"
"Oh, right. But that's because I'm a fire spirit, you know," replied Puck, floating with pride.
"Of fire?" asked Kaoru, confused. "But... you make spears of ice. That doesn't make sense."
Puck let out a small laugh. "You don't know how the elements work, do you, Kaoru?" he said as he created a pair of ice spears over his head as a demonstration.
"But that's ice, not fire," Kaoru insisted, pointing to the spears.
"The elements don't work in such a basic way," Puck explained, laughing a little. "The fire element, for example, is actually temperature control. That's why I can expel fire, create spears of ice, and even shoot water if I want to."
Kaoru dropped her shoulders, sighing. "Too much information..." he muttered, shaking his head. "But... that's really interesting. So, my water element is like Life Flow or some shit?"
"Exactly," Puck replied, nodding. "The water element is the essence of life and healing. But, as I explained to you before, it is also very versatile in offensive and defensive uses."
Kaoru nodded, beginning to understand. "I understand..."
"Well, enough of all this chit-chat" "Are you going to teach me how to use Shamak or not?"
Puck nodded, floating up to perch on top of Kaoru's head. "All right, get ready. Listen carefully."
Before starting, Puck looked at Emilia. "Emilia, you should step back a bit, in case Kaoru damages his magic door."
"Hey!" Kaoru protested, annoyed. "I'm not going to screw it up."
Emilia moved about 20 meters away, throwing him a thumbs-up. "Courage, Kaoru!"
"You don't have to go that far!" yelled Kaoru, sighing. "Why do they always assume the worst of me?"
"Eyes front, boy!" said Puck.
"Understood," Kaoru replied, taking a deep breath as he prepared to attempt his first spell....