
Character Sheet! SPOILER ALERT!

<<<ALERT!! >>>


**System Notification: New Race Selected – Feravores Vampire**


### **Race Change successfully:

Original Vampire – TVD ---> Feravores Vampire**


### **System Notification: Abilities Activated**


### **[Appearance & Shape-shifting]**

- **Human Form:** You retain a human appearance, enhanced to be unnaturally attractive and physically perfect.

- **Hybrid Form:** A state where your human form merges with traits of your inner animal, boosting your abilities and displaying animalistic features. This state boosts everything physical about the Feravore: senses, strength, speed, durability, and so on.

- **Animal Form:** Complete transformation into your inner animal, embodying all its strengths and instincts. This state gives an even bigger rise in power than the hybrid form.


### **[Physical Enhancements]**

- You possess supernatural physical attributes, including enhanced strength, speed, durability, and reflexes. The extent and nature of these enhancements are influenced by your inner animal. As your inner animal is a lion, this means you will be incredibly powerful, with immense strength and agility.


### **[Enhanced Senses]**

- Your senses—hearing, sight, smell, and more—are sharpened to supernatural levels, reflecting the abilities of your inner animal. You have the acute vision of a predator, the ability to hear at great distances, and an enhanced sense of smell. You also have the instincts of your animal, which allow you to sense danger.


### **[Immortality]**

- You have ceased aging from the moment of your transformation and are immune to all diseases, both magical and mundane. Your physical form remains youthful and at its peak. Your appearance is between 20 and 25 years old, depending on when you were turned. If turned before 20, you will age normally until you reach 20, remaining in peak condition.


### **[Regeneration]**

- You possess the ability to heal rapidly from all injuries, even lost limbs will regenerate quickly. This ability makes you impossible to kill, as your body can recover even from complete destruction.


### **[The Turning Process]**

- To create a new vampire, you must feed them your blood and have them meditate to discover and merge with their inner animal, which is always a mammalian predator. The process takes about a week, during which the individual will be encased in a protective cocoon. Upon emerging, they will be transformed into a vampire, with their appearance enhanced. This enhancement reflects their preferences, the preferences of their creator, and the influence of their inner animal. As the creator, you have control over their final appearance, influencing height, body proportions, hair color, eye color, and other physical attributes.

- **Note:** Only progenitors such as you can create new vampires through this process, and only progenitors can destroy the vampires they create.


### **[Supernatural Mind]**

- Your mind has evolved to store memories without limit and perfectly, preserving them within your soul. Your cognitive abilities have increased vastly, allowing for quicker processing, deeper insights, and higher-level thinking. Your thoughts and behaviors are influenced by your inner animal. As such, animalistic instincts shape your decision-making to some extent; you can go against those instincts, but it is not easy. Additionally, your mind has a powerful resistance to external manipulation.


### **[Feeding]**

- To sustain your powers, you must consume blood regularly. If you go without feeding for more than two weeks, your abilities will weaken, ultimately leading to hibernation. When you bite a victim, they experience intense pleasure, and you can, if desired, make them suggestible, allowing you to subtly manipulate them. Your saliva will heal any bite wounds you leave on those you feed upon.


### **[Inner Animal: Lion]**

- Your inner animal is the lion, a powerful predator whose strength, instincts, and behavior will shape your own. Lions are known for their courage, leadership, and territorial nature, and these traits will influence how you act. Your lion form will embody the apex of physical power and regal presence, making you an intimidating figure in combat and interactions.

- **Soul Protection:** Your inner animal has also made you aware of your soul, giving you the ability to guard it from external threats. This awareness grants you powerful defenses against soul-related attacks or manipulation, allowing you to protect yourself from magical influences aimed at your essence.


### **[Mana]**

- You possess a large reservoir of mana, the energy used to fuel your abilities. The amount of mana you have naturally increases with use, but it can also be developed through meditation. Mana is magical energy, and with your mana sense, you can analyze spells and enchantments, understand how they work, and potentially recreate them or create your own, depending on their complexity and your skills.


### **[Reproduction]**

- You possess the rare ability to reproduce. However, the chances of doing so are slim. Offspring will inherit your vampiric nature and may gain additional powers from their other parent.


### **[Abilities Exclusive to Hakon Mikaelson Unlocked]**

- **Telepathy (while feeding):** While feeding you can access the thoughts, memories, and emotions of your victims. Through this connection, you can extract information or manipulate their perceptions as you see fit, making this ability highly versatile in gaining insight or controlling others.

- **Magic Manipulation:**

- *Mana Manipulation:* The user has complete mastery over mana, allowing precise control over its flow, density, and form. This enables them to create powerful mana-based attacks, defensive barriers, and solid constructs. They can also absorb external mana to replenish their reserves, making them highly versatile in combat. [More details in <Sorcery Overview>]

- *Enchant:* You have the ability to imbue objects, locations, or beings with magical effects. The duration and potency of these enchantments depend on the amount of mana you invest in them. Enchantments can be used for a variety of purposes, from enhancing objects with magical properties to placing protections on areas or even controlling the behavior of beings. [More details in <Sorcery Overview>]

- **Metamorphmagi:** You possess the ability to alter your physical appearance at will. This allows you to change your facial features, body structure, hair, and even gender if desired. You can blend into any environment or adopt any identity, making this power invaluable for infiltration, deception, or simply adapting to various situations.[More details in <Sorcery Overview>]


**Caution:** As a Feravores/Vitaria Vampire, your inner animal has a significant impact on your abilities, behavior, and instincts. It is essential to embrace these changes with awareness, as your instincts will influence your decisions. However, with discipline, you can maintain control over your urges.


<<<ALERT!! >>>


<<<Sorcery Overview>>>


**System Notice: Sorcery Overview**


**[Mana Manipulation]**


**Ability Overview:**

- The user has complete mastery over mana, allowing precise control over its flow, density, and form. This enables them to create powerful mana-based attacks, defensive barriers, and solid constructs. They can also absorb external mana to replenish their reserves, making them highly versatile in combat and spellcasting.

**Expanded Abilities:**

- *Mana Sense:* This ability heightens the user's perception of magical energies, the environment, and entities, enabling them to detect magic, beings, and basically see through mana.

- *Combat Versatility:* The user can deploy mana to create energy blasts, force fields, barriers, or other constructs for offense and defense in battle.




**Ability Overview:**

- The user can shape mana into various effects and imbue them into objects, locations, or beings. These effects are called enchantments and can enhance physical or magical attributes, grant abilities, or manipulate the environment. The strength and duration of an enchantment depend on the amount of mana invested.

**Expanded Abilities:**

- *Mana-Driven Power and Duration:* The potency and longevity of an enchantment are tied to the mana supplied by the user, with more mana leading to stronger, longer-lasting effects.

- *Versatility of Enchant:* The only limit to what enchantments can do is the user's imagination. For example, turning a pile of mud into a powerful golem, turning a man into a woman or into an animal are all possible if the user is imaginative enough, has a strong willpower, and a lot of practice.




**Ability Overview:**

-The user possesses the rare and powerful ability to alter their physical form at will. Through mastery of Metamorphmagi shape-shifting, they can make both subtle and extreme changes to their appearance and physiology. This power is divided into two distinct types of transformations: Permanent Changes and Temporary Shifts.

**Expanded Abilities:**

-**Permanent Changes:**These transformations involve the gradual redistribution of existing mass, without creating or removing matter.

Permanent changes include modifications like altering hair color, skin tone, nail length and color, facial structure (such as nose size and shape), or even anatomical details like adjusting height or genital size.

Once these changes are made, they do not revert unless consciously altered again.

-**Temporary Shifts:** Temporary transformations are far more dynamic and allow for drastic changes in form, enabling the user to mimic nearly any living creature or humanoid form.

The size range of these forms is limited by the user's magical control and energy reserves, avoiding forms too small or excessively large.

These shifts automatically revert when the user loses consciousness or stops actively maintaining the form. Mastery and training are essential to achieve full control over these complex transformations.


**System Notice:** All abilities have been successfully integrated under [Mana Manipulation] [Enchant] [Metamorphmagi].

<<<Sorcery Overview End>>>

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