
Visit with the king (1)

"I must send to the court that I want a divorce. I want it sent by the end of the day. I wish for the high court to be quick with it. Are you still close to the king?" Selene asked, looking to use Xavier's relationship with the royals.

"Still? When have we ever been close? The king and I don't see eye to eye on most days we meet," Xavier replied. 

Selene found it odd. "You two are part of the five families who started the half-bloods. It has always been said that you are close. My mother would tell me the stories often."

"Well, in the past our families were close but we've long branched off and only gather when it is important. I am not friends with the king or whatever you have heard. I merely speak on behalf of the Blackthorns. Why? What do you need from him that I cannot do for you?" Xavier asked, wanting her to share her plans.

"The king has made it known he will grant Gabriel's anything he wants. It is something to be concerned about," said Selene. 

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