
Surprise visit (1)

Selene wasn't left alone in the library for long as Agnes and Elsie entered. 

Elsie did not like what she witnessed. "Milady, you must send her out now."

"Your marriage is at stake here," Agnes tearfully expressed. 

Neither one wanted to see Selene face this. She was the last lady in town they would have placed to have her husband bring home a mistress.

"The mansion is full of vampires. Why would he bring her here?" Elsie questioned, unable to understand Gabriel's actions.

Selene smiled. In the midst of her heartbreak, she still had two people around who cared for her. Maids who were more than servants as they were her dear friends as well.

Still, it was too dangerous to speak on what Gabriel did.

"You need to be careful with what you say. He is a fool in love and has a temper now so you might find yourself in trouble for speaking ill of her. I don't want to see any of you harmed. Now is not the time to worry about who my husband has brought home. I have guests to tend to," said Selene.

There were important men and women Selene could not ignore. After greeting the guests, she needed to think of a way out of there. 

This place wasn't her home anymore. 

Both Elsie and Agnes didn't think this matter should be pushed to the side and for Selene to attend the banquet with another woman at her husband's side. Selene's smile would have fooled them if not for the tears they noticed.

It wasn't their place to tell Selene what to do with her husband. They could only stand by to comfort her.

Elsie and Agnes stepped aside to let Selene go ahead first while they followed her. They needed Selene to be strong for what she would face at the banquet. There was only so much one person could take in so little time.

Selene wiped her eyes, not wanting to let it show that she was affected by Gabriel's betrayal. It would only give the guests something more to talk about. 

Selene smoothed out nonexistent wrinkles on her dress. She looked to the floor, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. 

"Milady, perhaps you should skip-"

"No," Selene dismissed Elsie's suggestion. "Running away solves nothing. Find yourselves a place out of sight. The banquet is no place for you to be now."

Selene walked ahead of the pair and stepped into the large ballroom filled with esteemed guests. Vampires from all over the town had accepted her invitation to welcome Gabriel home. 

Selene's smile did not fall even for one second as she made her way to where Gabriel stood with Cassandra on his arm. He was showing her off like she was a reward he obtained. 

Cassandra wasn't dressed for the occasion but her beauty made up for what she lacked. 

Selene didn't stand too close to the pair. As the host, she wanted to use this time to point out how Gabriel had betrayed her to the guest but what would that get her? From the looks of her guest, she had become a joke once again. 

Gabriel ignored her presence, continuing to show off Cassandra to his guest. She might be a human but her beauty was enough to have his peers envy him. Her sweet blood was an added treat.

"Selene," Valentina, a vampire draped in a red dress, approached Selene. Her gaze was filled with mischief. 

Selene wasn't oblivious to Valentina's insults. Valentina did not wait for Selene's back to turn to mock her.

"Cheers," Valentine raised her glass filled halfway with blood. "You must be happy your husband has returned. The beloved hero. What a wonderful wife you are to throw him a banquet. So, how have you decided to share him with a human?"

Selene heard the others around them snicker. She remained graceful and did not show weakness. 

Selene looked to Gabriel to see if he noticed what his actions caused but he was too occupied with Cassandra. If she had a knife, she would gladly stab him with it. 

Valentina noticed where Selene's gaze lingered. "This must be humiliating for a pureblood but then again, you aren't new to this. A fallen noblewoman, now this. It amazes me how you were able to show your face."

Selene bit her tongue. She had nothing to fire back at Valentina. She would only make a fool of herself trying to respond while her husband was busy with another woman.

Selene stood frozen, mouth slightly opened when Gabriel led Cassandra to where the others danced. It shouldn't surprise her after all that he had done since his return yet here she stood surprised. 

Had she planned a banquet just for another woman to reap the benefits of it?

Before Valentina could find another way to mock her, Selene moved to find her place in a quiet corner. It was unlikely that she would receive Gabriel's attention. 

Selene hated seeing the two so happy while she was upset about what Gabriel did. Was it partially her mistake for not telling Gabriel about her growing feelings? The marriage started to turn out to be more than a mere arrangement but he left for the war before she could share her feelings.

'No,' Selene shook her head. She could not blame herself for Gabriel's ways. Taking another woman to his side was all him. 

Selene noticed the intrigued gazes of their guests as well as their disgust. It was very rare that vampires and humans paired with each other so publicly. Still, they wouldn't speak up to voice their opinions. Who would say something about Gabriel now?

Selene had enough of watching the pair dance. Her presence wasn't noticed unless someone wanted to make a joke. 

"I will retire to bed," Selene decided. She wasn't in the mood to play like she was fine as she first believed. Why did she think it was a good idea to stand before these people?

Gabriel being here with all the guests would give Selene the time and peace she needed to think of where she would go. Unfortunately, Selene didn't have anyone who could open their doors to her. 

Selene only made it three steps from the corner before the music died down and a name she didn't expect to hear filled the ballroom.

"Lord Blackthorn is here."

Selene sent Lord Blackthorn an invitation out of courtesy and knew he wouldn't show since it was said he had been in a long slumber on his estate. Even if he wasn't, it was the norm for him to not attend social events.

Xavier Blackthorn, a pureblood vampire, searched for the one who disturbed his slumber. Her invitation had been one worthy of him receiving a knock on his coffin to wake him. 

"Lord Blackthorn!" Gabriel said loudly for all the guests to hear of who came to see him. Of course, Xavier would want to rub elbows with him because of his new status. "Good to see you could make it to my banquet."

Xavier was unamused by the man standing before him. His gaze quickly moved, showing how little he cared for the interaction. He wasn't here for this fool. Where was the one who invited him?

"Gabriel," Cassandra said, her hands clinging to his arm. Seeing a man from one of the five important pureblood families excited her. 

This intrigued Xavier but it wasn't enough to hold his attention on the pair.

"There you are," Xavier said, the culprit caught in his sight. His lips curved into a sly smile, his sharp fangs revealed. 

Selene was frozen in place. Why was the lord's gaze on her?

What did he want from her?

Next chapter