

The next day at school, Keomi and Taga would meet up with the Onigiri-yokai on the rooftop during class. Keomi used her bathroom break to meet up with the other two. They'd sit down and listen to the words of the Onigiri-yokai.

"You both are very determined, and this is good for the task at hand, but I warn you though, results won't be snappy, nor will they come in the way that you like. But I want you to know, where your rewards aren't spectacular, your development will be." said the Onigiri-yokai. Keomi and Taga sat there as the yoaki continued explaining their mission to them more. He would tell the girls that they were to go around the school, using a flashlight, however, the yokai would note that this wasn't any ordinary flashlight. This particular flashlight was similar to a Tsukumogami. Where it was capable of detecting spirits when close enough to them Afterwards the girls would begin to wander around school with it during lunch. Only to be watched by a group of other girls who saw them from a distance.

"Yea thats them, the two girls who are acting all cheery and nice to everyone recently." said one of the girls. The head honcho of the girls was one who had lavender hair, and peach-colored eyes. She had an annoyed look on her face. She scoffed before her and the rest began to leave. 

Keomi and Taga wandered around the school for what felt like hours...to Keomi while Taga was having a blast. Keomi though, after looking at Taga and seeing her face filled with joy and excitement, decided to be a cheerier about this, though her mind couldn't get rid of the idea of those boys. They are being abducted by evil spirits. What a horrible thing to happen to them she thought, she knew that if they didn't do something, more boys would go missing. So she gripped the flashlight tighter as determination painted her face. Both of the girls visited every single place around the school they could think about, covering ground as they split up and even asked around for suspicious activity. 

Eventually, they both arrived at the old school faculty office. Both Taga and Keomi looked at one another. "The old school faculty office, this place was taken off the school maps and even was boarded up because of some bad news that came around." Taga said.

"What kind of bad news?" Keomi asked as she touched the boards blocking the way inside. Taga inspected the boards with her. "Well, as the story goes. One of the teachers had gotten a call from her husband while filing papers here. Everyone knew her husband so she didn't care for having him on speaker during their call.

...He called that day to tell her he had been cheating on her for almost 4 years and wanted a divorce." Taga said as she rested her hand on the boards. Keomi looked at her, Taga's face fell a bit before shaking it off. She then turned to Keomi with a wide smile. 

"She died of heartbreak in this office, spoooOoOoOooOooky huh?" Taga laughed, Keomi gave a light nervous giggle. "Of heartbreak huh?" Keomi asked with Taga giving a dramatic nod as she then grabbed one of the boards and pulled it off with Keomi jumping in surprise from the sudden action.

"W-What are you doing Taga?!" Keomi asked sheepishly

"What does it look like? I'm about to make some spiritual discoveries! Now come over and grab a board, we got some spiritual investigating to do. HIGH HO!!" Taga shouted. Keomi being nervous didn't do anything at first, but then she gently grabbed a board. She then pulled on it as hard as she could till it came off. "See! Now your getting it! Doesn't it feel good to tear down the walls of normalcy, and expose the abnormal?" Taga asked. 

Keomi looked at her for a bit and then to the board, it did feel good. Like removing the layers on a piece of dirty dishes. Revealing the true form of it. "...Y-Yea, it does." Keomi smiled.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOOOOOU!" Taga shouted, Keomi laughed. "YES IT DOES!" Keomi shouted back, as the two eventually tore away at the boarded entrance enough for them to get through. The two would squeeze their way through the few boards left behind and walk in. The room was incredibly dusty, no one seemed to have been through here in almost a decade. Taga waved the dust out of the air while Keomi used the flashlight to scan around the room. 

"Any signs yet?" Taga asked

"No, nothing as of right now. Just a lot of- ACHOOO! A lot of dust." Keomi said as she wiped her nose. Taga nodded as they both looked around the place. The place still have some of the old furniture left behind. Taga looked through the drawers of the old staff while Keomi would look at the furniture against the back wall. As she did, she'd feel a squeaky feeling under her foot. She bent down and took a look at the floor. She pressed against it only to see it was actually a trapdoor, or basement door to be more accurate. Taga pulled out the drawer of the old vice principal of the school. As she did, loads of more dust would go flying through the air. Taga sneezed heavily.

"Hey, Taga! I think I found something." Keomi said as she used her flashlight on the basement door, which made it glow a bright purple along the edges where you could open the door. "Yea, I found something too." Taga said, Keomi looked over to her as Taga walked over and showed her some articles of missing boys, these ones dating back nearly 20 years ago. Keomi stared at it with shock.

"So what did you find?" Taga asked, Keomi looked down at the basement door with Taga looking at it too. "Ooooo! Magical door." Taga said.

"I think it's just a door, but it's definitely magical of some kind. Or maybe has seen some, I think our answers may be under here." Keomi said. Taga nodded as her and Keomi both used their combined strength to lift the door open. They gave one another a high five before walking down a flight of rickety stairs leading beneath the office. The two eventually reached the bottom floor. Taga looked up and saw a light string switch, she'd grab it and pull, turning on light bulbs al across this wide open room that spanned much further than even the office room above. "Woah." Taga said as she saw the what felt like endless rows of documents and shelves of papers.

Keomi walked forward a bit, using her flashlight to look around. "Seems like they didn't clear out everything from here. I wonder why." Keomi thought, that's when Keomi would then point her flashlight into the darkness. Taga walked beside.

"Looks like we have a lot of ground to cover. I bet from that glowy stuff we saw; that this evil spirit is living here." Taga said, her eyes then looked to Keomi who was a bit jittery until Taga wrapped her arm around Keomi's.

"Hey, don't worry. Don't forget, we're down here together. Partner." Taga smiled, Keomi looked to her and nodded with a determined smile. "Yea. Yea your right, now then-

"Lets find this spirit!" Keomi said with determination. 

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