
First Task

"Theo get up, you'll be late for the wand weighing ceremony." 

I cracked open an eye and spotted Lily propped up on her elbow looking at me expectantly. She was laying at my side with a hand on my chest, we had taken to sneaking into each others rooms at Hogwarts. However, with the Triwizard Tournament, the champions had their own special rooms. 

Lily and I utilised this to spend a LOT of quality time together at night. I didn't really need to train since even without the Stones, I was still hilariously overpowered. Still, Lily helped me research the tasks. 

I was sure that since the tournament was being held at Hogwarts, that each task would have something to do with each houses 'moto'. Bravery for Gryffindor, Intelligence for Ravenclaw, Loyalty for Hufflepuff, and Cunning for Slytherin. 

Lily had compared different tasks that were recorded in previous tournaments to get a better chance of predicting the types of 'challenges' I would face. 

So far she had come up with several ideas, among them was fighting dragons, creating wards, and some sort of survival exercise. 

Being who I was, I couldn't help but to feel a bit of my ego telling me that it would be a wash in my favour since I was so powerful. I reminded myself that I didn't really care about winning and that my real goal was to draw out the cult and keep Harry safe. 

Surprisingly his name never came out of the goblet. I sensed some lingering frustration and disappointment from a few people. People who I assumed were part of the cult or somehow connected to them either as a spy or an unknowing pawn. 

I sighed and sat up in bed, Lily followed suit. She bit her lip when she watched my half naked form slowly getting dressed. 

"On second thought… we have a few more minutes." 

I rolled my eyes, "Lils, you wanted me to get up and emphasised that we would be late." 

She whined playfully, "But I didn't get enough of your love last night." 

I chuckled, turning around after I put on my Hogwarts robes. "Well, let's get to the ceremony then. The quicker we get there the quicker we can get back to our research."

Lily giggled and got out of bed too, she was wearing nothing but her knickers. I had nearly forgotten that she liked to sleep topless. My mouth went dry instantly as she sauntered over to me. 

"Like what you see?" 

"Er… I'll see you at the ceremony." I flashed away but not before hearing her laughing as she got dressed.

[Scene Break]

"There you are, where the bloody hell have you been?" James asked me when I arrived to where the wand weighing ceremony was being held. 

The other champions were already there seemingly waiting for me. Ollivander was nowhere in sight though so I relaxed a bit. 

"Calm down Prongs, Lily kept me up last night." 

"Oh she did, did she… you two get on more than two rabbits in heat. What is wrong with the two of you?" 

I raised an eyebrow at him, Vela was next to him blushing. 

"Right… as if I've never noticed you limping out of Padfoot's room." 

James' eyes widened before heat rose to his face, "Oi! Shut it, I don't need people knowing that." 

"Knowing that you like getting your arsehole li-

I blocked a stinging hex from Vela who had a massive blush on her face.

"Shut up Firebreath." She hissed. 

"Where's Moony and Wormtail?" I asked changing the subject. 

Vela and James glared at me but responded after a pause. 

"Moony is trying to chat up a bird for Beauxbaton, Wormy is… well, he's over there drooling over Skeeter." James supplied.

"What the fuck?" 

"That's what I said." Vela muttered. 

"I can get behind trying to make a move at someone from Beauxbaton, but fucking Skeeter?" 

"Wormy has always had a strange taste in women." James shook his head. 

"What did I miss?" Lily appeared next to me giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

James and Vela blinked at her sudden appearance, they were still not used to seeing someone else teleport around like me. 

"Nothing much Evans, Theseus was just telling us about your night." Vela said with a smirk that Lily returned. 

"Oh it was quite the event… he's quite the expert on using his wand." 

I sighed before dragging James away, he glanced at me with a look of gratitude. 

"Those two, I swear." James said. 

"They're always comparing our sex lives." I nodded. 

"The other day Vela and Lily started arguing about who had the bigger wand." James said in an annoyed voice. 

"Oh? And…" 

"Mate I'm not talking to you about that." He snapped. 

I chuckled, "Relax, we both know it's just girl talk."

James sighed in relief, "Come on, it looks like Ollivander just got here." 

"Besides… we both know I've got the longer, thicker wand." 

James sputtered as I walked towards the other champions.

"Theseus! What do you mean by that!"

I laughed. 

[Scene Break]

Ollivander did his whole speech about wands and I couldn't help but to think back a bit at my conversation with James. 

'I swear the whole wand length thing in the Harry Potter world is just one big innuendo.' 

"And finally we have Mister Demiourgos." 

I stepped forward with my wand, Ollivander seemed to see my wand for what it really was and was hesitant to take it to examine it. 

"Relax old man, it won't kill you." 

Ollivander nodded, "Right then, thirteen inches, made out of enchanted coral, celestial bronze and imperial gold."

There were gasps around me, I narrowed my eyes at the reaction. I didn't think anyone would know what celestial bronze and or imperial gold were. Then I remembered that even outside of the Percy Jackson world, the two metals were legendary. 

"How did you come by this wand, its craftsmanship is extraordinary." Ollivander asked me. 

"I've always had it." I replied, not really lying. 

Ollivander paused, seeing that I wasn't going to say anything else he continued. 

"Rigid, yet supple, powerful and balanced. With a core of… oh my. Divine Ichor." 

There were more murmurs and whispers around me. Even I didn't know what my wand core was, I didn't even know my wand had a core. I thought it was just my weapon transformed. 

"A very powerful wand, capable of feats that will shake the very fabric of the world." 

"I have an amazing wand, I get it… can we move along now?" I snarked. 

I heard a few snickers behind me followed by a yelp. James had quickly recovered from my jab at his manhood but was instantly reprimanded by Vela. Lily was standing off to the side silently observing but she clearly had an amused glint in her eyes. 

"That concludes the weighing of the wands, I believe pictures are in order?" Ollivander said as he looked at the gathered reporters and their crew. 

"No pictures." I stated plainly. 

"But young ma-" 

I glared at the reporter that had spoken, it was Rita Skeeter, she immediately shut up when she met my hateful gaze. 

"Right… uhhh, the first task will be held on a month from now on the 24th." The smarmy looking man announced. 

I gave him a passing glance before looking to Lily who understood my unspoken question. She nodded and followed me through the crowds. James, Vela, Peter, and Lupin following behind her. 

[Scene Break]

Time passed by in a slow crawl through November. The day of the first task arrived and I couldn't have been more ready. The Marauders had stumbled across enclosures in the Forbidden Forest that pretty much confirmed that it would be the same exact task from canon.

Lily checked over my Champions Uniform one more time in the common room before we headed out to the staging area for the task. 

"I'll be alright Lily, there literally nothing in this world that would put me in any danger." 

She gave me a look.

"Except you… you're dangerous."

She scoffed, "A pregnancy scare is what worries you?"

Several weeks ago we had a pregnancy scare which resulted in me nearly atomising Hogwarts. Luckily for the ancient school it was just a false alarm, but from then on I had taken to altering my genetics enough to where I wouldn't sire any children unless I wanted to. 

"Well yeah, I've never had Demi-God children before." 

She smiled, "Well, worried or not I think you'd make a wonderful father." 

"You do know that I've had children before right?" 

"Don't remind me." She sighed. 

She still wasn't fully over the fact that I have reincarnated multiple times in the past and that I've had a family before. I chuckled and took her hand before teleporting us to the staging tent where the other champions were waiting. 

Krum gave me a nod while Lily and Fleur exchanged looks. I knew about their 'relationship' plans, while I was more of a one woman for life kind of man, I didn't mind the thought of having a raunchy threesom with Fleur. 

I hated France just as much as any other sane being, but Fleur was literally sex on legs. Not that I'd ever let Lily hear me say that out loud. I could tell that the redhead was thinking about inviting Fleur into our bed solely on the fact that she could hardly keep up with my godly stamina. 

I felt a little bad but at the same time that little bit of human in me wanted to see it happen. 

Bagman came around with a bag that moved as if there was something in it. He opened the bag slightly and moved to Krum. 

"Reach inside and you'll find your opponent and the order in which you will compete." 

'Hmm, I guess I missed the part where they explained the task.' 

I took a quick glance into Bagman's mind and found that the task was still very much the same as canon. We had to collect a golden egg from a nesting dragon. 

Krum pulled out a Swedish Short-Snout, followed by Fleur who pulled a Chinese Fireball. Krum was to go last according to the number 3 etched into the underside of his model dragon while Fleur was first with the number 1.

Feeling a bit cheeky, I let out a bit of my godly arrogance and stepped towards Bagman. 

"Why not put on a show eh? Hogwarts is the host of this tournament this year, and I'm feeling confident. I'll let the other two champions pick two more dragons for me to face." 

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, which they wouldn't be wrong. Divinity did come with a slight amount of craziness. How else would you explain Loki turning into a mare just cause he found a stallion attractive. 

"Bah… if the Hogwarts champion wishes to die then let him." The Dumstrang headmaster scoffed before motioning for Krum to take another dragon. 

Fleur looked mildly concerned but also drew another dragon after Madame Maxime nodded to her. The two dragons I was supposed to face flew towards me out of their hands. 

Bagman gulped when he saw them while a grin formed on mine. Lily rolled her eyes and took them from me. 

"Of course you'd get two of the most dangerous dragons in the world." 

"T-the Hogwarts champion will face- the Hungarian Horntail, a-and the Hebridean Black." 

My grin grew wider, two fearsome dragons that would feel the might of my dragon form. I wasn't going to kill them, no, but I was going to use them to show just how strong I was to the cultist spies no doubt already planted in the crowd. 

"How did you even get a Hebridean Black my dear boy?" Dumbledore finally spoke up while looking at Bagman. 

Bagman tugged at the collar of his robes. He looked to the dragon handlers, then to Dumbledore. 

"The Horntail is believed to be the most dangerous dragon in existence, but that's not entirely true. While they are ferocious, Hortails aren't as smart as Hebridean Blacks." Charlie Weasley replied for Bagman who sighed in relief before scurrying away. 

Everyone turned to Charlie who looked shocked at all the attention but continued to explain after a moment. 

"Hebridean Blacks are frighteningly intelligent, they've spared magicals and humans before for showing compassion. That intelligence is what sets them above other dragons." 

"I see, so the Hebridean Black was brought in to keep the other dragons in check?" 

Charlie nodded, "That's right, the dragons can communicate with each other so having a dragon who more or less understands our language makes handling the rest a bit easier than having to keep them all sedated until the event." 

I yawned earning me an elbow from Lily, "Sorry, I came here to fight a dragon not fall asleep to a lecture on dragons." 

Charlie seemed to understand that I wasn't insulting him so he let out a short laugh, "Fair enough, will the order in which you compete still be the same?" 

Dumbledore looked to me, "Theseus?" 

I shrugged, "Don't really care mate, I'm planning on putting on a show so I could go last." 

"Are you sure you want to face two dragons Theseus?" Dumbledore asked me. 

I smirked, "Is the sky blue?" 

Next chapter