

"Merlin, Andi, Bella. Did you see that?" 


"Keep your voice down, father and grandfather are only a few steps away." 


The trio still under their disillusionment charm stood by and listened to the adults speaking. Cyne Malfoy the now widowed mother of Lucius Malfoy clutched the bloody sword to her chest, uncaring of the stains on her dress. 


"That filthy lowbor-" 


"Reinhard my boy, let us see your injuries treated." 


"There are no injuries to treat Albus, that young man ripped the magic from Lord Lestrange's body."


"Arcturus please, that's impossible."


"You saw it yourself, Cygnus. You saw what happened and you saw the lad apparate out of the grounds." 


"Lord Black, it seems your advanced age has-" 


"You're really going to pull the 'you're getting old' card Albus? After so many witnessed what happened today?" 


"I'll kill that filthy mu-" 


Before Lord Lestrange could finish his outburst he exploded into a mess of gore. Wands were drawn and pointed at the sky. The three sisters looked up and gasped at the sight. 


Theseus was flying without a broom, in his hand was a trident that radiated power. He looked at the people on the grounds unimpressed. 


"I leave for less than ten minutes and this is what you have to show for it? Still arguing about blood purity and other dumb shit. Then again, what can you expect from a society where you're all stuck in the dark ages but still think you're above everyone else." 


"Who and what are you?" 


"I assume you're the Lord Black?"


Arcturus  nodded, "that is correct." 


"My name is Theseus Dimiourgos," they watched as Theseus floated down to the grass before standing before the aging Lord Black. "What I am is a being of limitless power. As for what I want, an unspoken question among you, is to go to school and be a normal sixteen year old for once. A vacation of sorts if you may, I have neglected living a normal life in exchange for exploring worlds beyond this one."


"Understandable. But why our world?" 


"Father you can't honestly believe this mu-"


"Silence Cygnus, lest you shame our family even further after wanting to marry my grandchildren off to the heirs of these pathetic excuses for wizards." 


Bellatrix and Narcissa couldn't help but to feel relief, their grandfather seemed against the marriage contracts their father had made between house Lestrange and house Malfoy. 


"I think this conversation is best reserved for a private setting. I invite you to my family home, Lord Theseus." 


"Very well, I accept Lord Black." 


With that Theseus disappeared in another flash of light and some people in the crowd released breaths that they had been unknowingly holding. 


"Albus, I suggest you try to make amends with Lord Theseus. I fear that he is an enemy the wizarding world wouldn't want to make." 


The sisters quickly snuck away from the courtyard only to run into their mother in the halls. Bellatrix fell on her rear with an 'eep' as Andromeda stifled a giggle. The disillusionment faded as Druella Black waved her wand and glared at her three daughters. 


"Mother! How did you get here?"


"Want to explain why you three are out of class?" Druella ignored the question. 


"We were watching the duel." 


The two sisters glared at Narcissa who suddenly found the floor very interesting. Andromeda sighed and looked at their mother who had her arms crossed. 


"Bella and I saw Theseus dealing with the Lestrange heirs and Lucius Malfoy in class. There were rumors that the late Lord Malfoy challenged him to a duel, so we figured that we would watch." 


Druella raised an eyebrow, "So you abandoned your studies to watch something as barbaric as a duel?" 


"Mother, you should have seen it. Theseus he toyed with Lord Malfoy like a child. There's even a rumor going around that he's untouchable. Not even the headmaster would dare expel him." 


"Rumors are not fact Bellatrix, you know this." She sighed


"You'll see mother, gran- Lord Black has invited him to our home to talk." 


"Has he?" 


"Yes mother, Theseus appeared again after the duel. He seems to be angry at something." 


"Very well, get back to your classes. I must speak with your father." 


The trio scurried off not sparing a glance back. Druella strode over to the rest of her family waiting for the chance to speak as everyone was still seemingly arguing about Theseus. 


"Father, is it wise to invite the boy to our home." 


"The previous war has shown me all manner of man. Orion, that boy. No, that being, is hardly a man. I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing but power. Power that I have never seen in anyone. Not Dumbledore, and most definitely not Grindelwald." 


"The boy is just another mudblood! There's nothing else to say. Lord Gaunt will deal with him like everyone else." 


Everyone glared at Walburga, the distaste was apparent in everyone's eyes. 


"Orion control your wife." 


"How da-"


"I DARE! I am still the Lord Black woman, my word is law in this family. You will hold your tongue lest I cast you out." 


Orion pulled Walburga away to the apparition point before the two disappeared with a pop. The rest of the family looked back to Arcturus expectantly. 


"I know some of you have been dealing behind my back." He glared at Cygnus. "That stops now, this blood purity nonsense will start a war the likes of which will ruin the future of wizarding kind. Toujours Pur, always pure. Our family motto. It doesn't mean to lower ourselves to the petty squabbling of others. Our house has stood since the dark ages and now we are a shameful shadow of our former glory." 


Everyone listened quietly as the elder Black went on his rant. 


"I have invited Lord Theseus to our home because I saw something that I've only seen in one other place before."


"What is it father?" 


"Let us head home, I must confirm what I've learned with the patriarch." 


Everyone stopped in their tracks. The patriarch, the founder of their family. Though long dead, had a magical portrait in the lord's study. The portrait hardly spoke, or moved for that matter. The last time he had spoken was in the war with Grindelwald to give Arcturus advice on how to proceed. If Lord Black was confident that the portrait would answer his questions, then this was turning into quite an intriguing day.

Next chapter