
Dumbledore (Short)

Text"What kind of a duel did you have in mind Lord Malfoy?"


The room watched with bated breath, Abraxas Malfoy was a well-rounded duellist, Theseus had displayed the kind of power he held. God or not, Theseus was powerful and everyone knew. 


"No magic, the duel will be to the death." 


"Oh? What then, are we going to fight with?" 


"Swords, I wish for you to have a fair chance." 


Dumbledore sighed, Abraxas was a magnificent fencer. He had never seen Theseus hold a sword, so no matter how powerful the boy is, Lord Malfoy would have the advantage. 


Lord Lestrange sneered at Theseus, "You're going down mudblood." 


Theseus rolled his eyes, "It's always the same with you inbred idiots isn't it? Very well, ignore what I have just told you. It's your funeral." 


With that, the young man disappeared from the room with a flash of light. Albus expected the tension to leave as well, only it stayed thick in the air. 


"Was that a wise choice Abraxas?" 


"What? The boys claims of being a divine being? Hogwash! There's no such thing." 


"You've seen it yourself, the boy is not to be taken lightly." 


"You forget Albus, we are all capable of such things. They boy may be powerful. But he is just that, a boy. Another ignorant muggleborn with delusions of grandeur." 


The two lords made their swift exit through the floo. 

Albus sighed before turning to the Minister. She looked just as shaken at the revelations. The aurors she had brought with her all had their wands drawn ready for anything. Alastor had a grim look on his face, his magical eye whirring about. 


"What is it Alastor? Did your eye catch something?" 


"No, that's just it Albus, I saw nothing. No sign of magic at least none that my eye could see."


"So young Theseus didn't cast a single curse and yet managed to somehow harm the Lord Lestrange?"


"Cut the shite Albus, you and I both know that we're dealing with something else here. Theseus is not someone to be trifled with." 


"What do you mean Alastor?" 


"Madam Bagnold, you would be wise to keep out of this duel. Should the other lords in the Wizengamot hear of Theseus it would mean bloodshed on an unprecedented level." 


"Alastor, speak clearly." 


"I'm afraid, as you lot should be too." 

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