
5: Thrill of the Hunt

— Atom —

"Okay, just play it cool, Taati… You can do this. Just don't blow it too quickly. What do cute human boys like…?" Taati muttered to herself. "Cheese…? Should I bring him prey? Ugh, on Nar Shaddaa, the only option for that would be slum rats…"

I only overheard her with enhanced hearing and a touch of the Force. Taati was remarkably good at sub-vocalization. Likely a winning evolutionary trait for a species with passive echolocation via the Togrutas' montrals. David might've sensed something in the Force, but I doubt it by the way he didn't even twitch.

He couldn't be completely blind to the doe eyes she was giving him, though. David hadn't stopped blushing for a moment. I was getting better with the more esoteric side of the Force — sensing, feeling, observing, listening, and so on — and doing my best to pass my practices down to David. It was slow progress but there was progress. It reared its head now. In the Force, Taati was enthralled. Focused on David and David alone. Even he had to feel that.

As a unique bright spot in the darkness of Nar Shaddaa, David stood out. He naturally attracted people to him. Even if they weren't Force-sensitive, people couldn't help but gravitate toward David. It was the unique purity of a kid mostly untouched by the cruel reality of Nar Shaddaa. It was what I was calling 'main character attraction' as well. A portion of the Force seemed dedicated to David. A shroud of fate undecided. Or something like that… Putting words to the Force's esoterics was a learning process for me.

The Force infused everything in my new reality. Most of the time, I found it impossible to tell where the 'not-magic' began and ended. If it even did at all… But Taati's focus went a bit beyond that. She latched onto David's beacon like a sailor lost at sea. Comfort. Sanctuary. Infatuation. Lust. Love at first sight. Maybe all of the above. The end result was a hot Togruta woman with the crush to end crushes.

"KNnnnh~…" Taati keened under her breath. "Why is this so hard…?! I wish we were back on Shili… I'm sure Grandmother would know how to hunt a human mate."

'Good for him,' I thought, crossing my arms. 'David deserves a hot alien woman's focus on him. Aggressive, too. He needs the help.'

Despite her sub-vocalizations, Taati played it cool on the outside. Sasha and David didn't have a clue that our fourth was worrying herself half-frantic over how to woo her date. Side by side, Sasha and Taati were a study of contrasts. Sasha was practically vibrating with excitement as we waited in line to get into the club she'd chosen. Taati, on the other hand, just kept a soft, closed-mouth smile on her face, trying her best to look as if she wasn't bothered at all.

Sasha had all but glued herself to my side. Taati was trying to muster the courage to get closer to David inch by inch. Both of our dates were eye-catchingly gorgeous. Sasha was pale (vaguely Asian or Russian from what I was familiar with), shorter, and petitely curvy. Taati was as tall as David, pleasantly dusky-skinned, and just a touch shy of Amazonian, with long, powerfully muscled legs and birthing hips.

Our little party received our fair share of attention from others in line around us. Man and woman, alien and humanoid. Everyone seemed to want a glimpse. The attention wasn't focused on just Sasha and Taati, either. Jealous glares. Covetous glances. Looks of desire. Even a few pairs of bedroom eyes. I made it my mission to glare every single one into submission. And when a wayward hand tried to cop a sneaky feel of David's ass, all it 'copped' was the barrel of my blaster, pointed pointedly at the crotch of the hand's source.

She — a rather amorous and presumptuous Zeltron if I had my species right — backed off in a flash, all nervous smiles and 'apologetic' smells from her species' pheromones. That interaction finally succeeded in earning us a bit of space in the line. Honestly, the groping Zeltron got off easy. Taati's expression had shifted in an instant when she noticed the assault. Sharp, carnivorous teeth were bared in a snarl that sent the Zeltron scampering away just as quickly as my blaster had.

David just blinked, "What the heck was that all about?"

"Nothing you need to worry about, baby," Taati growled, still glaring holes in the Zeltron's fidgeting back.

David let out a little choked noise, "B-Baby…?!"

It took a moment but Taati frantically realized what she'd said, "I-I mean-! Only if you want-! We don't have to make this weird or any-!"

Sasha leaned on me and cooed, "Awww~. Aren't they just adorable, Atom~?"

"Sickeningly so," I curtly agreed.

"Oh, shush," She giggled. "You know you love them."

"I'm fond of David. That's it. And I barely know Taati," I retorted.

"Well, we can use this double date to change that~!" Sasha chimed cheerfully. "Wouldn't you enjoy that, Atom~?"

"Hrng," I grunted, neither positive nor negative.

"There's that winning personality I know and love~!"


"No, you're not going to regret anything! Don't even think it, Atom! Tonight's our night~! And David and Taati's too, I guess…"

"Mmmhh… You're starting to know me way too well," I muttered.

"And still not well enough~!" Sasha shot right back. "Your little nonverbal vocalizations are just too cute. I've spent a lot of effort to decipher them. Worth. I'd straight-up die for them."

She said her last line with such seriousness that I blinked and leaned back to glance down at her. Intense, almost glowing blue eyes met mine. She was as serious as she sounded. That severity plus the way she clung to me was… surprisingly appealing. Almost intoxicating. Soft cleavage sandwiched my arm and Sasha intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Let's not," I said.

Sasha simply shrugged, drawing even more attention to the surprisingly plentiful curves against me, "Kay~. I suppose I don't have to. I doubt I'll ever be short on little grumbles and growls with you, Daddy~."

As if to prove her right, I gave a little grunt, "Nn. Where are you taking us anyway?"

"Don't ruin the surprise when we're so close!" Sasha all but whined. "It's something special~! A few minutes in line won't kill you, Atom-baby."

A glance out of the corner of my eye showed her grinning like the party kitty who caught the canary. I prepared myself for the worst, not even knowing what that 'worst' would entail. The line continued to move forward. We went unmolested (quite literally) for the rest of the way. Sure enough, the club's billboard soon came into clear view. It was a stylized thing of neon and false vines, bathing the front half of the line in green light.

'Thrill of the Hunt'

I quirked an eyebrow and cut straight to the core of the matter, "Right. What's the gimmick?"

"That would be telling~," Sasha giggled. "Can't we just enjoy a night out and the thrill of the hunt as they come~?"

I stared at her for a moment… before raising my voice to address another, "Hey, Taati. Do you know what this place is all about?"

Taati was staring up at the sign with wide eyes as if realization and revelation had come down from the heavens for her. Only a nudge from David pulled her back to the present, "H-Huh-? I-Is this real…? I mean… I've heard rumors, but… Oh, Artem, Goddess of the Hunt… It's real-! I'm really here-!"

"Promising," I deadpanned.

"Oh, just go with the flow, you big fuddy-duddy," Sasha playfully squeezed my arm between her breasts as we came to the front of the line. "Four for the night, please~! Don't worry, I'll cover all of us. It's my treat."

A droid bouncer rattled off a standardized spiel, "Please have your commlinks at the ready. Your personal addresses will be registered in our system to hold all of our guests accountable. They will not be used for spam, marketing, or data-gathering purposes. Our Lady Beniva freely gives this guarantee."

After a surprisingly smooth registration process, we were clear to enter the club. Sasha all but dragged me on ahead. Taati did the same with David, somehow managing to be even more excited than Sasha. David followed with a slightly dumbfounded look at the sudden change in his date. A small scowl settled onto my face but I followed all the same.

Once inside, both of the girls practically lit up. Thanks to the Force, their excitement was quite literally infectious. It quickly became a struggle to keep my scowl in place. David didn't even bother, a smile coming over him without him seeming to realize.

"C'mon, we've gotta get boozed up first~!" Sasha declared. "A Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is calling my name~!"

"No," I shut her down immediately.

Sasha giggled, teasing, "Oh~? You've heard of it~?"

"Who hasn't?" David chuckled sheepishly. "I agree with Atom, Sash'. It might be a bit much for a first drink."

"I don't think I need that much liquid courage," Taati agreed.

Sasha stuck her tongue out at all of us, "Pbbt, fine. We're doing shots then."

"Joy," I growled. "If we are, I'm doing mine off of you."

Sasha threw her head back and laughed a giddy giggle, "Hahaha, yes~! I knew these babies would get to you~!"

She stood on her tiptoes, shoving her tits in my face. For a brief, promising moment, they threatened to bounce straight out of her top. Her outfit for the night didn't leave much to the imagination. The skimpy black string bikini top beneath her open, pink and white leather half-jacket didn't offer much in the way of support. Sasha didn't need it. Her handful tits stood bouncy and perky all on their own. Her softly toned midriff was left bare, showing off a belly button stud with a tantalizing gleam. Down below, a tight skirt stretched as if painted onto her hips and bubbly ass. She'd come ready and raring to party.

"You planned for this," I stated the obvious.

"Nope~," Sasha cheerfully refuted. "Bodyshots were all you, Atom-baby~!"

"We'll split the blame," I grumbled.

"Second dibs!" Taati exclaimed. Her nerves seemed to have disappeared entirely the moment she found out our destination for the night.

"Wha- I-! Dibs-?!" David sputtered.

I reached over to lay a quieting hand on his shoulder, "David would love that."

"I mean I would, but-…" David trailed off, practically zipping his lips shut.

Taati beamed a smile at him and Sasha giggled at them both, "Don't worry, boys~. We'll return the favor."

"This does seem to be that kind of place," I said, eyeing our surroundings.

The Thrill of the Hunt was… carefully cultivated depravity and desire. Not in the same way as Zorba's throne room was. The club was friendly. Open. An exhibitionist's paradise. But there was certainly order here. Everything seemed to be for the sake of good, freeing fun rather than being sin for sin's sake.

The club's interior carried a purposefully primal vibe. It was lit almost solely by dim simulated sunlight, flickering fluorescent flames like campfires, and an undercurrent of glowing green everywhere the eye looked. But not in the way I'd been expecting from a Nar Shaddaa nightclub. No, it felt more like a jungle floor, shadowed by a dense canopy overhead.

Accurate. Looking up showed the ceiling far above to entirely made of leaves. Between the ground floor and the leafy ceiling were layers of balcony-like pads as if imitating the interweaving branches of multiple trees.

Even on the ground floor, the space wasn't open. Instead, it was broken up by 'young trees' and 'shrubs', some with booths and seating around them, some standing alone to act essentially as stripper poles. All throughout the club, sapient beings of all shapes and sizes (though mostly humanoid) danced, mingled, drank, and generally reveled.

I saw a pair of Twi'lek women — blue and violet-skinned — take over one of the pseudo-stripper poles. They swayed and undulated to the heart-pounding beat, bass almost like predatory growls vibrating through the club. A small crowd gathered around them at a respectful distance (with some dis-respectful cheers) but the women only had eyes for each other. Scenes like that repeated everywhere I looked. The Thrill of the Hunt was a den of sexuality and the atmosphere of the place was freeing.

"Lot of Togrutas around," I noted, grunting absently.

"This place was made for them," Sasha commented.

Taati nodded almost frantically, "It's legendary! Lady Beniva is just so amazing! She took traditional Togruta mating rituals and made a safe, controlled space so every species could participate!"

"…" She paused. "Except Trandoshans. They have a very different definition of 'hunt' from us."

"Their version ends with trophies and eating, not 'trophies' and 'eating' in the social, carnal sense as the Togruta do," Sasha clarified. "There are other banned species, but yeah, Trandoshans are a big one. It's all designed to be as safe as Lady Beniva can make it. Any 'hunts' have to be consensual on both sides and they're kept in private holodeck rooms. The bouncer droids are strict about keeping the peace. And every guest is cataloged at the entrance in case they cause trouble."

"Mating hunts are for everyone here. It's just… about paradise~…" Taati sighed dreamily.

David leaned close to mutter to me, "… Is it weird that I've never been more turned on in my life?"

I gave him a wordless pat on the back and nothing more. Sasha cackled, "Alright~! C'mon, boys~! These bodyshots won't do themselves~!"

Taati nodded seriously, "No. No, they won't."

Sharing a look of deep understanding, Sasha and Taati joined forces and dragged me and David off to the club's bar. Along the way, the girls got a few thumbs-ups from the Togruta women we passed. I rolled my eyes but David was left blushing. Here and there along the way to the bar, something… twinged. I couldn't place my finger on what. Something to do with the Force, most certainly, but nothing jumped out at me. It wasn't a feeling of danger. Just… something off. Like a few of the club's guests had been moved an inch to the left even as everything else in the universe proceeded normally.

I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind but didn't shake it off. Something was up. I knew that much. I wasn't stupid enough to ignore a gut feeling. Certainly not with the fucking Force coursing through my veins. But until it made itself known, I'd… enjoy… our night out.

"Four shots of space honey!" Sasha ordered as we came upon the bar. "Extra viscous~! We wanna really put our tongues to work~!"

I raised a single eyebrow, "We do?"

"Of course, we do~!" Sasha grinned. "You don't want to leave me all sticky, right~?"

"I might."

"Hehe~, then it's a good thing you'll leave me plenty sticky by the end of the night, Daddy~."

"You seem confident about that."

"I'm gonna break that cool mask of yours wide frakkin' open, Atom-baby. Then, you're gonna break me wide frakkin' open. So I swear on the cosmic bones of the Celestials and the dark void where they rest forevermore."

David and Taati answered Sasha's surprisingly solemn vow with damn near breathless awe.

"Heavy. Metal…"


I just gave a small scoff (one I really wasn't feeling…), "Fine. Surprise me. Do your worst."

"No, Atom," Sasha intoned severely. "I'll do my best. For you, I'll always do my best."

"Hn," I glanced away with that little grunt.

The bartender — a Togrutan male with long, impressive horned montrals connected to his lekku — smirked with amusement, "Four shots of space honey, coming right up. And just so you know, one of the upper pads just cleared up. If you hurry, you might be able to seize it for yourselves."

"Thanks, drink-dealer~! That's how you earn yourself a hefty tip!" Sasha chimed with a grin, her eyes flashing to pay the man.

"A pleasure to serve," The bartender nodded.

He then placed four strange shots in front of us. Set in opaque honeycomb-esque glasses, balls of amber honey bobbed and swirled in clear liquid. The smell was tantalizing, though. Sweet and invigorating. Another guest stumbled up to the bar next to us. A Zabrak man with a crown of horns. He stared at anything and everything with wide eyes. It was an odd drunkenness, looking both clear-minded and severely impaired.

The Zabrak man zeroed in on me and David with uncanny focus, "Whoa~… Anyone ever told you you're bright as a star, man…?"

I scowled, "I don't know you. Don't fucking talk to me if I don't know you."

"Ah-!" He jumped a little as if he wasn't expecting me to be able to talk. "T-Trippy, man…"

Something about that short interaction lingered with me. Even as we made our way up to one of the upper pads as the bartender had suggested, I kept my eyes and senses open. I noticed others with that same queer intoxication. Easily more than a dozen, spread everywhere throughout the club. Every one of them looked woozy and dazed in the strangest of ways, yet I didn't see a single stumble. If anything, the odd drunkenness seemed to make them more sure-footed.

The scowl lingered on my face as we made our way to our new semi-private venue. Close to the ceiling, voyeurs were almost impossible. Not that I think any of us really cared. The balcony pad was shaped like a broad leaf. Half of it was occupied by a booth and table. The other half was set up as a dance floor, overlooking the rest of the club below.

The moment it was reserved in our names — ensuring just a touch more privacy — Sasha turned to me and David and practically leered, "Alright, boys~! Strip!"

"You first," I shot back.

"All you had to do was ask, Atom-baby~…" She purred. "But I was only talking about the bodyshots. I want to do mine off of your delicious abs~."

Taati began nodding rapidly, "Wonderful, beautiful, absolutely perfect idea!"

David sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry, I don't have much in the way of 'delicious abs'-…"

As he said that, he lifted the bottom of his shirt, glancing down only to pause as his body contradicted his words, "… Huh. Those are new."

"The Force provides," I snorted.

"Abs? It provides abs…?!" David asked, bewildered.

"Yes. And running with the rest of us for two weeks now helps."


"Praise the Goddess!" Taati finished for him. There was a wild look in her eyes, a predatory gleam to her smile, and a bit of honest-to-Force drool to top it all off. In moments, she was upon him, questing fingers reaching for his new abs as David froze like a deer in headlights.

Sasha giggled, "Let's leave them to that. We've got our own unfinished business to see to~… Shirt, Daddy! Shirt!"

I made a show of rolling my eyes, "I suppose you're going first?"

"Yup~!" Sasha popped her 'P'. "So bring your fine ass here. I've been waiting to tongue those abs this entire time! Let me lavish you with worship, Atom-baby~… You deserve it and more~."

I'd never admit it, but those words… did something for me. They sent growing shocks straight to my ego. They swelled something hard down one leg of my pants. Sasha's conviction was undeniable. And the slightly wild look in her eyes could've had me cracking bricks with just my hardening cock.

While David half-lay down in the booth, I remained standing. He propped himself up at an angle, shocked gasps escaping him as Taati began 'tending' to him. I tuned them out. There was something much more pressing to concern myself with.

Glowing eyes and a half-crazed grin greeted me as I came to stand right in front of Sasha. I quirked a challenging eyebrow back at her, inching my shirt up to expose the abs she so desired.

Sasha surprised me then. Her grin grew somehow wider. She sank straight to her knees. Staring down at her, the damn-near physical devotion I saw in those glowing eyes made me feel like a god.

Featherlight fingers sketched my abs, tracing lines of muscle that flexed slightly beneath her touch. Sasha was entranced. Enraptured. The look in her eyes could've raised a religion.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she crept forward. Her eyes never left mine. Her fingers never left my skin. A reverent kiss was placed against me. Gentle, soft lips. A flare of thrilling warmth.

Sasha's tongue darted out to taste me. Her eyes just about rolled back in her head. A sultry moan escaped as a breath, brushing against my every nerve.

I'd never been harder. My cock strained against my pants as if I could rip them open through sheer willpower. Her touch was like a red-hot brand on my skin. Something rumbled in my throat. I belatedly realized it was a possessive growl. A way of declaring 'mine' and mine alone.

Sasha shuddered at the sound. I could feel bliss and manic arousal coursing through her mind, her every thought. Finally, she seemed to remember her mission. The actual shot was collected and raised above her head. Slowly, she upturned it onto the middle line of my abdomen, arranging her laid-out tongue to catch every drop. The contrast of sensation raised goosebumps on my arms. Cool ran into hot and Sasha drank deeply.

Sasha's chosen space honey was unique from most drinks I'd seen. It acted more like jello than liquid, with the honey suspended in the clear drink somehow holding it all together. Sasha lapped it all up like a woman dying of thirst.

Then, she tended to the semi-sticky trail it left behind. And tended… And tended… After a few too many core-clenching moments, it became clear that Sasha was just seizing the chance to lick every inch of my abs and not letting it go.

A noise escaped my throat — somewhere between a laugh and a growl, "Sasha, I think you're done."

"No! Never!" Sasha exclaimed, her voice frantic. "It's not enough! It'll never be enough! I need more! MORE! MORE!"

That earned her an eye roll even as my cock throbbed in my pants, "I'm sure you do. Now, do you want me to return the favor or not?"

Sasha froze with wide, wild eyes. Gears visibly turned in her head and decisions warred. She worried at her lip. All the while, she clung to me, stroking teasing fingers up and down my abs. Subconsciously, it seemed. Then, those subconscious fingers began to trail lower and lower. Past the waistband of my pants… They found a rod of steel there, and Sasha froze all over again.

"Alright, enough. Get your ass up, party kitty," I growled.

As I did, I found one of my hands gravitating to her head. My fingers wound their way into the hair at the base of her skull. With a firm touch, I pulled her upward. The rest of her body eagerly followed. Sasha's eyes fluttered closed, her head fell back into my touch, and she let out a gasping moan.


When her eyes opened again, they stared back at me with a lidded, lewd promise sparkling in them as she purred, "Oh, yes, you can always just make the decision for me, Daddy~…"

I tried to ensure that the shock her voice and words sent straight to my cock didn't show on my face. I was sure I didn't succeed. How fucking frustrating… "… Whatever. Gimme my fucking shot."

"Gladly~…" Sasha smirked. I wanted to wipe it right off her face and leave her panting, drooling, mewling, and more.

She presented her chest to me after handing me the shot glass. Out and proud, she shimmied her barely covered tits before my eyes. Teasing. Tempting. Enticing. I glared at those admittedly perfect breasts, determined not to let her win. Why, I didn't know. Something — pride, stubbornness, or sheer spite — drove me toward victory over a woman who'd already openly said she would die for me. It didn't make a lick of sense. I didn't know any other way to admit what I was feeling.

I dove into her with ferocity. My hand still on her head bared her open to me. She couldn't have consented more if she tried. A gasp thrust out her chest. She leaned back into my controlling hand. She all but pulled my lips onto her skin.

A kiss. A nip. A nibble. Long licks of my tongue and reddening sucks. I was determined to leave marks of proof all over her. Every inch of bare skin (and all of the un-bared skin as well) was mine to claim.

Sasha let out a moan that almost sounded like a sob of relief, "Y-Yes~! Yes, oh, yes~! F-Finally~…~!"

Her skin was soft and smooth. Blemishfree. I left that pale canvas flushed and heaving. I sucked sensitive flesh between my lips. Blissfully pillowy and pliable tits pressed against both of my cheeks. Sasha even squeezed her arms together to sandwich me further. I lost myself in her so deeply that I forgot about the shot glass in my free hand. Much as she had with me…

It took all of my willpower and a low, rumbling growl that sent shivers through Sasha to pull me away enough to do the actual bodyshot. Once I poured it down the valley of her cleavage, I dove right back in. Sasha and the honey tasted equally as sweet but I knew which one I needed more of. As she had with me, I licked until there was nothing left, and then kept licking. Sucking. Leaving hickeys and marks across her oh-so-markable skin.

I made my way up her chest. Sasha panted, whined, and turned to putty in my hands. She shuddered and gasped as I worked the tops of her breasts.

Farther up, I nipped at her collarbone. Sasha keened, her head rolling back into my grip to invite me onto her neck. My free hand gripped her hip, I stepped up tight against her body, and I obliged.

I got all of a single suck on her neck before Sasha broke — just utterly shattered. Frantic hands played into my hair and desperately pulled me up to her lips.

The kiss that she gave me could've melted steel. It was rough. Rushed. But passionate like nothing else.

Every ounce of Sasha was in that kiss, and I felt all of it. Her need and frustration, all boiling over. The complete and utter, undeniably mad devotion that she'd been trying her best to keep a lid on. The enjoyment she took from my (many) flaws and quirks. And the sheer, determined conviction to fight through whatever was thrown at us and stick by me until the galaxy met its cold, bitter end.

In that kiss, I found my most steadfast supporter in this new life and reality. More than the Force — more than myself, even — Sasha wanted me to survive. To thrive. To win and succeed in everything I put my mind to.

How was I supposed to answer that with anything less than my whole heart in return? I kissed her back. I held her close. I made sure she knew she was seen, felt, and accepted. I made sure she knew I was growing… fond… of her, and that her devotion wouldn't go unrewarded.

Sasha's body shuddered against me. Through the Force, I could feel her heart rejoice. Validation. Vindication. She mewled and melted into the kiss. She gave herself over completely. She made it clear that she'd been mine from the very start, since the moment I saved her life and forevermore.

After a small eternity, I forced myself to pull back and break the kiss. Her taste lingered on swollen lips. Sasha's eyes were half-lidded. Her breathing was heavy. She couldn't support herself on her own legs, leaning entirely on me. Trusting I wouldn't let her fall…

When she spoke, her voice came out breathy and hoarse, "I- uh… I had this whole thing planned for tonight… I was gonna dance and tease and seduce you until you couldn't control yourself anymore… I-… I don't think I can do any of that now."

"Good," I growled. "It's not necessary."

Sasha bowed her head against me, mumbling into my chest, "… You're so unfair, Atom. Just so unfair… I'm weak to you like I've never been before. These days, all I find myself wanting is to be your favorite…"

"You make a compelling case for it."

"Not enough. I think we're gonna have to skip straight to the real fun now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I've already reserved a 'hunting' holodeck for us…"

"Ah. Acceptable. Waiting for a speeder-cab to take us home wouldn't end well right now."

"Not to mention we'd be leaving David and Taati to fend for themselves."

The reminder made me glance backward for a moment, "… I think they're fending for themselves already."

In the booth, David and Taati were all over each other. She'd mounted him, leaning over and clutching his face as she kissed his lights out. David was dazed but far from passive, holding on to her toned ass like it was the only thing keeping him afloat. Like us, they looked only seconds from stripping each other naked right there and then.

I gave him a little flick in the Force. David jumped and came up gasping for air, "H-Huh…?!"

"C'mon, you two~," Sasha giggled. "We're going hunting. You gonna join us?"

"Hunting…?" David asked dumbly.

Taati was quicker on the uptake, shaking her head clear with visible effort, "Right, mating hunt! That'll- uh-… be better than losing ourselves here."

"You're gonna have to carry me if you want my legs to stand a chance — to stand at all — during the hunt, Atom," Sasha said.

I gave her a side-eyed look, "Is that so?"

"So it is," Sasha nodded seriously.

"Whatever. I'll give you this one," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Good idea!" Taati chimed, perking up instantly. "C'mon! We've got no time to waste!"

"Good ide-AAH!" David didn't get to finish his thought before he was swooped into a bridal carry.

Surprisingly strong arms held him against her and Taati took off without another word. Sasha leaped into my arms — betraying the strength she still had in her legs… — and spurred me on after them. An arm around the small of her back kept her clutched against me. As I carried her, her pussy leaked steady arousal onto my abs. I could feel her practically pulsing. It was a tempting feeling. The throbbing of my cock felt like it was synching up to Sasha's pulsing pussy.

Down the lift and across the club, I followed Taati and David. We must've made quite the scene. Taati, practically abducting David. Sasha, clinging to me like a limpet. Me, with a fat fucking hard-on that had to be clearly visible in my pants. A victory parade of whistles, cheers, and catcalls from the club's Togruta majority trailed after us. I suppose we were embodying the 'Thrill of the Hunt'.

We came to a sectioned-off portion of the club. The main attraction. It was policed by both a droid and a serious-looking Togrutan Amazon. Her serious face broke into a smirk at the sight of Taati and David. Me and Sasha caused it to widen even more. Check-in and confirming consent for all parties took all of half a minute. My blood simmered the entire time.

It continued to simmer, tension tying itself into a ball in my core, as we were let in and led to private rooms. Anticipation was mounting to the point that I could barely focus on anything but Sasha in my arms. I still took the time to give David a solemn pat on the shoulder before he and Taati went into their room.

"Good luck and Godspeed, brother."

David barked a laugh, "Thanks. I'll need it, choom."

Still, when Taati let him down, David walked to his fate with his head held high and only a little bit of hesitation in his stride. Taati stalked after him with a predatory grin, already shedding her clothes and leaving them piled by the door. The last thing we saw of David was him setting his shoulders, turning around, and blue-screening on the spot as he was faced with nude Togruta glory. The door swung shut behind them, sealing his fate.

"I don't think I've ever seen a man more doomed to a better fate," I shook my head as Sasha and I entered our room as well. "Now. Us."

"Oh, yes~… Us, indeed~," Sasha grinned wickedly.

I set her down and simply stared as she began to genuinely stretch and limber herself up, "… What now?"

Her eyes flashed as her neural port interfaced with the room's holo-projectors. Blank walls disappeared around us, transitioning suddenly into a new, hardlight reality. The environment Sasha chose mimicked an urban jungle. It was eerily quiet and cleaner than the streets and alleys of Nar Shaddaa could ever be. Methinks Sasha had a dark fantasy she wanted to act out.

"Now~…" Sasha purred. "Chase me. Hunt me~. Catch me~… And ravish me~!"

The simmering blood inside my veins jumped straight to a boil. Arousal spiked. My cock throbbed hard enough to ache. Even the Force swirled around me, thick with passion and lust. I couldn't help the growl that rumbled in my chest. It came as naturally as breathing. Maybe I had a dark fantasy to act out, too…

Sasha took off with a start. Her excitement trailed behind her like a scent. The growl in my chest reached my face with a grin that must've been feral in the extreme. I centered myself for a single second. Just to give her a headstart. In the next, I took off after her.

The chase was on. I felt like I was only an inch away from running on all fours. An indescribably primal mood settled over me. Anticipation. Power. Rightness. The Thrill of the Hunt. Chasing down my prey — tantalizing, carnal prey — was satisfying like nothing else. The Togrutas were absolutely onto something with this whole mating ritual.

I tracked Sasha by the 'scent' of her excitement. Her giggles and gasps unfurled like ribbons behind her. I could feel the thrill of fear and arousal within her. I could feel her practically begging me to catch up and catch her already. She ran. I chased and tracked her down. In the Force, we both intertwined — even with the 'chase' still between us — and reveled in the Thrill of the Hunt.

The holodeck fucked with the space around us. The empty alleyways were long. The turns Sasha took were many and varied. The way she scaled a wall with the shocking skill and grace of a seasoned edgerunner should've been impossible. I called on the Force to parkour my way after her, not wasting a single moment or thought trying to work out the logistics of our hardlight arena. Not when there was prey to be caught.

The chase shifted to hardlight rooftops. Sasha vaulted every gap with ease. The Force and an Upgrade-enhanced body ensured I kept up with her experience and chrome. Steadily, I closed the distance, running her down. I could hear — feel — her breathing getting heavier in anticipation.

Across the last gap, I missed her by a hair. Reaching fingers grasped at her. She giggled and twisted herself away. My frustration spiked and I launched myself after her across the gap.

We were both flying through the air when I finally caught her. The moment I did, she melted in submission. A possessive, greedy embrace clutched her to me. Sasha turned herself in my grip as we landed. Wild, loving eyes gazed into mine. Small, soft hands graced my cheeks. For a moment, she simply stared at me as if she couldn't believe her reality. The smile that spread across her face was more than a little manic but it still lit up the night like a full moon.

"You caught me~…" Sasha whispered. Breathless. Tempting. Fucking glowing with love, lust, and devotion.

"I fucking caught you," I growled in reply.

"What now, Atom-Daddy~? What are you going to do with me~? Ravish me~? Ravage me~? Put me into the dick coma that I've more than earned~? Love me~…~?"

"… Shut up."

Sasha didn't even get the chance to blink in surprise before the Force began ripping at her clothes. Her bikini top was shredded in an instant. Finally, those glorious tits that'd teased me the entire night were free. They jiggled at the sudden shredding force, their perfect pale-pink peaks already hard enough to cut rock.

I left her jacket intact. It'd have to do for covering her once we were done here. That tiny excuse for a skirt she wore was shoved up her hips until it became a belt. She had a thong on underneath. Skimpy as it was, it wouldn't do. Another pulse of the Force, and it went the way of her bikini top.

I noticed something then. Something that made me outright stare. Sasha's perfectly pale nipples were gleaming. Pierced. Just like her belly button. Twin barbells of silvery metal through gorgeous eraser nubs. I couldn't help myself. I had to roll them between my fingers.

A pinch. A roll. A tug and tweak. Sasha's knees just about gave out beneath her. Her inner thighs were shining as well but for a different reason.

She was utterly soaked. Just pouring over, to the point that there was practically a waterfall down her legs. I didn't know human women could get so wet. Yet in the Force, I could sense that Sasha's arousal and pleasure lived up to every drop.

"Aaaawwahh~…!" Sasha moaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK ME, Atom-baby~!"

She rambled on and on, "Please, please, please~! I'm yours. Every inch of me is yours. All yours. You caught me. You didn't even need to but you still did. Take your prize, take me, I need you inside me~! Right here, right now, throw me down~! You're my beast. My conquerer. My survivor…! Kiss me, bite me, touch me, own me~! Break me wide frakkin' open, Daddy~!"

One of my hands took a possessive grip on her throat, shutting her up with a needy, whining whimper. The other raised a flexible leg until she could clamp it behind my back. The Force acted as a third hand, shoving my pants down and finally freeing my aching cock. It swung up on its own between Sasha's legs to smack against her dripping quim and clit.

Sasha held onto my hand on her throat with both of hers to keep herself standing. Her eyes were already beginning to flutter fiercely. I could feel her heart racing, both in her throat's pulse point and in the clenching flutter of her cunny lips. Her mouth fell open. Her tongue lolled out in a silent pant. She was too overwhelmed to make even a single sound.

Even before my engorged cockhead began to spread her lower lips wide, she was blissfully, euphorically, orgasmically falling apart in my hands. I made sure she looked down and watched. The Force made it possible to pick her up by the throat, supporting her whole body so my grip wasn't too much. Like that, I raised her up and up my length. My free hand held my cock steady, poised upward like a great spear for her to fall upon.

"Hah…! Hah…! Hah~…~!" Sasha panted in anticipation, wide eyes looking down between our bodies.

Slowly, I spread puffy, flushed, drooling lips open around me. Slowly, I let her fall. Slowly, I speared her to the core. Slowly, I marked my claim on her body, mind, and soul.

Down and down she fell, her descent controlled and steady. Petals parted, inner walls yielded, and immediately, Sasha's head flung itself backward in a silent, overwhelmed scream to the heavens.

"~~…~~!" Sasha screamed and screamed, and not a single sound escaped.

Her whole body shook with the force of an immediate orgasm. Her cunny clamped down on me. She was so wet that I could quite literally hear her clenching. Tension and submission played out in a cycle of drenched squelches. Her pussy squeezed. It surrendered. And more than anything else, it gushed around me.

I'd never heard anything more beautiful, never felt anything more perfect than Sasha's sweltering, smothering, submissive snatch, and never tensed harder than I did to keep myself from following her into immediate orgasm. Inch by inch, I slid myself home. Sasha welcomed me eagerly into her depths, even as she came and came apart at the seams.

Holy, sacred suction pulled me ever deeper. I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. Not until I bottomed out. Not until her clit ground itself against my pubic bone. Not until I was safe, euphoric, and where I belonged deep, deep inside her.

She held me there. Keening. Whimpering. Leaning into my every touch as one leg locked itself around my waist. If it wasn't that leg, her pussy would have kept me stuck there all the same.

Her hips began to move, stirring herself up on my cock. I slid a hand along her raised leg to palm her bubbly ass. My hold on her secure, I began to move. Both of us. My hips drew back and slid back home. I raised Sasha and let her fall again at the same time.

Her frothing pussy gripped all the way up my length and then back down. Sheer fucking ecstasy followed our pace. I fucked myself into her and found myself growling. Snarling. Gritting my teeth against pleasure unmatched. Nothing compared to the perfection of Sasha's pussy. Nothing even came close.

Over and over, I found myself thrusting faster. Over and over, I plunged myself to her core and pistoned back out. Our position meant Sasha's clit rubbed along the entire length of my shaft with every stroke. That plus the fat fucking cock spreading her wide open had her inconsolable. Practically sobbing with little whimpers of "Yes~…! Yes~…! Yes~…!". Clinging to my hand around her throat like a lifeline. Cumming again and again in a constant stream of orgasmic bliss.

The Force echoed with our shared pleasure. Sasha's presence glued itself to mine and wouldn't leave for life or money. Not even death could've pried her away from me. It only magnified and multiplied the euphoria.

"Oh, Stars-Stars-Stars-Stars~!" The exclamations practically fell from Sasha's lips. "I love-love-love-love you, Atom~! Never leave me, never stop, never-ooo~OOOH~hnngn~!"

At one point, she was driven far enough that the only thing she could do was giggle with a mad euphoria and blissfully shattering mind, "Heheh~EHE~he~HUP~!"

Hiccupping, she suddenly brought herself back around with uncanny focus, staring straight into my eyes and my soul beyond, "… No one else, Atom. Never anyone else. Only you, you, you, you~!

Her sudden, seemingly impossible coherence in the midst of a continuous mind-breaking orgasm should've surprised me. Startled me. Thrown me off my pace. Something. I just thrust harder, deeper, and faster. I matched her uncanny focus with a single, snarled word.


That one word — a confession, a confirmation, a declaration, and a dedication all at once — seemed to be the final straw that shattered Sasha's mind and remade it in my image. Then and there, at least. I had a feeling her mind had been molded around me since we first met. But spoken aloud — and punctuated by a final, cumming thrust against her womb — Sasha just about… popped.

Her eyes snapped shut. Her head rolled. Her whole body seized and spasmed with blissful tightness. A torrential squirt drenched our connected crotches. She clamped and clenched and came.

I wasn't much better off. Finally, I spilled myself inside her. My abs tensed with every rope I shot, each one filling Sasha as deeply and fully as possible. They came and came without end. A groan tore itself from my throat. I held her as tight to myself as I could. Physically and beyond. The Force rang like a bell with my confession and our combined climax.

We stayed like that for a long while, both filling each other. Me, deep in her cunny. Her, deep in the Force. I'm sure she would've been content to stay like that forever but I unfortunately remembered where we were.

Still, I didn't free myself from her immediately. I let us both simmer in the afterglow, revel in the squirting aftershocks that still ravaged Sasha's pussy, and slowly come down at our own pace. Eventually, though, I had to pull her off me. Sasha whined and weakly struggled the whole way as I did.

I'm sure the gentle touch I took with her would've shocked most people who knew me. Sasha had more than earned my consideration. I used the Force to clean both of us off to the best of my ability.

"W-Wait…" Sasha mewled. "J-Jacket. Left pocket…"

I indulged her, reaching to retrieve whatever she had in mind. I had to pause and stare when I saw it, though, shooting Sasha a deadpan look, "… Really? A pussy plug?"

Sasha grinned. It was weak and contently exhausted but her usual spark of mischief still shined through, "I want to keep you inside me… As much as I can… Who knows, maybe Daddy will even become a daddy tonight~…"

"So not the time for that," I grumbled.

"Oh, pooh~… That's fine, I guess. I can always disable my BC chip later," Sasha pouted but accepted my words. "You didn't say 'no', after all~…"

I made sure to stare straight into her eyes as I nodded, "You're right. I didn't."

I didn't say anything more. I didn't have to. You could've powered a city with the way Sasha's eyes lit up. Maintaining eye contact, letting her see right through me, I slid the plug into her pussy. It'd make a half-decent substitute for the thong I'd ripped off her. And I couldn't deny that I loved the way it made her shudder.

Once she recovered from me locking my seed inside her, Sasha glanced down at my still-half-hard cock. She took it in her hand and gently stroked it for a moment, marveling, "I can't believe I had all of this inside me… Even now, I can barely get my fingers to touch… You're gonna absolutely kill Becca with this thing, Atom-baby. And she's going to love you to death for it."

My cock twitched at the mention of another woman in the afterglow — Becca, at that — but I grunted and ignored it. Just because I'd just had the best sex of either of my lives (that I could remember) didn't mean I was going to start letting my less intelligent head lead me around.

"Can you walk?" I asked instead.

"I'm a bit wobbly but prob-…" Sasha stopped herself mid-sentence and almost frantically shook her head. "No, no way. So you'll just have to carry me again."

I rolled my eyes, barely bothering to hide how fond the motion was anymore, "I'll let you lean on me. That's all you get."

"I'll take it~!"

With an arm around her waist and her giggling as she clung to me with both, we made our way out of the 'hunting' room. Immediately, we saw that David and Taati's room was still closed and occupied. They weren't done yet. I almost felt the need to say a prayer for David's poor pelvis. Almost… Then, as we settled in to wait, we were confronted by something unexpected.

A human man and a Twi'lek woman swayed up to us arm-in-arm. They had that same dazed but oddly focused look that I'd seen from others in the club. That same feeling that something was off. As if they'd been blind and suddenly blessed with sight. But now, I had a front-row seat to the show. And I couldn't help but stare.

"Good show, friends!" The man exclaimed.

The woman giggled, "Yeah, it, like, blew us away all the way down the hallway~…"

"I didn't even know the high could be shared like that!" The man continued.

Up close, I could see what felt so off about them clear as day. Both of them cast a pathetic, farcical shadow in the Force. More of a drain than a conduit or connection like me and David. Even the Force seemed offended, practically shuffling about us as if it didn't know what to do.

"What high?" I growled, already set on edge.

"Ooohh~, ya know, ya know. We're both on it, right, brother? That new Hutt spice taking over the market? That peace and harmony high? That Kyber-spice…?"

It was like I was suddenly dunked in ice-cold water, the Force resounding with the momentous shock of a significant event realized. They were high on the fucking Force. Not using it. Not sensitive to it. But parasitizing a tiny, tiny slice of it all the same. Suddenly, this unassuming couple had all of my attention and I became determined to grill them for everything they knew.

"Kyber. Fucking. What…?"

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