
Chapter 19: Mink Mischief

The Moonlit Hollow was calm, the pale morning light filtering through the trees and glinting off the fresh snow. Aria stretched, her claws flexing as she yawned.

"Another day, another chance to avoid getting eaten," she muttered, shaking the stiffness from her legs.

Her sharp blue eyes shifted to the small creature curled up beside her. The Frost Mink was nestled against her side, its tiny body rising and falling with soft, even breaths.

"Still here, huh?" Aria muttered, her tail flicking. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised. You've made yourself right at home."

The mink squeaked softly, its round ears twitching as it stirred.

"Don't give me that cute act," Aria grumbled. "You're lucky I don't charge rent."

The mink scurried to its paws, blinking up at her with wide, innocent eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, padding toward the stream. "Come on, freeloading fluff ball. Let's find some breakfast before I regret letting you stay."


Aria crouched low near the stream, her sharp eyes scanning the snow for signs of prey. The Frost Mink followed her, scurrying behind her like a shadow.

"You're supposed to stay hidden," she hissed, glancing over her shoulder. "What part of 'don't blow my hunt' do you not understand?"

The mink squeaked, tilting its head innocently.

"Unbelievable," Aria muttered, her claws flexing. "You're lucky I'm too hungry to argue."

The scent of a Frost Hare caught her attention, and she activated Lunar Veil, her shimmering form blending into the shadows.

She moved silently, her body low to the ground as she approached her unsuspecting prey.

"Finally," she thought, her muscles coiling. "A quick and easy—"

The mink let out a loud squeak, darting past her and straight toward the hare.

Aria froze, her sharp blue eyes widening as the hare bolted, disappearing into the underbrush.

"You've got to be kidding me," she growled, her fur bristling.

The mink returned a moment later, scurrying toward her with what could only be described as an enthusiastic bounce.

"What was that?" Aria demanded, glaring at the tiny creature. "Are you trying to starve me?"

The mink squeaked, its round eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Great," Aria muttered, her tail lashing. "Not only are you useless, but you're actively sabotaging me. Fantastic."


The next hour was a frustrating blur of failed hunts, each one thwarted by the mink's inexplicable antics.

One hare escaped because the mink decided to chase its own tail. Another vanished because the tiny creature tripped and rolled into the snow with a loud squeal.

By the time Aria returned to her shelter, empty-pawed and thoroughly annoyed, she was ready to banish the mink from her territory altogether.

"You're a menace," she muttered, flopping onto the snow. "I've fought wolves, lynxes, and cougars, and none of them were as much trouble as you."

The mink squeaked softly, curling up beside her with a faint shiver.

Aria sighed, her irritation fading as she noticed the way its tiny body trembled against the cold.

"Fine," she muttered, curling her tail around the creature. "But you owe me a meal. And don't even think about squeaking during my next hunt."


Her rest was short-lived. A faint sound reached her ears, a soft rustling coming from the edge of the hollow.

Aria's sharp blue eyes snapped open, her claws flexing as she rose to her paws.

The Frost Mink stirred, squeaking softly as it blinked up at her.

"Stay here," she muttered, her voice low.

The mink squeaked again, but this time, it didn't follow her.

"Finally," Aria thought, creeping toward the source of the noise. "Maybe it's learning."

She activated Lunar Veil, her shimmering form blending into the shadows as she moved silently through the snow.

The rustling grew louder, and she crouched low, her sharp eyes narrowing as she spotted the source.

A group of small creatures, no larger than the Frost Mink, were scurrying through the snow near the stream. Their bright blue fur glinted in the light, and their tiny paws left faint tracks in the fresh snow.

"More minks?" Aria thought, her tail flicking. "Great. It's like a family reunion I didn't sign up for."


The minks were clustered around a small patch of frozen grass, nibbling at the sparse vegetation.

Aria moved closer, her sharp eyes scanning the group.

They didn't seem threatening—just a bunch of tiny, fluffy creatures trying to survive in the harsh Wildlands.

But something about their presence unsettled her.

"Why are there so many of them?" she thought, her claws flexing. "And why here?"

Her instincts prickled as she noticed movement in the shadows beyond the minks.

A larger figure emerged from the trees, its black fur glinting faintly in the pale light.

"Hostile detected: Abyssal Fox (Beast Awakening Stage, Intermediate Phase). Threat level: Moderate."

Aria's fur bristled.

"Of course," she muttered. "Because why would a group of defenseless minks not have a predator following them?"


The Abyssal Fox moved silently, its glowing yellow eyes locked onto the unsuspecting minks.

Aria crouched low, her sharp blue eyes narrowing as she considered her options.

"Let it eat the minks and leave?" she thought, her claws scraping against the ground. "No. If it eats them, it might come after me next."

The fox lunged, its sharp claws slicing through the air.

Aria moved before she could second-guess herself, activating Spirit Step to phase through the shadows and reappear between the fox and the minks.

"Spirit Step: 40% Progress."

She struck the fox with a sharp swipe of her claws, her movements quick and deliberate. The fox snarled, its glowing eyes blazing as it turned to face her.


The fight was swift and intense. The Abyssal Fox was fast, its sleek body weaving through the snow with deadly precision. But Aria's agility and stealth gave her an edge.

She activated Lunar Veil, darting around the fox and striking from its blind spots.

"Lunar Veil: 55% Progress."

The fox lunged, its claws raking through the snow, but Aria twisted out of the way, her sharp strikes wearing it down.

Finally, with a well-timed attack, she brought the fox down.

"Quest Complete: Eliminate Threats. +30 EXP earned. Minor Attribute Boost applied."


Aria collapsed onto the snow, her chest heaving as the adrenaline coursing through her began to fade.

The minks scurried toward her, their tiny bodies clustering around her with soft squeaks.

"Great," she muttered, glaring at the fluffy creatures. "Now I'm a hero. Just what I needed."

Her sharp blue eyes shifted to the Frost Mink, which had wandered over to join the group.

"You brought them here, didn't you?" she muttered, her tail flicking.

The mink squeaked, tilting its head innocently.

Aria sighed, curling up beneath the rocks.

"Fine," she muttered. "But don't get any ideas. This is still my territory, not your personal mink sanctuary."

As the snow began to fall again, Aria closed her eyes, her exhaustion giving way to a faint, begrudging smile.

"Maybe having company isn't the worst thing," she thought, drifting off to sleep. "As long as they stay out of my way."

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