
Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Please take note that I do not own anything regarding Once Upon a Time. This honor belongs to ABC Studio, Edward Kitsis, and Adam Horowitz. I am only playing around in their sandbox for a bit. My story does not form part of the official story in any way possible. I do not have connections with ABC Studio, Edward Kitsis, and Adam Horowitz even if I wish I had at times. No copyright infringement intended.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the town, a few weeks after the arrival of both Cruella and Ursula, Emma Swan strode down the main street toward the docks. Frustration etched across her face as she navigated the bustling evening crowd. The recent events consumed Emma Swan's thoughts.

Things haven't been the same with Emma and her parents, and it started just after the arrival of the two iconic villains.

Emma was uncertain how to address things with her parents, but knew instinctively that this needed to be cleared up soon for them to have a healthy relationship with each other.

Snow White and her shepherd were keeping something fundamental from Emma. This unfortunately caused quite a bit of strain to develop between them. Emma could not understand why they kept lying to her.

They both keep telling Emma that Cruella and Ursula are evil. Nothing would change that, but Emma could not see what they saw. The duo has made a peaceful transition into their town, yet there is one small incident that would probably say otherwise for her parents and the die-hard heroes of Storybrooke.

What incident are we speaking about, you might ask, right? Well, the two newcomers helped Mr.Gold to re-enter Storybrooke when he was in actuality banned from the town. Emma knew something like this would happen. After all, how did the duo know about Storybrooke, Maine?

However, Emma wasn't too concerned about the fact that the pair allowed Gold to re-enter Storybrooke, as Belle still had control of the Dark One's dagger. This meant that the town shouldn't have any issues with Mr. Gold. So, if this was the worst the two could do in the last few weeks, then so be it.

Emma wondered once again: when and how did her life get so complicated? Sometimes, she wished her life could go back to the days when she was a bail bonds person, a time when things were less difficult and more freeing.

Yet, she was, in a way, glad that Henry found her all those years ago. If not for him, Emma would never have a chance to find her family… even if they have been sprouting lies these past few weeks.

Why couldn't they just tell her the true reason not to trust the duo? What have they done that was so unforgivable? What were her parents hiding? They wouldn't have found the need to lie to her if they weren't hiding something from her.

The situation was starting to unsettle her. Emma was experiencing a constant unease while in the presence of her parents, and quite frankly, it was exhausting.

Emma found herself gravitating towards the mayor and her son the last few weeks. She knew she was avoiding her parents, and the unsettling feelings by joining Regina and Henry, but she couldn't help it. Growing up as a foster kid will always have a negative effect on families and conflict. Emma is well aware that she needs to stop avoiding her parents and the unsettling feelings, but the fear of rejection, unfortunately, runs deep in her veins.

Yet, Emma cannot say either that these past few weeks were a bad thing...this avoidance allowed her to slowly rebuild the relationship she had with Regina when she foolishly harmed it by bringing Marion back from the past a few months ago. It is slow going, but Regina has come to realize that Emma never truly wanted to hurt her. The sheriff just has a big heart and would always help those who are in genuine need.

Emma sat on the cold wooden bench at the docs as she faced the wild sea. She could not help but groan in frustration and annoyance. Emma knew that she was clearly missing a part of this whole situation. Was it truly so hard to ask that her parents also showed her the same amount of trust and respect that a child naturally gives to their parents in return?


Meanwhile, deep in a dusty cavern far below the library, the two Charmings lay unconscious mere feet away from the ashes of the currently dead Maleficent.

Gold approached the unconscious forms of the Charming's. "I trust they don't suspect my hand in all of this?"

"They had no reason to," Ursula replied to the dark one.

"And Belle?" Gold inquired further. "Did she have any suspicions when you visited my shop?"

"You mean, did she ask about you when we were there?" Ursula inquired to the man.

"She didn't even mention your name, darling," Cruella stated. "I'd say she's moved on."

With a slight nod, Mr. Gold removed the pocketknife he brought just for the occasion before giving it over to Cruella.

"You know what you must do," He stated. "I will leave you to it."

With that said, Mr. Gold took his leave, trusting the duo to resurrect the queen of dragons and gift her the life she should have had from the start if the two so-called heroes hadn't interfered.

With a quick slash, Snow woke up with a start, quickly followed by David, just as Cruella dropped the combined blood in the awaiting ash of the dragon.

"What the hell did you do?!" Snow exclaimed as the ash slowly started to move.

"The dark magic we're using to raise Maleficent doesn't require some silly little trinket from Gold's shop." Cruella sneered. "No, that was just a ruse to get you down here. We needed something with a little more kick."

"The blood from the people who wronged her the most," Ursula continued.

"Oh my god," Snow gasped, grabbing onto David, seeking comfort. "Why would you even want her back in the land of the living?"

Snow and David could do nothing but watch as the wind howled throughout the cavern as it gathered the ash before lifting it into the air and into a magical vortex. They watched with growing dread as the ash condensed and regrouped within the vortex before reforming into the bestial form of a dragon and changing into the woman she once was.

Snow and David once again stood in front of the hate-filled eyes of their once foe, the woman that they harmed the most.

"It's good to be back," Maleficent stated as she held onto her scepter.

"Maleficent," Snow said as the Charmings slowly moved closer to the beast in human form. "Whatever it is you think we did, you don't know the whole story."

"I know enough," Maleficent spat out.

"Patience, Mal. We have a plan." Cruella stated towards her old friend.

"You want to hurt someone?" Snow said. "Well, hurt me. Just leave David alone."

"Hurt you?" Maleficent inquired, shocked. "No. That would be far too easy."

"You're going to tell everyone what we did first, aren't you?" Snow asked worriedly.

"I don't care about your secret," Maleficent stated, looking the worried hero in the eyes. "You can keep it as long as you like. I only care about one thing…your pain, and that it be as long and terrible and unyielding as my own. The pain you caused me."

"Oh wow, I forgot how much I missed her," Ursula whispered to Cruella.

"It's going to be entertaining," Cruella stated in some excitement.

"I am gonna revel in every torturous moment," Maleficent stated, with pain and hatred shining brightly through her eyes. "And you? You're going to watch your world crumble."

With her piece finally said, Maleficent turned and walked off with her two companions, leaving the shaken heroes in their wake.

"This is all our fault," Snow said, pained at what happened. "If we hadn't been so determined to keep our secret… If we'd just asked for help…"

"You're right," David sighed as he watched the three women walk off and out of the cavern. "We can't keep lying. We have to tell Emma everything."


Across town, Emma Swan gazed out past the docks and the sea beyond when suddenly she felt a far too warm sensation burning into her wrist. With wide, disbelieving eyes, Emma watched as a black smudge of a birthmark slowly burned into her skin, and she noticed a small but noticeable depiction of a rising sun where previously there had been no mark.

"Ahh!!" Emma shouted out into the night sky, hoping to get rid of some of her frustration. However, when the mark suddenly appeared, she realized that all hopes of that happening were now completely lost to her.

'What is happening now? Why would a tattoo or birthmark suddenly appear on my wrist?' The sheriff thought, feeling how her frustration grew at the unexpected complication.

Emma had no idea what was going on. She had already so much to deal with as it is. Yet, now more issues have arisen for her to deal with and sort out, and quite frankly, she was getting tired of it all.

With a very tired sigh, Emma stood from the bench. She needed to go for a walk… just to get away for a bit. Emma honestly did not have the energy left to process any issues as it is, so with that in mind…Emma poofed herself to the edge of the town. With a sigh, she slowly began to walk back toward her loft. The walk itself would probably take a few hours, and as it was already somewhere around midnight… she needed to escape from everything…even some of her inner turmoil.

Thinking of nothing… and everything at once…Emma slowly tuned out the world around her, becoming oblivious to everything around her as she walked through the darkened night.

Alright, folks!

That's a wrap on this chapter!

See you back here in two weeks for the next installment!

Either way, let me know what you think! Drop a comment or review below. I'm always eager to hear your thoughts.

JustAHarmlessWritecreators' thoughts
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