
Little Alchimia

'What is he talking about?' Jovana wondered silently, but her eyes kept drifting to his uniform, and she could no longer hold back her curiosity as she asked, "Falcon, why are you wearing that uniform?"

"Why not?"

"Are civilians allowed to wear military uniforms as well?" Jovana asked.

"Actually, as part of the Royal Academy of Science, I'm sworn to the King and part of the army," Falcon remarked.


"I'm afraid so. But I would say that wearing a uniform makes you feel ready for any kind of battle," Falcon said, then moved to stroke her cheek and gave her a sad smile. "The only thing that I want you to know is that my heart, in all its awkwardness and quirks, will belong to you forever. And it breaks my soul to know that this is all I will be able to give you."

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