
Cocky Goodness

Jovana and Caspian were back to focusing on the music, and he listened with his eyes closed, moving his hand in tempo with the notes. "Listen to this… This is my favorite movement of all time," Caspian remarked while Jovana's jaw dropped.

"Do you really like this kind of music?" she asked in surprise.

Caspian opened his eyes and looked at Jovana. "Why that surprise look in your eyes? You didn't think I could like music?"

Jovana shrugged and answered, "Well, not this much."

"And what did you think I would have liked?" he asked.

"I don't know… Maybe weapons? And maybe some rare collectibles, like old coins from lost empires," she replied.

"I'm afraid you're painting me as more interesting than I actually am. But to be fair, I'm quite surprised by your taste as well," Caspian commented, and Jovana raised her brows.

"You didn't think I could like music?" she asked.

"Actually, I'm more surprised by your liking for modest scholars who are very focused on anything in the world except for women," Caspian said, while Jovana's brows furrowed together.

"Scholars? What are you talking about? This is—" The words died on Jovana's lips the second she understood what he was talking about, and she mused silently, 'Oh my God. He's talking about Falcon! How could he know? And, most importantly, why does he care?' Then it dawned on Jovana as her mind raced with the thought that Caspian Clifford might have fallen for her and was jealous of Falcon.

Jovana curled her lips into a smirk, pushed out her chest, and lay back, crossing her legs to showcase their smooth perfection. "Scholars are not as bad as you portray them, Caspian. You would be surprised to discover how proactive they are," Jovana said, using every shred of confidence she had to provoke the Duke.

Caspian looked at Jovana with eyes full of desire. His steely irises ran up and down her legs and body before he moved closer to her. "But for how long will I be able to tolerate all the rules and protocols? How long before you get bored? I know you, Jovana. I know how much you hate rules and council."

His lips brushed against the contour of her ear before he backed off, hinting at the crowd all around. "Look at them. Each of those fools looks at you and sees charm, beauty, and obedience. They see cute prey." He leaned forward, and he was so close that Jovana could breathe in his scent and feel the warmth of his body. "They don't know you are a predator." His whisper was like fire around her ear.

As the music grew in intensity, the conversation with the Duke was getting hotter and hotter. It didn't matter what Jovana said; like in a game of cards, he seemed able to see right through her defenses and slide all desires out of the deck one by one. Between the velvet curtains and the high banister, there was so much she could do that no one would be able to see. Her body vibrated from the excitement like the chords of the raging violins in the orchestra.

Caspian's hand was just millimeters away from her thigh. All she had to do was give in to her desires. She grabbed his wrist and slowly dragged his hand over her knee. "If you think scholars are so boring, maybe you should show me a fun alternative, don't you think?" Jovana said, and as the Duke was about to move his hand up her thigh, Jovana gripped him tighter and held him back.

The music was slow and deep; long voluptuous notes slowed down the pace of time.

"Are you a hasty man, Caspian?" Jovana teased, as she very slowly started sliding his hand up along her thigh, prolonging every moment of that ascent. Every inch felt like an eternity, but every moment spent restraining the Duke made Jovana feel more powerful and confident than she had ever felt.

"I know how to take my time, Astra," Caspian husked, as he gripped her, holding his position halfway through, and his lips met hers in a feral, impatient kiss.

Jovana held Caspian as tightly as she could and dragged his hand all the way up. His fingers felt her excitement. As the brass picked up with the violins, he slid a finger inside her. "Aaah," Jovana couldn't hold back the moan that was loud enough to be heard over the music. "Oh God…. They'll hear us!"

Caspian looked straight into her turquoise eyes, tasting her lips with a smile. "Who cares? I didn't think you would worry so much about what other people think or do?" As he said that, he kept moving inside her, sending hot shivers up her spine and making her melt in a river of pleasure that held the promise of more. Jovana started moving her body, following his movements as the woodwinds grew in the background.

As he kept moving his fingers, the pleasure inside her grew, and her muscles started tightening. The rhythm of the bows grew faster; so did the Duke. Jovana bit her lips, trying to hold herself back. "Oh God…Caspian….Yes! Yes!" The climax grew in the music and in her body, intense and overwhelming, taking control of all her senses.

The music, the Duke, the waves of pleasure that washed away all the sand from her soul… everything came together in one impossible moment. Both Jovana and the orchestra hit their peak at the same time, in a long and intense orgasm that shook her body. Jovana panted breathlessly in her chair, still clenching the velvet curtains of the box in her hands. "You… You're one hell of a musician."

Caspian smirked as he dragged Jovana over him. She was now straddling him. Jovana looked around nervously, which didn't escape his sharp eyes. "I want you to relax, Astra. It's just you and me. There is no one else." Jovana felt his hands in her hair as his fingers undid one of her hair ribbons. He flattened the ribbons and gently placed them over her eyes, making a knot behind her head.

The darkness surrounded Jovana, and all she could experience now was the sound of music and the touch of the Duke. She trembled as she felt him tinkering under her clothes, and her body howled with expectation. Jovana felt him slowly thrusting inside her. "I want you to know that the world should revolve around your desires," he purred against her ear, as he eased all the way in, filling her up like never before.

In the darkness around her eyes, the hall trembled under the crescendo of the musical notes of the instruments. Jovana placed her hands on his shoulders and started moving slowly, back and forth, pushing him further inside her. "You are what I desire," Jovana breathed.

"Then don't be afraid of taking what you want." As she kept moving over him, his lips touched her neck, his hands pulled down her clothes, unveiling her beautiful breasts. His tongue brushed around her hardened nipples, and his teeth bit into them, filling her with white-hot shivers.

As the music kept growing, Jovana wrapped her ankles around the legs of the chair and started pushing down harder. "Aaaah!" She moaned loudly, while Caspian grunted at her actions. Feeling his dick moving inside her, filling her with pleasure and electricity was one of the most empowering feelings Jovana had ever experienced. For once, she had total control. No problems, no worries, just pleasure.

And all of a sudden, she didn't care anymore. She didn't care who could hear her; she didn't care about anything but him and herself. Jovana ripped the ribbon from her eyes and looked straight into the Duke's steely gaze. "I want to see. I want all my senses. I want to watch as you come inside me… I don't care who's listening. I wouldn't care even if they could see us." Her fingers dug into his hair and grabbed tightly as she slammed down harder over his lap.

Caspian groaned, holding her slim waist tightly, and he growled, "I would gouge out the eyes of anyone who dares to peer at my beauty! I'm the only one who has the right to see you in this state, Jovana! No one else but me!" And as if to make his claim, he leaned towards her neck and bit her hard, making Jovana gasp as she cried out in pain.

Caspian smirked at his handiwork, then rubbed his tongue on the mark on her skin, as if soothing her. While Jovana sighed, she felt the sparks and shivers that ran through her body start collecting right in the center, ready to explode. "Oh, Caspian… I'm so close…"

Jovana could feel the tension growing in him as well. His hands supported her up and down, faster and harder. The music was so powerful that she could feel it resonating inside her. She kept climbing with the rhythm until every moment was so close to the other that everything scaled up in a breathtaking explosion of pleasure.

As Jovana came, and her body moved out of any control or restraint, Caspian clung to her in the sweet agony of pleasure. After the mind-shattering orgasm, time flowed back at a normal pace. Jovana's heart was pounding alongside Caspian's. Her heavy breaths combined in light kisses as they caressed each other, brushing their skin with the slightest touch of their fingertips. "That was the hottest concert of my life," Jovana murmured, as her head rested on his chest.

Caspian smiled and kissed her lips. "When you let go of all your worries, you are like a goddess."

"Does that make you one of my worshipers?" Jovana asked with a grin.

Caspian chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, then kissed her lips once again. "Aren't you a cocky goddess?"

Jovana giggled as she answered, "Probably."

As the music settled down once again and the concert started its way toward the end, Jovana and Caspian fixed their clothes and listened to the allegro, holding each other. When the concert ended and the theater hall was filled with roaring applause, someone called the Duke from behind the box curtain.

"My Lord, I brought news," Gerald said, one of the Duke's close men and his most trusted aide.

Caspian looked at Jovana and then turned toward the curtain. He said, "Unless the world is crumbling, news can wait."

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