
Chapter Twenty Eight: Secret Invasion Part One.

Chapter Twenty Eight: Secret Invasion Part One.

"You should not have thought that you would be able to deceive me," The Empress commented as the Skrull that was posing as Donald Menken turned up to face her.. "You dare align with our most hated enemies, for what…for glory…."

"For the fact that you are weak," the Skrull offered as he stared her down. Her guard stood behind her and watched her. "You have this fancy for the Star Child, but I see nothing extraordinary within him, not at all."

"Do you not, well that's hardly my issue," she commented harshly as she stared down the Skrull with beady eyes. "Never the less, you have completed treason of the highest caliber and for that, the punishment will be great. You will not be allowed to live another moment."

"I have served my people…."

Those last words were interrupted by a swift blast to the back and the Skrull fell to the ground.

"The thing about us is that we're easily replaced when posing as a human," one of the Skrulls commented as she stepped on the head of the recently deceased. He would no longer be a threat.

"I could not have said it more clearly myself," Veranke said as she peered at this loyal Skrull who had actually done their duty. "You will be rewarded in the new world order."

"I'm certain that the entire Skrull Race will get what is coming to them," the Skrull replied, sparing a moment to give a scornful look to Magneto and Cyclops.

"And this goes for the rest of my subjects, anyone who dares decide to try anything with me, you will suffer the same fate," Veranke stated. "Do you understand me?"

"We do understand you, Empress," the one Skrull commented, she got on a bended knee before the Empress.

"I understand this perfectly, Annelle, you have gotten about as close to the Star Child, without penetrating his inner circle, but I suspect that that would be hoping, potentially preying for some sort of miracle," the Empress told her and the Princess inclined her head, nodding it. "However, as one of Alison Blaire's back up dancers, you have seen a lot of him, have you not?"

"Not as much as you have, my Empress," Annelle replied, she could not stop it from slipping out.

"Now, your time….your time will come," Veranke said and she found it hard to do what she had to do. It was naturally written in the stars for quite some time. "For now, we have a mission and if it is to get done, we're going to have to work towards its completion."

"Naturally, Empress," Annelle said as she bowed her head in a subservient manner towards her ruler and the two walked forward.

Clint Barton craned his head, the archer was stumped to find a way out.


"They had ensured that there would be not a scrap of metal near me, but do you not think that I have tried to formulate a way out if I could?" Magneto asked him.

"Well….actually I thought you might but I hoped that you would have found a way out, damn it," Hawkeye cursed as he was still fastened to the wall, with no way out.

"These Skrulls….they're living our lives, worse than you mutants," Kelly said as he looked at Magneto. "If you asked me, all of you are in the league with each other, subjugating humans."

"No one asked you, Kelly," Scott stated, although he was worried about the potential damage that the Skrull was doing to his reputation.

"Well, these Skrull obviously have no idea what they are doing by capturing me," Godfrey said with hatred.

"Yes, because some blowhard of a shock jock is going to be really dangerous," Clint stated blandly as he rolled his eyes. "I don't suppose you can blow enough hot air to get us out of here."

"Silly archer, there are things that you don't understand," Godfrey said in a silky voice. "These Skrull are inviting something far more dangerous by their actions…."

"No matter how dangerous, the Skrull are out there, living our lives," Pepper stated as she looked up. "And the prison is airtight."

"No prison is full proof," Magneto said but so far, he had not been able to find nothing, not even a rusty nail, to manipulate to allow him his freedom.

"Yet, it's proven to make a fool out of you," Clint commented as he tried to figure things out. So far, he had nothing. "We must be getting fed because otherwise we would be dead before."

"Likely they knock us out," Pepper said as she tried to figure out everything. "Then they inject the required nourishment into our bodies to sustain us. They don't want to risk any of us escaping."

"And they've found a way to negate powers," Scott added, as his glasses were off yet he saw his eyes, not firing optic blasts. It showed him that the Skrulls had some kind of power negating fields.

"There's got to be a way out," Jessica breathed, speaking up for the very first time.

If she had not been so stupid, if she had not blundered into a trap like a rookie, she could not help but none of this would have happened.

"Well, once my father….."

"Your father is nothing compared to the Skrull, boy," Magneto warned the young man as he stared back at young Richard Fisk. "I've studied this cell for six months, nothing. My Acolytes have no idea that I have been replaced…."

"Neither have the X-Men apparently," Scott confirmed, a part of him wondering if the X-Men even cared.

"Well there's always Harry Potter," Pepper offered cheerfully.

"Wonderful," Scott grumbled, the last thing he wanted was to be showed up as less than superior for the Great Star Child yet again.

"Well, despite our distaste for him, he is our only hope of escaping, adversity does make strange bedfellows," Magneto summarized but he saw one of the Skrulls looking at him with distaste, that was the same Skrull from earlier that had done so.

And he recognized that look of pure hatred now, he had been so preoccupied with finding a way out that he neglected to be observational.

Perhaps all hope was not lost. Then again, being at that person's mercy and in their debt might not have been much better than all hope being lost.

"So all is quiet?" Harry asked Tula as she came to the RAO Corporation main complex for a meeting.

"Yes, it's quiet," Tula agreed but she caught herself before she said that it was too quiet. Even on Atlantis, saying that it was too quiet only invited certain doom. "Security has been tightened ever since the imposter has been found. No more have been found, trust me, I did what you told me to check, as has Mera."

"I'm sure that I owe you two ladies for being so diligent," Harry said with a smile which Tula gave in return.

"Well, I'm sure we'll come up with some method of payment later on," she stated with a teasing glint in her eye. "So, are the Skrulls going to make their move?"

"I think they're about ready to, but it's a good thing that I don't have to look over my shoulder for the Kree any more," Harry stated but he paused and added with a smile. "Not that I want to give any impression that the Skrull are going to be an easy target to deal with."

"Nor should you," Tula added, she understood that Harry would not underestimate the Skrulls for any reason whatsoever. "So, you've got a packed day regardless."

"Yes, my personal assistant might need a personal assistant at this rate," Harry said and Tula laughed.

"Well, I got to get back, we have a meeting and Mera wants me there, it'd likely be dreadfully boring, it's much more exciting to be here with you," Tula told him as she leaned towards him and gave Harry a light kiss on the cheek.

"And as for the downpayment of that reward…." Harry commented, deciding to take things one step further.

He wrapped his arms around Tula and the Atlatean gave a surprised squeak before Harry kissed her firmly on the lips. The kiss latest less than minute but she would cherish it for an eternity. Her lips felt like they were on fire from his efforts and his hands teased her body ever so slightly.

"Right…right, I've…yeah…got to go….continue this later, okay," Tula stammered as she slipped off, nearly tripping over her feet as she departed.

'Well played,' Kitty commented with a slight cackle.

'And again, you scare me sometimes,' Jean replied as she shook her head.

'You know, not the worst thing in the world, another woman saved from potentially inadequate sex by being with Harry, I call that a victory,' Betsy chimed in.

'As if anyone could ever hope to measure up with Harry,' Illyana commented. Given that Harry could make the dupes, he fucked her several times a day, it was quite nice. She could not get enough of him.

'The thing is, they really can't, he's one of a kind,' Faora added.

Harry smiled as he made his way back to the Stronghold, it was getting close to go time.

"Hey, Zatanna," Harry offered the dark haired magic user as she sat in the room, her arms and legs crossed.

"Hi, Harry, I hope you're doing well today," Zatanna stated as she frowned.

"Are you doing well with your training, do you need any help?" Harry asked.

Zatanna answered the question in all honesty. "I'm doing pretty….I'm doing well, fine, even better than fine actually."

"That's great that you're doing fine," Harry replied with a smile that Zatanna half wished that he would not do. It was kind of distracting.

"Well, it was hard at first but I've got the hang of it, I think," Zatanna replied as she aimed towards the target. "The silent incantations were tricky, given that it's silent incantations backwards, but your point stands about yelling out your attacks gives a person time to figure it out."

"Even if the incantations are backwards," Harry told her and Zatanna smiled back at him.

"Even if the incantations are backwards," Zatanna agreed. There was honestly now disputing that point.

"I'll leave you to that work," Harry offered her and he walked off.

He saw Dinah stretching in the training room. She was bent over the moment that he walked in and Harry could not help but appreciate the sight of her tight ass. She turned around to look at Harry, grinning as she caught him in the act.

"Good afternoon Dinah," Harry said without missing a beat.

"Good afternoon Harry," Dinah stated as she watched him. She was thinking about something for a couple of weeks and now it was time. "So, how about a nice little sparring session, if you have the time?"

Harry could sense the eagerness in her eyes and it was pretty sure that it was not completely about sparring.

"Sure, I'm game to go at it with you for a few rounds," Harry told Dinah as he slid off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his muscular chest and arms.

Dinah closed her eyes, this was going to be a challenge. Never the less, she pulled off her jacket and she was dressed in nothing but a tight bustier, fishnet stockings, and boots. She walked towards Harry and she placed her hand on his bare chest with a smile.

"I'm ready when you are," Dinah stated as she eyed him hungrily. She was tingling with excitement for him.

Harry nodded and she went in a battle stance. She went for a punch but Harry blocked it and bent her back, looking in her eyes as he had her down on the ground.

"Not bad," Harry whispered in her ear and Dinah was allowed to step back.

She jumped into the air with a kick but Harry dodged it once again and she landed. Harry gripped her from behind, taking time to brush his crotch against her backside.

She closed her eyes, feeling the rush of hormones flowing through her. She tried to get herself out but the next thing she knew, she was pinned down on the ground.

Dinah was not one to lose a fight, not that easily, and she wrapped her fishnet clad legs around Harry's waist before flipping him down.

"Oh, you're the type of woman who likes to be on top, don't you?" Harry asked and Dinah flushed at the implied double meaning as he broke her leg scissors, running his hands slowly down her legs so he could get the leverage he needed for control.

She rolled back and then Harry caught her leg once again. She tried to kick him with her other foot but Harry caught that one, and rolled her back, pinning her down. His face was inches away from her crotch and she was sure that his tongue was flickering a little bit.

That caused goose bumps to appear all over her body but Dinah managed to recover herself in time.

She tried for another leg takedown when Harry freed her, her head brushing against his crotch. That distracted her and now Dinah was pinned face first onto the ground, with Harry sitting on her backside and grinding up against her for a brief second.

Dinah was on her feet and she decided that the foreplay, so to speak, was done. She rushed Harry and wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him in tight to her, eagerly anticipating what was about to happen.

Harry felt her soft fishnet clad legs around him and her tongue jammed into his mouth. Their lips met together with a fiery passion and Harry dropped down on the mats, her hands roaming his body and feeling the merchandise.

She spun around and sat on his chest, wiggling her ass towards his face. Harry got the invitation loud and clear.

Harry grabbed her supple ass and she offered a lustful moan as Harry kept working on her cheeks. He squeezed her ass and slowly pulled her garment down, exposing her dripping hot pussy. It had a wonderful smell and he licked his lips, a hunger flowing through his eyes that could not be denied. He stuck his tongue deep into her hot twat.

"Oh, Harry," Dinah moaned as Harry worked his tongue into her pussy and she lifted herself to allow her lover further access to her juicy center.

She was fumbling with his pants and pulled it down. She saw the tent that was formed in his pants and a wide smile filled her face. She felt him eat and lick at her pussy, along with playing with her ass. That caused her motor to get running.

Just like this huge thick hunk of manhood ahead of her. She thought it would be big but not this big. Her lips dripped with drool as she wrapped her lips around his cock. She pushed her mouth all around him and she proceeded to slurp and suck him until submission.

Harry groaned as he kept eating her pussy. She was really going over his cock rather well. The blonde's eyes closed as she worked onto him.

Dinah's moaning got loud as she felt her thighs clench together and her juices flooded onto Harry's face. Harry lapped up as much as he could, licking her. She kept grinding her mound into his mouth and he brought more of the delicious drippings onto his tongue.

'That's it, such a good fucking mouth,' Harry grunted

Dinah was pleased, as she took his cock nearly into the back of her throat. The blonde nearly gagged on it but she stayed the course. Harry's tongue continued to worship her pussy and her panting escalated to a new level.

She was determined to get a load of his cum down her throat. She pushed her mouth down onto him and it went almost into her throat. The blonde's eyes widened as Harry was worked over. The blonde slurped him, sucking his entire cock down her throat and it hit the back of her throat, nearly gagging her upon it. She leaned her head back and kept moaning at the top of her lungs, bringing her tongue on the underside of his cock, coaxing his cum. She fondled her balls, squeezing them heavily.

Harry rammed his cock into her and his hips buckled. She made lewd sounds with her mouth as she kept sucking him.

His tongue buried deep into her pussy caused her to feel like she was on fire and she gave one last suck. His balls tightened and he sent an explosive burst of cum, shooting deep into her mouth.

Dinah slid off of Harry and looked at him. Her face dripped with his cum and she held her fishnet clad feet, placing it upon his flaccid cock.

"Do you like that, honey?" Dinah asked as she rubbed her foot up and down his cock, causing his cock to nearly bring itself back to life.

"Yes," Harry breathed, as he felt his throbbing cock grow even more underneath her feet. He placed his hands firmly down upon her soft thighs and allowed her to stroke him back to life. His cock was feeling the pleasure of what she could do to him.

Dinah dug the heel of her foot into her balls and kept working him over. His cock sandwiched between her fishnet clad feet was an amazing feeling and she kept working her over. The blonde's feet worked over Harry's member.

"Damn Dinah, feels so fucking good," Harry grunted as she continued the masterful footjob. The feeling of her soft fishnet clad feet was so good and she increased the friction and the pleasure.

Dinah's delicious D-Cup breasts spilled out of her top. She bent down, capturing one of her nipples in her mouth and she sucked it. Her eyes were locked onto Harry's, making sure he kept on her. There was a sense where both of them were breathing hungrily and Dinah kept jerking him off with her delicate young feet.

Harry's balls tightened and he exploded. His cock spurted with a load of cum, splashing her young legs. Dinah cooed as she milked his cock with her feet.

She felt her legs coated with cum and it shot forward, coating her breasts and face as well. His cum was thick and it caused her to become refreshed. She scooped Harry's cum off of her body, feasting upon it herself, making sure her eyes were locked onto Harry's, with a wide grin on her face.

"Are you ready, stud?" Dinah asked as she stroked his large cock and got it to complete strength, not that she needed much to do so.

Harry pinned her down and his cock brushed against her entrance. She whimpered with delight as he was about ready to insert himself between her thighs.

"Please," Dinah moaned as he played with her breasts and teased her opening.

Harry slid into her inch by inch and she felt him inside her.

"Oh, Harry, big, oh so big, don't you dare fucking….SHIT!" Dinah yelled as his entire cock filled her up.

Harry could feel her tightness wrap around him and he worked into her. The blonde temptress was on the ground, her curls delightfully framed in her face. Harry grabbed her ass and rammed into her dripping hot pussy. Her walls wrapped around him tightly as he rammed into her tight pussy and his cock buried into her pussy.

The blonde's walls tightened around his shaft and he sawed into her dripping hot cunt. The blonde lifted her hips up and Harry speared into her.

Dinah's pussy was stretched out and Harry continued his tender efforts on it.

"Harder, I can take it."

Dinah's walls clamped around him and Harry was really giving her a good working over. Her walls enveloped him and Harry speared deep into her as he worked her pussy over with a series of hard thrusts. She mewled and wrapped her sexy legs around him, hooking his hips in.

Harry pushed up her legs as leverage and really made his cock sink in between her legs. Dinah's tightening walls clamped him even more and Harry's length speared her deeper and deeper. Her walls clenched him as he sawed into her dripping hot cunt, assaulting her with greater thrusts yet.

"Harry, oh, yes, oh yes!" Dinah moaned as she clenched him tightly as he pumped into her. She used her walls to caress his member as it buried inside her. The woman's walls clutched him and there was an intense around of moaning.

Harry grabbed her thighs and kept working her over. The blonde was mewling underneath his efforts and his throbbing length working into her. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he turned her around so Dinah could ride him.

Dinah took advantage of the opportunity and the blonde's tight walls snaked around her walls around his thick tool. The blonde rocked her hips around him, moaning as he worked into her. She clenched him and rocked back, offering a lustful moan as her eyes closed and Harry groped her delicious right breast. The blonde drilled her hips down onto his tool around her.

"Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, Harry," Dinah moaned as she felt her orgasm rock her body and she closed her eyes.

She rocked her head back and she rammed herself onto Harry's thick rod, rocking her. The blonde was rocking her hips up and down on him, working his thick tool with her juicy hips and her ass pushed down onto him.

"Yes, deeper, going to cum again!" she moaned.

The two of them had their hips smash against each other, they were enjoying the age old dance of passion and the two of them rocked back and forth against each other. The blonde's walls snugly wrapped around his throbbing pole as it worked into her body.

The blonde's snug walls hugged him and she milked him, she was determined to have his cum inside her. Harry's hands groped her tits and she smashed her pussy onto him, riding him into submission. Her tightness clutched him as she moaned and Harry gripped onto her delicious ass.

Her walls clenched him and Harry worked into her, preparing to make him cum inside her.

He exploded, sending a torrent of cum exploded into her delicious insides.

Dinah had another spectacular orgasm and collapsed, her breasts pressed against Harry's face as she did. She summoned the remaining strength to her inner muscles and milked Harry completely dry as their hips worked against each other.

"Now, that I'm here, I might as well help out the best that I can," Shayera stated as she sat back along with Harry. They were in one of the many rooms at the Stronghold and it was a casual room that allowed them to relax.

Harry had gotten a chance to see her without her helmet and he must say, it was doing her a disservice whilst she wore it. She had vibrant red hair that framed her face quite nicely. Her burning green eyes were a slightly different shade that Harry's. She also had high cheek bones and soft facial features that showed Harry how elegant she looked. Combined with the tight body with C-Cup breasts, a flat stomach, a delicious rear, and elegant legs, she was quite the visual treat indeed.

"Well, I'd love to you have you."

"I'm sure you'd say that to all the women," Shayera replied as she managed to situate herself in the chair.

"Well, I only say it because it's true," Harry told her as he poured her a cup of tea which she took, sipping on it as she peered at Harry over the top of it.

"You beat the Kree, but you do realize that beating the Kree, is only winning half of the battle, don't you?" she asked him.

Harry smiled. "I think that I am capable of realizing the full scope of the situation yes."

"But I think that we've got it all under control," Jean said as she joined them, followed by Betsy and Kitty.

"Yeah, you just met Harry, but one thing that you know is that he has a plan, even if it sometimes takes a while to completely check out," Kitty stated as Alison joined them as well.

"So, your back up dancer, she still doesn't know what we know about her?" Harry whispered to the pop star.

"No, I left the false information that you requested where she could find it," Alison said as a grin threatened to break out on her face. "She doesn't know it, the poor girl."

"So what about the Empress…."

"Bed her, take care of the males, take the hot females, piece of cake," Kitty commented lightly.

"You make it sound so simple, you know," Harry said, as Kara and Alison laughed at Kitty's casual and nonchalant plan and even Shayera looked amused.

"Well, love, for you, it is," Betsy stated as she enjoyed herself a spot of tea as she leaned back, her feet firmly rested upon Harry's lap as he sat across form her.

"Yes, with you, Harry, it's like the most simple thing…."

"Kitty, you're relapsing," Jean commented, thankful that Rachel or Wanda or Laura weren't here to see that or slap her back into reality.

"Sorry, force of habit," Kitty replied sheepishly as she bit on her tongue and that inspired some laughter for all involved, along with a mock pout from Kitty as she crossed her legs. Harry patted his bonded on the side of the head.

"Okay, we have….someone in position," Harry commented.

Jean was a bit nervous about who Harry was using.

"This is her test, if she tries anything…..well I have countermeasures," Harry said to them and the group all nodded.

"You don't trust easily, do you?"

"Only when it's earned, Shayera," Harry said to her and Shayera shifted for a brief moment.

Shayera decided to press forward with the question that was burning in her mind. "So Harry…."

"I trust you, for now, because you've given me no reason not to," Harry said and Shayera got the message loud and clear.

She had no reason to really make Harry not trust her. Given the situation she escaped, she was fully content on making her new life on Earth.

"It's very nearly go time," Harry told them and there was a smile on his face. "I just need to touch base with a few people and then it will be time to liberate the prisoners from where they are. Along with the Skrull Empress, it's time to remind her where her loyalties should really lie."

"And how…."

"Don't worry, I planted a seed to ensure that she'd find it very difficult to move against me," Harry said with a smile. "The Skrull's prophecy about finding life on a new world will come true, although perhaps not the way they intended it to."


"I've got a plan for certain," Harry stated as he leaned his head back and offered a crisp sigh as he prepared for his next move.

'Karen, I'll be there in a couple of minutes, I need to make sure the nullifier is ready,' Harry thought to her.

'Right and….as for Theresa, she wants me to ask if you're still on for lunch today?' Karen asked.

'Sure,' Harry told her, he figured he could not really act until the Nullifier device which would disrupt the Skrull's shapeshifting was completely online. They ran into a few snags with it, so he needed to stall for time as much as he could whilst he worked out the errors.

"I've got a meeting, nice talking to you Shayera, I'm sure we'll get to know each other far better later on," Harry told her and Shayera's smile could not be denied.

'That I'm sure of,' Shayera offered him as she spent time knowing the other members of Harry's collective.

Doctor Doom spent a fair amount of time pondering ever since the event at Atlantis where the Skrulls were unmasked. He knew what was happening immediately, it did not take a rocket scientist to uncover the mystery.

And he was studying everything that he could to find a way to negate the Skrulls and he knew that the Star Child had been there as well. The man was working over every single angle of this problem, getting closer and closer to figuring out a solution.

Valeria watched from the doorway of the lab with a frown. She had never seen her father so focused, not even with his biweekly plans to humiliate that accursed Reed Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four. Doom's eyes flared and she took at as a warning sign.


"Be silent child," Doom warned her and Valeria did as she was told, falling completely silent. She understood that her father's work, no matter what the circumstances, should not be disturbed. Yet, she was wondering if he….well if he had lost it, being buried so deeply in his work. "I think this is far more wide spread than many have thought."

He was certain that Latveria's borders had not been compromised, he arranged for all Doom Bots to enter the homes of every single citizen in this country and scan them to ensure that they were not being deceptive. They all passed as clean and therefore Doom was quite pleased and also a bit disappointed. He did not have a chance to interrogate them on their plans.

"But, you have been working at this for three days now…."

"I am nearly completed with this task, if Earth is compromised, then so is Doom's law on Latveria," he declared as he recalled how the Zod invasion had allowed him to take action. It was becoming clearer to him that the only way to save this planet was to conquer it.

He cross referenced the DNA that he got from the imposter in Atlantis. It was a sequence that allowed him to piece together every last working cell and hope to find a way to unmask him.

"I have discovered that Harry Potter is working on a Nullification device, which will unmask the Skrulls but I'm not certain if he has acquired the proper DNA to get it working, this drive shall be sufficient to help take the Skrulls down and potentially also eliminate their technology," Doom concluded.

"For those who have just tuned in, today is a day where a race for the stars has offered to protect us from threats like the Kree Empire with their benevolence," the voice of G. Gordon Godfrey stated over Doom's radio.

"It's already begun," Valeria whispered and Doom held up one hand to silence her and the girl fell silent.

"Just today, the Skrull have met with the United Nations, stating that they hope to work together with humanity, to ensure that both races repeat the benefits," Godfrey continued. "Leading the charge is respected Senator Robert Kelly, who has had a change of heart and is agreeing to help the Skrull educate humanity on what they could do. Leaders of the two mutant groups the X-Men and the Brotherhood in Cyclops and Magneto have also both agreed to set aside any differences with humanity. With a benevolent race that have had mutants and humans come together, surely we can all agree that they have the betterment of the Earth in mind?"

Valerie raised an eyebrow and she looked over her shoulder. Her father said nothing but surely the people would not believe such words? Then again, given how gullible some people turned out to be, she would not be surprised in the slightest. Most were easily lead sheep.

"Harry Potter of the benevolent Friends of Humanity Group and the RAO Corporation has not spoken his piece as of yet, but he has sent out word of a press conference later today where he'll announce what he has to say about the Skrull's visit from this planet," Godfrey commented.

"Has Potter been subverted?" Valeria whispered.

"The Skrull are not that good," Doom told her harshly and he cross referenced the data, running one final beta test.

"We're running out of time…."

"The Skrulls are only as good as the people that they are impersonating and they're using Kelly to get close to someone who has better security clearance, it's a brilliant scheme, almost one worthy of Doom," Doom admitted as he kept working away at the device, which started to glow in his hand.

"Is it…."

"Yes, it is," Doom told her and there was a second where both of them looked at each other. "I wish for you to deliver this to Har-Rell."

"Why me?"

"Because, Doom has better things to do with his time them be an errand boy," the leader of Latveria said haughtily.

'Maybe Doom doesn't want to miss his stories,' Valeria thought as she shook her head.

"I will deliver it to him, do not worry, I will not fail," Valeria said, preparing to guard the device with her life.

Plus it gave her an excuse to see him again.

Doom waited for the moment, his borders were safe and Harry Potter and others would do the rest, that was more than sufficient for him. Given that Harry Potter had a weakness for the female form; it should be obvious to even a fool like Reed Richards why Doom sent her.

It was a masterful stroke that only Victor Von Doom could even think of.

"Now hopefully today's little date won't go interrupted," Harry said and Theresa laughed at that as she kept her eyes locked on Harry's.

"Yes….let's hope not, although given the line of work that we're in, it seems inevitable," the red haired siren stated as she leaned back. Her dress gave a good view of her creamy back and cleavage, along with a nice view of her dazzling legs.

"No problems with…."

"Let's not talk about him, maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away," Theresa whispered, nervously checking for her stalking. "Although, Professor Xavier isn't too happy about Scott going to Congress without his permission, when Xavier confronted him about it….Scott told him to….well stick his ideals where the sun doesn't shine because it isn't worth it."

'That isn't the Scott Summers I know,' Jean thought slowly and then there was a second where sudden realization dawned upon everyone, well those who had not realized why Scott was suddenly able to step up as a more independent leader and the fact that he defied Xavier, they would do so too soon.

"Well, I think that you have a good idea what's going on here, don't you?" Harry asked her, not wanting to spell it out, because he did not want to insult her intelligence.

To her credit, Theresa got the message loud and clear and her eyes raised in shock. Her mouth hung practically agape as everything clicked for her.

"See?" Harry asked her.

"I do see and…."

"Ororo knows, and I'm sure Hank might have figured out that was something wrong, but it appears that they have figured out a way to counteract the master telepath," Harry stated. Granted, there were any number of ways to block out a telepath but if he was really there, Scott did not have the mind for it. Therefore, it would have to be a Skrull, it's always a Skrull.

"You know you should be…."

"It's almost ready, soon the Skrulls can't hide behind any face on Earth," Harry continued but there was a part of him where he wondered if he was too late. He called the Press Conference today, which should destroy the credibility all of the Skrulls involved.

Then he would take his prize, but that was another matter entirely.

"I trust that you'll…well Karen told me how great you are, so I have to trust you, I think," Theresa commented as she locked her eyes onto Harry's. She could see the pure personification of power going through them, the magic flowing within those emerald orbs captivated and bewitched her.

"I'm sure she had nothing but glowing reviews," Harry commented as he grabbed her hand.

Theresa looked at him, it was now or never and if she hesitated now, the moment could be lost for a very long time. She leaned forward, her lips were about a few inches away from Harry's and about ready to kiss them.

When the wall exploded and Deadpool jumped through it, striking a pose, and screaming. "OH YEAH!"

Harry's eyes turned slowly towards Deadpool after a few seconds and he gave him the murder glare.

'Oh boy, he's going to heat vision our heads off now,' one of the Deadpool voices stated. 'That's going to suck, big time.'

'An entire bag of dicks,' another Deadpool voice chimed in.

'Why would someone put people named Richard in a bag?' another Deadpool commented lightly.

"Just what are you doing here?" Harry asked and Theresa had the fork in her hand. There was a second where Deadpool thought she was going to make stabby time with the fork and his eye.

"Actually, believe it or not, I'm not here to cockblock you or anything, although that was an interesting bonus," Deadpool commented and the vase exploded behind him. He winced and saw that Harry Fucking Potter meant business. "Okay, joking, joking, joking, jeez, can't you take a joke?"

'Apparently not,' one of the voices commented.

"You have sixty seconds," Harry stated as he crossed his arms. He had no time for Deadpool, not today of all days.

"Must you blunder everything you idiot."

"Hey, that's rude, and hurtful!" Deadpool shouted in anger as Rose made her way inside and grabbed him before throwing him into the nearby fish tank.

'No, that's rude and hurtful,' the voice in Deadpool's head stated.

"So we meet again, Rose," Harry sad and she nodded in agreement.

"And again, I wish it was under better circumstances," Rose commented as she got straight down to business. "I have a message."

Harry raised an eyebrow, his curiosity got the better of him. "And that is?"

Rose waved her in. She entered the room. Harry saw her dark chocolate skin and chocolate eyes, with dark hair that was parted. She was wearing a skin tight black bodysuit to emphasize her curves.

"Even better in person," she said as she extended a hand. "Miranda Fury, the leader of the Skrull Suicide Squad."

"A pleasure to meet you, Harry Potter, head of the RAO Corporation," Harry stated as he planted a kiss on her hand.

"What's going on in there?" Fury demanded in Rose's ear piece. "Tell Potter he better not be flirting with my daughter."

"Nick Fury sends all of his love and tells you to keep doing what you're doing," Rose informed Harry.

"That's not what I said!" Fury yelled. "I….yes Mandy….I understand."

Rose casually made a whipping motion with her hand, although she was the only one who got it. Never the less she snickered.

"So anyway…."

Again, the wall exploded and a girl in armor entered the restaurant. The civilians did not flee now, they most certainly did.

"I'm here to deliver Harry Potter a message on behalf Victor Von Doom!" she declared in a boisterous voice.

Rose's eyes narrowed. "You!"

"You!" Valeria cried, as she caught sight of Rose.

"Did we miss something?" Harry asked Theresa, who shrugged as they watched Rose and Valeria about to tear into each other.

"Oh boy, psychotic chick cat fight, this is going to be good," Deadpool mused as he sat on the floor, dripping wet rubbing his hands with glee. Although he wished that it was the two babes that were dripping wet on the floor, because that would be hot.

'And the perfect place for a cliffhanger,' a voice he mused.

Next chapter