
Chapter 9: Wonderous Part One.

Chapter 9: Wonderous Part One. 

The Amazons were at ease, well they were more than at ease, but Harry was pleased that they were not attacking. His eyes flashed with a tiny bit of amusement as he saw these warrior women on the ground, bent at their knees, looking up towards him.

One of them in particular, the older dark haired one, stood out from the rest. She had a dignified regal quality to her bearing even while on her knees before him, that the others seemed to lack. It was a quality the younger dark haired Amazon next to her, which he guessed to be her younger sister, definitely lacked. Since at the moment she was rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"You've returned, just like the Queen said you would," One of the Amazons breathed out in an awed voice as she looked up towards Harry, who stood up straighter upon hearing her words, his eyebrow raised in a perplexed manner.

"And here I was hoping for a fight," Laura whispered in disappointment to Harry and the two of them locked eyes on each other for a brief moment, before shrugging in confusion. They were still waiting for the other shoe would drop and see if they would attack.

"So, I have returned," Harry said as he stood up tall to face the Amazons. "I trust you've been waiting for my return a long time."

'And you're so totally going to milk this, aren't you?'M'gann questioned Harry in amusement and there was a brief shadow of a smile that went over Harry's face. 'Of course you are.'

'Why wouldn't I?' Harry shot back with a question of his own, before he looked back towards the Amazons who had stood once more during his brief exchange with Laura and M'gann. Although, he suspected that he could convince them to kneel before him again quite easily. It really was an amazing sight, all things considered, to see them standing there in all their glory before him.

"So, you've returned to the island," Diana whispered as she watched him in something akin to awe. She always knew deep in her heart that he would someday. Seeing him now she couldn't help but smile widely in pleasure, her mother always told her he would and now it seemed her faith had been rewarded.

"Although, not in the way that I would have preferred," Harry said, inclining his head towards the wreckage of the plane and the Amazons most definitely understood his point.

"Yes, I can see that," Diana confirmed, she kept her voice even and respectful. She was none too surprised that the Star Child was with a group of attractive attentive females, the only thing that shocked her was that it appeared to be so few, there were only four of them! "Your craft…."

"Who would dare attack you, my lord?" One of the Amazons looking upon him in adoration asked. She was clenching her spear so tightly in her hand that her knuckles whitened and looked ready to attack the person who did this.

"That's a question that we hope to find out," Amara said as she stepped forward to face the group. "Princess Amara of Nova-Roma at your service."

"It's an honor to meet someone from such an amazing civilization. I am Princess Diana and this my sister, Princess Donna Troy. I welcome you to Themyscira," Diana said graciously then she leaned forward and hugged Arama warmly, which the Nova-Roman Princess returned with an equal amount of grace. After breaking the embrace, the two royals looked at each other respectfully as M'Gann, Laura, Zinda, and Kory all stood behind Harry, watching in the background.

"This was no accident," Zinda whispered to Harry and Harry nodded offering one statement that was crisp and concise.

"I know."

Harry knew, oh boy did he know but what he would do about it that was another matter entirely. The wizard's mind was going off in a few different places, as he was tried to figure out what to do next. He looked over his shoulder; there was a sense that everything was coming undone right now, although he could not figure out how.

'Head's up everyone, whatever happened, it's far from an accident,' Harry thought to M'gann who nodded.

She sensed something in the air, though what precisely that was? She really had no idea. The redhead tensed up a little bit as she looked over her shoulder and rocked back on her heels. There was a subtle thumping that got even louder whenever she tried to focus on it but it seemed to be lingering on the edges of her perception.

'You're right Harry, I don't like it when you're right, you're right,' M'gann commented as she continued to try and sense whatever was unnerving her.

"We won't be intruding upon your hospitality for too long. Only as long as we need to fix our ship, although it would be a shame if I did not experience your island paradise," Harry informed them, figuring that he could milk this situation for all it was worth and really get something out of this.

"And don't forget the monument they're likely to have with you," Amara reminded him.

Given many of the rumors that he heard about the Amazons, he was not sure if he believed a lot of it after being in their presence. He felt that he could only believe what he saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears. Which was something he'd learned intimately from past experiences.

Diana, in particular, looked very eager to want to help and she watched Harry, nervously biting down upon her lip.

"Well, I'm sure….I'm sure this won't be a problem," Diana said to him, of course there was always a small doubt that this young man wasn't the Star Child. She didn't want to voice this doubt out loud and her mother would know if he was a farce. The Amazons would not be too happy if he was a farce, they had waited a very long time for his return and to found out he was a fraud would be a huge letdown.

Amara had a question for them all.

"Are the rumors true about men visiting the island being…."

"It's frowned upon but not unheard of," Diana informed the group as she looked over her shoulder to her fellow sisters, who all nodded.

There had been a handful of men here, a couple of them benevolent, a few of them less so but it had been a long time, a very long time.

"Its standard protocol. I hope you understand," Diana told Harry, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow as the two stared down each other. "My mother likely has been informed of the crash by someone already and given that I was out here, it's a wonder that she hasn't rushed out here to make sure that myself and my sister are safe."

Diana looked over her shoulder for emphasis but there was no one coming. The dark haired princess shrugged her shoulders as she looked towards Harry, there was an almost apologetic air in her eyes and to her manner.

"We must get permission from my mother for you to stay here," Diana told him before she added, as to not offend anyone. "We'll head there now, but I doubt that it will be a problem."

Harry smiled as he offered his arm to the Amazon Princess. "Lead the way, my fair lady."

Diana took it with a smile, feeling how strong his arm was. The Amazons by nature were no slouches in the strength department but Harry? He was in an entirely different league to them, and that was an amazing thing.

It was time to visit her mother to figure out this situation and hope that he was the real deal. If anyone would know, it would be the Queen of the Amazons.

If Diana read between the lines from the way she talked about him in the past, she thought that her mother must have met him and that thought was extremely interesting all things considered.

Whilst Diana led Harry up to the tower, Donna was left to hang out with the girls. Mostly with Amara, Kory, and M'Gann, as Laura had stepped off to the side. Her senses were going nuts and telling her that some kind of dangerous had had attacked their plane down that shouldn't have been there. Zinda tried to do what she could to salvage the ship and get it running again as soon as possible.

"So, Har-Rell….it's really him, isn't it?" Donna asked.

"Yes, he's the real deal," M'gann confirmed with a smile going across her face as she looked towards the younger Amazon princess for a reaction. She closed her eyes as she leaned back against a pillar. It had the same symbol that Har-Rell had on his person carved into it. The woman's smile grew even larger as she waited for the confirmation.

"So, it's him," Donna repeated, she wondered if her words this morning had drawn him to the island to so that he could personally make a believer of her.

"He is amazing," Kory told her in a gushing voice. "He can go for a really, really, really, really long time."

"Well, they do say that he's a great warrior," Donna stated with a smile on her face, his pursuits had been passed down from the ages of a long time again.

Kory frowned. "Well, I'm not sure calling him a warrior is the situation that I'm describing. However, I do know that he is quite gifted in the areas of carnal pursuits."

"Do you mean…."

"Sex, fornication, knocking boots together, fucking, do you need me to draw you a fucking diagram?" Laura asked as she sniffed the air but paused.

"Yes, I got it," Donna responded in an exasperated voice. "So what do you…."

"There's something that shot us out of the sky. There's a reason why this person did so. I doubt that he or she expected us to land here of all places," Laura explained to Donna bluntly and by extension the rest of the group.

"Perhaps it was the goddesses?" Donna suggested.

Laura shook her head; she scarcely believed that was the case though the more she thought about it, there would have to be some kind of divine intervention to bring the plane down. She was not one to believe in a higher power but she was the one to believe that someone was able to bring something down with some supernatural powers.

"The plane should not have been hit," Zinda told them after she examined the side of it. "The equipment on the inside, it works as it should."

"With the obvious exception of the plane not being able to fly," Laura said as she checked out the plane once more, looking quite pissed off with what happened.

"I think we caught her at a bad time of the month," Kory whispered.

"KORY!" Amara yelled in a scandalized voice as she looked at the woman.

"What did I say?" Kory asked with a shrug as the Nova-Roman Princess went completely red at the subject that the Tamaranian Princess brought up.

M'gann was slightly amused, although she figured that Earth taboos and biology were something that should not be brought up in polite company.

Laura looked around; so far she didn't see anything of note. Perhaps, she was trying to make something out of nothing or perhaps there was far more to this mess then met the eye. She would have to stick around and find out.

Impatiently, Donna tapped her foot on the ground, being younger than Diana, she was not used to being ignored.

"So you've talked about Har-Rell's stamina," Donna continued. She played with her Amazon sisters naturally before but she had never quite imagined doing such things with a man. She was intrigued about the possibilities, especially with Har-Rell, who had gorgeous green eyes, a tight muscular frame, and that beautiful dark hair that she felt she could run her fingers through endlessly.

Kory, being Kory, was not about to skimp on the praise or the details when it came to Har-Rell. "Well, our Star Child? He once ravished me for sixty three straight hours! It was amazing and I regret that I ran out of energy before we could get to the really good stuff."

Donna's eyes widened and she blinked, as her mouth opened and shut, sixty three hours straight!

Laura smiled, but did not say anything. She fucked Harry for a week straight in a time bubble once, because a healing factor worked wonders in making sure that a girl didn't tire out. Kara and Karen were obviously able to go about as long, if not longer, because of them being Kryptonians, but Rogue, Jean, and Kitty were able to keep up for a long time, due to both sheer seniority reasons and their biology being slightly altered the longer they spent in Harry's presence.

Those time dilation spells along with the dupes were a godsend; Because if it was not for them, they would spend all of their lives screwing each other in every way imaginable. Not that there was anything wrong with that, per say but Laura was just mentally checking off an observation.

"He's rumored to have come here, and made love to an entire army of Amazons, leaving them broken and drooling behind him," Donna whispered to the group, Diana and her mother had told her the stories.

M'gann knew that Harry had traveled through time. Selene's actions alone more or less confirmed it, since her entire life seemed to be focused around him. The most obvious of which was the creation of Nova-Roma, which went back six hundred years and they worshiped him as a god since day one. So that being said, the young Martian wondered about a lot of things that might have happened when he was here in the past.

Right now there were a few more questions than there were answers and Harry was the center of many mysteries that would be unraveled. His legend went far and wide throughout the universe and spread here to Earth.

Harry whistled as he beheld the Imperial palace before him. He did not impress easily but when he did, it was for a reason. The wizard walked next to Diana who stood shoulder to shoulder with him nearly matching him in height, which was impressive in its own right.

"It's a sight to behold," Harry stated as he allowed Diana to lead the way.

Perhaps, it was Diana's imagination but she could have sworn that Harry was talking about something else other than the Palace. Never the less, the Princess of the Amazons walked with the dignity and poise that was expected of someone of her stature. She turned her hips around slowly and continued to walk up the steps.

Sitting at the top of the steps was a regal woman that looked like she could be Diana's older sister. She had long black hair that was sleek and shiny. Her cheekbones were high and showed off her breeding. She peered towards Harry as she shifted her body. The dark haired Amazon watched the young man before her and her eyes widened for a few seconds as she took him in. She could scarcely believe Har-Rell was standing there before her and the woman's eyes went as wide as saucers.

The tight parts of her toga wrapped around her body. She had nice DD-Cup breasts, a flat stomach, a delicious rear, and long legs, along with sandals that covered the bottoms of her feet. She watched him with a smile across her face as she observed him with hunger dancing through her eyes.

"It's you," she whispered as she watched him with enticing sensations through her eyes.

He was right, he would meet her again. In fact he told her the exact day and the circumstances, even though from his perspective, it had not happened yet. So Hippolyta had to really be careful not to say anything, as the goddesses warned her not to tamper with the natural order of time. It was prudent to keep the timeline stabilized. The dark haired queen stepped down from her throne and she eyed her personal guard, all of them seemingly awe struck.

It was a sign of how often that this happened, that Harry was not that surprised. His green eyes fixed on the group of women who, except for Hippolyta, kneeled respectfully before him.

"Har-Rell, you've returned, as was foretold a long time ago," Hippolyta said to him in an appraising voice.

Harry's curiosity got the better of him as kept his eyes on the Queen of the Amazons. "Exactly how long are we talking about?"

Hippolyta smiled towards him. "A very long time, much longer then you could imagine."

"You'd be surprised as to what I can imagine," Harry countered and she raised an eyebrow towards him as she straightened her posture. It would be poor form to look anything but dignified.

The Queen of the Amazons walked down the winding set of stairs with a smile crossing her face as she kept her eyes locked onto her lord. She pulled him into a warm embrace and rested her forehead against his shoulder for a brief moment.

"An honor, it's always an honor," Hippolyta told him in a voice that dripped with admiration. As Harry returned the hug.

"Yes, it is, so you know it's me?" Harry questioned as Hippolyta pulled away then paused for a few seconds as she surveyed Harry.

"Believe me, it could be no else but you," Hippolyta said to the young man, a smile crossing her face as she looked him up and down committing every inch of him to her memory. "I'm not easily fooled and we have a history, as you will find out in time."

Harry could feel the familiar sensation of being undressed by a woman's eyes and once again, he was perfectly okay as well.

"Mother, there was an accident that brought Har-Rell here," Diana informed the queen, figuring that they should get to the point of the business.

Hippolyta placed a hand upon her chin and a thoughtful gaze locked onto the eyes of her daughter. The two of them peered back at each other and there were a few seconds before the Queen of the Amazons responded.

"This is a grave situation for certain," Hippolyta agreed as she pushed her hair back out of her face.

She was trying to piece together what happened. Of course each possibility offered tidings of doom more so than the rest. The dark haired Amazon queen locked eyes with those of her daughter and both of them were thinking that this was no accident.

"You made a few enemies when you were here last," Hippolyta informed Har-Rell rather bluntly as she broke eye contact with her daughter.

'Given that I technically haven't been here yet, that's got to be a record,' Harry thought to himself as he wondered about who he could have pissed off this time.

"And there are a few enemies who do not take past humiliation well," Hippolyta added to the young man before her and there was no mistaking how the serious the look in her eyes was.

Harry thought that if nothing else, that was the truth. The Queen of the Amazons paused.

"The goddesses are very particular about who we allow on our shores, especially men," Hippolyta told him as she placed her hands on the pedestal that she stood next to and she looked at Harry. "It's nothing to do with men, but a few…."

"Ruin it for everyone," Harry interjected wisely.

That was true, the minority was always someone that buggered a lot of things up for the majority and he continued to watch the Amazons in front of him.

"Naturally, you will be allowed upon the island, for you are adored by many, even the goddesses," Hippolyta added.

Harry suddenly smiled; perhaps he was jumping the gun with some of his assumptions. The wizard placed his hand on the back of his head, he was interested in seeing where this would lead.

"You and your guests will be able to stay here for as long as you wish," Hippolyta continued with a smile. "And we will help you investigate who brought you down."

"I'll show Harry to his room," Diana chimed in.

Harry was not going to say anything, although how eager she seemed had to make him smile.

"Lead the way," Harry offered taking Diana's hand in a strong grip and the two of them walked off with each other.

He would have to touch base with the other girls and send a message to the outside but that should not be a problem.

Diana did her best to try and keep her cool so after the initial shock of being exposed to such a living legend wore off, she was nothing but business. She was calm, cool, and collected. The Princess of the Amazon's offered a smile, being as cool as she could be. She stood there watching Harry who was looking over the edge of a cliff towards the sea for a moment.

Diana made her way over to join; her mother had taken her aside to give her a warning not to do anything to anger the star child. Even the Greek goddesses held him in high esteem so Diana did wonder what might have happened between them.

"I brought us something to eat," Diana said and she paused for a second before continuing. "Are you hungry?"

"Well, I would be a rude guest if I turned down such a treat," Harry replied as he looked over at Diana.

Harry took the sandwich that she offered him and ate it. "Thank you, delicious."

Diana smiled as she sat down next to him. "So, any luck in figuring out….how your plane got shot down?"

Harry shook his head in negative. "I wish I could figure out what was going on, but no, there's no sign of what shot us out down. You know its funny how nearly getting shot out of the sky worked up an appetite."

"You could have flown away at any time," Diana said gently as the two sat down to watch the stars. It was pretty early in the morning. The others were still in bed, well as far as Harry knew.

Diana on the other hand, being a trained warrior, had it ingrained in her to get up bright and early in the morning. That was something that was part of her spirit and she knew that those who got up bright and early would have the most success.

"I could have," Harry admitted to the Amazon and he took the drink that she offered him. It tasted heavenly. "But that would leave my girls as sitting ducks. Sure, they can take care of themselves but taking care of themselves is just going to attract an even higher class of enemy."

Diana laughed in amusement. Her mother had told her something similar about how the better you are, the better enemies you would attract. That's what made training a never ending cycle. "Yes, I know."

Diana felt the gap between her and Harry become even less. There were times where many of the Amazons thought about what they would do if they got the infamous Star Child alone. Some of them….well some of them had extremely vivid fantasies of what they would like to do. Diana would be lying if she was not one of these people who had such thoughts, so she admired herself for the immense amount of restraint that she was showing presently.

"It's beautiful out here isn't it?" Diana asked although she looked at him.

"I'm the first man you've ever meant, aren't I?" Harry asked her and Diana paused, looking surprised by that rather blunt question. By the standards of the Amazons, she was barely out of her teenage years and while she was fierce and determined by many means, she was still awkward in a few ways.

Diana managed to focused and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "How could you tell?"

Harry offered her a smile; it was one of those smiles that drove women wild. "It's just one of those crazy hunches that I have."

"Well, it wasn't that crazy," Diana stated to the dark haired wizard as she leaned back a slight bit and relaxed, but not for that long given what she had ahead of her.

"Early morning sparring practice, not something that I can miss," Diana commented as she heard the Amazons starting to go about their day. She smiled. "I remember one time when I tried to skip out on it, to go to the beach. I was young and it was a beautiful day."

Harry could not resist saying anything. "When isn't it a beautiful day on Paradise?"

Diana looked flushed and she amended her statement. "It does rain here you know? We actually get some pretty powerful storms, but that said it was more beautiful than usual."

"Okay, fair enough," Harry said and he waved his hand in a gesture for her to continue, which Diana took as her opportunity to do so.

"Anyway, I snuck off to the beach, it seemed like ages ago. I was about ready to have some fun, go for a swim, but then my mother showed up," Diana narrated as she had half of a smile, half of a wince over her face. She paused for the second before continuing. "She asked me if I thought that I knew everything that I had to learn, and offered me a deal. I could skip out on sparring practice for the next week…if I could beat her in battle."

Harry could figure out where this one was going and he had to smile about it. Diana had a smile about it as well, even though the memory was not so fun when she was living it. Still she could laugh about what happened in retrospect, even if her joints kind of ached for days after it happened. The dark haired Amazon rested back as she closed her eyes and the smile crossed her face.

"And that didn't end well," Diana stated as she remembered how her mother handed her a humiliating defeat in battle.

"Well, I think that you might have learned your lesson," Harry told Diana and she smiled at him.

"Yes, just a small one," Diana agreed as she felt Harry put his arm around her waist. Any other man in the world, she might have protested but her mind went into places that she could not protest about.

"Your mother sounds like a noble woman," Harry commented and Diana raised an eyebrow before she whistled calmly.

"That's high praise coming from you."

Harry turned around and saw Hippolyta standing there behind him watching the two of them with a surveying gaze.

"Mother, how long have you been there?" Diana asked the woman and Hippolyta smiled.

"Long enough, Diana, dear," the Queen of the Amazons informed her daughter as she looked at them. She stepped towards him. "Har-Rell, I have something that you must know, it is information that has been given by the goddesses."

"Oh, and what is that, your majesty?" Harry asked the woman and Hippolyta straightened up, a bold and brash expression in her eyes.

"There has been divine intervention, an old enemy….well a future enemy to you," Hippolyta warned him, showing how delicate the situation was.

Harry figured this out, Selene more or less spelled it out for him. Apparently, Harry was going to do a lot of time travel and inspire a lot of women. Of course, it could not be all sunshine and roses, he would also inspire enemies. Which he figured explained why Essex's had it out for him and Mystique seemed to hate his guts. Half the time from the way she acted around him, he got the impression he might have left her at the alter.

Enemies who were going to try and take him out for something that he never technically did or remembered doing yet, that became the rule rather than the exception. If that didn't describe the life story of Harry Potter in a nutshell, he did not know what did.

He had a few people that he needed to check in with, as no doubt those on the outside world would be worried but from what he could figure, time passed slowly on this island. It was not relative to what happened on the outside world.

That was the magic of magic after all.

'Harry, what happened?' Jean asked she could barely make out what was being said, although if she concentrated hard enough, she could.

It was true that she was able to lock onto the link in Harry's mind, but the echo was extremely faint. It took a lot of concentration for Jean to keep locked onto Harry's mind. The redhead was pretty much was swimming with frustration by this point.

Harry smiled, though it was extremely forced.'Your guess is as good as mine, Jean.'

'Well, I'm sure you're figuring something out...you didn't get kidnapped, did you?' Kitty asked.

'If he did, whoever did it, is dead,' Kara commented hotly through the bond link as she pushed her hands together and cracked her knuckles.

'Kara, please calm down, you're giving me a headache,' Rachel replied as she brushed her hands through her hair and sure enough, rage was not a pleasant emotion to experience for telepaths.

Harry offered a smile, although he was careful not to waste too much time.'No, not kidnapped. Someone blew us out of the sky on our way to Nova-Roma.'

'Who would be stupid enough to do that?' Rogue asked.

'Should I start making a list?' Chloe thought as she shook her head. 'I might be done in about two years if I started now.'

'Touche,' Rogue commented as she placed her hand on the side of her cheek and shook her head to clear the cobwebs.

'Given how the plane is some of the most advanced technology in the world.It would have to be no less than a god responsible for taken it down,' Karen said with an extremely serious tone to her voice and she shook her head. 'Which doesn't make this situation better, it makes the situation worse.'

'I did pick up a chaotic thought pattern after the plane got hit, nothing more than rage, nothing more than thoughts of destruction,' M'gann thought as she closed her eyes. 'I've never felt….that much rage in one place, even when the Hulk's having a really bad day. It was kind of scary to listen for something like that.'

'I'd imagine it was,' Harry offered in what he hoped was a reassuring tone of voice and M'gann let in a breath she was holding and let out another.

'Scary enough to live it,' Amara commented.

Harry smiled, despite everything, he landed on a good island. It would be unfortunate if he landed on an island with ugly one eyed monsters or something like that. No, he landed on the island of beautiful warrior women and that to Harry made him smile.

'So, you landed…well given that all of the myths about Amazons….' Gwen thought.

'You know that those myths might have been created by someone with an ax to grind,' Harry told the blonde through the bond and Gwen nodded as she chewed down on her lip to bring herself mentally up to speed with what was happening. 'So, I'm going to believe everything that I see, and nothing that I hear.'

'Very wise of you,' Laura agreed as she leaned back. The scent of these people, they were kindred spirits, sharing the same fierce determination that drove her, a fact that made her smile.

'Yes, really, we'd be falling into the same trap that everyone else does in regards to mutants, if we didn't think for ourselves,'Kitty thought to Harry and there was a second where the brunette pondered. She supposed that jumping to baseless conclusions was a human thing.

Harry sensed someone approaching.

'I'll talk to you ladies later, well it might be a bit later for me then for you,' Harry said abruptly.

'How….how do you figure that?' Jean thought to Harry with a smile crossing her face and there was a pause.

'Jean, some call it magic,' Harry thought to the redhead as he stood a bit more rigid and smiled as Donna showed up.

"Hey, Donna," Harry said and it was obvious that she wasn't intending to walk up towards him, for the simple fact the young Amazon almost jumped ten feet in the air.

"Oh, Harry, I didn't….I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Donna muttered as she looked at him.

It was very hard to look him in the eyes, given what the other girls had told him about his….talents. Donna felt herself getting particularly excited at the thought of what he could do to her. The Amazon watched Harry with a smile and he returned it. If she had worn panties, they would have been soaked.

"So, it's a big island, easy to get lost around here," Harry told her conversationally and Donna's bright blue eyes snapped up towards Harry.

"Are you lost?" Donna asked curiously, scarcely able to believe this god would have been lost.

"No, not lost, just merely wandering," Harry stated as he heard the sounds of combat off in the distance.

"I'm surprised you're not there….I mean all of those Amazons, they're willing to throw down and go a few rounds with the Star Child," Donna said but she paused then shook her head.

'Sounded a lot cleaner in my head,' Donna thought, not knowing that Harry picked up on them.

Harry smiled, he said nothing, and he could tell the effect the smile was having, was something that caused the girl to become really flushed. Donna's eyes flashed a little bit with embarrassment.

"So, how about you and I, we go a few rounds?" Harry asked Donna.

Donna's eyes widened, while she did not really believe in the Star Child until today, she thought….well she saw the person standing before him.

"I don't know, if you want a fight….well I think that I could do well enough to go a few rounds with you," Donna said coyly. She figured that she could jump on this before Diana did, for bragging rights, and that would be amazing. "So….don't worry, I'll be gentle on you."

Despite this false bravado, Donna was nervous, this was the first time she had fought a man in battle. It would be a different than having a sparring session with one of her sisters. The dark haired woman watched Harry and placed her hand on her hips for a moment as she faced off with him.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Harry commented to her, with a wink and a smile, and Donna tried not to lose herself.

They fell into a battle stance and the only consolation to Donna, was that she could not get her rear handed to her any worse than she did when she had a sparring session with her sister and her mother. That was the one moment of solace that she was given, despite the butterflies beating a healthy drumbeat in her stomach and caused a slight knot to turn in her gut.

"So are you sure that you want to do this?"

Harry gave this statement to Donna, giving her a chance to back off.

Laura smiled as she watched the battle from where she stood in the shadows; she was determined to take the winner in battle, because it had been a while since she had a really good sparring session. It had been less than a week but that was too long for her. Then she could jump Harry in the aftermath.

Harry and Donna circled each other and he allowed her to make the first move.

She tried to hit him with a kick from the start but Harry tripped her up, using her own momentum against her. He grabbed her arms in a full nelson and pressed her down onto the ground in that hold.

Donna struggled, of course, it didn't help her at all that her backside was grinding up against Harry's crotch. It was quite inadvertent of course, but it still happened. This caused an unnatural heat to rise up between her legs and the woman's eyes widened in a supreme amount of frustration.

"Not bad," Harry whispered to her and he released her. It took a few seconds for Donna to register this in her mind as she scrambled to her feet.

She was determined to do better than not bad, in fact, she was determined to do very good.

'She has a lot of fight in her,' Laura stated to Harry as he blocked her punch with his hand. She used her strength to catch him off guard, but he returned fire and took her down once more.

Donna paused; it was almost like Harry was reading her movements, trying to figure out some kind of pattern. The wizard's eyes locked onto her as he jumped into the air and used his super breath to knock her off guard. Harry went at her.

"We never said no powers," Harry whispered Donna but she popped into the air, flying with a smile on her face.

"Ha, we didn't!" Donna cheered with a bright smile on her face as she flew towards him but she yelped when Harry joined her in the air.

"Ha, ha!" Harry yelled as he went up towards Donna to face her and there was one statement that went through her head.

'Ah, crap,' Donna thought as she saw Harry flying in front of her, with a smile on his face.

The Amazon Princess felt nerves spread over her very being as she swayed in the air and there was a second where she thought that she had him but it was evident he had her. The Amazon was about to lose sense of herself but she must not.

Harry went for her but Donna grabbed him and tried to hurl him into the nearest mountain range.

She looked at him, looking from one side to the other and wondered which we did he go?

Harry came out from the other side and took her down onto the ground.

Donna bounced off like a ping pong ball. She was not really hurt, Amazons did not bruise easily after all but her pride had taken a slight hit which was much worse than any injury.

Donna looked up and Harry handed her a shield and a sword. She wondered if this would help her but Harry had one of his own.

The swords and the shields clashed together with each other and there was a huge clang that resounded out each time they connected. That continued with every exchange as they fought back and forth with each other.

The little sparring session was getting intense and Donna was determined to get the better of him.

Laura smiled, perhaps it was just her, but seeing these two go at it like this. It was really hot.

Fury did not even begin to describe what he felt. He was so close to taking out that accursed Har-Rell that he could almost taste it. He was in his grasp and he had been building up this moment in his mind for an extremely long time. It was a dangerous thought that went through his mind but never the less, it was one that continued to resound.

The God of War was not someone who could be trifled with. Ares had only one thing on his mind and that was revenge.

In the past, Har-Rell had went up against him, had stopped his plans. Humans were hostile by nature, therefore they needed some guidance, and guided they would be.

Once their champion was eliminated, there would be no one to protect the world from themselves, there would be no one to save the world from everything that he could dish out.

His eyes flashed beneath his armor, it was go time.

His children would be ready. He would finish the job that was started earlier and Har-Rell would be crushed beneath his feet.

Next chapter