
Chapter 22: Checkmate Part Two

Chapter Twenty Two: Checkmate Part Two.

The facial expression on the face of Harry Potter was that of calm, cool, and collected individual. He awaited his arrival at the Church with a smile crossing his face. Amara, Kitty, and Kara were with him. He naturally could have arrived straight away but there was a part of him that wanted the anticipation to build in the back of their minds.

He had a pretty good hunch who was behind all of this and he didn't need to tap into Amara's mind to find out that information. His emerald eyes shined brightly as he made his way towards the building, a smile across his face. The Church looked mundane on the outside but it was what took place on the inside that was the true measure of it's worth. The principles of the church…..well Harry wondered if they took things a bit too far sometimes but he not about to complain about a bunch of attractive women worshiping him as a god. He might have when he was younger and foolish but now that he was older and more mature, he enjoyed the pleasures of female flesh.

He was so glad his teenage years were mostly over. Whoever said that high school was the best years of his life, he wanted to shoot. Not to death because he actually wanted them to suffer a little bit.

"Wow, it's….wow," Kitty remarked as they entered the church, the doors pushing open. They saw the symbols all over the walls and stopped to see the statue of Harry. "Well…it's mostly accurate."

Amara raised an eyebrow with a smile crossing her face. "Mostly?"

"The nose is off center," Kitty offered which caused Kara to laugh and she looked it over, analyzing it casually.

"Well, it kind of is," Kara agreed and Harry placed a hand on his hip and scanned it carefully with his eyes.

It did look kind of off center, they were right. His green eyes remained locked on the statue that was standing before him, the haughty expression on it's face staring back at him. He would have to arrange to have some changes made to it pretty soon but that could wait until the future.

"I'm glad you can make it."

Harry turned towards her and he saw her in the shadows. Amara's tension grew a tiny bit but Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Selene, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, I should have known," Harry said to the woman who stood in the shadows.

Selene smiled at him as she stepped forward. He was as she remembered, although their initial meeting had not happened from his perspective yet, but it had happened from hers. "Yes, Har-Rell, I expected you to put the pieces together in due time. There have been circumstances that have prevented us from meeting thus far. Although you do know the White Queen quite well."

"Yep, I know Emma," Harry agreed with her.

'And you know her daughters really well,' Kitty commented in an amused tone of voice, as she recalled what Harry shared with her from the party a few weeks previously.

"Yes, you've been acquainted but we have a problem….."

"Shaw is planning a coup to oust you and Emma from the Club and take control of all of the resources for himself," Harry recited to her and Emma in a bored tone.

"So, you've done your homework yet again," Emma commented after an awkward pause, raising her eyebrow.

"I should have expected that he would find out," Selene remarked to Emma with very little surprise in her voice, the tone of her voice indicating that she was actually quite pleased with this. And naturally, she saw Shaw's poor attempts in getting things done for what it was. He'd become sloppy or perhaps he was just became arrogant despite decades of playing this game.

Shaw might had been at this game for decades but Selene had been at it for centuries. She was far more adept to playing this game and it was time for Shaw to get a very painful lesson of who the master was.

"As we speak, steps are being taken to make Shaw suffers for what he's done," Selene stated to Harry.

Perhaps Harry was reading this woman all wrong but she looked like she believed that Shaw committed treason to the highest degree. At least that's what he interpreted in the back of his mind. He could be wrong, although he somehow doubted the fact that he was wrong.

Emma surveyed the situation herself and noted that Jean Grey, or the Phoenix rather, did not come with Harry on this trip. Which might be for the best, as the entire Church might have a meltdown at the fact that their two worshiped icons were here in the Church at the same time. Still, as much as that thought amused the White Queen, she had other things to think about.

"We do have another problem," Emma told Harry and he motioned for her to continue. The White Queen took this as her opening to do so. "It has to do with Lionel Luthor."

"Luthor?" Harry asked, if he recalled correctly, the Luthors ran a business out of the Midwest, in the Kansas area if he was not mistaken.

"Yes, the Luthors," Selene confirmed to him.

"So, we have a problem with someone else, what else is new?" Kitty asked Selene and the Black Queen turned towards her, amused by the girl's boldness. She would serve her savior well.

"Yeah, it's just another Friday for us," Amara remarked as she turned and addressed Selene.

"Princess, it is good to see you are in optimal health," Selene stated to her and she noticed that she was on the arm of Har-Rell. It was as it should be. Any other man would be inadequate for Nova-Roma royalty. "Tell me, how is your father?"

"He is fine, although he has taken ill recently," Amara answered with a respectful bow.

"Well, it'd be a shame if anything happened to him," Selene remarked to Amara in a calm and crisp tone of voice.

Amara nodded, she was a bit intimidated being in the presence of the ageless woman who had founded Nova-Roma along with the mysterious young man who appeared to have been resurrected in the form of Harry or perhaps vice versa. Never the less, she stood there before the infamous Selene.

"I believe we have business to discuss," Selene told Harry.

"Lead the way," Harry offered her, this woman fascinated him, sure she produced a cold exterior to most but he could see devotion in her eyes for one person.

Kitty and Kara exchanged a smile. If all went to plan, there would be a few more women added to Harry's collection after this day.


Sebastian Shaw thought that while the foolish women were wasting their time in pursuit of the Star Child, he would plot their demise. The Black King of the Hellfire Club sought one thing and that was power. Anyone who was in his way, well they were an obstacle to obtaining that power and he sought to have them eliminated.

His mouth curled in a devilish sneer as he pondered what he would do next. His heart hammered a steady beat within his chest. There was a second where he paused and tried to figure out where Emma had gone. She had ignored his summons, which made him feel disrespected. She would learn her place in due time.

"Do you really think that you have them on a leash, Sebastian?"

Shaw turned towards a woman in the shadows. She was dressed in elegant clothes, made of silk that wrapped around her sizable bust, and she had dark hair. She was not of sound mind but then again few people were in this day and age. She had her fingernails painted in red. The tight fabric of her garments stretched around her and She finished her outfit off with knee high black leather boots.

"My dear, I know that I have them on a leash," Shaw stated in a firm voice.

"Then….you must be made aware of a few certain truths," the woman remarked as malice danced through her violent eyes.

"Bella, my dear…."

She shook her head, a smile crossing her face.

"My sisters and I, we were personally recruited by the Black Queen and you….you amuse us," this woman commented. "Did you honestly think that you could measure up to a god like the one that's going to take this club over and remake it in his image?"

"I….I doubt very much that you know what you're talking about," Shaw grunted but he felt some heart burn coming on. He put it off to just a really bad case of indigestion as his mind worked over the possibilities of what this woman was saying.

He had control, he was the Black King, therefore control was something that he lived and breathed. His mind tried to push through the pain and process certain points. His breathing, labored as it was, was still fairly firm and quite solid. He closed his hands together and tried to focus a steady glare at the woman.

"I hope you are well, Shaw," Bella commented in a falsely sweet voice.

She could sense the agony he was in, mistaking his symptoms for what he assumed was indigestion but most people could be justifying animals. It would only get worse from there, first would be the desire to throw up ones lungs. It was a poison designed to mimic an extremely violent case of the flu, created by her niece.

"I'll be fine," Shaw remarked, he had weathered much worse storms than a bad bout of indigestion and a woman dressed in green and red, with short dark hair entered the room. She offered Shaw a note to look over. "Thank you, Annabelle."

"You're quite welcome, Mr. Shaw," she stated as she turned around and exited the room down the hallway.

When she was out of range, she shifted, becoming intangible then phased through the wall.

Shaw still hasn't picked up the fact that one of his assistants has been taken an all paid vacation to the Carribean,' she thought to Harry.

'And that his aide poisoned his tea,' he thought back.'Good job, M'gann, I doubt that even Selene knew that you were there.'

'I managed to copy all of the files that you need, there's enough illegal information on here to get Shaw thrown away for a long time,' M'gann informed him.

'And his company's will be dirt cheap and ripe for the taking,' Emma jumped in. 'And for the record…no, dear, I had no idea it was you. Your acting was impeccable….you should really consider making it a profession.'

'Well maybe,' M'gann commented, trying not to sound too pleased with herself.

'Thanks Emma, you've inflated her head,' Harry thought to her through the three way that they were on now.

'Nothing wrong with a little ego, it shows people that we should not be trifled with,' Emma thought to Harry through the link although she was amused by his frustration.

Harry shook his head as M'gann waited for her cue. There were still a lot of problems to yet to be resolved involving the Hellfire Club.

So….you were an actual physical party for this….for longer than we thought,' Emma thought, she was torn between amusement and frustration. She let very little slip by her so it annoyed her that she'd missed this. 'People were slipping this confidential information to us, I wondered….I thought….but I guess that now we have our answer.'

Harry Potter was someone who Emma thought was the most valuable resource in the world and actually had been helping them with the coup all along. Then again, he had been known to take steps that the other heroes wouldn't because they feared that it would compromise their morals. They were foolish, self-righteous, and really needed to be taken down a peg.

Of course, this was only phase one of a bigger plan and Emma recalled all of the pieces that went together. So far everything was coming together smoothly.

'I know, Osborn….who they're all conspiring against,' Harry thought. He had a few of his stores of Sentinels destroyed and if he recalled correctly, Osborn was always hanging onto the edge of sanity. He was constantly walking the tightrope between sanity and insanity.

All he needed was the right nudge to send him spiraling off and he would land with a sickening thud.


Norman Osborn's eyes were narrowed due to his fury and his hands clutched together as he pondered his lot in life. His actions in the past were beginning to catch up with him and he could smell a conspiracy against him a mile away. He was completely out of his mind and he felt the need to accomplish much more to fester through his mind. His eyes flooded with intentions of absolute violence. There was a few seconds where he paused.

'They don't know what I'm trying to do,' Osborn thought.

The Board of Directors pulled his funding as of today and thus the MRD might be put down before it could get going. He knew that this was a power play by Lionel, he did not care one way or another about mutants. All he cared about was accomplishing his own goals and succeeding in his business. Osborn's eyes flashed with greater malice and he cracked his knuckles as he kept thinking about what would happen next.

They were fools that had no idea what Osborn was going to do next and they did not understand his genius. His eyes continued to fill with malice.

He knew of the Hellfire Club as well and they were an increasing problem.

'They don't understand,' Osborn thought. 'They don't respect my power but they will….they will fear my power.'

That was the thought that pounded through Norman Osborn's mind, power was what he needed, power that he wanted. His heart thumped against his chest as he felt the remaining traces of the goblin formula course through his veins. It was an extremely powerful formula, and it caused his mind to be opened to new degrees.

There was a knock on the door and Osborn got up to his feet. His hair, still not intact, would be pulled out if he had it. The man strode to the door and jerked it open.

He came face to face with a short man carrying a gun.

"So….it's down to this, no style, none whatsoever," Osborn whispered as he stared down at the gun, there was no expression of fear in his eyes.

An Osborn did not back down, an Osborn did not beg, an Osborn went after everything that they could one step at a time.

"Pull the trigger now, see what happens," Osborn commented with malice, encouraging the man to do so.

"Are you begging me to put you out of your misery?" the man asked.

Osborn felt anger flicker his mind. "Let's make one thing perfectly clear, I don't beg."

"Well, you made a deal with that creature a few weeks ago, so you must be pretty desperate," the short man commented but Osborn grabbed him by the wrist and twisted his arm.

"You should have pulled the trigger whilst you had the opportunity," Osborn told him with a grin crossing over his face. "Hesitation does not become you, it doesn't become anyone."

Osborn grabbed the man by the head and tossed him halfway across the hallway. He hit the ground with a sickening crunch. His neck snapping on impact due to the awkward nature of his landing.

"You're not going….you're not going to defeat me, ever," Osborn remarked as he rocked back and forth, a crazed look in his eyes.

Lionel, the Hellfire Club, the Kingpin, this Master Planner, and then there was the Star Child….all of them were conspiring to take him down. Malice and madness flickered through his eyes as he turned around.

'It's ready,' Osborn thought to himself.

He had fooled everyone into thinking the Goblin persona was a split personality but he had managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

He felt the formula pumping through his veins and he placed his hand on his face. His skin was burning off and he felt the green scaly flesh underneath it. He smiled as he felt his skin become rough. It could not be pierced by any metal in the world, he was completely invulnerable to any attack. His grin continued to widen across his mouth and he kept looking at himself in the mirror.

The goblin within was coming out to play, although the line between the goblin and Osborn was rather blurred.


Norman Osborn heard the pitter patter of SHIELD agents outside his office and he crossed his arms. His smile wide as he placed his hand onto his chin, malice flickering through his eyes. His voice was slick and sadistic and there was a threatening undercurrent to his tone.

"I hear you knocking, but you can't come in!" Osborn yelled in a sadistic tone of voice and there was a few seconds where he waited for it.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

Osborn reached towards a secret switch underneath his desk and revealed a panel. He had a glider, along with a small arsenal stashed there. His grin widened over his face as he lit up a Pumpkin Bomb.

He pressed the side of it and threw it into the air.

He blew up his office as his mind snapped completely. His eyes widening as he saw the fire and brimstone. A few of the Agents of SHIELD had been taken out in the explosion as chucks of the wall exploded outwards towards them.

If he could not control his legacy, then he would destroy it.

"Osborn, have you lost your mind?!"

"No, it's clearer than it's ever been!" Osborn shouted as he held two Pumpkin Bombs and hurled them with supreme fury.

The pumpkin bombs hurled towards them and the SHIELD agents had to scatter as the bombs hit the ground, exploding with a fury that had to be seen to be believed. Osborn's eyes continued to flicker with a deeper malice as he pushed forward.

More pumpkin bombs where thrown as he mounted his glider. The SHIELD agents had protective gear but no gear was going to protect them for long against the power of the Green Goblin. He held up a sonic toad in his hand and hurled it towards his enemies.

"Boom, goes the dynamite!" the Green Goblin called as he flicked the toad out of his hand.

The toad landed on the ground and started to hum. The Green Goblin turned on his glider and smashed out the window as an explosion of blood and guts transpired behind him.

'Now….revenge….on the Hellfire Club,' the Green Goblin growled.

He knew where they were holed up or rather Osborn did.


"It's very similar to a carefully orchestrated game of chess," Emma concluded as she placed her hand on her chin and a smile crossed her face. Harry stood next to her, along with Selene, as he raised an eyebrow towards her. "But I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know."

"Hardly," Amara remarked as she joined the group, with Kitty and Kara standing behind him. There were a few smiles on the faces of the girls.

"Harry's pretty much been taking control of your little club since he first learned of it, although it's been slower going then most of his projects," Kitty offered.

"Well than it should make the inevitable a much easier transition," Emma added, pleased to see that there would be a lot less problems then she believed. Shaw and his associates would be a bit of a problem but it wasn't a problem that they couldn't handle.

"I'm sure it will be," Harry commented in a light tone of voice as he heard a whirling from above.

Kara heard it as well as she frowned, at this point she turned towards Harry and tugged on his sleeve. Harry turned towards her and looked up into the air as he saw the sinister whirling in the air. His heart started to beat into his chest as he saw what was in front of him.

"It's the Green Goblin," Harry breathed as he turned around.


'Has Osborn lost his mind?' Emma thought as she saw him circling them on his glider.

'Yes, yes he has,' Harry remarked dryly.

The recent failures of Norman Osborn caused him to embrace his inner goblin without any shame. It appeared that whatever medication he was on, if any, it had failed big time. Or his doctor was nothing but a quack. Osborn continued to circle them on the hang glider.

'I'll take care of this,' Harry thought, he was not in the mood to deal with this Goblin bullshit.

He closed his eyes and focused on the Green Goblin. With someone like Osborn, there was more to it to then what met the eyes. The emerald eyed wizard shot up in the air faster than a speeding bullet.

Osborn turned around, his skin had mutated to the point where he did not even need a costume. Without some kind of grounding internal force like an X-Gene, magical powers, or alien biology, the goblin formula could mess with him big time.

"First the Club burns, then the Kingpin, then the Master Planner, but first I'll go for you, STAR CHILD!" Osborn yelled as he hurled two pumpkin bombs at Harry.

Harry closed his hands and turned them into paper airplanes but this left him open for an attack from a sonic toad that Osborn threw at him. The Goblin's malice escalated to new levels.

"Worship the Star Child, you should worship me!" Osborn yelled as he hurled pumpkin bombs at the side of the Church.

Kara shot into the air and used her heat vision to take out the bombs before they could hit the edge of the Church and defile Har-Rell's legacy.

Selene stared down the Green Goblin with contempt, he wanted to play in the big leagues now, well she was going to oblige him. She calculated the plan and then once it was in her mind, she fired the most potent magical spell that she could think of.

The spell, which was capable of blowing men into bloody chunks that could not even be identified by their mothers, hit the Green Goblin with a force of a feather.

"Baby, I'm immune to magic!" Green Goblin cheered with a smile crossing his face. He lifted up the pumpkin bombs and hurled them towards the ground with a vicious fury.

"SCATTER!" Harry called out and he tried to block everything that he could, transfiguring some, helping Kara to use her heat vision to take others out.

"That should have worked," Selene said in agitation as she spotted the Pryde girl rushing her way up the steps.

She was not about to hold back against her enemies and she vowed that when she had a chance, Osborn would suffer for trying to blow up the Church. His end would be drawn out and extremely painful.

"So, who wants some of this?" Green Goblin asked, his green skin a sickening color, his muscles bulging, and his suit hanging on by mere threads. It was horrifying to think that one would see the Green Goblin in all of his glory if he shifted a little bit more.

Kitty phased through the wall across from the Goblin and rocked on the ledge. She jumped onto his glider but he back handed her like she was an insect.

Kara zoomed in and caught Kitty in her arms and guided her to the ground.

Harry twisted his wrists and a series of flaming spikes shot up towards the Green Goblin.

"Yeah, buddy, there's no kill like overkill but magic can't kill me!" The Green Goblin yelled as the flaming spikes soured over his head.

"Wasn't aiming for you," Harry remarked to the Goblin and the spikes changed direction, aimed at the Goblin's glider and blew it out from underneath him.


'Well that wasn't very nice,' Lily commented from afar. 'He called your mothers a bitch, so I guess you're going to have to kick his arse even harder, Harry.'

'Naturally,' Harry thought to her, half in amusement, as he took his punishment upon the Glider.

The Green Goblin was not out of tricks and he started to laugh.

"That's….that's not good," Amara commented as she placed her hands on her head and the Princess of Nova-Roma wondered what he was so amused about.

"No, it's not," Harry remarked as he wondered what was so funny.

Sure enough the Green Goblin was going to tell him, for better or for worse.

"The looks on your face, oh glorious," The Green Goblin commented to him as his smile widened around his face. "You don't know….you don't know that no matter what….YOU….CAN'T….WIN!"

"Oh, yes we can," Harry commented as he zoomed off in the other direction.

"Yeah, you see he runs and…."

Harry flew all the way around the world at super speed and raised one hand in the air. His hand was about ready to nail the Green Goblin in the face at the fullest force. He reared back and with an explosive punch he nailed him extremely hard with the full brunt of his power. There was a solid smack as he flew head over heels.

The Green Goblin tried to take them out once again but his guidance system on the glider had been damaged and instead of flying, it hurled pumpkin bombs.

It hurled pumpkin bombs at him and the Goblin's eyes widened. There was only one word that passed through his lips.


A loud explosion resounded over the harbor as the glider and the goblin both appeared to crash into the ocean.




The explosions heightened to a new degree and the Green Goblin was gone.

Harry wasn't going to except this at face value and he moved to search for the Green Goblin. Even if it was the bloody remains of his body, he still wanted to find him.


"No word on him?" Kitty asked Harry, her voice filled with exasperation.

"No, I've searched the shore for a while, the Goblin either sunk to the bottom or he survived his little explosion," Harry informed her as he placed a hand on the top of his head.

And naturally given that there was no body, Harry was going under the assumption that the Green Goblin survived and would come back to plague him another day. It was just the way that things like that went.

"Well, I can't say things went that well but they could have gone worse," Kitty remarked to him.

"Yes, Ms. Pryde, what matters is the church is still intact," Emma commented to her as she walked into the front lobby of the Church. Kara and Amara were off elsewhere. Kara had been a big help for the search. "Shaw's signatures are on this paper. It's amazing what fever induced delirium will bring a person to."

"There won't anyone who would contest this, will they?" Harry asked to Emma and she shook her head.

"No, although Shaw's brat might make an attempt, pitiful it is," Emma stated, thinking about the younger Shaw. "But it would be amusing; any attempt that he might take to deal with you would be like trying to use spitballs to take down a battleship. That's if he can pry himself away from his boy toy long enough to notice."

Harry got the message loud and clear but it was in the interest of full disclosure that he knew everything that he had to go up against. It was just something that came with the territory.

"So…the Hellfire Club is getting restructured," Harry remarked.

"Yes, now that you're here, it is going to achieve is intended purpose, those other leeches were only sucked in so we could easily get our hands on their resources," Emma offered him.

Harry got a full view of her delicious body. Her large breasts nearly threatened to spill out of the white skintight corset that wrapped around her body. Her super tight shorts that molded around her tight ass like a second skin and she had legs to die for, with thigh high white boots and gloves. Emma saw him looking and a brief smile flickered over her face as she straddled his hips as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

"So previously, we had a little encounter, that barely scratched the surface of what we wanted to do," Emma commented as she continued to press up against him. She placed her hands on the small of his back as he sat against one of the benches against a wall.

Harry had a feeling that they were about to do something extremely unholy in a holy and sacred place and he had no real problems with that. The smile crossing her face even wider as she grinded herself up against him.

"So are you ready?" Emma asked to him.

A grin split his face as he pulled the woman in closer to him. He ran his hands through her blonde hair as he kissed her on the lips.

His lips were pressed firmly upon hers as Emma lost herself in the sensations of his tongue going over her lip. Harry wrapped his arms tighter around the woman, pulling her body into his. She barely could register that he had transported her off into a bedroom.

Emma enjoyed the sensations of his tongue working into her mouth and also he explored her body every step of the way.

Harry meanwhile enjoyed the sensations of her mature body, her full and healthy breasts, her flat stomach, and supple ass. He really enjoyed feeling and exploring her sensational assets. His smile heightened further as he ran his hands over every single inch of her nubile body.

Emma deepened the kiss and she ran her hands down his spine, working her hands all over his body and were a few seconds where both of them kept going at it with the kiss which got deeper, deeper, yet.

"It's time," Emma breathed as she laid back on the bed and Harry worked his magic on her.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Emma's eyes closed shot as Harry's hands molded her breasts as he pulled her shirt off. Her bare breasts were exposed to him and she felt the cool air blow across her nipples. Said nipples hardened as Harry placed his mouth against one of her sensitive buds.

There was a sighing as Harry worked his mouth around her hardened nipple and kept licking her. Emma pushed her nipple into his mouth as he sucked on her bud and the woman's breathing got even completely more labored. Harry was amazingly sucking on her nipple as he licked around her. His mouth worked her over.

"More Harry, more," Emma panted hungrily as Harry placed his mouth around her and ran his fingers down her body. Her stomach was skimmed with his fingers and the woman felt the heightened pleasure.

Harry stuck his fingers into her dripping hot pussy after he exposed it for the view. He moved his fingers in and out of her, in a twisting motion. The blonde lifted her hips up and Harry grunted as he passed his probing fingers into her.

"Yes," Emma moaned lustfully as she felt the heat rise from her as his fingers worked their amazing magic within her molten core.

"You want more, don't you?" Harry asked her and Emma nodded her head, biting down on her lip from the pleasure.

Harry obliged her with a few more thrusts into her. She brought her hips up to his fingers and he continued to probe into her, her juices trickling down as he brought more of them deep into her body.

"Yes," Emma panted even more deeply as Harry probed his fingers into her tight pussy.

His fingers buried deeper into her dripping quim and Harry smiled as he felt her body. She was a supreme example of womanly perfection.

"Let me please you," Emma remarked as her breasts were bared, her full and firm breasts. She pressed them together against his cock. "Not as good as Karen Starr's I'm sure but….I do try."

"No, they're pretty good," Harry grunted as her tit flesh wrapped around his shaft. "They're fucking fantastic!"

Emma's grin widened as she pushed her breasts up and down his shaft, rubbing his member between them. Harry hung onto her breasts and pumped his cock between the valley in her nipples. The woman's moans got heavier as Harry continued his hammering of her breasts.

The White Queen of the Hellfire Club was working up a sweat as Harry slid his cock in and out of her breasts, with her licking and slurping his member. Her lips wrapped around him tightly as she gave his head a nice little kiss and he kept hammering her large flesh globes.

"Damn it Harry, harder," Emma panted as she felt his length slide in and out between her breasts. The blonde bounced up and down on her hips and slurped on his cock.

Emma was taking verbal cues from his mind at what he liked and that was bringing him even more pleasure. Her breasts encased around his throbbing length this was a feeling and she reached down to play with her pussy. The blonde's eyes closed as the pleasure rushed through her being.

'My children got this before I did….they will be spanked later for this,' Emma thought to him as the twenty eight year old sexy mutant rubbed her tits around the throbbing length at the man she saved herself for.

"Damn, Emma, so fucking close, babe," Harry grunted as her jugs wrapped around his pulsing length.

"Do it, Har-Rell," Emma breathed as she licked her lips around his throbbing length. "Cum for me, darling."

"Yes, I'll….I'll do it," Harry grunted as she licked up and down the slit of his penis. The blonde's working around him was causing him to become unbearable.

The pressure in his loins burst with an explosive fury and his cum splattered her face, cheeks, forehead, and breasts. He kept pumping between her tits and there was a loud grunt.

"Yes, give me more," Emma panted as she bathed in his seed. Several spurts shot her in the face and the tits. Everything rolled down her and there was a few seconds where she gave a breathy moan.

Emma slid back, her legs spread, nothing but her boots and gloves on but that added to the erotic appeal. Her smooth shaven cunt was exposed for him.

Seductively, Emma scraped her god's cum off of her breasts and slurped it down with a dirty expression through her eyes. She lifted her hips.

"Come and get it," Emma breathed.

Harry hovered over her dripping wet pussy and rubbed his cock head against the slit of her. Her nipples hardened as he kept working over her center. The woman's breathing got even more intense and ragged. He worked himself between her legs as she tried to take him inside her.

"Harry, I can't handle the wait," Emma whined.

"Are you sure you can handle this cock?" Harry asked as he pinned her arms down to the ground and dragged his bulging cock over her dripping slit.

"I need you in me," Emma remarked as she wrapped her sensual legs over his waist.

"Yes, I can see that," Harry commented, teasing her arousal.

Emma thought that Harry not being inside her was pretty much legalized torture. His bulging cock rubbed against her center and the green eyes of Harry filled with teasing desire. There was a second where he gripped her thighs.

Harry plunged his pole into her and Emma's walls stretched for him.

"You're so fucking tight," Harry grunted to her.

"Yes, saved for you, the only man worthy for me," Emma groaned as his throbbing length entered her.

Emma's eyes closed as Harry placed his hands on her breasts and pushed up as he slammed into her. Her walls wrapped around him as the green eyed wizard kept plunging into her tightness. The breathing of the woman got even more intense.

Harry speared her tight center as he kept working into her. Her young hips worked up and Harry grabbed her tits.

Emma's eyes closed tight as Harry kept up the steady pace, working over her pussy with more thrusts into her. The woman lifted her hips for him and his length as it kept drilling inside her. The woman's tightness enveloped him as he kept up the assault on her tight pussy.

"More Harry, more love," Emma panted.

She decided after a while to switch the play.

Harry allowed Emma to roll him over and she straddled him, her dripping and battered pussy over him.

Emma looked at him with a sultry smile and slammed herself down onto his throbbing prick. Her tightness enveloped him and Harry buried himself deeper into her.

"Oh, this is better than any wet dream," Emma mewled as she drilled her pussy into his throbbing length.

"Been thinking about me at night," Harry grunted as he sat up and buried his face in her breasts, motorboarding them.

"Yes!" Emma yelled as she felt an orgasm rock her body.

Her eyes closed as she tried to reconcile everything that was going through her mind. Her heart thundered over her chest with a thump, thump, thump.

"More, faster," Emma grunted as he pumped into her.

She bounced up and down upon him, having the time of her life. Her thighs were going to be sore after this was done and her mind was going to be driven to mush.

Her orgasm enhanced thoughts were this as he kept drilling into her. Her pussy soaked his prick for another powerful climax.

Harry was a machine, he was not about to stop, not even for a second. And that was the way that Emma liked it. She did not want him to soften in her tight cunt. No, she wanted to experience everything, the entire package.

Her walls wrapped around him even more tightly and Harry grabbed her hips, spearing up into her. This explosive fury nearly wrecked her body and Harry grabbed her breast around with his hand.

"Getting close," Emma whimpered as she hung onto him.

There was never a second chance to make a first impression but Harry was doing a hell of a job of his first impression on her body. His cock kept passing between her walls, seeking out more of her heat. She tightened around his prick and stroked him up and down, swaying her hips down his body.

Another explosive orgasm from Emma and her walls tightened around him.

She milked his invading prick, using every trick in the book she could remember.

Harry grunted as her lovely walls wrapped around him. He could have sworn that she shifted into a more hardened form, perhaps a diamond. She felt even more tightened around him and she shifted halfway around it, although she hugged his penis even more tightly. It was a force that would have reduced the penis of another man to mush.

"Cumming," Harry grunted.

Emma had another orgasm at the thought of Harry's length working into her and spraying his fluids into her tightened chambers.

A hard thrust and Emma was rattled there were a few heavy spurts of cum that sprayed into her body. Her walls tightened around him even tighter.

Emma pulled off but then she turned around, on her hands and knees, presented to him.

Harry smiled as he prepared to take the plunge, the night was young after all.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Emma Frost felt the most amazing sensations ever as Harry gave her a good working over. The woman lay dazed on the bed, her arms folded over the top of her head and a smile crossing her face as drool dripped from the side of her mouth. The blonde's breathing heightened even more as Harry pulled away from her.

"She experienced something that few women would only dream about."

Harry turned around and Selene stood there, her arms folded and a smile crossing her mouth. The dark haired woman watched him.

"I'm certain that you'll be up for a meeting," Selene remarked as her eyes trailed hungrily down his naked form. "We have much to discuss before we get down to the main event however."

Harry saw the burning eyes on this hot women up him, she was a vision of sin, and Harry knew that she was endeared to him and him alone.

"I believe it's prudent if we continue this meeting in a different setting," Selene remarked to Harry.

Harry's smile widened. "Lead the way, my dear."

Selene took Harry around the arm, he was wearing nothing and she was not wearing much else. The two of them had much to discuss and then they would share something even more amazing.

Next chapter