
Chapter 3: Shadows of the Past Part Three

Chapter Three: "Shadows of the Past Part Three."

Harry's hearing was assaulted by the loud whirring sound and Kara as well was bombarded with the noises. The two Kryptonians found out rather quickly that super powered hearing can be extremely sensitive to extremely loud noises. The two lurched forward as Harry grabbed his ear and started to rub it, not really hearing anything of value as he turned around.

"So do you have any idea what that noise is?" Stark asked and Harry inclined his head as he considered the question until he confirmed that he did not with a rough shake of it.

"Not particularly, but I don't think it's something that we should be throwing up the red flag for," Harry remarked as he watched Carol and Natasha edge over to the crowd, keeping their expressions firm and extremely neutral. "If you can analyze it, it will be a big help."

"Yeah, I'm futuristic, but even this is a bit much by my standards," Stark remarked but never the less he calibrated his suit in an attempt to locate the sound that ship was giving up. "It's given off a high level frequency, some form of radiation. I don't believe….actually I might be able to figure this out, given time."

Harry's hands placed onto his head as he pondered what he had to do. The individual on the ground laughed even though he was secured and not in any position to triumph. Harry needed answers and since this man's brain proved to be quite resistant to any kind of mental techniques, he needed to be kept awake for questioning.

For now at the very least.

"You don't get it, do you?" Tyrell asked, his eyes flickering with a fury that could not be matched by anything Harry ever saw. "You see this thing before you, it is something that will wipe the rest of your kind clean from the face of this planet."

"For someone who hasn't won, you've got quite the mouth on you," Carol commented to him as Tyrell's eyes turned to the blonde with a furious expression.

"It doesn't matter if I win, as long as this false prophet dies," Tyrell offered as he still felt the ravages of going through the battle with this one. He was far stronger than he thought. "I always have a contingency plan. You were spared a few scant years, I do hope that you've made the most of them."

Harry blocked out these words, discouraging as they might be. The wizard's expression remained cool and collected. Most people would lose their cool when they came under fire. Harry was not one of those people, ever since the moment that he was born, he always kept his head in a crisis.

"Harry," Rogue offered the moment he walked forward to join her.

"Rogue, Rachel, Wanda, Jean, Amara, Kurt, Bobby…." Harry stated before he added as an afterthought. "Scott."

Scott nodded briskly.

"So I'm guessing that you weren't as dead as we thought," Scott offered back to Harry coolly.

'Don't sound so broken up about it,' Rachel thought, eying Scott, wondering what his problem was. Although his problem could be a culmination of many things that had happened, including getting a strong sense of his own self-worth.

Rachel thought that if Harry could be the better person and just blow Scott's attitude off, she could do so as well. After all, Harry was able to be a great leader in spite of what the other people around him said. The magical mutant was someone who inspired others around him to do great things. Harry turned off to the side, green eyes flickering with intensity as he did.

"No, I wasn't dead, but it's a long story and I wish to have enough to time to do it the proper credit," Harry offered Scott in the coolest voice possible.

Rachel smiled, that was the biggest brush off ever.

"Hello, Harry, it's good to see you once more," Ororo offered as the group eyed the blonde.

"This is Kara, she's…just like me," Harry remarked to the group as they were about to questioned things.

They had their mouths open but Jean was the one who cut in with a few more words. "Yeah, I know things seem frustrating to try to figure out but we've got to wait for this to pan out. Trust me, Harry's got a good explanation for all this, he always has a good explanation for something like this."

Everyone responded with crisp nods as Harry moved away from them towards the Avengers. Harry held a device in his hand that was picking up the energy readings.

"Okay, I'm getting a reading on the ship, are you getting that Tony?" Harry asked.

"Gotcha lot and clear," Stark remarked with a nod as he saw the symbols around it.

"Wow, that's….I don't understand a word of that," Carol remarked as she looked over the numbers, and she had dealt with some pretty high tech stuff in her days. Especially the technology that she confiscated in her work with SWORD, it was amazing. She watched them click through everything, amazed as they got more and more information to try and pinpoint what needed to be done. "It's amazing though, I think."

"It is pretty amazing but we've got to focus, we have to shut that ship down," Harry offered as he locked onto a solution. "And I believe that if we siphon off the energy, to the point where it can't reach critical, I can put a shield around it and vanish it piece by piece. Your arc reactor can do that."

"It can?" Tony asked and Harry nodded his head. "Is that….is that safe?"

"It is," Harry offered to him, he would not have offered that point unless he was one hundred percent sure. "I'm sending you the calibrations right now, I tried to dumb it down as much as I could."

Tony's facial expression turned to that of a mild amount of annoyance.

"Hey….I didn't roll off the turnip truck yesterday," Stark protested as he continued to flicker through the readings.

"The real question is do you need anything explained?" Harry asked and Stark paused before he looked over everything.

"No, I'm good," Stark replied to him in a calm tone of voice before he asked the question that burned on the tip of his tongue. "So how long is this going to take?"

"Three minutes, and you've got three minutes and nineteen seconds before we get blown into microscopic dust particles," Harry informed them as he had everything prepared, all Stark had to do was work his magic.

"No pressure or anything," Hawkeye remarked as he let his breath out in a whistle.

Harry turned around and saw Nick Fury standing there, arms crossed. The green eyed wizard focused on Fury, his green eyes meeting Fury's one eye.

"So missed me Fury?" Harry asked of him.

"Yes, like bowel cancer," Fury offered to him but a smile crossed the face of the grizzled commander of SHIELD none the less. He took a moment to adjust to the situation before he remarked in a cool tone. "Didn't think for a moment that you were dead."

"No body, no death," Harry offered Fury and the Commander inclined his head with a brief nod.

"Right in one, although even if you did leave a body, I wouldn't be convinced," Fury replied crisply to him. "It would likely be a clone or a robot or a robot disguised as a clone anyway."

Stark meanwhile was shaking, siphoning off this energy caused the systems of his armor to go haywire. Harry's eyes flickered towards him and he placed a hand on his forearm to try and stabilize the billionaire.

"I'm fine….I'm fine," Stark managed as he shook badly. He twisted his head around and paused. "That was unpleasant but I've had worse."

Harry had no time to follow up on that statement as he managed to shield the ship. His eyes closed as he concentrated on safely getting it out of there. If he missed one part, that would be the end for them all. Piece by piece, the ship disappeared into nonexistence where it could not harm anyone ever again.

Tyrell's eyes widened furiously.


"This guy's really asking for it, isn't he?" Rogue asked.

Jean smiled, her Phoenix Powers were not back to one hundred percent but she could use them now.

Harry decided that if they worked together, they might be able to take him down.

"You might defeat me but…."

Wanda blasted him with a hex bolt causing his head to ring. His armor, which had nearly been healed, failed once more thanks to her powers. The young magical mutant held her hands up and watched him with a raised eyebrow before she remarked in a stoic tone.

"You talk too much."

Rogue was the next to attack him, flying at him with the utmost fury. Her punch rattled him, it was nearly strong as what Harry was capable of with his Kryptonian abilities. It rocked him with furious fury.

Kara zipped forward next but her training was rather rudimentary, so all she served as for the time being was as a super powerful distraction. She zipped to the right and zoomed to the left which caused Tyrell to swat at her, like trying to nail a fly.

Thor smashed Tyrell with Mjolnir and Iron Man, suit now back to full strength, fired at him with a series of repulsor blasts. The alien stepped back, his armor cracking but he pushed all of his bio-energy into protecting himself.

'And he has a weakness,' Harry thought to Jean. 'His body might heal fast, but let's see how much of a hammering his mind can take.'

'On it,' Jean thought as she tried to lock onto the mind but the thoughts were too alien to comprehend.

The Phoenix Force flickered through her subconscious, she tried to push into his mind at full power. Jean felt like it was behind a locked vault, all she needed was a bit more time and she would have him. There was a loud cracking sensation as the Phoenix Force pushed out towards him.

Jean went full phoenix and knocked Tyrell back.

"They fight by you," Tyrell grunted as he ignored the ringing in his ears and Bobby fired a blast of ice towards him. It froze his legs but not for long. "They fight with you they'll…"

An arrow fired into Tyrell's chest and Natasha flicked a grenade. Water splashed on the ground at Tyrell's feet and the alien looked outraged.

"You try and defeat me with water," Tyrell remarked, unable to believe that such a thing occurred. "You must be….argh."

Natasha tried to defeat him with both water and a huge burst of electricity from the Widow's Bite. This fried Tyrell rather harshly. He screamed out loud in agony but he was not taken down, not yet. He refused to be dropped by an attack from a mere mortal.

The combined psychic attacks by Jean and Rachel put him down onto the ground and his knees buckled, before Harry focused his eyes.

He could kill him where he stood but if Tyrell died, he would not learn anything. Therefore the wizard threw his full might towards his enemy and with a blast of magical energy he flew backwards to the ground.

He followed this up by punching him so hard that in the face that his jaw cracked, sending Tyrell straight into dream land.


Tyrell leaned back against the wall of his cell, all things considered, he did not look too rattled by his predicament. The alien's eyes narrowed at Nick Fury who walked up towards him to stare him down.

""If you were smart, you'd end this right now before I escape, and believe me, I will be able to escape," Tyrell told him, even though it pained him to speak!. He refused to allow himself to show any vulnerability to these barbarians.

"In a moment," Fury informed him as his arms crossed and he kept his neutral expression on Tyrell. "What was the point of today's attack?"

Tyrell offered the most twisted and to the point answer he could.

"You humans were in the way; it wasn't anything personal, against humanity at least. The Star Child is another matter entirely. Sometimes planets die just for the sake of being in the way. Mine did, and others did and yours will as well."

Tyrell decided to offer Fury the courtesy of informing him exactly what he meant by these remarks.

"Earth is nowhere near important enough on the galactic arena to have mandated any sort of attention, until now. It is a planet that is ripe for conquest. Or ripe for destruction depending on the race. It's weak and primitive."

"If we were so weak and primitive, how are you in this cell and the Earth not a chunk of smoldering cinders?" Fury challenged him.

Tyrell's snorted as he held his hands on his chest, and threw his head back before looking at the director of SHIELD. A look of superiority that Fury wanted to slap off of his face crossed it.

"You do not get it at all do you?" he asked in a calm voice. His tone was icy and his teeth clenched together. "You do not get what you're dealing with. I would have destroyed you if it was not for your alien savior."

Tyrell paused before he continued in a calm tone of voice. "You would have been stomped by him. Of course, I would not have been here in the first place had he not been here. His kind is truthfully a double edged sword. He will lord over you and control you. Allowing me to destroy you would have been the kindest thing in the world for it has just begun. Now you have to face future humiliation at the hands of other races throughout the twenty eight known galaxies."

The alien's face contorted into an extremely ugly grimace before his eyes fixed on everyone around him. He turned his expression around before he continued to speak a tiny bit more.

"Perhaps the aliens have already arrived here and have infiltrated humanity."

That statement was not a good one for a known paranoid like Nick Fury to hear. He reached forward and nearly grabbed the bars before stopping himself, a demand spat out of his mouth.

"What are you talking about?"

Tyrell kept his expression rather calm. "What makes you think I'm speaking about anything of value? I know little more than you do. You might contain me for now but there will be others. And there will be others that would draw out all of humanity's suffering to the point where you will be begging for the end but there is no end in sight."

Fury pondered over these words in his mind, it made him think more than ever. The Director of SHIELD found himself being drawn to paranoid thoughts and wondered if this individual knew far more than he thought that he did. The government agent twisted his expression towards his prisoner.

"That's all the free information you're getting from me," Tyrell offered Fury. "You wish to find any more from me; you take it up with the galactic council. But given the Earth is not regulated by them, you might not want to deal with them and any sanctions they might pose upon you barbarians."

"You forfeited any rights the second you stepped onto this planet and tried to blow us into smithereens," Fury barked as he lost his temper before his eye flashed towards Tyrell. "Let's see you chill here for a while. Maybe you'll be a bit more cooperative later."

"Death means nothing to me, imprisonment either, and torture is not something that I fear," Tyrell commented without blinking as he watched Fury. "You've never dealt with anything like me, I'm not one of your psychotic Earth criminals that you can shake with a few threatening words."

"You'd be surprised how many men I've shaken," Fury growled as he spun around and walked away.

"Nothing like me," Tyrell stated nastily.

"So any luck cracking Ziggy Stardust over there?"

That question was stated by Tony Stark who kept his eye on Fury who shook his head.

"The new prison should hold him, even if he breaks from his cell, he won't be able to find his way out of this realm without at least three sets of codes from three trusted agents of SHIELD," Fury informed Stark. "No, he hasn't cracked yet but he's let more slip than I think he intended to."

"Or just enough," Reed Richards commented before he looked over the notes on his paper. "42 should hold, this area of the Negative Zone cannot be accessed without the authorization codes to the portal."

"We might consider bringing more prisoners over here, it would keep them out of the way," Stark offered to them and Fury turned around.

"It would be more secure and they could escape but wouldn't be able to get out of here," Fury commented to them.

Fury had other things to determine, the report of Harry Potter's demise was greatly exaggerated which he suspected that it would be.

"Potter popped up quick and then he's gone back into the night," Clint offered as he joined the group after they exited the portal into the SHIELD facility.

"Well he's like that," Fury offered to him but then he saw a smiling Harry Potter standing before him. "Where have you been?"

"Around," Harry commented in a light tone of voice.

"Do you have any idea about this nutjob?" Fury asked to him but Harry raised a hand with a calm expression blinking through his eyes.

"I wish I did, but I really have no idea," Harry remarked as he took in the SHIELD facility and had a good look at everything that was around him. He was completely impressed by everything and he whistled for a few seconds. "Nice place you've got here, Fury."

Fury did not say anything, but he knew that Potter knew far more about this situation that he was letting on, it was just having him say anything that was another matter entirely. There was a few seconds before someone spoke up.

"So are you back for long?" Natasha asked as she turned up, thinking that she heard the sound of Harry's voice. The wizard's expression turned toward hers, with a smile crossing his face.

"Well I'm back for a little bit, just making sure that SHIELD has our little visitor from the stars completely secure," Harry told them as Fury looked over his shoulder. "May I help you, Fury?"

"You had another one with you, where is she now?" Fury asked but Harry turned towards him, his expression locked onto the Commander of SHIELD.

Harry turned his head towards her. "She's in a perfectly safe location. She hasn't caused any harm to anyone, so don't start getting it in your head than this is much more than it is"

"And what is it?" Fury demanded to Harry.

"Oh, it's nothing much, just two people who lost their homes trying to find a new one," Harry remarked to him, his expression warning Fury to let it die right now. "Don't push the issue Fury, I'd worry about other matters. Like how an alien ship got to Earth mostly undetected."

Again Fury grudgingly admitted that there was a point of some sort that was made. The fact of the matter was that if he allowed this ship thing to pass without incident, there was going to be a huge problem. This individual had a point, there were a lot about Earth's defenses that could need some fine tuning.

"So….welcome back I guess," Carol remarked to Harry who turned to the blonde with a nod. He had barely noticed she showed up until now.

"Well I'm not officially back, at least not yet, although give me a little bit and I'll be around," Harry remarked as he stepped forward.

"How long?"

Harry smiled as that question was given and he decided to give them the answer to them. "As long as it takes but don't worry about me being gone. This world stood for thousands of years without me, I'm sure it will hold on it's own for a couple more months."

The wizard knew that he left the prisoner in good hands but he paused before he offered Fury one more piece of information.

"You better be on your guard, because someone like that never works alone," Harry remarked to Fury and the Commander of SHIELD nodded.

"Duly noted."


Harry stepped to the edge of the Xavier Institute, with Kara on one side of him. She was dressed in a blue jacket, a red tank top, and blue jeans that fit snugly around her along with tennis shoes. She wore a pair of glasses that covered her face and a hair dying charm had been applied that turned her hair brown. It was hoped that this was a good enough disguise so that no one could put two and two together.

Harry wore a green jacket, a black top, and blue jeans, with a pair of glasses. It had been a long time since he wore glasses but naturally he did not have to. They were mostly for show, to maintain the human mask that he presented to the outside world.

A third individual joined them quickly, it was Megan. She was dressed in a green top and a jean skirt, along with knee high red boots. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail which flowed down her back. Not wanting to be left out, she wore a pair of glasses as well.

"I don't know, there's something about a pair of glasses that throws people off," Megan offered to them with a shrug. "Or at least it does on Earth television."

"I can't believe that people would be that gullible, well actually I can believe that," Harry offered them as Megan's expression turned into a smile. "So did you rest well in the Fortress?"

"Yeah, I just wish the security system was better," Harry offered as he reached forward. "Well this is the part a ton of meteors falling on the top of my head delayed for a little bit."

"Well I was there, I didn't get to do anything," Kara offered before she spoke to Harry. "Did you….did you do anything out there in battle like freeze up or something?

Harry smiled back at her. "I've done that a few times, don't worry. I didn't expect you to be the best in the world out there, you're still learning."

Kara nodded, her spirits lifted a slight bit before she turned towards the Mansion. "So this is the place that you lived at for a year in this world."

"Yes it is," Harry offered and Kara whistled as she looked over it.

"Pretty neat,' Kara commented to him as she continued to use her eyes to scan up and down the Mansion, her expression growing more expressive with each swipe over it. She shrugged her shoulders and peered over one to eye Harry. "It looks amazing."

"Yeah, I just wish the security system was better," Harry offered as he reached forward. "Well this is the part a ton of meteors falling on the top of my head delayed for a little bit."."

"Yes, I know, but it's for the best that you say your goodbyes before you leave and then you can focus on your training," Megan told him.

Harry smiled, the hardest part was leaving but it was something that he knew was going to happen from the moment he got here. The only regret that he had, minor as it was, was that he would get people's hopes up that his return would be permanent. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Now with that motion was out of the way, Harry tapped his foot on the ground impatiently as he waited for someone to answer.

The door opened and Jean looked outside. For a second she thought it was some Friends of Humanity idiot that she had to mind wipe again or make him think he was a three year old or something. Thankfully her mood and her eyes brightened as she saw who was on the other side.

"Harry!" Jean yelled as she threw her arms around Harry and got on her tip toes, before she kissed him heatedly.

Harry hoisted her off on the ground, his arms wrapping around her. Jean pushed herself into the embrace, her tongue inserting into his mouth. The fact she fought her very obvious attraction to Harry for months flickered through her mind and she felt stupid because of it but Jean made up for lost time.

Megan hummed lightly and checked her watch as Jean broke apart from Harry, both having swollen lips and messed up clothes.

"I didn't expect you to stop by….considering what happened," Jean stated and Harry raised an eyebrow. "I mean….I know you would if you could but there were other circumstances."

"I know Jean, trust me," Harry remarked as he turned over towards Megan and Kara. "This is Megan, I believe you two have already met."

"Yes we have," Jean agreed as she moved over to greet the girl. "The Professor is flummoxed by you."

"I aim to please," Megan offered with a bright smile, but there was a certain amount of mischief that danced through her glowing green eyes as she looked at Jean.

"And this is Kara she's….a fellow survivor of my world," Harry remarked, considering that Jean did not know much about anything.

Rogue, Wanda, and Rachel turned up before anything further could be said on that note.

"Harry, welcome back, Sugah" Rogue offered as she moved towards him with a tight hug. Harry noticed that she'd seem to done away with her Goth look.

While he didn't hate the Goth look per say, it did do Rogue a great disservice to her natural beauty. Even though she did pull the Goth thing off well but still she looked rather nice. He drank in her look, her dark hair with a hint of the white stripe in it. Her dazzling blue eyes and pouty lips were even more beautiful now. Her tight green shirt wrapped around her and showed off her skin, as the bracelet that Harry gave her was on. Her tight pants looked even tighter around her, as her sexy ass was well developed.

"Nice, to see you Rogue, you look beautiful," Harry told her and Rogue's face spread to a wide ear to ear grin, before she planted her lips on Harry's with a searing kiss.

She pulled back, with a hand on her hip. "Why thank you Sugah, glad to see you approve."

The Southern belle offered in a more serious tone of voice. "It's good to see you."

Rogue looked wonderful but Wanda looked absolutely stunning as well with what she did to herself. Her dark hair hung down past her shoulders, which suited her quite nicely. She wore a red top that showed off her toned stomach, along with a red skirt that wrapped snugly around her hips. Harry looked her over, and Wanda's feet were covered by a pair of red pumps.

"Hello Harry, welcome back," Wanda offered to him with a smile, pleased to see that her attire was getting the desired reaction from him.

"Wanda, you did something with your hair didn't you, it looks great," Harry remarked to the young magical mutant.

"Thank you Harry," Wanda told him, her lips curling into a smile, the first thing that he noticed was her hair. She was still quite pleased by what she'd done with it.

Rachel was silent for a few seconds. "Harry….don't take this the wrong way, but….Cyclops is being a dick and I might just strangle him if I'm here for too much longer."

"Well that was forward," Megan offered in a dry voice as Kara giggled off to the side.

'He's her father, long story,' Harry projected to both of the aliens next to him.

'Given my father, I can relate,' Kara offered as she wrinkled her nose.

'Well I didn't have any parental issues, or I don't remember them' M'gann offered before she smiled in remembrance. 'There is my uncle J'onn, we got along pretty well.'

'You know, I can hear your thoughts as well being a telepath, don't you?' Rachel interjected but she sounded amused.

'Sorry Rach,' Harry told her in an apologetic tone of voice through the mental link.

'It's fine, why do I have a feeling that there are going to be a few new members of the family?' Rachel thought, blocking this thought towards Megan and Kara, so only Harry could hear it. The young woman's eyes flickered with mirth.

Wanda hugged Harry as he was thinking and he felt her arms wrap around him, along with her supple chest pressing against his. The young magical mutant was quite a sight to behold in her new attire.

"So what's with the new look if you don't mind me asking?" Harry asked Wanda and she smiled back at it. It was good to see her smile given how broody she could get.

"Well, I was thinking, my old look…it was kind of a manifestation of the anger that I had towards my father," Wanda remarked to Harry before she held her hands up. The nubile young mutant thought about it, a momentary flicker of rage appeared through her eyes but she got better at controlling these outbursts. "I'm not going to forgive my father but if I've learned anything, life is too short."

"And my look was something that Mystique forced on me to control me," Rogue offered, although she did enjoy it at the time for what it was worth.

"Okay, fair enough," Harry remarked to them both.

"Harry, I thought I heard your voice."

Ororo stepped forward, followed by Kurt and Hank. The three of them nodded towards Harry.

"Ororo, it's good to see you," Harry remarked as he saw the mature woman's eyes travel over him, lingering in certain places for more than normal. He smiled at her before he cleared her throat.

"It seems that you have changed much since you left the Mansion," Ororo commented as she recovered with dignity. Although she caught her gaze lingering on his body for a bit longer but she chalked that up to the stress of the past few weeks.

"Well, we all go through changes, my species goes through a metamorphosis at the age of eighteen, it's just that mine seems to been a little bit delayed," Harry informed Ororo as he watched her, his eyes traveling discreetly over every inch of her. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Why thank you," Ororo offered although her cheeks felt a bit flushed. Harry was always a joy to have around, he did seem to be able to guide the New Mutants quite a bit better then Scott.

"Might I ask where everyone else is?" Harry asked.

"Well, Logan is out doing the Logan thing, you know how that goes," Kurt commented to Harry and he nodded. "The New Mutants are in a training session, they might not be out for an hour. Professor Xavier and Scott are overseeing it."

'And they're all saying save us Harry, please,' Rachel thought to him in amused tone of voice.

"And I'm trying to undertake one of the most stressful endeavors that has ever been placed into my hands," Beast commented in a light hearted tone of voice before he remarked to Harry. "I'm trying to ensure that the Mansion's security system works in a way that is functional enough."

Harry smiled back at Beast. "I wish you the best of luck in that."

The fuzzy blue mutant shrugged that off. "Luck might not be nearly enough to navigate through the quagmire that it is, but I will endeavor to do my best."

"If anyone can do it, it's you," Jean remarked to him with a smile before she decided to address the elephant in the room that they had been all carefully sidestepping. "Well….I think we know the reason where you came out of your cave."

"Yeah, Kitty up and left in the middle of the night," Rogue chimed in, deciding to get straight to the point because there was no use in tap dancing around it.

"And no one had a hint that she was going," Harry commented in a crisp voice.

Ororo shook her head and her eyes gazed upon Harry's before she commented in an apologetic tone of voice. "No Harry, but we hoped….perhaps foolishly, that she would have turned back around and returned."

'There's no telling what happened,' Megan offered him through the mental link and Jean hopped into the call.

'Yeah, she might have decided to do what Laura did and track you down as well,' Jean thought to Harry before she added. 'I'm sure that's where Logan is, making sure that Laura doesn't get herself into any trouble.'

'And of course, Logan's the best judge of this,' Harry projected to her through a mental link in her mind.

'Yeah well…let's just roll with it for now,' Jean offered Harry with a brisk shrug.

"So she's….not here," Harry offered, he felt an impending feeling of dread filling his stomach that he could not shake.

"There is no indication that she has been captured by any unsavory parties," Hank offered them before he added the other part to that unfortunate statement. "And there is no more indication that she has not been captured."

"I think Kitty is competent enough not to be captured by someone," Harry offered in a bold tone of voice.

He sure hoped that she would be but given that Harry partially trained her, he would feel like a failure if something happened to her. Not to mention the fact that she was one of his many girlfriends, so if something happened to them, any of them, Harry did not know what he was going to do.

"I'm pretty sure you're right, Harry," Rachel offered to him but her face contorted into a bit of an agitated expression. She was not too happy with Kitty right now.

Kitty better have a damn good reason to leave as she did. Rachel was numb with the shock but she was moved over to Gwen and Laura's way of thinking shortly after the funeral. The death was too clean and there was no way that Harry could not have survived.

"Harry, can I speak to you for a minute about something before you leave?" Jean asked as Harry smiled.

"Be with you in a minute, Jean," Harry offered her before he turned to them. "I'm sure you're all wondering about the new school."

"The thought did cross my mind once or twice, yes," Wanda offered him with a bit of a smile, she did not feel that much at home with the X-Men, because she technically was not one. "I thought you had premises set up and everything."

Harry turned towards her. "Yes, I'm setting it up but I want to make sure security is a bit more fine-tuned, it should be done by the time that I get my training done."

"Training?" Rachel asked but she shook her head. It was hard to believe that….well it was hard to believe that he needed more training.

"Yes, it has to do with my unique heritage, I believe Megan has told you that," Harry offered to them.

"Yes, I have," Megan remarked. "His training will take a month to six weeks, in the real world but it will be much longer inside the time bubble."

"So you should take some solace in the fact that it will be a lot longer on my end than it is on yours," Harry commented.

"I think Megan told them that too," Kara commented lightly towards them.

"It must be extremely important," Ororo offered them and Harry's expression turned towards her, before a smile popped up over his face.

"The most important training I can ever undertake," Harry told her as he placed a pair of hands on his hips.

He was confident in that and he was not knocking the training that the Xavier Academy offered, but this training was equally important as well.

"So, I believe that you wanted to have a few words with me, Jean," Harry offered her and the redhead nodded towards him. "Kara, Megan, you can get to know the rest of them a bit better, Jean and I will be back shortly."

"Right, see you later Harry," Kara offered as she planted a kiss on his cheek as she stood on her tip toes.

Jean and Harry made their way up the stairs of the Mansion. It allowed Jean to collect her thoughts for a few seconds.

Before too long, they reached Jean's room, a venue that Harry had been seen the inside of many times before. The young redhead telepath shut the door behind her after she ushered Harry inside.

"I didn't want Professor Xavier or Scott to find out about it, they think that I was upset about you being gone, which I was," Jean told her and Harry cupped a hand to her chin.

"Believe me, my beautiful phoenix, I know," Harry informed her as he snaked his arms around her waist.

Jean leaned against Harry, feeling the nice sensation of her chest pressing against his and that gained her the needed confidence to look him straight in the eye. She drew in a deep breath and continued to talk.

"So, the Phoenix Force, it vanished without a trace for a little bit, at least until you came back," Jean remarked as she spoke to Harry.

'You know, since I'm back, you could have just asked me,' the Phoenix thought to Jean.

Harry smiled back at Jean. "There you go."

'What happened anyway?' Jean thought to the Phoenix.

'Your guess is as good as mine, someone tried to cut us off, so we lost touch,' the Phoenix thought to Jean with a slight flicker of irritation prominent within her.

'Will it happen again?' Jean asked Phoenix.

Phoenix seemed thoughtful for a brief few seconds before she remarked back to Jean.

'I will make every effort not to allow it to happen,' the Phoenix thought to Jean. 'Tell Harry that it's good to have him back.'

"The Phoenix says it's good to have you back, Harry," Jean remarked to him and Harry's expression turned towards her with a smile.

"I've heard, it's good to be back, even if it is for a short time, especially with such company," Harry offered Jean and Jean looked him over.

"You know Harry, we're here alone for a few minutes, we could have a little fun before we leave," Jean remarked to him as she placed her hands around his waist.

Harry looked over Jean's body, a black t-shirt stretched over her ample curves, that showcased her sexy belly button, tight black shorts wrapped around her sexy hips, and showcased her beautiful long stems. They were gorgeous legs that could stretch on for miles and they were quite drool worthy.

"I'm open to it," Harry offered as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and Jean placed one of her bare legs onto his hips, and looked in him the eyes.

"I'm sure," Jean offered him in a lustful purr as she straddled his lap and tightened her grip around his neck before her lips met his in a searing kiss.

Smut/Lemon Begins. 

Harry kissed Jean heatedly and she returned the favor. The sensation of her lips on his was like an extremely pleasurable fire and it was amazing. The two of them enjoyed their moments together, their limbs tangled around each other, and Jean's covered crotch moving up and down his.

Jean pulled back and allowed Harry to pull her shirt over the top of her head. This set her flaming red hair in disarray and Harry saw her generous bust encased in a black bra. Her amazing cleavage brought drool to Harry's mouth and she worked open the buttons of his shirt in response.

"Mmm," Jean moaned as she feverishly worked his shirt off to reveal his chiseled chest. His muscles got more defined since the last time. She straddled his lap and Harry traced patterns on the small of her back, feeling the lovely flesh underneath his hand.

She ground her mound up and down on his cock, causing his erection to grow even larger.

Jean wiggled her skirt off and it slid down her legs to reveal a matching black thong that covered her sexy ass. The redhead telepath threw her head back and moaned as Harry planted kisses on her neck, sucking on her flesh.

"Oh Harry, I missed this a lot," Jean panted, her eyes glazing over lustfully, as she unbuckled his pants, and motioned for him to lift his hips up.

Her pussy dripped wet for him and she burned with desire for him. The redhead felt her mind connect with Harry as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her into him.

"Harry, I need you," Jean panted as she looked at him as fire appeared around them.

Their strong and durable mutant bodies survived the fire around them, but their under garments had no such restrictions. Jean's eyes widened as she drew her tongue over her lips, licking it.

Was it her imagination or did Harry get much bigger since the last time they made love?

It didn't matter to Jean, in fact she was not complaining, she placed her hand on his throbbing member, all twelve inches of it and brought her hand up once and stroked it down. Her hand wrapped around it, clasping around the throbbing hard cock.

"Jean," Harry breathed as he felt her tight hand wrapped around him.

"I missed this cock," Jean stated as she twirled her tongue around him and licked it, pulling cues from his mind what he wanted from her. She kissed the tip of it, placing her lips around it, offering some suction.

"Feed me," Harry prompted her and Jean smiled.

"Of course, love," Jean stated as she threw herself over Harry's hand, feeling his hands maneuver around her hips and thighs. The caresses he gave her were intense and he worked around her.

Jean's eyes flickered shut as his tongue worked into her after a few more seconds and drove in and out of her. The redhead panted as her legs tightened around Harry's head and he continued to delve into her dripping hot mound. His tongue drew even deeper into her and she could have sworn that he found a way to make it grow in length.

"Damn it Harry, that feels so great," Jean breathed as she bent down.

'Make sure to return the favor, Red,' Harry thought to her mentally to her.

'Of course, Green eyes,' Jean projected to him, feeling the pleasure that her mate was giving her and was determined to give him as much pleasure that he gave her.

The redhead captured his cock into her mouth and drew it between her lips, sucking on it deeply. Her eyes closed together as she stuck her lips around his throbbing hunk of meat. Pure erotic energy flooded through both of the lovers as the two of them indulged themselves into each other. Jean's lips formed a vacuum tight seal around his throbbing member and she sucked him off deeply, her eyes flooded over with an extremely high amount of pleasure.

'Mmm,' Jean hummed to herself.

'Keep doing that,' Harry thought to her as he felt her tongue work him over and take her deep into her throat, the redhead continued to go down on him.

'Believe me, I'll give you all of the….love you need,' Jean thought as her nose touched down onto his pelvic bone as his cock pushed down her throat.

'Damn it Jean, you're amazing, amazing, fucking hell,' Harry projected to Jean through her mind and she placed her hands on his hips.

The redhead took more of his throbbing prick into her mouth, determined to coax all of his cum out of her. She felt the sensation of his cock throb in her mouth and she could not wait to have it spewing inside.

She closed her eyes as she felt his tongue probe her and begin to rattle inside her. The redhead screamed out loud as she felt a flood of her juices spill across his face. The redhead clenched her thighs and his tongue never broke motions, licking her deeply. Losing herself in the sensations Jean squeezed her thighs between him as his hands roamed her body, until she realized that it was not her hands. He sent little telekinetic caresses at her body, stimulating her most sensitive areas.

The redhead screamed lustfully as more juices spilled from her but Jean was determined to get his seed down her throat. She closed her eyes, sucking a lot of it up rather amazingly. She was going to bring every single drop he had out of his balls and into her mouth. Her face pushed down onto him.

'Harry, cum, you know you want to,' Jean encouraged him, sending a small jab to the pleasure center of his brain with her abilities.

Harry returned fire, sending an even more prominent bolt of pleasure and Jean lost her juices on Harry's face, splattering him. The sticky juices flooded onto his face and Harry kept using his tongue to draw every single little bit out of her. She panted heavily, grabbing onto his thighs. The redhead sunk her nails into him and brought his phallus into her mouth.

Eventually something had to break and Harry's loins tightened, before sending a steady stream of cum into Jean's waiting mouth. He pumped his seed into her as she sucked him up heavily. The redhead's eyes tightened shut as she brought her mouth up and down, using her lips and mouth to stimulate him.

Jean broke away from Harry, his seed dripping down her lips and she stuck her tongue out to show his seed on her tongue. She then used her tongue to lick the excess off her face, slowly and then reached forward.

"I taste good don't I," Jean offered as she took her fingers into her mouth and threw her head back to suck off her own love juices. The redhead rolled her head back and moaned, licking the excess seed from her fingers as she sucked it, slowly, using her tongue the entire way through.

"Yes, yes you do," Harry remarked, unable to believe how hot this is and Jean took some of her juices and fed them to Harry.

His throbbing cock was primed for her dripping snatch and Jean could sense his want. It was just as well as it matched her own.

The redhead pushed herself up and with another moment, slid his cock inside of her tight pussy. She breathed heavily as he entered her body, working his throbbing cock into her tight center. The emerald eyed wizard pushed into her as Jean rode it.

The Phoenix fire licked their bodies, as the room heated up to an amazing temperature. The room burned around them lightly, but nothing was compared the burning passions that Jean and Harry shared to each other. She allowed his thick pole to enter and exit her. Jean pulled herself up so it almost touched her entrance before she slid back onto his throbbing cock.

"That feels so fucking good," Harry offered Jean as she rode him one hundred percent of the way and he tightened his arms around her.

Jean felt his thick tool work into her, as she rotated her hips slightly around his thick member. The redhead bounced higher and higher, wrapping her tight walls around him.

'The only thing that fits my pussy, I missed this so very much,' Jean thought to him, keeping her thoughts on making him feel more pleasure than he ever had.

The walls tightened around his probing prick as Jean pushed himself up and down on him, riding him. Harry felt her walls caress him in the most pleasurable manner possible as she tightened around him. Jean's eyes closed as she reared her head back with a sigh and moaned lustfully as his cock buried into her.

"Deeper Harry, please," Jean breathed as he grabbed onto her hips.

The searing passion was nearly too much for her to undertake, but he penetrated her more deeply yet. She worked back into him, each other matching the other.

"Keep riding me that's it," Harry panted as his hands bound her swaying breasts, running them all over the delicious buffet of flesh.

The wizard sat up and Jean grabbed him around the head, before she pushed his face into her breasts. Not that Harry needed much coaxing to be in there but she was impatient. His mouth did not disappoint her. It worked over her breasts just as well as his stone hard dick cut a mighty pass through her beautiful pussy.

Jean's hips tightened up around him as she pushed herself up and down upon him, riding his thick and throbbing pole even more. She tightened around him.

Harry felt heaven and he encouraged her.

'Ride me, faster, harder, oh that's it,' Harry panted to Jean mentally as the flames continued to surround them.

Sweat rolled down their very attractive bodies as they exchanged the age old dance of passion. Their green eyes glowed with an intense fury as Jean wrapped her arms around Harry and pulled him into a tightening embrace, his face continued to ram into her supple tits.

"Fuck, cumming so hard," Jean breathed as she reared her head back with a lustful moan.

His twelve inches of manhood was like sexual electricity tingling every single inch of her body, from the tips of her ears down all the way to her toes. The redhead's eyes flickered a bit open as she worked onto his throbbing boner.

He was amazing, no end in sight.

'Keep it up,' Harry encouraged her as he sucked on her tits which made her cum son hard.

Jean understood the value of his penis penetrating her, the two going against each other like this, that made the perfect match. She rode him even harder yet, her walls tightened around him as she pushed herself up and down. Clear juices lubricated the prick that penetrated her center as he drove into her.

Orgasms passed through her body, each one causing a flutter of desire and the fire surrounded both of them. Jean felt his hands roam her and she continued to hold him onto her breasts. Her tight walls milked his incoming thrusts and he further worked into her.

'Fucking hell,' Jean thought to herself as she felt another orgasm rock her body with glowing intensity.

Sweat covered her body but Harry made her feel so good that it was hard to forget about that. His cock thrust into her even deeper, each orgasm rattling her body.

"Oooh, ah, mmm, yeah," Jean moaned as her pussy wrapped around him. Her hot searing groin rubbed against his erection before she impaled herself onto him completely once again.

That sensation was nearly Harry's undoing but he closed his eyes as she tightened around him. The young mutant rode him heavily, the two of them working up an even heavier sweat as a lot of time went by.

It occurred to both of them in a fog of lust that their friends might have noticed that they were gone for a long time although Harry suspected that his time dilation powers might have kicked in. It was rather touch and go at this point. Her walls wrapped around him as she rode his throbbing cock.

"Harry, finish me," Jean breathed as she removed her breasts from his face and tilted his head up, so she could meet his lips with a kiss.

She sucked on his tongue as she squeezed around it, her searing hot core wrapped around him.

'About to finish me, really,' Harry informed her and Jean smiled before she gave Harry pleasurable caresses with her center as she pushed herself up and out.

The sensation of their organs meeting was amazing and Jean worked him over. She moaned into his mouth and both stimulated each other's pleasure centers of their mind with their telepathic abilities.

Harry's loins exploded as his balls burst and he sent a heavy stream of cum into her pussy. Several ropes of cum shot into her womb as he pumped into her, a never ending stream came.

Jean came hard to the point where her body shook amazingly. Pure sexual fire and erotica flowed through her as she milked his prick for every single drop of semen that dropped from his balls. Her breath became rather labored but she held onto him with her tight walls.

The two collapsed in their enjoyment.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Jean's room was reduced to ashes, with her bed being the only thing that was not destroyed but it was soaked. Harry smiled at her and waved his hand, restoring everything back to normal.

"Magic, nearly as amazing as you," Jean stated as she pushed her body against his and she pulled him into a kiss.

Jean smiled as she felt him throb next to her. This caused warmth to spread to her loins.

"Guess someone's ready for another round," Jean purred, licking her lips and her body heated up all over again.


"So, I'll see you in a little bit,' Kara informed Harry as she leaned forward and gazed into his eyes. "What took you so long in there anyway?"

"Jean wanted to say goodbye," Harry informed Kara and the blonde looked perplexed a little bit.

"And Rogue, Rachel, and Amara did as well?" Kara asked, knowing that Harry spent a fair bit of time with them in their rooms.

"Yes," Harry commented to her, remembering that, granted he was up there was a long amount of time.

"Well at least Megan is in place and she'll be able to keep an ear out for Kitty," Kara offered before she reached over and tightened her grip around Harry's hand, before pulling him in close. "I know you're worried about her, I would be if I was in your position. I would be worried about my first girlfriend as well."

Kara hoped that Kitty would turn up soon so Har-Rell's mind could be completely at ease.

"I just have one more loose end to tie up, Gwen wanted to talk to me about something," Harry informed Kara and she nodded. "After I get that done, I'll see you back at the Fortress."

"I'll be waiting," Kara remarked to him as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

The blonde breathed heavily, his tight muscles pressed against her body. Her eyes flushed a tiny amount as she struggled to keep her head above the water. The next maneuver he did caused her mind to fly into overload.

Harry's lips met hers in a tender kiss. It was brief but it offered the promise for much more later. The blonde hoped that Harry would be the one to personally tutor her on several matters, one of them was love.

"Okay, I'll….see you in a little bit," Kara commented shakily as she turned around and flew off but her mind was sent into dream land.

Harry smiled as he spun around before he marched up to the door. Raising his hand, he knocked twice. A few seconds wait was all that Harry had before it opened to reveal a blonde that was not Gwen.

Chloe's eyes widened as she saw this young man standing before her. Slowly her eyes traveled down his body, taking every inch of his form in through her eyes. The blonde took a few seconds to clear her head but there was one thought that passed through her mind.

'Oh hello,' Chloe thought to herself but she shook off those thoughts.

Harry caught that thought but wisely he said nothing.

"I'm Harry Potter, I'm here to see Gwen Stacy, is she in?" Harry asked Chloe and the blonde's eyes flashed as she tried to focus.

"Right, I'm her friend Chloe Sullivan, she's in her room, I'll go take you to her," Chloe remarked to Harry shaking her head. "So where has she been hiding you?"

"Oh I've been around here and there," Harry informed Chloe and the blonde's head nodded before she led him up the stairs.

Chloe covertly maneuvered herself behind Harry so she could check out the merchandise ahead of her. The blonde liked a lot of what she saw, that much was for sure. She knew what Gwen saw in him and she had to admit, she liked it.

'Must be a college student, that would explain why he's so much mature than the usual high school crowd,' Chloe thought to herself as she turned around.

"Chloe, who was at the door?"

"It's Harry," Chloe informed Gwen.

There was a pause of shocked silence, before the door of Gwen's room opened and Gwen rushed forward, before she greeted Harry with a tight hug, her arms wrapping around his.

""Harry, it's so nice to see you," Gwen breathed as she wrapped herself even tighter around Harry.

"Nice to see you too Gwen," Harry commented.

Chloe smiled, she thought that it might be a prudent idea to get out of here before things got a lot less PG rated.

"Okay, Gwen, thanks for the reference material, even though I can't cite you for it," Chloe remarked as she turned towards Harry. "I'll talk to you at school on Monday."

"Okay, Chloe, it wasn't a problem at all," Gwen remarked with a smile but her arms never left Harry's waist.

"It is nice meeting you Harry, hopefully we can meet up again sometime," Chloe offered but she shook her head.

"Oh believe me, I'm looking forward to it," Harry told her as he eyed her with a smile.

Chloe shook her head, she knew that working fourteen hour days was beginning to get to her, between school, her real job, and work on the Torch. She decided to bolt before she made an even bigger embarrassment of herself than usual.

"So how are you doing Gwen?" Harry asked her once Chloe was completely gone. "Did you miss me?"

"I didn't believe you were dead," Gwen offered him in a dismissive tone of voice before she led him into her room. There were two chairs in front of her desk.

"Well that's an astounding amount of faith," Harry remarked to her and Gwen's lips curled into a smile.

"Believe me, you're worth it," Gwen commented before she turned towards him. "I figured that little incident with saving Chloe's cousin was you."

"Oh that woman I saved was Chloe's cousin?" Harry asked her.

Gwen smiled. "Yes, and she'll be after you, to find the true story. Chloe too once when she recovers from having an unexpected up close and personal experience of the Harry-Kind."

Harry wondered in what sense of the word Gwen meant, when she said that they would be after him, but he shook his head.

"So, I'm glad you could stop by, because I need to talk to you about this, apparently you're pretty popular," Gwen remarked as she held the pamphlet that she took from Chloe's desk the other day out and handed it towards Harry.

"The First Church of Shi'ar Enlightment," Harry read as he looked at the pamphlet, he was both curious and suspicious. "They are dedicated to worshipping the Star Child."

"Yes, that's fascinating, isn't it?" Gwen offered Harry as she arched her head back and a smile popped her tongue a little bit. "You know, between this and the little altar on Nova-Roma, this isn't a coincidence."

"No, although I don't even know why I'm so well known before I even came to this dimension," Harry offered to her and Gwen shrugged.

"Could be anything, these ancient cultures are popping up everywhere with their own beliefs, and it's hard to trace back where they started," Gwen commented as she turned to face Harry but she bit down on her lip as she looked over the information she'd printed off. "And I've been able to dig up very little on the Church of Enlightenment, but it's been around for eighteen years."

"As long as I've been alive then," Harry offered to her, although once again, that did not add up. There were a few different explanations that coursed through Harry's mind, each as outlandish as the last one.

"I'll try and find out as much as I can but what I've got is facts that anyone with an Internet connection and fifteen free minutes can find on Google," Gwen told him as she turned her head around. "Although there is one extremely interesting thing that I've found out."

"And that is?" Harry asked her.

"The Church is made up of strictly women," Gwen informed him and Harry's eyebrows raised at that thought.

Now he was even more curious that he was before.

"I'll see what I can dig up for….how long will you be gone anyway?" Gwen asked Harry.

"About a month, give or take a couple of weeks," Harry offered before he decided to ask Gwen something. "You haven't heard from Kitty have you?"

Gwen offered him a slight smile. "No, Harry, I haven't but if she turns up, I'll be sure to let you know."

Harry hoped that Gwen would know something, given her and Kitty were good friends.

"I've got to get going," Harry offered and Gwen looked disappointed. "Yeah Jean, Rachel, Rogue, and Amara all kept me at the Mansion a bit longer than I thought for their goodbyes."

'Hoggish bitches,' Gwen thought to herself, knowing that she could score herself some Harry time if that didn't take so long.

"Okay, I'll see you when you turn up," Gwen offered him as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and pulled him into a long kiss.

The kiss lingered for a little bit, but Gwen wished it would have lasted far longer and went somewhere.

"See you later," Harry offered but he stopped before he handed Gwen a watch.

"What's this?" Gwen asked him.

"It emits a super sonic signal that I'll be able to hear from anywhere in the world, use it to contact me if you hear from Kitty," Harry informed her and Gwen nodded in understanding.

Before she could say anything, he vanished in the blink of an eye.


Curiosity always burned within Lois Lane more than anything else. The reporter had the events of today, written down on paper but there were a lot of details that she missed. The twenty year old reporter placed a pen in her mouth and threw her head back, with a prominent sigh as she looked around the office.

"So….I was sprinted away before all the good stuff happened, that's about right," Lois remarked as she mulled over her notes with the second hand accounts that popped up all over the internet.


"And there's the jolly one himself, one week on the job and I'm about to be on the unemployment line," Lois commented to herself in a dry tone of voice. She stepped forward as a red haired photographer sat in the side, fiddling with a camera.

"The boss sure does seem to have an axe to grind with you, Miss Lane," the photographer stated in a nervous tone of voice. There was a pause as all Lois could see was the red hair as the face of this reporter was down. "I could have got some great pictures even, but….I'm not sure if Mr. Jameson's going to be happy with anything. Peter warned me that he's a bit….well he's a bit…."

"Of a hardass," Lois commented and the photographer snapped her eyes up before she nodded. "I wouldn't worry about it, Jenny; it's just the way Jameson is. If you ask me, he has a big stick up his ass."

The photographer nodded but she was glad that it was Lois who stepped into the lion's den that was Jameson's office and not her. She shuddered at the thought and she had only been here on an internship for a couple of weeks now.

Lois, fearless and bold as usual, stepped into the office. Behind the desk and a cloud of cigar smoke was J. Jonah Jameson himself.

"Lane, I must be nuts hiring some kid who is wet behind the ears out of college as a reporter," Jameson offered to her in a critical tone of voice and an even more critical glare.

"Hey, if it wasn't here, I would have gone straight to the Daily Globe," Lois offered trying to puff herself up a little bit even though she was kind of nervous.

Jameson looked outraged at such a thought. "That glorified tabloid wouldn't know what to do with a reporter like you."

Lois was numb struck before her eyes turned. "Um thanks, I think."

"Don't thank me yet, Lane," Jameson told her in his most critical tone of voice, he had one of those tones that carried a lot of weight. His beady eyes fixed on her face as he surveyed her. "There's still a lot for you to do and one of those things you've got to do is track down the person that saved you."

Lois's eyes flickered, she did enjoy a challenge.

"The little blurb about him wetted the interest of the audience, but if I've learned anything about the people Lane, they're fickle, they want more, and they wanted it yesterday," Jameson informed Lois and the woman nodded. "Do you understand, am I clear?"

"Crystal," Lois offered to Jameson, as she did wonder what the angle of this individual was. She would find out before too long she suspected. The dark haired reporter turned her head around a tiny bit. "So how do you propose I get an interview with this guy?"

Jameson's expression flickered towards her. "I don't know….that's something that's up to you, you're supposed to be a creative writer, you should be able to figure it out on your own. I'm not there to hold your hand after all."

"Right, right, I gotcha," Lois offered as she thought about this.

It had been a shot in the dark that he saved her. What was she supposed to, put herself in mortal peril just to get one guy's attention? She hadn't even been that desperate in high school and she did some rather stupid things that she would like to leave in the past. The dark haired reporter thought about it and something flickered through her violet eyes.

"I want to know this guy's story, everything you can find out, but I want to know most of are what is he?" Jameson asked Lois and the reporter's eyes narrowed in deep thought. "For all I know, he's someone who escaped from a children's fantasy novel, he could be a mutant, some kind of alien, a government experiment gone wrong, his story could be anything. I just want to know what he is."

Lois thought that Jameson might be abrasive but he had his own way of motivating people and it worked for him so she couldn't really complain.

"I'd give you Parker as a photographer, but the kid's copping an attitude, teenager's these days," Jameson bellowed, angry that Parker had the gall to tell Jameson that he was being underpaid. "Olsen's, she's too wet behind the ears, so that leaves you one alternative."

Lois had only been here for a short time but she knew that this was coming. Jameson bellowed at the top of his lungs.


Jameson's voice could have carried to someone who was on the moon and a man in his mid-thirties entered, he was built like a shaved gorilla, dressed in a black leather jacket, blue t-shirt, and nice dress pants walked into the room. His name was Eddie Brock, he was a photographer at the Daily Bugle.

"Brock, this is Lois Lane, you'll be working with her getting pictures of our mysterious blur," Jameson offered to her. "Lane, this is Eddie Brock, he's the best photographer the Bugle's budget could buy."

Lois could only imagine how good he was, given Jameson's notorious shoestring budget.

"Hey, there, Lois, mind if I call you Lois?" Brock asked her as he looked Lois over with a leering expression. "I'm sure we're going to have a close working relationship."

"Charming," Lois dead panned, wondering if she should take a shower.

She was curious about finding out about her mysterious savior but she did not appreciate the company she had to keep to do so.


The Friends of Humanity were still active and they were more vocal than ever. The group expanded their membership over the past couple of weeks after news about the X-Men hit the media. They played on the very real fears that people had about people that were extremely different than then.

There was a creaking sound as a young mutant ran the streets, the friends of humanity on his tail. All he could was turn any material into a sticky paste. That wasn't a very dangerous power, was it? Yet people chased him down.

"Come out you filthy little mutie, it's time to take your medicine."

The Friends of Humanity walked towards the young mutant, they were like a lynch mob. The leader of the pack holded a club that he would beat the freakishness out of the mutant. The young man backed against the wall, trembling and twitching a tiny bit as he shifted his expression towards him.

"P-p-please don't hurt me," the mutant stammered in a horrified tone of voice. He twisted his expression as the club was raised over the head of the leader of the Friends of Humanity.

The representative of the Friends of Humanity was grabbed around the ankles and pulled underneath the ground by a pair of hands. He screamed before there was a loud clanging sound.

The ground appeared to cough him back up into the air and he landed, breathing heavily, several bones in his body cracked. It appeared that whoever the attacker was they did the most painful damage possible.

"Come out you filthy little freak!"

One of the Friends of Humanity members put on a pair of brass knuckles and was about to pound his enemy if they should pop out of the ground. He stepped backwards and waited for their mutant to come up.

Said mutant grabbed him from underneath his feet and pulled him down. There was a loud smack and the member of the Friends of Humanity popped back from underneath the pavement.

The third and fourth members of the group were about ready to lose their shit and spun around, nearly tripping over themselves to get out of the way. Two hands pushed out of the concrete and knocked their heads together.


That was a panicked scream and the final member of the mob was a lot braver than he felt in the first place. There was a sense that there was nothing he could do. He pulled a knife out and started stabbing at the sidewalk beneath him.

This proved to be folly as his knife was pulled from his hand and into the ground. The Friends of Humanity member staggered for a few seconds before an individual popped out from beneath the concrete.

A somersault kick smacked him in the face and the individual grabbed his head, before pushing it down into the Earth. One huge curb stomp knocked the final member out.

"Pathetic," the individual offered in the heavily modulated voice before facing the mutant the Friends of Humanity terrorized. "You're perfectly safe now, don't worry."

The mutant nodded but he was in numb shock. The figure wore a black cloak that covered the body for head to toe, with the slightest hints of red. Silver gloves covered the hands of this mysterious vigilante along with silver boats. A silver facemask with indistinguishable features covered this savior's face.

"Who are you?"

There was no answer; the mutant savior disappeared just as quickly the savior arrived.

Next chapter