
Chapter 49: What Remains

"Silco!" Vander growled as they approached the entrance. The once abandoned seafood factory was now a Shimmer chemical factory. The factory doors were wide open- revealing the abominable creations behind it. Vats of purple liquid, chemicals glowing and dripping into glass vials, and stockpiles in crates ready for distribution.

Silco walked out with over two dozen thugs, each armed and standing in formation behind him. Among them was Sevika, wielding a large, jagged blade. She had once been Vander's most trusted- a bouncer and enforcer when he fought for a better Undercity. She had believed in his vision for change.

But Sevika was one of the many patrons who walked out of Vander's bar after their disdain for his weakness. Now, she snarled, her grip tightening on the blade.

"Why? Sevika?" Vander asked, voice laced with hurt. His expression darkened as he frowned.

Sevika spat on the ground between them, "You'll turn your back on us. I saw it then, and you're proving it now!"

That was all Vander needed to piece it together, despite Silco's commanding gesture to silence her.

"Orion's not dead, is he?" Vander's sharp gaze locked onto Silco, who gave a subtle nod. Visible relief passed through Vander, his shoulders easing slightly.

Vander dropped one of his gauntlets with a loud clang, extending a hand toward Silco. "Silco, we can end this. Now. Before more people die!"

"Unbelievable," Silco's cold tone cuts through the tension. He sneered, words unable to hold all of the disgust within him. "Is that all it takes? A glimpse of hope and you're begging for peace?"

Sevika snarled, stepping forward. "Silco's right. This is pathetic. How long should we cower, Vander?! We have the weapons to beat them now!"

Benzo, silently observing the factory's contents behind them, shifted with growing unease. "What is all of this?"

"Shimmer," Silco said, pride staining his words. He paced slowly between his men, fingers tracing his corrupted skin with a dark smile. "Topsiders see us as filth. Monsters they'd rather erase. But there's a monster in all of us, Vander. Even them. The difference? We've stopped pretending we can be anything else."

"You're wrong Silco. Look at Orion- he's proof we don't have to be monsters!" Vander argued, his jaw tightening as desperation crept into his voice. "He's risked his life not just for us, or the kids- but for everyone! And people listened. His actions sent a message to the topsiders and all of Piltover. We can be better than this!"

Silco continued to pace, his crimson eye resting on Vander. Contemplation crossed his face as he briefly looked down before back again. His voice softened, almost pitying.

"You're wrong again, old friend."

"His actions were never driven by heroism. They were for survival. I won't deny it- his selfless act for those kids made me reflect." Silco nodded slightly, his voice twisting upward with unsettling positivity. Even Sevika raised an eyebrow, glancing toward him with subtle confusion.

"But look at where it landed him."

"The Council knew he was innocent, yet were going to sentence him regardless. It was me who saved him. "Silco's eyes narrowed, venom dripping into his voice. "Where were you? Tell me, Vander, did you climb topside once to search for him? Or were you too busy hiding behind your precious peace?"

Vander's head dropped, saying nothing. He knew he had failed in that regard, shaking his head. Still, Vander's tone carried firm resolve. "I couldn't leave immediately. The situation needed to be restrained and we needed to stick together. More than one kid could've died if-"

"Drop the noble act! You act now because your brats were hurt!" Silco snarled, rage twisting his face as spittle flew out. "Be damned the others of Zaun, so long as your kids were safe?!" 

"I would've saved Orion if given time!" Vander shouted, veins bulging in his forehead. "You're twisting this- you just want to tear everything down for power! "

Silco's hands curled into fists, his expression unable to contain everything he felt. Exhaling sharply, he briefly closed his eyes. When they snapped open, he spoke in ominous, whispered tones.

"Restraint? Power?" Silco spat, turning his head to Sevika and nodding once. Smirking, Sevika strode back into the factory, pulling three vials of shimmer from a crate.

Her gaze, filled with grim determination, shifted toward the shadows. From the darkness, Deckard and his friends emerged. They looked weak and pale, stumbling out with pained groans as one vomited purple liquid.

"You want restraint, Vander? Let's see how restraint holds up against true power."

Deckard and the kids clawed desperately at the vials of shimmer Sevika offered, their eyes glassy with desperation and madness.

The moment the liquid touched their tongues, their bodies began to twist and contort grotesquely, muscles bulging as they swelled unnaturally. Eerie, sickly cries echoed from their throats, their bodies now towering and deformed.

Chills rippled through Vander's group as they instinctively stepped back in fear. A dozen people on his side clenched their weapons tightly, adrenaline beginning to surge through their veins.

"Silco, no! What are you doing?!" Vander bellowed, his eyes worriedly darting between the monstrous figures. His hand slid back into his gauntlet, fists raised in a defensive stance.

Benzo's eyes widened in horror, gripping his baton tightly. "What in the bloody-!"

With a casual wave of his hand, Silco whispered, "Teaching the cost of restraint."

The deformed creatures, once kids but now overtaken by shimmered, released guttural screams and charged.

Heavy, bone-breaking impacts followed by cries of pain and the sickening sound of gurgled screams echoed into the night.

Then silence- an unnatural, bone-chilling silence, broken only by the faint echoes of turmoil drifting from the bridge.


//Gang PoV//

"What...happened here?"

From an alley, the gang stared out toward the front of the factory with horrified expressions.

Claggor and Mylo restrained Ekko, who had spotted Benzo's lifeless corpse sprawled out across the dirt. He desperately clawed toward him, tears streaming down his face between muffled cries. The two boys looked away, unable to bear the sight themselves.

Vi's gaze shifted amongst over a dozen dead corpses, lingering on the three hideous monstrosities lying motionlessly among them. Fear gripped her chest, freezing her in place until Powder's voice broke her trance.

"Where's Vander? I don't see him..." Powder whispered, clutching Vi's waist tightly as her gaze darted around with a brave, worried look, overcoming the gore.

Vi's eyes widened with realization, looking from Powder back to the carnage.

"You're right, he's not there!" Vi exclaimed, her voice growing frantic as her gaze followed a glinting blood trail leading behind closed iron gates. "If he's still here... he may be inside! Vander might be hurt!"

Crouching down, she gently held Powder's face. "Powder, stay here with Ekko. We'll be back!"

"What? But Vander told us to stick together! You said it yourself!" Powder protested, her shoulders tensing as she the sting of hurt and mistrust pierced her feelings.

Vi's voice cracked, "I know what I said! Just- please. I can't lose you too." Tears dripped from her face as she pressed her forehead against her sister's. "Please. Five minutes. If we don't find him... or if he's-" Vi trailed off, eyes closed as she prayed the thought wasn't true.

Claggor, who had mustered the resolve to look back, pointed at the roof. "There. We can make our way up and in through those missing panels. We may be able to spot Vander without jumping in."

"Yeah," Mylo nodded, still eyeing the monstrous corpses nervously. "We don't know what those things are... jumping in could be-"

"If Vander's alive, I'm going!" Vi shot back with an fiery glare. "Stay if you want, stay. But I'm going." Without another word, she strode toward a pipe along the side of the factory to start her climb.

Claggor and Mylo exchanged uneasy glances before quickly following after her, leaving Powder to collapse beside Ekko, tears pooling in her eyes with the ache of betrayal.

"We're supposed to stick together! Violet!" Powder sobbed but obeyed her sister's request.

Ekko had also collapsed to the cold pavement, drained emotionally. He clung to Powder from behind, crying openly as his haunted gaze remained locked on Benzo's corpse.


//Orion PoV//

Orion groaned and clutched his head, sitting up slowly from the metal table. Peeking out carefully, wary of a sudden migraine, he looked down at himself.

His body was skeletal, devoid of any fat and with minimal muscle, most of it consumed from the overuse of his healing magic.

If it was any other form of magic, he would've just been in pain, his body torn up, or exhausted. But this magic- this magic was far dangerous when overused.

Still, his wounds had healed, leaving behind fresh sharp scars of skin that seemed pulled together like tightly closed curtains.

Blinking, Orion noticed two unfamiliar patches on his torso. Forgetting the pain in his head, he snapped his gaze upward, searching the dimly lit room for Singed. He spotted him working diligently over a dish and magnifying glass.

"Damn it Singed! Ask first!" Orion snapped.

Singed didn't bother to look up, too engrossed and fascinated in his study of the sample.

"Food's on the table," Singed muttered flatly, not even sparing a glance back.

The food was just within reach after Orion shifted uncomfortably toward the edge of the table. It didn't taste good, but he was starving could ignore the taste. The dull ache in his stomach slowly subsided, though it wasn't gone completely.

"Where is everyone?" Orion asked, setting the empty bowl aside. He was still starving, looking around for more food as his stomach growled.

Singed hummed with satisfaction, barely acknowledging Orion's question as he took the dish over to vials containing Shimmer, still refusing to meet his gaze. "Dealing with unwanted guests," he muttered dismissively.

"Unwanted-" Orion frown deepened. His eyes shot open as realization struck him, his voice breaking. "No... No, fuck!"

Orion scrambled from the metal table, legs shaking as they struggled to hold his frail frame. "Clothes!"

"On the table," Singed finally glanced up, disapproval etched into his face. "I would not advise you to go up there in your current condition."

But Orion was already moving, ignoring him as he forced himself to take fast, shaky steps toward the exit.

'No gun, no Hexflashes, nothing! The worst possible outcome!' His mind raced in panic. 'Damn it. Nothing's working out! At the very least, I can't get caught up in the explosion!'

Orion glanced back. Singed was watching him with amusement, chuckling softly.

'Fuck him.' Orion thought and scowled.

The sound of crying echoed through the walls as he staggered up the stairs and into the dim corridors above. Orion raised his hand, moonlight rays scattered across his vision, temporarily blinding him before his eyes could adjust.

Vats of shimmer. Crates. Weaponry. The entire factory was a fortress of war.

A desperate voice, sharp with pain and panic, cut through the air from above, making his head throb.

"Vi, come on! Let's get out of here!"

"Stop them!" Silco's voice, filled with rage, shouted out directly above him.

His heart dropped.

Orion's gaze shot upward, the door he emerged from was directly beneath the walkway on which Vander, Vi, and Silco's thugs were destined to fight. Vi's cries echoed from the side farther away from him.

Suddenly, a glint caught his eye- a brilliant, light blue ball shimmered through the air toward the bridge. His heart dropped as realization set in. "You've got to be kidding me..."

With no other choice, he channeled magic to fortify himself, focused on resilience rather than raising a shield. The side of the bridge shattered, sending shards of metal flying- thankfully none striking him this time as the explosion rocked the warehouse.

Panting, Orion collapsed to one knee, his vision blurring and body trembling. Even this minor use of defensive magic, which wouldn't have saved him anyway, left him on the brink of exhaustion. It was instinctive, but ineffective due to his body's condition.

"Ah, fuck...' Orion thought, sweat dripping from his forehead. 'This isn't the same... Something changed!'

Orion's eyes shifted toward the window, watching in agonizing slow motion as two pairs of innocent eyes shifted from wide curiosity and excitement to horror.

A new glint caught his attention, shifting his gaze higher. His heart plummeted as icy dread washed over him- sharp, sudden, and paralyzing.

"Fuck!" Orion cursed loudly, raising a shaky hand as he tried to channel defensive magic. Another unstable Hextech crystal was arcing straight toward him, burning brighter with every second.


//Vi's PoV//

"There he is," Vi whispered, not bothering to look as she leapt in onto the metal walkway above ground floor. 

"Vi, wait!" 

"Hold on! Not again..."

Claggor and Mylo exchanged worried glances, both acknowledging Vi's recklessness. Still, they couldn't let her go in alone. They were a team- so they jumped in after her, the landing echoing with a soft, sharp 'clang' on the metal grating.

Vi scanned ahead, then across the bridge through the gaps of the railings. No one. Only Vander, slumped, and strapped to a chair. His face was purple and bruised, blood soaking into his shirt.

As they reached the corner, Vi raised her fist, signaling them to halt as her instincts finally caught up. She strained her eyes but still couldn't spot anyone.

Her gaze flickered uneasily to the strange, glowing purple vats of chemicals and scattered weaponry.

"Did they use monsters to kill everyone?" Mylo whispered nervously behind her.

"Looks like it," Claggor nodded, his shaky breath sending a chill up Vi's spine. "Do you think they ran for help? There were... a lot of dead bodies outside."

Vi glanced back at them. They still were beyond the bridge from Vander's position. Both of them were on edge and tense, flinching with just Vi's glance.

"It feels that way, doesn't it?" Vi whispered, uncertainty creeping in. "Why else would they leave Vander here alone..."

The three of them exchanged glances, nodding silently one last time before moving.

They crossed the bridge hastily, Mylo stumbling once with a frightened whimper. Vi and Claggor both paused, waiting for him to catch back up before entering Vander's iron room.

"Vi?" Vander groaned, his head lifting weakly. His gaze shifted between them, pained. "How did you get in here? There are guards everywhere!"

Vi's gaze snapped to Mylo, pointing at Vander's restraints. Despite trembling, Mylo's expression hardened as he pulled out his lockpicks and rushed forward.

"It was easy," Vi said with forced confidence. "We just found an open window and..."

Her voice trailed off as realization struck her. She and Vander locked eyes as they both understood the trap. "Vi, you have to get out of here before-"

"Welcome!" An ominous voice echoed with a slow clap.

Silco emerged from the shadows, a dozen bloodied thugs following behind, some bearing injuries from the earlier fight. Vi could see their weapons were coated with dried blood.

Vi felt a chill run deeper through her as her eyes locked with Silco's corrupted, crimson eye. She didn't know him, but her instincts screamed danger.

Without hesitation, she began looking around for a solution and spotted Vander's iron gauntlets.

"Claggor, find us a away out." Vi's voice was sharp and commanding.

"On it," Claggor nodded, beginning to scan to the exterior walls, determination keeping him together.

She pocketed Orion's brass knuckles and yanked Vander's blood-stained gauntlets over her hands, strapping them on tight. "I'll hold them off."

"Shall we play?" Silco smirked, gesturing forward as the thugs advanced.

Vi stepped forward to meet them head on, ignoring Vander's protests as her resolve solidified.


//Powder PoV//

While they grieved together, one of the Hextech Crystals slipped from Powder's satchel. Her gaze snapped to it, the crackling sound of energy and its blue shimmer finally clicking in her mind- the explosion topside and Orion's magic.

"Ekko... we can help them!" Powder gasped. She picked it back up and held it between them. 

"What is it?" Ekko sniffled, still wiping tears away as he squinted to see it.

Powder hesitated, clutching it closer to her chest as guilt tightened her throat. "I... I think these caused the explosion topside."

Silence fell between them, the weight of her words pounding against Powder's consciousness. Ekko was starting to regain composure.

"We can help save Vander..." His voice trembled with fresh anger. "And get revenge."

Powder nodded, and together, they circled wide around to the rear of the building. Neither had the strength to climb the same way Vi and the others had.

Ekko's once innocent face was now clouded with anger. Despite this, he held Powder's hand for support as they moved.

They began climbing the leftover scaffolding and wooden planks, helping each other up with quiet determination.

Powder's head whipped up, the sounds of fighting suddenly echoing from above.

"Hurry, Ekko! They're in trouble!" Powder shouted down to Ekko with urgency. She reached down, pulling him up the final ledge before they both peeked through a broken glass window.

Vi was on the bridge, fighting back thugs trying to cross it while wearing Vander's iron gauntlets, dripping fresh blood.

After dodging a metal pipe, Vi landed a brutal hook to a thug's face, the gauntlet definitely breaking teeth- if not his entire jaw- before flipping him over the edge.

Powder gleamed proudly to Ekko, "That's my sister!"

Ekko sniffled in response, nodding, piecing together the situation.

It only took a moment to notice the crimson-eyed figure glaring at Vi from across the bridge- clearly the bad guy.

More thugs fell as Vi continued to knock them out or flip them over the edge. Powder squeaked in fear however when Vi suffered a deep cut to her side.

"Vi!" Powder shrieked, clutching her hair.

Tears streamed down Vi's face, crying as she continued to fight, knocking out the thug that cut her with a sharp uppercut before stumbling backwards in pain.

Suddenly, a voice rang out that Powder recognized.

"Vi, come on! Let's get out of here!" It was Claggor's voice, his voice carrying a clear sense of urgency.

"Stop them!" The crimson eyed man, filled with rage, shouted out.

Powder's hands shook as she pulled out two Hextech Crystals, her gaze locking onto them with fresh determination. She handed one to Ekko, who hesitated before nodding, his face tightening with resolve.

Before she could explain her plan, Ekko hurled it with a grunt through the window.

"Wait!" Powder screeched, lunging forward in shock as it arched and exploded against the bridge with a deafening roar.

Shouts of pain erupted. Several thugs that began charging were hurled off the bridge while others fell with pained gurgles as metal shards pierced them.

The crimson-eyed man staggered back in shock as a thug beside him fell, her arm severed by the blast.

Vi, crying and clutching her side, stumbled into the room. Relieved voices greeted her as the iron door behind her slammed shut.

Powder and Ekko exchanged triumphant grins- they saved Vi and the others! And now it was time to stop the man hurting their families and friends!

Ekko moved aside as Powder took his place, ready to deliver her own vengeance and holding it with a determined expression.

Powder hurled it with everything she had through the gap, yipping as Ekko caught her from behind. He steadied her so that they could both watch the crystal arc through the air- their gazes locked as they held their breaths.

It was then that her gaze shifted- catching sight of subtle movement. It was Orion. He was collapsed to one knee, sweat dripping down his face as if he was in unbearable pain.

Powder's eyes widened in horror as she realized her crystal was going to fall short.


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