
Chapter 10: Vander's Vandals

Orion hung with the gang until just prior to evening. Vi took charge, eager to prove herself and assert her dominance through solid leadership.

"It's pretty simple. Wait until he closes, I'll smash the windows- you guys keep hucking the sludge," Vi firmly states, gesturing at Orion and Claggor. "Powder will keep watch incase the owner or enforcers come around."

"What about Mylo?" Claggor asks, tilting his head slightly toward him.

"Oh, don't you worry. I'll be painting my masterpiece on his fancy sign!" Mylo smirked from his usual lounged appearance on the couch. "But how's the new guy going to help? We only have two buckets, and I'm using one! We agreed on that!"

Orion shrugged, "I'll get in the canal, scoop it up to Claggor. He's stronger- he can huck it better."

"So you'll just be standing there half the time? What use you are? Do we really have to bring him?" Mylo complains, throwing a look at Vi.

"Yes, Mylo. We are," Vi retorted matter-of-factly, leaving no room for argument. "Vander said it- and I'm saying it. You aren't much better, plus I paid for the paint, remember? It came out of my pocket!"

She raises her voice causing Mylo's eyes to dart away guiltily as he mumbles under his breath, "It was just two bronze..." Sighing, her frustration with Mylo evident, before turning to Powder. She nervously held her new explosive with a pink Poro sketch drawn on.

Vi's voice softens. "It will work this time, trust me!" She gives Powder's hair a playful ruffle, her eyes lighting up in response.

"Let me be clear, if Powder spots someone approaching, we split. We can't risk being caught together." Vi said, her tone commanding. The gang nodded with approval.

Orion felt some doubt, but Vi needed to grow. It was established that Orion is back-up. If an outsider started throwing in disagreeing opinions, it may alienate him from the group.

"Can you do that Powder?" Mylo said sarcastically, earning an immediate response from Vi, though her tone was gentle and directed at Powder.

"Yes, she can. You've got this, right?" Powder looks up at Vi with wide trusting eyes, starting to bounce with excitement again as she grinned. "Yeah, I've got it!"

Claggor joined in, glaring at Mylo, while Orion kept his expression neutral. His doubt had him reluctantly agreeing with Mylo.

Mylo rolled his eyes, muttering, "Guess we'll see how long that lasts."


Evening was in, and the vandals were out. Up in Promenade, a resident could see the last rays of sunlight from the streets. In Entresol, the rooftops were the best hope. The streets emptied and grew silent before the dangerous nightlife started to take over.

Just like a typical gang, Vi led the way. Claggor carried the empty bucket, Orion trailed in the rear, and Powder fiddled with her device as they walked. Mylo had taken off in the opposite direction for the fancy advertisement billboard with a bucket full of red paint.

The gang stopped at the end of an alley to observe their target. The shop was closed and no signs of life were around. Claggor shook his head, concern in his voice, "Do we really want to do this?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Vi asked, glancing back in disbelief. 

"What if we get caught?" Some doubt entered Claggor's voice. Vi's confidence didn't falter as she responded, "We won't. We got this! Just be ready to run if things get dicey."

Claggor hesitated but nodded, and the crew moved forward. Orion leapt down onto the narrow ledge of the canal, leaping over the toxic stream running through.

The sludge, thick and toxic, could ruin any surface or coating on walls, counters, and flooring. Drinking from it, for stupid reasons or out of desperation, could mean an unpleasant death or sickness. It was the unfortunate fate of many Sump rats.

Vi observed the windows of the shop, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Let's get started!"

She picks up a rock and smashes the window, shattering along with the silence. Powder bounced in excitement as she kept watch, her head darting side to side like a hyperactive squirrel, clutching her gadget tightly.

Claggor handed Orion the bucket and they got to work. Orion scooped the sludge and passed it up to Claggor, who hurled it on any and every surface inside and out. From outside, Orion heard Vi's destructive rampage echoing, causing him to chuckle softly, and Powder joined in with a giggle.

"Oops." Powder muttered, distracted after the tenth pass and giggling. She dropped her gadget. which rolled under some debris. Forgetting her role, she crouched trying to retrieve it. 

It was Claggor who spotted the approaching enforcers before turning his head, his voice urgent, "Vi, Powder- we gotta go!"

Orion looked over and froze briefly. Two enforcers had turned the corner, their imposing silhouettes cutting through the haze. What about me?! Orion thought aggravated. They hadn't noticed yet, this was good! Claggor ran over to the edge and dropped Orion the bucket. Alright, still unnotic-

Jinxed. Powder, her curiosity getting the better of her, wanted to see if her explosive would work. She pulled the pin and threw it. The device rattled across the street surface, landing at the enforcer's feet with a loud ticking noise.

They froze, their iron masks tilting downward just before the explosion went off- showering them in harmless blue dust. For a moment they were confused. Then, their iconic goggles snapped up. Silhouetted figures in the canal and street in front of a vandalized shop.

"Run!" Vi yelled, grabbing Powder by the wrist and booking it into an alley. Claggor and Orion followed suite, sprinting along the canal. The enforcers' heavy footsteps echoed behind them, accompanied by harsh, muffled commands.

Orion's lungs screamed from the toxic fumes of the canal mixed with smog. He pumped his arms and legs hard as hard as he could, jumping over streams of sludge. As they rounded a bend, Orion heard Claggor shout. He glanced back to see Claggor had tripped and gotten his foot stuck in a gutter. The enforcers caught up, laughing.

Shit, Orion thought, as he cleared some distance before climbing out of the canal. If he left Claggor behind, the group would most certainly oust him. Slipping into an alley, he doubled back toward Claggor, trying to catch his breath as he went.

He peered out cautiously and saw Claggor, still stuck, but the enforcers were gone. Orion ran over, his voice low "Claggor, are you okay?"

Claggor jumped, his fear fading when he saw Orion. He was scared of who might approach while stuck, "Thank god you came back! Help me out, please!"

Orion nodded, using all of his strength to lift the gutter enough for Claggor to slip his foot free. It was then Orion recalled Vi telling Powder rooftop stories in Arcane, and a soft smile tugged at his lips.

Claggor, mistaking it as camaraderie, sighed in relief. "Thanks! I don't know how long I would've been stuck there."

Leaning against the wall, trying to catch his breath, Claggor glances at Orion with a sheepish grin, "You know, I was starting to think you wouldn't come back. Mylo's always calling you a charity case."

"Yeah. And you?"

"At first," Claggor paused, rubbing the back of his neck before continuing. "But you're not half-bad. Mylo would've probably left me there."

A faint chuckle escapes Orion, "Fair enough."

Claggor's grin widened, "You handle yourself- and Mylo- pretty well! You need some thick skin to deal with him. Maybe we'll keep you around."

Orion smirked but said nothing as he leaned up against the wall next to Claggor, glancing at the hazy sky. Claggor earnestly adds, "Seriously though, thanks. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come back."

Sighing, he hesitated before speaking, "Yeah, no problem..."

Claggor's grin faded, his eyes locked on Orion for a moment, studying him during the silence. "Would you stay?"

It caught him off guard, given Claggor's earlier words, but Orion nodded, "Yeah, why not? Who'd turn down such a caring family?"

The word "family" visibly struck Claggor, his eyes softening before he gave a slight chuckle, "True. But we should move. Vi, or worse Vander, is going to kill us if we don't make it back soon."

Orion nodded, his eyes returned to Claggor as he straightened up, chest tightening, "You're right, let's go."

With that they slipped into a nearby alley, making their way back to the Last Drop.

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