
Chapter 8: The Last Drop

Drunken chatter and laughter filled the air as they approached the Last Drop, one of the rare times such sound could be heard in the Undercity is heard most often here. Looks could be deceiving- while Orion could tell merchants and residents were scattered among the crowd, any true Undercity resident knew this place housed respectable and honorable criminals. A stark contrast compared to Silco's version when he took over, Orion thought to himself.

The humming of Jukebox music could be heard as they neared the door. Orion was damned excited, regardless, to enter into the hound's lair. Vi, in comparison, was hesitating. She screwed up, and Vander would want answers.

"Not a word, let me talk." She warns, scoffing at his bemused demeanor before pushing inside.

"She's in trouuuble." He teased silently, wisely keeping it to himself though, fearing he'd ruin the progress made.

Following Vi, Orion was immediately struck with the familiar feeling anyone could get from walking outside into a loud, bustling bar. Sensory overload, followed by clarity, the outside mirrored with more chaotic energy. People were throwing their nightmares of the Undercity to the wind to lose themselves in drinks, socializing, and in some cases, discreet business. The Last Drop was known for that too.

Orion hadn't realized Vi pulled her hood up, her shoulders slightly hunched, as she tried to make herself less noticeable. Yet bar patrons made way after sparing her a glance, parting a path. Low chuckles and murmured comments drifted from a few before they reached the bar.

Vander, hound of the Undercity, impossible not to notice in his iconic leather outfit and wide build. He noticed the duo entering, and finished up with some patrons before they reached the bar. The timing was like clockwork- he slung the bar cloth over his shoulder and planted both hands on the counter in front of Vi, his "ready to hear it" expression on.

Vi slid onto a stool, shifting uncomfortably under his intimidating presence. She saw his sharp eyes moving from her brow to Orion, then back to her. When it returned, she instinctively hunched her shoulders and glanced away, an unconscious admission of guilt. Vander didn't speak, he let her body language do the talking.

"I delivered the package to Benzo..." She hoarsely let out, still not making eye contact and he gruffly responds with a tone expecting trouble. "And?" 

Her eyes darted briefly at Orion, stuttering as raw emotion entered her voice, "I-I went to Jerichos for some seafood and got into a fight. It...It wasn't my fault! Right?"

Unbelievable, she was dragging him into this. Her momentary plea for backup toward Orion was met with his deadpan stare.

"Yeah." He replied flatly. For a moment, she didn't care that Vander was there. Her hands opened in exasperation and her face asking "Really, that's it?!" Too late to double down, she tenses and glances back at Vander.

Vander sighs, "Right. So that's how you got that mark?" A slight nod given toward her brow.

"No..." She muttered, her tone defensive. "We took a shortcut through the alley. It was that kid from last week- he brought friends. They were bigger. I still took them down though!" Vi exclaimed triumphantly, trying to shift the tone before giving Orion a slight nod of acknowledgment, "He helped."

"Oh? That's good." Vander said evenly. "But I assume that's not why he's here. Right?"

"No..." Her momentum crumbles once more. "The fight in the market destroyed his meal... I agreed to help. Out of pity!" She smirked, she couldn't help but sneak in the jab at Orion. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, deciding the timing wasn't good.

"That's good that you want to fix your wrongs," Vander began with approval, quickly shifting to a disciplinary tone. "But you can't keep doing this, Vi. Do you want me to keep cleaning up after you?"

"No..." Vander quickly followed up on her meek response with a firm but gentle voice, "So be careful. And I suppose I have you to apologize and thank, Mr...?" His eyes scrutinized Orion's outfit as he expects a response, one eyebrow arches.

"Orion." Orion responds promptly, though the formal address caught him off guard. "Was it acknowledgement beyond Vi's words?" He thought to himself, trying to discern a meaning, if any.

Vander nodded silently, his sharp eyes locking onto Orion, searching for a dent in his calm composure, probing for any crack in it. Strange, strong silence stretched before his gaze returned to Vi. She had been straightening up, her eyes darting curiously between the two of them.

"Take him around back, I'll cook something up. You will take him with you on this next job."

"What? Why?!" Vi protested, crossing her arms.

Vander leaned forward, hands firmly back on the counter. "Because someone needs to keep an eye on you. You'll still be in charge- consider him... mmm... backup."

Vi opened her mouth to argue but quickly shut it, frustration evident on her face as she rose huffing. "Fine..." She threw a sharp glance back at Orion and motioned him to follow, her displeasure showing again.

Orion maintained his calm demeanor, Vander was still behaving like a hound. Watching, observing, and waiting, as Orion stepped up after Vi.

"Don't cause trouble, you hear?" A gruff warning followed with a sidelong glance. Vander unslung the cloth from his shoulder as he returned to other patrons who were watching like it was entertainment.

"Yes sir." Orion replied firmly. He definitely wasn't going to. After all, how could he? He was about to meet the crew- and perhaps see Powder!

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