
011- 100 years in seclusion

"Yes Martens" santy replied


System: LV 1[ 1520/500sp]

Name: Remi Martens

Age: 17 years old

Strength : 7 [ 10 for an average human]

Agility: 8 [ 10 for an average human]

Speed: 8 [ 10 for an average human]

Soul: 11units [ 10 for an average human]

Host's Businesses: None

Skills; Leadership traits.

Shop: Available

Lottery: locked


Sp: 1520


1, Acquire your first business/ brand

Duration: 1 month

Rewards: A peak tier skill from the shop and 5000sp, 20 attribute points and a high tier one time use card.

Failure to complete task will deactivate the system for another 15 years.

2, Learn a new language [30%]

Duration: 1 month

Rewards: 500sp

Punishment: 10 days of acute diarrhea.

3, Start an early morning daily routine

30minutes of yoga, 1mile morning run, meditate for 20minutes.

Rewards: 20 sp per day

Punishment: weakness for 5 hours during the day.


Mission Completed; Make your first 100 million pounds.

Duration: 1 month


High tier skill : intermediate Business Administration.

High tier skill : Peak concentration and observation skills.

A peak tier soul pill

A high tier strength pill.

Bonus Rewards:

A 100 years business experience card.

A top tier business connection card.

"Okay santy can you tell me what the purpose of these skills are" Martens asked.

"Okay Martens" Santy replied.

High Tier Skill: ; Intermediate business administration.

This is a skill that that comprises of pure business administration knowledge which can be comparable to the level of knowledge one will attain after a Masters degree course on business administration.

It will boost Host's Business acumen

It comes with peak talent recognition skills

It comes with peak talent development skills

It increases Host's Business management skills

It will allow host to learn skills related to business at a faster rate.

Note: Host is advised to start his business soon to make full use of this skill and upon learning the skill a certain certification from an institution of choice will be delivered to the host.

High tier skill : Peak concentration and observation skills

This skill will help the host in focusing on his tasks completely even in a rowdy environment.

It includes;

Peak problem determining ability which will help the host in identifying the problems in a particular system.

Peak problem analyzing abilities which will help the host to analyze and determine the cause and effects of that particular problem.

Note: Host is advised to start his business soon to make full use of this skill.

100 years business experience card :

Will bestow 100 years of business running experience on the host.

Top tier business connection card :

Will bestow an Influential business connection to the host, it can be in the form of a person who will serve the host or an organization which will listen to the orders of the host but will not be owned by the host. They will serve as a form of backing for the host in the business world.

" it seems like the system rewards me with what I need the most" he muttered.

After seeing the mission reward he started analyzing his next form of actions.

"I think I'll have to take the pills now cos I have a lot of things to do tomorrow so I can't afford to wake up late" he thought.

"Santy redeem the intermediate Business Administration knowledge.

" Yes Martens " santy answered and immediately Martens felt lots of knowledge regarding Business Administration flooding into his mind, after assimilating everything he felt like he could now effectively run a business. Most of the knowledge he digested was theoretic speculations and not all of them were applicable in real life situations but the business systems he could apply would be quite effective. After digesting most parts of the knowledge he received from the system he decided to redeem all the rewards he got.

" santy redeem peak concentration and observation skills" Martens said and immediately he felt the same caliber of feeling that he got when he redeemed the leadership traits skilll. Various knowledge about effective business systems and their Achilles heels flowed into his mind and he felt that he got a type of intuition ability the type that could help in not just the business line but in any general situation.

Santy redeem the 100 years business experience card

" This time around knowledge about various underhanded tricks alternate solutions to various problems in different business lines and various type of insights were ingrained In his mind. He thought it was over but he was wrong. Immediately after he assimilated all the knowledge that flowed into his mind, his consciousness was thrust into a kind of simulation where he was the only one present.

For a while he was alarmed and lots of unnecessary thoughts were running through his mind every now and then.

"Calm down, you'll be here for years learning the ways of business" santy said.

And immediately Martens felt himself calm down, he didn't know why or how but he became calm, his intrusive thoughts no longer rushed in probably an effect of his peak concentration and observation skills but deep somewhere in his mind he still felt apprehensive about all this.

For a full 100 years he was there alone witnessing the rise and fall of various organizations and he learned alot the type of knowledge you can not get in a university and about half of the time he was alone in the void no one to talk to but he was composed, over time he got acquainted to this feeling of being alone and he was just there making do with whatever came his way every day till he spent a full 100 years there.

"Martens, Martens, Martens" Ivy kept calling to her brother who just sat there without moving worriedlly until a minute later when he finally responded and when he did he was completely scary. He look at her with a type of solemn gaze that gave her chills she felt like she was looking at a stranger and not her brother.

" Ivy what do you need" Martens said but he knew he needed a few hours to take control over his own thoughts and aura, he had been gone for too long.

" I ....wan...ted yo...u to help me ehn reset my phone " she said in a shaky voice that displayed the fear that she felt.

"Sigh.....ivy can I do it for you tomorrow" Martens asked.

"Okay....uhm are you Alright " she asked in a tense voice

" Yeah... I guess" Martens flashed her a smile and ruffled her hair

" Now run along....I'll come to your room when I'm free" Martens said and she left for her room.

" Sighs just how much can time change people...subtle changes are still moderate I cannot allow this experience to overly change my attitude and behavior at least not within my family " he muttered with determination displayed in his eyes. He felt that all the knowledge he got came with a huge price, the risk of a change in identity.

"Santy redeem the connection card" Martens asked

"Okay Martens" Santy replied but after waiting for a while Martens got nothing and santy said nothing as well, it started to get awkward and then Martens asked.

" would you spare some time to give me an explanation about what I'm getting or how I'm getting it, why are you so lazy, you can't even be bothered to simply explain the side effects of whatever you are giving me even when I tell to explain in details about so if it was going to kill me you'd keep quiet right. I was thrusted into nowhere basically but I can't even get a heads up from you, do you take me for a joker, well if you do then I'm happy to announce to you that I'm not joking and read my lips do not try this with me again" he exclaimed feeling completely enraged.

"Listen Santiago you live in my soul rent free which means you stay under my domain and roof, as for your introverted behavior I can't be bothered to give a damn. But if you are interested in staying then fucking expanciate on the things I get from you or else get the fuck out okay, I haven't told you that I can't survive without you. Even If you leave it might be harder but I'll still achieve my goals so if it's pride you better drop it around me" Martens said, he felt so angry who does this thing thinks he is acting all pompous as if he's God when it's only just probably a supernatural AI created to be in charge of whatever agenda the being that gave it to him had in mind.

After venting he then personally redeemed the soul and strength pill by himself.

He knew he might be overreacting as a result of the experience he just had but nevertheless he found himself feeling so annoyed at the incompetence of Santiago.

"So now can you explain the EFFECTS of the strength pill including the SIDE EFFECTS just in case you find it hard to process the meaning of effects and I need answer to the question I asked earlier" Martens retorted fully asserting his dominance and placing maximum emphasis on the effects and side effects part. He felt that it was below him to be subservient to a being that he didn't even need in the first place.

"Okay Martens" Santy said in a respectful tone probably borne from the scolding he had just received. He knew that ultimately he was in the wrong and he understood that Martens had really learnt and understood what he was meant to, proper business men don't condone any form of laziness or incompetence In their surroundings and most especially in their organization, his previous attitude wasn't completely feat for a business man but now he's more than ready, one could even say he was now a seasoned business man.

"the connection you got is that of an Influential individual, he's male and he'll be serving you in any position you assign to him but he responds only to your orders, he will be 100% loyal to you but you have to earn his respect, he can decide to stay or leave if you act improper with him or if he feels that you are not competent enough as he is human and not a robot or an AI, he'll contact you personally in a week" Santy replied and Martens was stunned this was one of the longest and most detailed explanation he had ever made

" Good! at least you're capable of learning and changing" Martens muttered authoritatively

" As for the strength pill. It will increase your strength attribute and there are no serious side effects but you will have to go through intense exercise to get used to your strength after taking it and it also changes your physics subtly, your facial muscles will become noticeably sharper and you'll probably grow a bit taller" santy explained once again

"Okay" Martens replied and immediately swallowed the strength pill and without waiting he swallowed the soul pill as well. He felt the pain he felt the other day again but much more intense his surroundings felt blurry and he fainted.