
Cobra Kai: The Next Strike


I was in the office telling my sensei about the fight:

—So, the other guy lunged at me, and… bam! I hit him.

Before I could finish, Johnny stood up from his seat, looked me straight in the eyes, and interrupted:

—Let me get this straight. You used what I taught you to hit that guy and his friends?

I smiled proudly and replied firmly:

—Yes, sensei!

—Follow me, —he said as he walked out of the dojo.

We went to his car. He opened the trunk and pulled out a slightly worn gi.

—I used this gi back in '81. I kept it for all the memories it holds, but now it's yours. You're officially a Cobra Kai.

I received it, thrilled.

—Thank you, sensei.

Just as we were heading back to the dojo, I spotted someone on the corner.

—Sensei, doesn't that guy look like you? —I asked.

Johnny turned to look and saw Robby standing next to his bike. The moment their eyes met, Robby took off on his bike.

—Robby...? What's he doing here? —Johnny murmured, more to himself than to me.

—Who's Robby, sensei? —I asked, curious.

—He's my son, kid. Keep training on your own. I'll see if I can catch him, —he said as he got into his car and drove off.

I decided to head back into the dojo and try on my new gi. I looked at myself in the mirror and said:

—Oh, I look good! Although… I think it needs a wash.

I smiled to myself, took it off, and started training. Hours went by, and just as I was about to leave, Johnny came back.

—How did it go, sensei? —I asked as we headed home in his car.

—I couldn't catch him, —he replied with a sigh. Then he added:

—Maybe his mom already told him about the idea of moving in with me.

—He looks about my age. Why don't you invite him to train, sensei?

—Hmm… I'll think about it. See you tomorrow.

We arrived home, I said goodbye, and went inside.

SCHOOL - Biology Class

I was sitting with Demetri, chatting, when Sam walked into the classroom. She had a lollipop stuck to her shoulder. Realizing it, she yanked it off and said loudly:

—Very funny, guys!

Demetri elbowed me and whispered:

—Get it? A lollipop… like "suck"... well, you know.

I rolled my eyes.

—They're just rumors, dude. Stop believing everything you hear, especially if it's from Kyler.

Just then, the teacher entered, and Sam went straight to talk to him. After listening to her, the teacher announced:

—Samantha doesn't have a group. Does anyone want to let her join theirs?

I raised my hand.

—We do.

Sam came over to our table.

—Hi. I'll grab a chair.

—Hi. That's fine, —I replied with a smile.

Later, as we analyzed a pig fetus, Sam asked me:

—What do you think about the sex?

I flinched a little but realized she was talking about the fetus.

—I think it's female… but I'm not sure.

Sam smiled.


—No problem. Three minds are better than two.

She shook her head and said:

—I don't mean that. I mean what happened in the cafeteria. Seriously, thank you.

—For the Kyler thing? Sooner or later, someone would've given them what they deserved. They're idiots.

Sam chuckled softly.

—Maybe, but you handled it really well.

—Oh, thanks.

Then, in a more technical tone, she added:

—But when you throw the front kick, you lean a bit forward. That can throw off your center of gravity and leave you vulnerable.

Surprised, I replied:

—Wow… Seems like karate runs in your blood. Thanks for the free lesson.

—Just this once it's free. From now on, I'll charge you.

I laughed.

—Alright, that means I'll get private lessons.

Sam blushed slightly, and we continued analyzing the fetus, chatting casually.

DOJO - Mass Recruitment

As I was getting ready to train, I started hearing a lot of voices outside the dojo. I walked to the entrance, and when I opened the door, I found a group of teenagers talking and watching a video on their phones: my fight with Kyler in the cafeteria.

—Hey, look! It's the Cobra Kai guy! —one of them shouted, pointing at me.

Immediately, everyone swarmed me with questions about how to join or learn to fight like me. Overwhelmed, I shouted:


The group fell silent.

—If you're here to sign up, form a line. If not, I ask you to leave.

I went back into the dojo, and within minutes, there was a long line from the office to the entrance. Aisha helped me keep things organized while I handled registrations and collected the first month's fees in advance.

Demetri, however, wasn't convinced.

—I want to try it first, okay?

—Sure, but you'll at least need to pay for one week upfront, —I replied.

After registering everyone, I lined them up in front of me, but they kept chatting among themselves.

—Quiet! —I shouted again.

Some, like Demetri, protested:

—Come on, Miguel, this is boring.

—If you can't stay quiet, you don't have the discipline for karate. And discipline is essential in martial arts and in life, —I responded firmly.

At that moment, Johnny walked into the dojo. Seeing the group, he asked:

—What are all these kids doing here?

—They're new students, sensei. Looks like the fight brought attention to Cobra Kai.

Johnny scanned the group critically and said:

—Well, since you're here, let's see what you've got. Line up.

The class continued with intensity, and although there were tense moments, it turned out to be a productive session.

Johnny looked at everyone and said:

—When I look ahead, all I see are nerds and losers.

Everyone lowered their heads. Then he briefly glanced at me before continuing:

—But… I've seen special cases of success, so some of you might make it too.

He pointed at Eli:

—You, Lip, step forward.

Demetri interrupted:

—I'm sorry, teacher, but…

—Sensei, —Aisha corrected him.

Demetri adjusted:

—Sensei, calling him out for a defect isn't right.

Johnny looked at him incredulously and replied:

—Oh, "right"? When you face someone in the real world, they won't do the right thing. They'll even hit you in the balls if they need to. —He pointed to a wall in the dojo—. Cobra Kai teaches you to face the world without mercy.

I supported him, addressing Demetri:

—He's right. The world isn't fair if you're not tough—not just physically but mentally. Otherwise, life will treat you like crap.

Demetri crossed his arms and replied:

—But it's still not okay. It's the 21st century. Someone, please tell the sensei that the Nazis lost, even though they were stronger.

Johnny seemed to get angrier. He walked towards Demetri as we stepped back, giving them space.

—What? Are you going to hit me? —Demetri asked, standing his ground.

Johnny shook his head.

—No. I'm just going to teach you a lesson. Go ahead, hit me.

—If you say so… —Demetri replied. He tried to throw a straight punch, but Johnny deflected his arm, flipped him over his shoulder, and pinned him to the ground.

—Aah, my back, damn it! —Demetri exclaimed as he got up.

He brushed himself off and muttered:

—I'm out of here.

Without another word, he left.

Johnny dismissed him sarcastically:

—Well, now that the crybaby is gone, let's continue.

The class turned out to be productive.

At the end of class, as we were leaving, I told Johnny:

—Wait a second, sensei. I'll be right back.

He nodded.

—I'll wait in the car.

I headed toward where I saw Eli walking, probably to his parents' car.

—Eli, wait! —I called out.

He stopped and turned around. When I reached him, he asked:

—What's up, Miguel?

—I just wanted to tell you not to get discouraged by the sensei's comments, —I said.

Eli lowered his gaze. Trying to encourage him, I continued:

—Come on, man. You can't live your whole life feeling bad about your lip. You've got to learn to overcome it. I don't know, maybe get a new haircut—something so bold that the last thing anyone notices is your lip.

He looked up with a hint of hope.

—You think that could work?

—Of course. If I had your lip… well, I'd probably make fun of it myself to show others that it doesn't bother me.

Eli smiled and replied:

—Thanks for the advice, Miguel. See you tomorrow.

—See you tomorrow, buddy, —I said as I waved goodbye.

I walked back to the car, got in, and Johnny started the engine.

—Who were you talking to?



I sighed and replied:

—Yeah, him.

Johnny smirked.

—Did you tell him he's a loser?

I shook my head.

—No. Actually, I told him to get a haircut and be more confident.

Johnny nodded approvingly.

—Good advice.


After getting home, I threw myself onto the bed and opened my laptop. I looked for something entertaining to watch while waiting for sleep to come, but then an idea popped into my head. I closed the browser and opened Facebook.

I searched for Sam's chat and, after thinking for a few seconds, recorded a funny voice note:

"Hey, do you think a pig could practice karate? Imagine 'Karate Pork.' The new dojo champion, 'Babe-san.'"

In less than a minute, she replied with a laughing emoji and her own voice note:

"Haha! I think it'd be better than Kyler on the mat. Though I'm sure it'd make more noise when it falls."

I burst out laughing and kept sending her messages. Our conversation flowed so easily, full of jokes and witty comments. At times, we talked about school, the dojo, and even movies we both liked.

Without realizing it, time flew by. Sam sent a final message:

"Well, I think it's time to sleep now. But thanks for making me laugh today. It was a rough day, and this really made it better."

I smiled as I read it and quickly replied:

"That's what I'm here for, sensei of fetal analysis. Good night."

She answered with a simple:

"Good night, karateka."

With a smile on my face, I closed the laptop and sank into my pillow. It was the first time in a long while that I fell asleep so quickly and with such a sense of calm.

Next chapter