
Chapter 18


Chapter 18

The car was filled Veronica laughter, and Salvatore did nothing but endure it all.

"So you gonna stop" Salvatore said not able to bear the laughter.

"Haha....oh common it's not my fault, I was literally saying you should go and you here trying be Romeo" Veronica said in the mist of her laughter.

Salvatore was already red with embracement but he brushed it off.

"So are you still meeting up with Antonio Amatucci" Salvatore said Antonio's name with disgust.

"Umm... No I'm not meeting Antonio, I just said that to avoid you" Veronica said trying to avoid eye contact.

"So if you said that, where would u have gone then" Salvatore asked already at his company.

"Does it matter now, you are already at work" Veronica said looking at the company.

Salvatore went inside the company to park his car at his private parking space, usually it would be Theo doing this but he wants Theo to have quality time with Lorenzo.

Salvatore came out of the car, and went to other side to open Veronica door.

"Hmm you sure you ain't trying to act Romeo with me" Veronica said while smiling at Salvatore.

"I'm no Romeo but I sure know how to make a woman fall head over heels with me" Salvatore said making Veronica blush hard.

"Okay is your plan to make me fall for you more, or you are falling for me" Veronica said getting closer to Salvatore.

"Well who can say, the heart is a mysterious in choosing someone to love" Salvatore said pulling Veronica closer making her face even brighter red.

They we're facing each other, both eyes facing, their breath becoming slow by the moment. They we're only inches close together only a step and their lips would touch.

"Veronica" Salvatore called in a slow, but yet seductive way.

"Yes" Veronica answered trying to control herself and her breathing.

"I" Salvatore started.

"I Lo... MR DE LUCA" Some yelled Making Veronica startled and she pushed Salvatore away. Salvatore on the other hand was annoyed by the sudden interruption.

"Good morning Mr DE LUCA" The lady said again happily.

"Who are you" Salvatore asked coldly, and Veronica had to hold his arm to calm him down.

"Ohh I'm sorry sir, I'm Mika Miss Sarah Rizzo personal assistant" Mika said joyfully not minding the Salvatore cold Demeanor.

"And why are you here" Salvatore said indifferently.

"Ohh see I got lost and I was told Miss Sarah Rizzo is already in your building waiting for you, you see sir it's my first day and I don't want to get fired please help me" Mika immediately bowed after saying that.

Veronica was amused by the girl in front of her,and she definitely wants her to keep seeing more of her.

"Hey don't do that, please get up" Veronica went to help Mika up.

"Huh, ma please let me" Mika said trying to bow again.

"No don't do that, I take it as you are part Asian right" Veronica said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am I'm part Japanese and American, and unfortunately I came late on my first day, I definitely don't want get fired. Ma'am please help" Mika said begging again.

Veronica was beyond happy with Mika and definitely like her too,when an idea came to her while Salvatore just watch the two girls with indifferent eyes.

"Hey, if Sarah fires you I will gladly hire you and your salary will be more than Sarah's own. What do you say" Veronica said making Mika jaw drop and Salvatore brow raised.

"Ma'am that's more than generous, thank u thank u" Mika said then taking Veronica by surprise with a hug.

Salvatore was already smiling by Veronica offer, but it was clear he needed to work, so he had to break them up.

"Hello ladies, sorry to interrupt you but I'm sure we are here for business right" Salvatore said making Mika blush and laugh and Veronica just playfully rolled her eyes.

Veronica went and put her arm with Salvatore arm and went into the elevator with Mika.

Through out the ride upstairs both Veronica and Mika kept giggling and chatting while Salvatore just watched amused, and he smiled watching Veronica Being free with someone else and happy. He wishes to make sure she stays happy.

The elevator immediately reached 12th floor which is Salvatore's office, while going in He was struck with a familiar scent that he could never forget.

"Salvatore you are here, I have been waiting for you" Sarah said smiling sweetly to Salvatore and she then saw Veronica with Mika, clearly not pleased.

"Why is she here, I only needed to see Salvatore. But she's here that doesn't matter, Salvatore was mine before and he will be mine again" Sarah said in her mind.

"Hello Miss Russo I didn't expect you to be here" Sarah said referring to Mika making her uncomfortable.

"Yeah it's clear you are fired" Ivy said Sarah's new personal assistant.

"Well she's my personal assistant and she's with me" Veronica said standing up for Mika.

"Since when" Ivy yelled not believing what she heard.

"Since I hired her of course" Veronica said making Ivy fumed.

"But.. that's enough Ivy" Sarah said shutting Ivy up.

Sarah then moved to Salvatore, with her seductive moves and facial expression.

"I came here to see you personally, can we talk in private" Sarah said getting even more closer to Salvatore.

Veronica did not like Sarah being too close to Salvatore, and she wanted to move closer to him but his next words met her by surprise.

"Okay meet me in my office then" Salvatore said and left to his office. Leaving Sarah with triumph smile and Veronica awe struck.

Stay tuned for Chapter 19

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