

No need to wait for years, in just a few days, inside a closed restaurant in a small town not far from the Sky Sun Sect, a portal opened and figure after figure stepped out of it.

The first to step out was a middle-aged man with long black hair, a large build and wearing a black robe.

His eyes were blood red, and only his existence alone shook the space around.

Fortunately he moved quickly to seal the restaurant with his power so that the effects of his existence didn't drift away.

This was only because of his existence, not to mention the others that followed behind him.

After him there was a handsome young man carrying a black sword on his back then a small old man with a hunched body and a hand always on his back, then a middle-aged woman who seemed to be filled with hatred and a skeleton wearing a tattered robe.

Even after them, there were still those who came out of the portal.

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