
San Miguel de Tver

Hood drove cautiously all the way, fearing they might get some patrol car's attention, the weapons in the trunk were enough to go to jail for a couple of years and cause them a lot of trouble.

Back in the safe house, Job had already got up and was sitting on the red sofa that adorned the living room. After a night's rest, his condition had improved, but the injuries would not allow him to help this time, it would only be his support behind a headset.

Seeing the three of them enter the room with two large canvas bags, Job raised his glass of wine with a smile and said:

—There seems to be no problem. — said with a mocking smile. — Congratulations Gabriel did not kill you.

Hood dropped the heavy bag on the floor making a dry noise as he fell.

—Stop talking nonsense, come here to help us review and prepare the equipment.

After a while, the ground was covered in weapons, bullets, grenades and magazines, of different calibers, it was a somewhat new scene for Ethan since neither the police station nor the academy had weapons like this. 

After storing his Beretta, loaded with hollow point bullets and an extended magazine, he slipped it into the holster under his arm. Soon his eyes moved towards an M249 machine gun, the design was robust and heavy. This could cause a lot of damage.

—Hey Job, can I keep this after we kill Rabbit? — Asked Ethan turning to him with the gun in his hands. —

—Damn bastard don't point that thing at me. If you can get her out of town it's all yours, although I doubt you can. Also, do you know how to use it? — Job's annoying growl seeing the barrel of the gun so close to him. —

—They are all more or less the same. I just need to get acquainted with it a little bit, for me it's no problem. — said calmly. I couldn't tell him that he had a magic system that gave him skills and that he could almost handle any weapon. He calmly moved his hands and with one skill opened the feeding lid, placed the ammunition belt on the tray with the bullets properly oriented, closed the lid, loaded with the lever, and left it ready. — See, it is not difficult.

—Wow, did they teach you at the academy? — Hood asked.

—Yes, basic course for newbies. — responded nonchalantly to Hood, since he had never been to the academy, he was a very lucky criminal. — 

Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out an oval-shaped grenade, turning it on his palm.

Carrie for her part was checking a Springfield XD9 semi-automatic pistol in her hand, installed the silencer and inserted it into the waist cover, it was a fairly compact weapon for someone like Carrie who preferred mobility was perfect.

—Be careful with that thing, if it explodes we will blow up, stop playing.

Ethan pursed his lips.

—Look who's talking about being cautious.

Job coughed and took his glass of wine, drawing the attention of the group.

Carrie inserted four pistols into her waist before stopping. I needed to maintain great mobility.


Hood placed the extended chargers on two MP5 machine guns. His original M1911 and his Beretta M9 were also in front of him.

—Although the firepower is sufficient ... —Job touched his head —. I still think it would be better to drop a bomb in the church, so we can end everything without risking it.

—No, he could survive, I don't want to continue living by hiding from him. — Carrie replied, pressing bullets in a spare charger with his teeth clenched —. I need to see him die in front of me, only then will I know that my family will be safe.

Seeing that his companions were busy arming themselves and that he could do nothing to help, Job was finally unable to stand still and reached out to grab a gun.

—I can't just sit here while they risk their lives. I'm going too.


Ethan stopped him.

—If you go in your current condition and you will be a burden and you will die. Also you have your own mission, my friend.

Job's eyes lit up.

— What mission?

—Do what you do best, I want you to be the center of attention, — Ethan lit a cigarette remembering the Job show. — We need you to create a distraction for us, we will make a lot of noise in that church and we need that the New York police are busy, do whatever it takes, issue false alarms, block police lines, and paralyze the transportation system near the church. You can do it? 

—No problem at all.

San Miguel de Tver Church, basement.

It was said to be a basement, but it was actually like an underground fortification. A long arch-shaped passage connected more than a dozen rooms. This was the Rabbit base camp. Taking advantage of the facade provided by the church, it was a safe place to hide its operations.

Rabbit, who appeared to be in his sixties now seemed exhausted, was sitting in a chair with his back straight. He was tall and wearing a high-end suit with a straight waist. If it weren't for his silver white hair, it would be impossible to know that he was old.

With a horse's face, an aquiline nose, and high eyebrows, his entire presence was intimidating. He left his gun on the table and looked at the busy people in the room, nodding with satisfaction before going out and closing the door behind him.

Inside, a dozen people were seen sitting around a long table, checking weapons and loading ammunition.

Rabbit opened another door and entered a room where there were five or six priests dressed in black robes. One of them got up when he saw him enter.


— Where's Juric?

—In your room, sir.

He nodded and walked a few steps to a wooden door. He played a few times.

—Go ahead.

When he heard a deep voice, he entered.

The room was simple, with a bed, a chair, and a large cross on the wall. A tall priest, dressed in a black robe, had his back to the door. He turned when he heard him enter, showing a face similar to that of Rabbit.


Rabbit sat in the chair and said:

—Everything is ready.

The priest Juris signed my comments served vodka in a glass.

— Are you sure your daughter will come?

— I am, she is my daughter and I know her better than anyone. —Rabbit replied with pride —. She is afraid that she will harm her family, she will come.

His gaze shone with an intensity that he had not shown in years.

—He always believed that he saw her as a tool, that he blamed her for the death of his mother, and decided to run away with that bastard, turning his back on me and his family. I raised her for twenty years, and the only thing that brought me back was treason. I want to check if your wings are as strong as you think.

Rabbit tightened his knees with both hands:

— After all, "I raised a dog and it ended up biting the hand that fed it."

Juric nodded, had a glass of wine, walked to bed, and sat down. The room was silent again.

Job, casa segura.

Seeing Hood and the others, they packed all their equipment and got up with their duffel bags. Job stopped writing on his computer keyboard and pursed his lips:

—Promise me that you will kill that son of a bitch this time. Finish them all off and don't let this damn thing come back to us and bite us in the butt again Hood. 

Carrie and Hood showed a smile and then everyone went out the door.

Hood's Ford truck came slowly in front of a remote Brooklyn church. in Brighton Beach, better taper like "Litlle Odessa". The entire church was surrounded by an iron fence; From side to side, a small park with nearby trees could offer them some coverage.

Ethan watched the quiet church from the car window. There were no signs of life anywhere, not a single guard guarded the entrance to the church. He turned to Carrie:

— Are you sure Rabbit is still in church? There are no signs of movement, perhaps, after what happened in the hospital, he decided to find another burrow to hide.

A slight expression of security crossed Carrie's face.

—If it were anyone else, maybe he would have, but Rabbit is too proud to run away. He knows he would come knocking on his door, and his damn arrogance would not allow him to escape anywhere.

Hood adjusted the balaclava and nodded.

—Carrie is right. Rabbit will definitely be inside, and I bet he's not waiting. It is difficult to explain, but it has its own twisted sense of honor.

—Okay, whatever you say. —resignedly answered by putting on his balaclava.

He got out of the car with a bag on his shoulder. The blue truck started and continued to advance on the main street.

Ethan watched around him in silence. The closest apartment buildings were tens of meters away, there was no movement in the streets, almost as if they knew what was going to happen here and that gave him a bad feeling.

This was Rabbit's burrow. He could guess why he had chosen this place so far apart, ideal for them to do whatever they wanted without interruption. A gust of wind raised yellowish leaves from the asphalt, hitting them against Ethan.

—Shit I hope we can finally get this over with, it gets more and more annoying to be dealing with Rabbit and Proctor. — thought resigned while wearing black gloves.

He had contemplated many times the possibility of intervening in the main plot. By eliminating certain dangerous targets, the protagonists would perhaps encounter fewer obstacles and the victims would avoid a tragic fate. But he always stopped his hand at the last moment. 

Every decision he made took him a little further away from humanity he once knew. But as long as the end credit lights didn't come, he would still be there, trying to survive, living his new life to the fullest, among other people's stories.

Ethan soon came out of his thoughts as he moved with the duffel bag in his hands, toward the nearby large tree. According to the plan, he would attack the back door while Hood and Carrie would break through the front door. Only Job's signal was missing to attack the church.

Two minutes later, his phone vibrated. Ethan answered the call and Hood's voice came out of the receiver:

—Carrie and I are already in position.

—Me too.

—Perfect. Carrie has already contacted Job. In a minute we will start. According to him, if someone alerts the police, the first wave will arrive in five minutes. So we must be fast. Ethan, if you've ever stopped for any reason, don't do it this time. Finish everyone.

Ethan checked his watch and adjusted the travel bag. When the appointed time came, he looked around and adjusted the black hood, then jumped the fence down easily and advanced.

The air was dense as he headed toward the back door, which was ajar, as if inviting him in. With a quick movement, he kicked the wooden door in and stepped aside. Other than the knock on the door against the wall, there was no other noise.

The interior was also silent, only Hood's breathing was heard through the earpiece.

— Clear.- 

At the back entrance, with a wall on one side and a hallway on the other, Ethan quickly deduced that there must have been armed men hidden inside.

He left the travel bag on the floor, opened it, and took out the M249 machine gun. He quickly loaded the ammunition belt and secured the lock.

I take a hand grenade, with a malicious smile on my face. He bit the grenade ring with his teeth and pulled it hard.

In millisecond he threw the grenade inward.

— Granada! —someone yelled from the inside.

The explosion of the explosion broke the windows of the church. The colorful stained glass windows fell apart, reflecting the light like a rainbow.

Ethan clenched his teeth and moved fast. The hallway was destroyed. A wooden screen had been cut to pieces. Two men lay on the ground, crawling with wounded legs, groaning in pain.

—Bang, bang, bang.

Ethan pulled the trigger on his gun, ending his suffering.

Changing the machine gun to burst mode, Ethan fijó takes attention in a hambre who hid behind a pinch of ivy, shooting the ciegas with an AK in the direction.

With cold precision, Ethan pointed at the gun. A short burst was enough to destroy it, causing the fragments to fly everywhere. The man screamed as he felt the impact and dropped the smoking debris. Before he could even try to pull out another weapon, Ethan moved fast, placing the barrel of his machine gun against his forehead.

—You won't have another chance —Ethan said in a firm voice, as the man raised his hands, paralyzed by fear.


The head explodes in an instant.

From the opposite direction, more shots were heard. Ethan eliminated the three people at the back door and advanced like a murderous grim reaper. Inside the chapel, Hood and Carrie exchanged fire with four men dressed as priests.

False priests kept Hood and Carrie trapped behind the pillars of the entrance. The bullets flew and stone chips filled the air.

One of the priests was shooting wildly at Carrie. Suddenly, he heard that the rear shots stopped and he turned quickly.

Ethan appeared behind them, loading the machine gun.

— Damn! —one of the men yelled before Ethan pulled the trigger.

The bullets went through the air with deadly precision. Two men fell into clouds of blood. The last one tried to take refuge behind the benches, but Ethan followed him with accurate shots, destroying the wood and finally killing it.

When the silence returned, Carrie came out of hiding.

—Shet .... —murmured, looking at Ethan in amazement.

Other than small jobs before, I've never seen Ethan in action. Now he understood why Hood and Job trusted him so much. Carrie avoided Ethan's gaze while cleaning the blood that had splashed on his face.

—I don't think it's just these few people, do I? —asked.

Ethan kicked a bullet bush and prepared to continue.

Next chapter