Hospital Shooting
Gordon slammed the door open, looking down at the patio from the frame of his door, his face showing an expression of pent-up anger, as if something important had been abruptly interrupted.— Sheriff Hood? What the hell is he doing here? —Gordon snapped, his face hardened with anger —. You're not welcome here, so get off my property.Hood looked at his messy clothes and asked coldly:— Am I looking for Carrie, is she here?—That's none of your business Hood. — responded quickly. ——If she is here, I need to speak to her right now.—Go to hell Hood.—Gordon, not calm. — Carrie intervened, rushing down the stairs while trying to fix her clothes and straighten her messy hair.He stepped between the two of them, walked to the sidewalk to talk to Hood.— What do you want?Hood thought he would be furious to see Carrie in that state, but, to his surprise, he felt nothing. Neither anger, nor sadness, nor the usual pressure that tightened him in situations like that. It was as if a part of him had been disconnected.He looked at Gordon and then addressed Carrie:—Job found Rabbit.— Really? Where? —Carrie asked, surprised.—In New York —Hood replied, in a serious tone —. But things did not go well and Job was injured. Need help.—Understood, I will go with you —Carrie said firmly, turning to Gordon with a firm look.— What is happening Carrie? —Gordon replied, visibly upset. He took a step towards her, looking for answers.Carrie did not respond immediately. Instead, he held his gaze for an instant, as if searching for the right words.—We have to go right now —interrupted Hood, his voice cutting.—Just give me a moment.Carrie approached and held Gordon's face with her hands, drawing him towards her.—Honey, if Rabbit is in New York, I have to go. — His voice trembled, but he grew stronger again. —Gordon turned his head, looking at Hood, then turned to Carrie.—You just came home. Are you sure you want to do this?—What I do, I do for our family —Carrie said firmly, her gaze fixed on Gordon —. I know it is not easy to understand, you know what it is capable of. If I don't get this over with now, Max and Deva will never really be safe. I do this for us, to protect what we have. You have to trust me.Gordon looked at Hood, standing at the door of his car, and waved his hands angrily. He walked out the door, approaching Hood.— What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep fucking my family?Hood ignored him and looked at Carrie.—I don't have time for this nonsense —Hood said impatiently, pointing to Carrie —. Stay here and explain, but I have to hurry to save Job.— Hey, look at me! Don't talk to her! —Gordon was so furious that he pushed Hood, who staggered by the force of the coup.Hood turned, furious, raising his fists.— Stop both of you!Carrie ran to come between them, trying to avoid conflict.—Hit me. Aren't you good at hitting? —Gordon said as he stepped back, pulling a black revolver from his waist.With red eyes, he pointed the gun at Hood.—If you don't clear things up tonight, you won't go anywhere.— Why do you show up every time things started to go better? What's going on between you and Carrie, damn you?— Gordon, put the gun down!There were tears in Carrie's eyes. I did not understand why things had reached this point.—This matter has nothing to do with you —Hood said, clenching his fists —. I'm warning you, come down and put that Mayor Gordon gun away.Gordon took a deep breath, squeezing the revolver between his fingers hard.—You ruined our lives, since you came to this town everything went to hell and you say it has nothing to do with you.Carrie quickly pleaded:—Gordon, please put the gun down. You do not understand it.—Then make me understand —Gordon said, looking at Carrie angrily — Tell me, what's going on between you guys?Hood squinted, staring at the gun.—Carrie, make him see reason, because if I don't swear I'm going to kill him.— Really? You can try bastard. This is your last chance to tell the truth, or I'll put a bullet in your head —threatened Gordon, taking a couple of steps forward.The atmosphere tightened, full of imminent danger, Carrie, her heart beating wild and her breathing short, struggled to find the right words.—Gordon, he is Deva's father.Carrie's words fell like a hammer on Gordon, paralyzing him on the spot. His mind was trying to process what he had just heard, but the weight of the revelation seemed impossible to bear.Hood, realizing that Carrie had revealed the truth, made no effort to deny it. His silence was as eloquent as any confession, and his eyes drifted toward Gordon's hands, which trembled visibly as his fingers remained tense on the trigger.After a few seconds that seemed eternal, Gordon slowly lowered the gun.— Is it true?Hood said nothing. He backed up a bit and turned to head for the parked car a few meters away. Without saying another word, he opened the door, got into the driver's seat, and started the engine, leaving behind a silence full of meaning.Ethan, sitting in the passenger seat, had heard everything, but had no intention of intervening, knew that Gordon was not going to shoot Hood, so he only watched the scene in silence, for him it was better that Carrie's bitch did not accompany them, but Job would feel it more, after taking a risk for her.—It is difficult to know who is right in this type of situation —Ethan thought. In her opinion, the only innocent in all of this was Gordon, he was ignorant in this whole story between Carrie and Hood, if Carrie was to be blamed it was that she never told her husband the truth, and in the end it all exploded in her face .Carrie hugged Gordon before saying goodbye.—I'll tell you everything when I get back, but I have to go now.Gordon looked up, still stunned by the shocking truth.— Why do you have to go?—I have to put an end to the affairs between my father and me, otherwise we can never live peacefully Gordon, I do it for our family. I love you Gordon.Carrie's tone was soft, but her words were charged with determination.He turned around and walked to the car. Ethan watched her approach and then open the door to sit in the back.This has to end this time, either we kill Rabbit, or he kills us. I'm serious —Carrie said from the back seat after a long silence.Hood, holding the wheel, replied in a boring tone:—I have no problem with that.Ethan put out his cigarette with a slow gesture, crushing it against the portable ashtray before throwing it out the window. The car was moving down the lonely road that stretched through the shadows, swallowing the distance that separated the gloomy little town of Banshee from the bright lights of New York.The next morning, they arrived directly at the parking lot of the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. A blue truck slid calmly to a stop in one of the farthest spaces.Ethan, sitting in the passenger seat, took a moment before getting out of the car, put on a pair of black gloves, the leather creaked slightly when adjusted. Then, he took a cap and placed it until he covered most of his face with the shadow of the visor. while carefully observing the surroundings before opening the door.Hood took a small bag out of the storage glove compartment of the truck:—I went out in a hurry, I just brought an extra gun.—It doesn't matter, I brought mine. — I exclaim Ethan, climbing his shirt slightly showing his waist where he posed his M9.He handed Carrie the M9 and two spare chargers. The gun was equipped with a silencer. Carrie took the gun and put it on her lower back, lifting her vest to cover it:— What room is Job in? — Ethan asked.Hood pulled out a silencer and installed it on the M1911, then put the gun away:—Room 307, remember, is in Rabbit territory. Job warned me that he could have contacts inside this hospital, so it is not unreasonable for him to find us at any time. Stay alert.—Go to the front and look for Job. Carrie and I will watch.Hood let out a sigh as he saw Ethan walk away alone through the parking lot. I remember that throughout the journey here, the silence was absolute. No one uttered a word, and Ethan especially.Finally, unable to contain his frustration, Hood turned to Carrie and, in an unsatisfied tone, said:—You owe Ethan an apology, it's kind of stubborn but he will understand if you talk to him.Carrie said nothing, just put her hat on quietly and walked to the side door. Hood slammed the car door shut and walked behind it. When Ethan disappeared from his sight, he slipped his hand toward his waist, touching the gun with his palm before quickly storing it in his storage space.With the same confidence as always, he advanced through the hospital lobby. His relaxed posture moved freely through the hospital lobby. Every time a security camera crossed his path, he tilted his head slightly, making sure not to give them a clear picture of his face.Without stopping, he reached the elevator and pressed the call button, watching the doors open instantly. Inside the elevator, he pressed the button on the third floor. "Room 307 ", he murmured quietly as he leaned his back against the metal wall.With a soft "ding"The elevator doors slid slowly, revealing the deserted hallway on the third floor. Ethan adjusted the visor of his baseball cap, lowering it a little more to partially hide his face, and came out with measured steps. The atmosphere was calm, broken only by the echo of his steps and the occasional hasty movement of a nurse who crossed the corridor with her gaze fixed on her work. To a stranger, a hospital of this magnitude might feel like a real maze: corridors that spun and forked in unexpected directions, dividing doors that seemed to emerge at regular intervals, and perpetual confusion in room numbers.Ethan calmly advanced, his calculating gaze going through every detail. The serial number of the rooms did not simply start with a "3", further complicating the search for room 307. When he turned a corner, a high priest walked towards him, dressed in a black robe and a cross hanging in front of him. As the priest walked down the hall, something in his movement caught Ethan's attention. Occasionally, small metallic flashes emerged from the folds of his black robe. At first glance, they could go unnoticed, for anyone but for Ethan's trained gaze.When they both crossed paths in the narrow space, one more detail came to light. The priest's inclination partially exposed his neck, revealing a tattoo: a black spider that stretched from the base of his neck.Ethan couldn't help but sketch out a smile that gradually widened. It was no coincidence. "What a fucking good luck"He thought wryly as the adrenaline began to run through his body.The priest nodded at him and Ethan smiled back at him. Ethan knew the hallway was empty, just the two of them. The false priest, oblivious to who was in front of him, showed no warning signs. Ethan let out a slight smile, but that calm faded in an instant when his body moved with lethal precision.With a quick twist of the waist, he raised his arms and launched an accurate blow, all in a single fluid motion. His fist hit the false priest's nape hard, knocking him unconscious before he could even make a sound.Before the body fell to the ground, Ethan stepped back with agility, catching it just in time. Without losing his rhythm, he turned the knob on a nearby door and opened it. Within seconds, he crossed the threshold with the false priest hanging over his shoulder, closing the door behind him with a slight snap, while the silence of the hallway reigned again.In the room, there was only one patient lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on his face. You probably wouldn't mind the sudden intrusion of an uninvited guest. Ethan threw the false priest to the ground and quickly searched his clothes. In addition to an M1911 equipped with a silencer, there was also a military knife more than ten centimeters long. He kept the gun around his waist.He raised and lowered the knife, and nailed it deeply to his chest through his heart. Ethan did not want to make a scandal, so it was the most practical solution at the time, he left the room leaving the knife stuck in his chest.Rabbit's men already knew that Job was here, luckily they hadn't found him yet, he had to find him fast, he moved quickly down the hall, after a while, finally saw the room number starting with three. Three zero one, three zero two, walked forward all the way.The steps stopped suddenly and a priest, also dressed in a black robe, left the room "306" next to him. The two looked at each other and the air was stagnant for a second. As in a cowboy duel, the two men quickly unsheathed their weapons and a deaf shot rang out. A large ball of blood splattered the wall behind the priest and he fell to the ground sliding down the wall. Soon more shots rang out in the hallway and spread quickly. Before Ethan lowered his pistol, several more shots were heard in the distance. It was then that Hood and Carrie met him.At that moment, a shrill alarm sounded in the hospital and red lights came on in the hallway. Otherwise, the old American is very alert and reacts immediately. If it had been the original place, someone would have come out of the room cursing and looking for the boy who shot the firecrackers.Ethan ignored Hood and the others at the time and ran forward quickly. He soon arrived in front of Hall 307. He opened the door and entered in an instant. The lights in the room were dim and there were two beds. Job lay on a hospital bed, his face pale and his head wrapped like a third Indian brother. His eyes were tightly closed, as if he were sleeping. Ethan's sight was amazing and he could clearly see that his eyelashes trembled slightly, his hands crossed in front of him and the lower part of his hand covered. A smile appeared on his lips, he slowly approached with heavy steps, then picked up the pillow from the bed next to him and threw it at Job.When Job heard the shots in the distance, all his senses were activated immediately. Pretending to sleep, he hid a scalpel on the back of his hand, ready to act at any time.The sound of a door opening broke the tense silence. The steps that followed echoed in the room, accompanied by a slight draft. Job's breathing accelerated imperceptibly, and at the exact moment, he opened his eyes with a quick movement.Precisely, he threw the scalpel towards the figure in front of him. However, his attack was intercepted by a pillow that got in the last second. The scalpel tore through the fabric, releasing a shower of feathers that floated in the air.When the feathers began to settle, Ethan's figure became visible, standing by the bed. A mocking smile was drawn on his face as he dropped the pierced pillow onto the floor.To hell with you, bastard, fuck you! —Job snapped furiously, his face red with anger—Please, is this how you receive me? —Ethan moved on with a smile —. Come on, I'll get you out of this hellish place.ob clenched his teeth and, seized by a mixture of fear and frustration, struck Ethan. However, when he saw it clearly, the terror that had kept him on the verge of panic began to dissipate. Her heart, which seemed to be suspended in a thread, finally found a breather in recognizing Ethan.After waking up in the hospital, the first thing he had done was call Hood, desperately looking for a trace of support. Since then, fear had not abandoned him, but now, seeing Ethan appear in front of him, that unbearable burden began to fade. For the first time in hours, he felt he could breathe with some peace of mind.— Where are Hood and the others?—There are still armed men outside —Ethan helped him remove the needle from his hand —. You can walk?—Barely.With Ethan's help, Job clenched his teeth and sat down. At that moment, quick steps were heard outside the room and stopped in front of the door.