

A topless bunny staggered past when she saw four or five people enter, all in dark blue uniforms. Ethan quickly held her down and gave her a smile. Brock, with his hands on his hips, shouted:—Banshee Police Department, everyone, stay where you are.To his surprise, except for some close people, no one else heard his voice. The group surrounding the dance floor kept waving bills, and the stripper at the bar kept dancing.—I'm going to turn on the lights —Emmett said, grabbing his belt and heading to the side.—By the way, turn off the music —Siobhan added.Ethan and Hood walked directly to the bottom. Several strippers saw them appear and ran to the dressing rooms. At that moment, the music also stopped, and the people of the club finally realized his presence, and they began to boo them throwing what they had at hand.Brock raised his voice:— Everyone, calm down! Girls, go behind the bar counter. To all the clients, collect their things and go out, if I don't have a cold cell that they can share all night.Ethan and the others entered the dressing rooms, where several women continued to change their clothes.—Girls, it's over tonight —Ethan said with a hand gesture —. Get dressed and go to the front with the others.— What's up? —one of the dancers left her makeup pencil, upset.Two security members, dressed in black, quickly appeared down the adjacent hallway.—What the hell are you doing here, do you know whose place this belongs to you? —asked one of them firmly.Hood approached, his face serious:—Of course I know. Do you have any other stupid questions?The guard raised his chin:—If you know it, then you know the consequences.—Of course —Hood replied with a smile, before hitting him hard on the chin. The man collapsed on the unconscious ground.Hood looked at the other guard:— Do you have any objection or will you let me do my job?The other man backed away quickly, shaking his head. Hood took him by the tie and said in a threatening tone:—Tell Proctor that this is a gift from Lucas Hood and that there is nothing that is not under my jurisdiction in this place.The guard nodded hastily, and Hood let him go.The strippers quickly collected their belongings and ran away. Ethan sighed, understanding the situation. Together, he and Hood advanced down the hill corridor, a few meters at the door on the left was the manager's office; on the right, a private box. Hood slapped Ethan on the shoulder and kept going.Ethan coughed and announced:—Banshee Police Department. Leave what you are doing and put your hands where I can see them!A dancer backed away scared taking her clothes that were scattered on the floor. Ethan pulled silver handcuffs off his belt.—Cooperate and don't move —he said, and the woman nodded quickly, raising her hands.After handcuffing the guy in the room, Ethan crossed into the next room where Hood was. Upon entering, his expression completely changed a big smile appeared on his face, he did not expect to have so much fortune tonight. He quickly pulled out his phone and took a picture of Job, when he saw him and his face was deformed with rage.— Damn! —exclaimed furiously when he saw flash on his face.Ethan, smiling with satisfaction, waved his phone and pointed to the bed:—Ten minutes. Remember this day, the next time you don't call me when you go out to have fun.When Ethan was about to continue having fun, he heard a fight in the previous room. He put away his phone and ran back. Meanwhile, Hood had opened another door. Two blondes waddled around a drunk man on the couch.—Banshee Town Police Department ... —Hood started saying, but stopped when he saw who he was.Gordon Hopewell, the mayor of Banshee and former district attorney, was sitting, completely drunk. —This is a bad move, Sheriff —said Gordon, having another shot of whiskey — Many people come to this place to have fun. Aren't you afraid of losing support?Hood, frowning, tried to calm him down:—Wait ten minutes before leaving this room. No one will see you Mayor, we don't want to tarnish his reputation, do we?— Are you helping me? —Gordon looked down on him —. Thank God! the great Lucas Hood is helping me.He took another drink and, full of anger, shouted:— Go to hell, you fucking bastard! I do not need your help!Hood, clenching his teeth, replied:—Believe me, I don't do it for you.But Gordon, furious, staggered across the room.— Did you sleep with my wife? —asked him bluntly.—No —Hood replied, facing the question.— Answer me! —Gordon yelled, pushing him.Hood looked away, saying:—You are too drunk. We will take you home.— Junk piece! —Gordon growled.Suddenly Gordon, full of fury, lost control. Eyes full of rage, he punched directly into Hood's face. Without thinking twice, Gordon ran forward, ramming hard, throwing Hood to the ground. His fists moved like a hammer, hitting Hood's face over and over again, as rage consumed him. Each impact was stronger than the last, the sound of the blows filled the room.After taking several hits, Hood, staring at his opponent, began to regain strength. With a titanic effort, he grabbed Gordon by the torso and lifted him up with all his energy. His muscles trembled with tension as he lifted him into the air, clenching his teeth with contained rage.With a quick and determined movement, Hood took Gordon by the hair and, with his right hand, gave him a brutal punch that hit his face squarely. The sound of the blow resonated like the thunderclap in the storm. Gordon, staggering, stepped back, already too drunk to keep his balance. His body faltered, and his physical strength began to fade.Hood did not stop. His rage propelled him, and with another strong and precise blow, he hit Gordon's face again. This time, Gordon couldn't hold on anymore. He fell to the ground like a rag doll, defeated and without strength. Gasping, he curled up on the floor, writhing in pain. His breathing was heavy, irregular.—Come on, I'll take you home.- Hood took a few steps back and forth in anger, then stepped forward and held out Gordon's arm.Gordon rested for a while and regained some strength. He roared and hit Hood's arm, suddenly rose from the ground, hugged Hood's waist, and ran forward. They both backed away quickly and hit the wall hard. They hit his neck and he felt a sharp pain. Hood cursed, furious, and no longer held his hand. He raised his elbow and hit his back hard, forcing him to back from pain.Gordon was hit hard in the back and fell to the ground with a scream. Hood didn't stop, he kicked Gordon and then he got on top of him, throwing a shower of fists at him.Ethan opened the door and saw Hood holding Gordon, hitting him hard.— Stop it, let it go Hood!He quickly ran and grabbed Hood. After several efforts, Hood released Gordon, and Ethan led him to the side of the room.Hood, with his fist still raised, ready to hit again, stopped. He watched Gordon, bent over himself, vulnerable and broken. The fury that had propelled him up to that moment began to dissipate when he saw his opponent in that state.—Shit —Hood said taking two steps back while fixing the messy clothes.He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Gordon fiercely:— Go home to your children.Ethan stood between the two and asked Gordon:— Are you okay?Gordon lay on the ground, his chest rose and fell rapidly. After breathing deeply a few times, he finally regained strength. He turned his head and spat out a breath of blood, then struggled to sit down. Ethan wanted to help him, but he was slapped. Gordon took the cell phone that was on the table to the side, looked at him and staggered out of the room in his coat.Ethan turned around and said helplessly to Hood:—Shit, now we are in no position to get along with the Mayor.Hood clenched his hands and growled angrily:—She was mine, dammit, that must have been my family!Originally, he had no intention of facing Gordon, but did not expect Gordon to hit him first. Those blows dispelled the resentment in his chest. Ethan, caught in the middle of the situation, didn't know what to say.For Hood, everything was a great injustice. The woman he loved had become the wife of another man, and his daughter called someone else "father". The wound was deep. For Gordon, the situation was no less bitter: his wife, with whom he had shared more than ten years of life, turned out to be the daughter of a criminal leader.Most painful was the unresolved relationship between his wife and Hood. Gordon watched his life crumble before his eyes, while his wife was in jail. All this was simply ridiculous to him. Ethan sighed; they both needed to vent their emotions, maybe a fight would help them. He slapped Hood on the shoulder and left the room.An hour later, the speedy Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the Savoy Gentlemen's Club. Proctor rushed in, closely followed by Burton and Rebecca. The club was silent, except for some waiters and security personnel who cleaned the lugaar. There was no one else.Proctor's face became darker and his steps decreased slightly.In fact, he had anticipated this reaction from Hood since he learned that his men had failed to kidnap Councilor Thompson and, instead, had accidentally killed Kate Moody. He knew that Hood would seek some kind of revenge for the pain they had caused him.To no one in town, it was no secret that he had a close relationship with Kate Moody. Although she was not happy to see how she was murdered, she had already learned to accept reality calmly, and prepare for the onslaught of the bull. However, he did not expect Hood's actions to be triggered so quickly, let alone that the next day he would launch into revenge.At a table next to the dance floor, several security guards dressed in black suits were sitting. The leader among them saw Proctor enter, quickly left the beer bottle and stood up.—Mister Proctor.Several security personnel behind him also got up and crossed their hands in front of them.—Sheamus, please tell me specifically what happened here —Proctor said as he stopped and looked at the tall man with a beard in front of him.—Sheriff Hood and his police department men broke into the scene without warning to search. They also took all the girls and without them the clients also left. That is basically the situation.—There is nothing you can do about it, it is not your fault —Proctor said, looking around —. There is not much to do in a situation like this.Sheamus nodded and sighed with relief.—So please give me the search warrant —Proctor turned around and said calmly — I'll let the lawyers take care of the rest.— A court order? —Sheamus asked, blinking confused.—Yes, court order —Proctor replied, noticing the confusion on Sheamus' face, and his tone became colder —. Mr. Sheamus, I don't think I'm stupid enough to allow the Banshee Police Department to enter my establishment without a warrant, take my girls and close my business, do I?A drop of cold sweat gushed out of Sheamus's forehead, who stuttered:—They entered directly through the front door. They are police officers. What could I do?Proctor's eyes turned into two ice pits, stripping off his suit jacket with threatening calm. In an instant, his fist was transformed into a projectile of fury, brutally impacting Sheamus' ribs.— Ah! —Sheamus shouted, the sound of his howl reverberating in the room like an echo of despair. He felt a terrifying crunch echo inside him, and his body hunched instinctively as he covered his waist with both hands, as if he could drown the pain that consumed him.— What can you do? —Proctor raised his arms angry and hit him in the face twice. Sheamus's nose bridge collapsed and his face was covered in blood —. All you can do is take my money, do what I tell you, and keep the club open, instead of standing there like an idiot.Proctor grabbed a handful of his dark curls and reached for the heavy glass that was on the table next to him.— Pop!The glass hit his skull and was instantly shattered. Then Proctor released his hand, and Sheamus fell to the side, with blood running down his head and his body trembling.Rebecca took a few steps forward, took a handkerchief out of her bag, and handed it to Proctor. He took the handkerchief and wrapped it several times around the hand that held the glass. The scarf turned red instantly. Proctor took a few steps forward and walked towards the remaining security personnel. They all looked down.Proctor stared at the people in front of him, his eyes moving from side to side.—Go home, the club will close tonight. —he said, raising his hand wrapped in a handkerchief. Security guards trembled.Proctor reached into his coat and took out a wad of bills, about a thousand dollars.—Here's tonight's payment —he said to one of them, patting him with the money.—Thank you, Mr. Proctor —murmured the man, taking the money quickly. His chin was bruised and swollen. Proctor noted that he must have done his job well and opposed the officers and ended up injured. Proctor looked around. Everyone in the club watched him.—I will never mistreat anyone who works for me. — Continued —. The condition is that they do the job I pay them for well.Pointing to Sheamus, who was lying unconscious on the ground, he shouted:—Whoever takes my money and doesn't do the job has only one destination.At that moment, Burtonn picked up a half-empty bottle of whiskey from the table and threw it hard at Sheamus's head.— Pop!The bottle exploded, filling the club with the strong smell of alcohol. Boden smiled and threw the remains aside.—Take this guy out and clean the whole club —ordered Proctor — I want everything to be working normally tomorrow at noon.Proctor looked at Burton, buttoned his suit, and walked to his office.Meanwhile, at the Banshee police station, the situation was chaotic, like a crowded market.To be more exact, the atmosphere reminded him of more than one of a strip club. The place was full of noise, the air impregnated with cheap perfume. Ethan, overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle, felt his head begin to throb.He headed to the temporary detention room, opened the iron door, and saw a dozen strippers inside, all in scant clothing and nuisance faces.One of them, chewing gum, wore denim shorts and a tankless flower shirt, the buttons of which were not buttoned, revealing a green bra and a good part of her exposed skin.Ethan pointed it out with his pen.—You, salt —ordered.When she came out, Ethan closed the door and took her to his desk. He pulled out a chair, sat down, and took a notebook.—I'm going to ask you some questions. If you cooperate, it won't take long and you can go home. —said.The woman looked at him with disdain as she continued chewing gum.—I know nothing, I saw nothing. I was just working.Ethan hit the notebook with the pen.— What is your name?—Marilyn Monroe —answered the woman with sarcasm.Ethan stopped writing and stared at her. The gum in his mouth slowed down as he felt the seriousness in his gaze.— Did I do something illegal? —he insisted, looking confidently around him — They wouldn't have arrested me if it wasn't.Ethan, without finding an immediate answer, questioned her a little more before returning her to the detention room.Back in the office, he watched the noisy activity at the station. All officers interrogated the detainees at the same time, their voices echoing like a swarm of flies.The temporary detention room, a few meters away, was full of the arrested strippers. It consisted of two large iron cages separated by a fence. From within, detainees could clearly hear what was being said outside.Ethan approached the door, closed the office, and called officers Brock, Emmett, and Siobhan.—Let's go in and talk —he told them.Ethan led them to the Sheriff's Office, where Hood was reviewing a transcript. I was impatient, smoking.— Any clues? —Hood asked when he saw them enter.Ethan shook the notebook in his hand.—If we continue questioning in this way, they will not reveal anything to us —explained —. They are afraid of Proctor. I suggest that they be questioned separately. The lobby, locker room, mini shooting range are perfect for individual conversations.Everyone quickly agreed to the idea. Then they changed the strategy and began to separate the detainees.Back in the detention room, a black woman dressed in a long flower skirt and a denim jacket caught Ethan's attention. He held a blue wallet and remained silent in a corner.Ethan called her. The woman followed him to the innermost area of the police station, where the gym and a small shooting range were located.They both sat at a round table. Ethan took out a cigarette and offered it.— Do you want one? —asked.—Thanks —she replied, lighting the cigarette in front of the flame.Ethan also lit one and offered him a glass of water. Then, he threw the ashes in an ashtray.—I remind you —said the woman, taking a deep drag —. A long time ago you came to the club with a strange man, they were very generous.Ethan frowned, trying to remember.—You are one of the few clients who gives good of their own and who are kind.—That's a shame —Ethan — said. I thought it was my good looks that had impressed you.She laughed softly.—My name is Ethan.The woman looked at him thoughtfully, then shook his hand.—Juliet.—You know what we're doing, right? —Ethan asked, turning his pen.—Sure, I'm not stupid, they look for information about Proctor —Juliet replied — But I tell you, your efforts are in vain.Ethan stopped turning the pen.— Why do you say that?—Because those girls are more afraid of Proctor than you. They won't tell you anything. If you lock them up, they'll only pay a fine and spend a few days in jail. But if Proctor finds out he was turned over ... well, you know what happens.Ethan nodded and then looked Juliet in the eye.— What about you?Juliet's eyes evaded him.—I don't understand what you mean.Ethan tapped the table slightly and asked in a deep voice:—You said those girls are afraid of Proctor and they won't tell us anything. You are not afraid?—Who would not have it. Proctor is the master of everyone in this town. — Juliet said as she slowly turned off the butt in the ashtray ——Not everyone, at least it doesn't include me —Ethan replied with a smile as he threw the cigarette case directly in front of her — Tell me you are his.Juliet took out the cigarette, took the lighter, and lit it. He was silent for a while and then said:—I only belong to myself, and I'm not anyone's toy. I am a single mother and I have children to take care of at home. I need money, but I can't do anything other than work at the Proctor clubEthan nodded to express understanding. In the United States, although being a stripper was not a job well seen, for some women it was the only way to survive. Even some students did it to pay for their studies.Juliet took the cup and took a sip of water before continuing:—After working for a while at the Club, Proctor called me at his house four times a week. Every time he went, he made me and other girls wear those Amish hoods and treated us like toys.Ethan understood what he meant, but could only ask inexpressively:— So I was paying you?—Yes, but he said it was a gift.Proctor, as always, covering his tracks. Ethan plucked up his courage and asked:— What would happen if you did not accept his request?Juliet's breathing grew heavier as she crushed the cigarette between her fingers.—Anyone who refused was fired. I couldn't refuse, I had to accept because I needed the money to support my children.—Calm down —Ethan quickly reassured her —. I am not here to judge you. You did nothing wrong. Proctor coerced you, but we can't arrest him just for what you're telling me.Reality was harsh. Proctor had found ways to get away with it. Even if he coerced women, by giving them money, he could claim that it had been a consensual transaction. This made it impossible to catch him alone with the statements of the victims.Juliet licked her nails hard and said angrily:—If I give you useful information, can you make sure I go to jail?Ethan raised his hands.—That depends on the information you provide.— Will I have to testify in court?Juliet seemed nervous.—You know I have a son. I cannot testify. Before Proctor was arrested, all the people who testified against him disappeared.—I don't even know what you're going to say —Ethan shook his head and pulled out his phone —. Wait a minute, someone else who can answer that for you.After sending a text message, Hood entered soon after. Ethan got up and explained the situation to him. Then Hood walked over to Juliet and sat across from her.— Your name is Juliet, right? —asked Hood —. I'm Sheriff Lucas Hood of the Banshee Police Department. If you have enough information to send Proctor to jail, I promise we will do our best to keep you safe.Juliet looked at him and then looked at Ethan, who approached, put a hand on his shoulder and said honestly:—I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you or your son.Juliet drank the water in one gulp and squeezed the bottle with both hands.—There was a guy, a club client —started reporting —. I used to sit with him often, I kept him company. He was an employee of Proctor and was in charge of transporting goods for him. When he had drinks, he couldn't help but brag about his work.Juliet took a breath before continuing.—I once heard him say that Proctor has a place where he makes ecstasy. According to what he told me, they were in charge of the production, packaging and shipping of the pills to Philadelphia.Hood's eyes shone with renewed intensity. This was the clue they needed so much.— Do you know his name? —Ethan asked, his voice taut with anticipation.—Matt Sharp —Juliet replied, his tone serious and determined.—Thank you, this helps us a lot —said Hood, the emotion springing from him like a spring that was about to break free.—Remember what you promised me —Juliet warned her steady gaze —. I don't want my name to come out on this matter.—Don't worry —Hood replied, lighting a cigarette with one hand while the other closed in a fist —. We will do whatever it takes to send Proctor to prison.Juliet nodded, grateful, and got up to leave. Ethan stopped her.—Wait —said, and she turned —. I'm going out with you for your safety.She realized the situation and, feeling Ethan's hand on her arm, they both went out together. After leaving Juliet in the temporary detention room, Ethan continued to question another stripper.Proctor's lawyer arrived soon after, and after obtaining the key information, Hood let them all go. When the police station returned to calm, the fatigue was palpable.Brock went to the coffee machine, dropped into his seat, and leafed through his notebook.—I don't understand anything. Most say they don't know anything about Proctor. They just danced at the club.—Other people did not admit anything until the lawyers —added Emmett.—The same thing happened to me —Siobhan said, raising his hand —. We got nothing.Silence gripped the room until Ethan, with a cup of coffee in his hand, exhaled smoke slowly. The noise of chairs moving quickly broke the moment. Siobhan and the others looked at Ethan with expectant eyes.
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