
Kelly's Dinner at House

Upon arriving at the Davis Bar, Ethan went directly to the jukebox. After choosing a bunch of Beatles songs, he headed to the bar and sat down.

—I didn't expect you to like listening to that kind of music, not many of your age like it. — Sugar said while serving him a glass with the best whiskey in the bar, moving his wrist so that the liquid glided smoothly over the oak table.

Ethan took the glass, took a sip and replied:

—The classics will never go out of style.

— How is your injury? —Sugar asked, throwing a towel over his shoulder as he approached.

— Did Hood tell you? —Ethan left his glass and waved his hand rejecting the cigar he offered —

—Yes, I haven't seen you around here in a few days, and I asked Hood and he said you were hurt and you were resting. —Sugar said, nodding before giving a cigar a drag and exhaling the smoke.

The income from this small bar in the city was not high, and Sugar's life was not easy either. After receiving some money last time, his financial situation had improved somewhat. Although he couldn't afford many luxuries, he still enjoyed an occasional cigar.

While they were talking, a bag fell heavily on the bar. Job took off his sunglasses and sat down, beckoning Sugar to pour him a drink.

—Tell me, what did you want to tell me about. — Job said, having a glass of wine.

—I'm so sorry, it's about what I promised you last time —answered Ethan — I was injured and rested for several days. Now I don't think I can ask for more days off for some time, so I'll have to decline your offer last time.

—I thought it was somewhat more serious —Job said with a shrug, downplaying —. Don't worry so much about it. Anyway, the plan was already going to stop for a while. A friend's son was arrested, so he will have to keep a low profile for a long time.

— What's your friend's name? —Ethan asked curiously.

—You will know at the time. — Job replied after a sip of wine. Seeing Ethan's confused expression. — 

—Okay, call me when I'm ready to act —said Ethan — 

—I'll let you know when it's time —Job said picking up his bag before rubbing his bald head —. The next time you need to tell me something so trivial again, just text me, don't make me come running from New York and waste my time, by the way this is on your own.

After speaking, Job hurried out of the Davis Bar. Ethan looked at the empty glass and laughed to himself. He never fully understood what Job was so busy with, he was always so evasive.

After finishing his drink, he left some money on the bar under the glass glass, to go home to rest.

Ethan got up early, the sun was barely rising over the horizon and filling the room with a soft golden glow. Reaching out automatically, he sought the warm comfort he had been there the past few days, but only found the coldness of the empty sheets. His mind took a few seconds to process the absence, until he remembered: Blake had returned to school. A light smile crossed his face.

"I guess now I'm alone again ", he thought as he stretched and stood up, his gaze fixed on the clear sky beyond the window.

Ethan had long since decided that he would not allow this new life to chain him with unnecessary expectations or responsibilities. The women were like an exquisite wine, they enjoyed their company, their laughter and the fleeting moments they shared, they had decided to live each day as if it were the last, free of ties and restrictions.

While making coffee, he reflected on how each interaction, each connection, was nothing more than a short chapter in his life, he did not want to miss anything that this world had to offer.

Slowly, he drank his coffee and decided to open the panel of his system, after he rescued Blake the mission was complete. Opening it, it turned into a ball of light that dissipated in his hand. 

Name: Ethan Morgan

Combat Skill

Level: Rookie

Description: You have acquired some practice and show better coordination and control in the fight.

Short Firearms Management

Level: Competent

Description: You have a good understanding of gun handling and can fire accurate shots in a variety of situations. He is able to use the weapon effectively in combat.

Long Firearms Management

Level: Rookie

Description: You have begun to familiarize yourself with rifles and shotguns, showing basic competence in using long firearms.

Special Skills

Dimensional Space: Ability to store objects in an alternate space of 1 cubic meter.

Regenerative Essence: By drinking this essence, the user acquires a lesser regeneration ability. It quickly repairs minor injuries such as cuts and bruises, and gives a temporary boost to the body's ability to regenerate damaged tissue.


Available Skill Points: 0

Mission: Rescue Blake Gaines from Danger. (complete)

Opening the panel, a prominent notification blinked in front of his eyes, I don't doubt it for a second and opened his reward.

Reward: (New Acquired Skill) 

Description: Unlock clearer vision in combat, momentarily slowing down time for 10 seconds to improve decision making and precision.

Cooling: 10 days after each use.

Ethan frowned as he read the cooling. "Ten days ... that's not something I can use lightly," he thought as he ran his fingers over the edge of his cup. However, he understood the value of the ability. Thirty seconds of absolute clarity in combat could turn a desperate situation into a sure victory.

However, the ten-day limit meant that you would have to reserve it for extreme situations. It was not something I could waste in a trivial confrontation.

"Well more of that could surely be considered too much." He murmured with an ironic smile as he closed the panel.

He got up, took the cup, and went out onto the porch of the cabin. Outside, the forest whispered in the wind, and the world seemed so calm that I could almost forget the dangers of this world. —Well I guess I should hurry up if I don't want to be late. — he said to himself.-

After several days without work, he went to Miles's restaurant, packed some donuts and cupcakes, returned to the police station, Shioban and Emmett had covered their shifts as a personal favor, so he couldn't get there empty-handed or empty a taser against him.

—Good morning —Ethan said when greeting Alma, placing a huge piece of cake in front of her. The black woman's smile expanded.

—Damn I must be dreaming —Brock said, rubbing his belly — Look who's going back to work, I thought you quit your job.

Siobhan and Emmett also joined the jokes.

—If they don't stop fucking with me these donuts will go directly to the garbage can behind the police station. — Ethan raised the donut box in his hand.

Seeing the donut box, Siobhan swallowed saliva and quickly covered his mouth.

—Okay, this time I'll let it go. —Brock said, loosening his belt.

Ethan left the box on the side of the coffee maker with satisfaction as Brock and Siobhan rushed to pounce on it.

The tall, dark Emmett has always been the most discreet person in the police department. Unlike Brock, he never frequents bars or strip clubs, and he usually does things calmly. If something happens to his colleagues, he always shows his face. Before Hood was admitted to the hospital, he could be seen watching him all night. Ethan has always had a great appreciation for him.

Back in his chair, Siobhan approached with a couple of donuts and a smile, placing one in front of Ethan next to a cup of coffee.

—This is for you.

Ethan shook his head, took the cake, and put it on Siobhan's table.

—Thanks, but you know I don't like sweet things too much. But I'll have the coffee, thanks-

As Ethan patrolled aimlessly, Siobhan's urgent voice burst onto the radio on his shoulder.

—Unit on Oak Street, do you get me?

Ethan adjusted the microphone on his radio.

—Here Ethan, what happens?

—I need immediate assistance, I am in a critical situation —Siobhan replied urgently.

Ethan released the radio and turned the wheel to the location provided by Siobhan. He soon saw the police car parked on the side of the road and stopped his. As soon as he got out of the vehicle, he heard Siobhan's screams from the backyard. He ran quickly across the grass until he reached the scene.

Siobhan was by a well, holding a rope with both hands. Behind him, a silver-haired old woman, in her seventies or eighties, also grabbed the rope tightly.

—Siobhan, what's up? —Ethan asked.

Siobhan turned his head quickly.

—Come here, Katie has fallen into the well.

Ethan hurried to the well and looked inside. A thin, white figure was submerged in the water, looking up in terror. His hands grabbed the bucket thrown into the well. Ethan calculated the distance: the water level was about seven or eight meters below the well.

Siobhan, sweat on his forehead, hastily explained:

—I tried to lift it a moment ago, but I wasn't strong enough and I was afraid the rope would break.

Ethan took the rope and felt the weight. Although the water helped with buoyancy, it was not light. Siobhan had been holding her for a long time, which explained the sweat on her forehead.

— Shall we call the fire department? —Ethan asked, pressing the radio.

Siobhan quickly stopped him with a gesture.

—Mrs. Isabella, do you have a thicker rope? —asked the old woman.

Mrs. Isabella, with silver hair, shook her head.

—I'm not sure. My son's tools are in the laundry room. 

Siobhan, could you go get them? - exclaimed Ethan.-

—No problem, don't worry, we will rescue Katie —Siobhan said before running to the laundry room.

Isabella nervously smiled at Ethan, then shouted into the well:

—Katie, hold on, they'll rescue you soon.

Katie nodded weakly, while her pale face and trembling lips reflected her time in the cold water. Before long, Siobhan came back panting, with a thick hemp rope.

— Are you sure you want to do this? —Ethan asked, concerned about the danger.

Siobhan looked at him with determination:

—I'm sure I can handle it.

Ethan nodded. He tied the rope around Siobhan's waist and slowly lowered it into the well. After a while, Siobhan reached the water and held the girl in his arms.

— Can you hold? —Siobhan asked from below.

Ethan, despite the pain in his arms, pulled with all his might.

At that moment, Isabella, handkerchief in hand, approached and also grabbed the rope.

—Let's do it together, young man.

Ethan nodded and, with the help of Isabella, Siobhan and Katie began to rise slowly. Just then, Emmett appeared, grabbing the rope with a smile:

— How could they not wait for me?

—You arrived just in time —Ethan said, exhausted.

With the combined effort of the three, Siobhan and the girl were pulled out of the well. They rejected Isabella's invitation to have tea, while the latter returned with Katie, inside the house.

Sitting on the sidewalk, Ethan pulled out a cigarette with trembling fingers. Steps approached and Siobhan sat next to him, accepting the cigarette Ethan offered him. Then Siobhan took Ethan's hand and saw a bloodstain on his palm.

—Thanks —Siobhan whispered before releasing his hand.

—You don't have to thank me —Ethan said while looking at Siobhan — You already knew Mrs. Isabella, right?

Siobhan nodded.

—She was my high school teacher. After my parents died in a car accident, he always took good care of me. After school, he often took me home to help me with my homework and make dinner for me. She was the one who accompanied me in that dark time. If it wasn't for her, I don't know what it would be like now.

—Katie's parents died in a car accident two years ago. Isabella now lives alone with Katie.

Ethan heard Siobhan's story and looked at the house behind him.

—She is a good person.

—So Mrs. Isabella called me a moment ago. Fortunately, Katie only had a little scratch.

Siobhan smiled bitterly.

—I don't know what's going on. Good people always go through difficulties, so that's why they wouldn't let you call the fire department or the paramedics, they couldn't afford those expenses.

Ethan nodded.

—You did the right thing.

—Stop talking about this, let's patrol.

—By the way, to thank you for your help right now, go to my house tonight, I will prepare dinner for you —Siobhan said shaking his braid and showing his usual smile.

—No problem, can I choose? —Ethan asked with lighted eyes.

—You can eat anything I prepare. If you don't want to, you can still order food at the Miles restaurant, Daria sure will do it with pleasure. —Siobhan replied with a grimace.

Ethan nodded decisively.

After the two smoked for a while, Ethan deliberately slowed down. After saying goodbye to Siobhan, he crushed the butt and stood up. He opened the car door and took a piece of paper out of the storage compartment. He hesitated for a moment, then took a thousand dollars out of space and wrapped them in used paper. 

With no one around, he walked to Mrs. Isabella's mailbox, put the money in, and got back in the car to continue patrolling throughout the day, had decided to leave something from time to time to stop by.

In the afternoon, after work, Ethan returned home and looked at the time. It was almost dinner time. After showering, he drove to Siobhan's house. After knocking on the door several times, steps soon rang.

— Welcome! —Siobhan said with a smile as he opened the door. She was dressed as a housewife, with a light blue apron and an insulating glove in her hand.

Ethan was used to seeing her in uniform, but this family outfit really made him happy.

Siobhan, seeing Ethan's expression, made a bite movement with his thermal glove.

—Shut up and don't say weird things.

—Okay, who cooks commands — said Ethan shrugging his shoulders. 

Ethan walked in behind Siobhan and took the cover off his belt, leaving it in the living room cabinet with the wine. After smelling a delicious aroma, he entered the kitchen.

—I wonder what delicious food the chef prepared tonight.

—Do not enter. The kitchen is an important place and no one should enter —Siobhan said as he pushed him out of the kitchen.

Ethan had no choice but to go to the fridge, take out a bottle of beer, and head to the living room, where he lay down on the sofa and turned on the television. After changing several channels, he stopped at CBS. On television, a thin man with curly hair slipped along a rope from a tall platform and fell into the blue water, swimming fast.

The scene changed again, and a light-skinned blonde beauty in a light blue swimsuit also jumped from the high platform into the water. Ethan was instantly interested, left the remote control, lit a cigarette, and drank the beer.

Half an hour later, Siobhan's voice rang from the kitchen.

—Dinner is ready.

Ethan jumped up, approached the cabinet, took the bottle of red wine, uncorked it with agility, and took out a couple of glasses. He headed towards the dining room table, which was covered by a tablecloth with soft, bright flowers. The banquet before him was impressive: a steaming plate of Bolognese lasagna was in the center, accompanied by a tray of golden chicken wings, fresh from the oven. On one side, a glass bowl overflowing with fresh fruit and vegetable salad completed the scene.

 Without saying a word, Ethan settled into his chair, attracted by the delicious aroma that invaded the environment.

As soon as she sat down, Siobhan reached out and Ethan grabbed her. After closing his eyes and saying the prayer, Ethan served the red wine.

—Thank you.

—You're welcome, enjoy it!

After the soft clink of the glasses toasting, Siobhan cut a generous slab portion and served it on Ethan's plate. The perfectly baked layers of melted cheese and thick meat sauce released an irresistible scent that filled the room. 

Ethan took a sip of red wine, letting the fruity flavor awaken his palate before diving into the lasagna. At the first bite, the balance between cream cheese and robust sauce enveloped him, and he began to enjoy each bite with evident satisfaction.

Seeing Ethan's appetite, Siobhan smiled with satisfaction and then added golden chicken wings to Ethan's plate.

—I can do it myself, don't be too formal officer Kelly.

—I hope you like them, they are my mother's famous barbeque wings. I hope you like them. —Siobhan said, knowing that Ethan was not very fond of sweetness.

—Hmm, it tastes great.

Ethan enjoyed the roasted chicken wings, which were crisp with a very soft touch of sweetness. After dinner, they returned to the living room. The show was still on television and Ethan settled on the sofa, stroking his satisfied belly.

—I didn't know you also liked to see Survivor—said Siobhan.

Siobhan, who enjoyed staying home and watching television after work, immediately recognized the show.

Ethan served more red wine and asked. — Have you seen it yet?

Siobhan nodded.

—This season is very exciting, although it is already a bit of a cliche.

Then, with a mischievous smile, he added:

— Want to know who won and took a million dollars?

—No spoilers —Ethan said quickly.

Seeing that Siobhan was about to drop something, Ethan ran and covered his mouth. Siobhan, with a smile in his eyes, tried to say the champion's name while Ethan held her.

Finally, Siobhan gave in laughing and pleaded for clemency as he moved away from the tickling of Ethan's fingers.

Just as Ethan was smiling, preparing to continue the tickling, Siobhan suddenly stopped, his body tightened, and the atmosphere changed in an instant. Ethan had inadvertently brushed his chest more intimately than he intended. 

Siobhan's blouse, whose buttons had been loosened in the playful struggle, was left open, revealing her exposed skin. They both stood motionless, breathing hard, looking at the situation that had escalated far beyond the innocent fun of a few seconds earlier.


Ethan awkwardly apologized and tried to get up off the couch, but Siobhan released his hands, hugged his neck, and whispered with warm breath:

— Did I ask you to apologize? — he said with a red face, biting his lip —

The tension between Ethan and Siobhan had been building up for months. They felt it in every long look, in every accidental touch and in the meaningful jokes they exchanged. That night, in the comfort of Siobhan's house, with the scent of food still in the air, that tension finally became impossible to ignore.

But Siobhan was the first to take the step.

She leaned toward him, her face just inches from hers, and without saying a word, she brushed her lips with Ethan's in a soft, almost shy kiss at first. It was an instant, a single beat, but that brief contact was enough to ignite the spark that both of them had been avoiding for so long.

Ethan responded without a second thought. He got up from the sofa, holding Siobhan's face gently in his hands, deepening the kiss. The taste of the wine was still on his lips, mixed with the warmth of Siobhan's skin. The outside world vanished, leaving only the sensation of their bodies approaching, of their hearts beating in the same rhythm.

But they were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell in the house.

Next chapter