

The next morning, Ethan woke up and, after exercising as usual, went to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out the steak that Proctor had sent him the night before. He sprinkled some condiments to marinate it, lit the gas stove and placed the pan. 

When the pan was at the correct temperature, I put in a piece of butter that melted quickly. Then, with tweezers, he placed the thick fillet in the pan, which sizzled on contact. The aroma began to fill the kitchen. After a few minutes, he removed the steak and put it on a plate, ready to eat.

Upon arrival at the police station after breakfast, Alma handed him several documents: Incident Report Form, State Supervision Form, Firearms Use Form. Ethan scratched his head and struggled to complete the information. Siobhan, seeing his difficulty, gave him a friendly kick.

—If you find it problematic, you can ask Alma for help. Once the matter is settled, buy him a bottle of wine to express your gratitude. —

Ethan accepted the suggestion and made the file decisively, heading to the reception. When solving the procedures.

Ethan walked to Alma, who was organizing some documents, looked up when he saw him.

—Hello Ethan. How's the paperwork going? — Alma asked with a sympathetic smile.

Ethan dropped into a chair in front of Alma's desk, looking at the forms with disdain.

—Not as well as I would expect. I have a little trouble dealing with all these documents. Could you give me a hand?

Alma approached him with a kind look.

—Sure, you can leave it to me. — She took the forms and started reviewing them carefully. —Let's see, here you have to complete the Incident Report Form. Just be sure to detail all aspects of the case.

Ethan watched Alma fill some fields quickly.

—Thank you, Alma. I feel like I'm swimming in paperwork. I don't know how you do it.

—Don't worry. It only takes a little time — Alma passed him the State Supervision Form.

Ethan nodded with a grateful smile.

—Yes, I am. Thanks for your help. Seriously, I owe you one.

—No problem. I am always here to help. — Alma continued to assist Ethan efficiently, while he completed the paperwork with his help.

—By the way, I like rosé wine. — I comment without looking up at the documents, apparently it was an unwritten rule of the police station.

—Ethan, what are you doing here? — Brock asked, seeing Ethan upon returning to the station.

— What are you talking about? — Ethan was confused.

—Administrative license. You can't officially go back to work until the results of the Cole case investigation are clear. — I comment by taking a file from the soul desk. — By the way, would you like the office to organize some kind of psychological counseling?

—No problem. If I need help I will let you know. — Ethan, who had escaped from the office the night before, realized that the license would not last long. As for psychological counseling, he flatly rejected it. He saw no need to seek help for something he did not consider a problem.

—Don't worry, the prosecutor has told me that the matter will be resolved in three days — Lotus commented while patting Ethan's back.-

After driving the police car for a few minutes, Ethan decided to go home to change his uniform and car. He felt like he was constantly on patrol, which he didn't like. When he got home, he changed his clothes and put his badge and weapon back on. 

Although the weapon in the storage space was more convenient, he felt he had a different load with it around his waist. If any of the Moody brothers tried to get revenge, he would think twice when he saw the gun.

He drove the Ford F150 and decided to buy an additional weapon. He felt that the only weapon he had was not enough for his safety. He headed to Oak Street, to old Sam's hunting and fishing store.

When parking and opening the door, a copper bell rang, announcing its arrival. An old man with a white beard and a cowboy hat was behind the counter. Seeing Ethan, she greeted him with a smile and continued to dismantle a weapon. The wall behind the old man was covered in rifles and shotguns, and on the counter were pistols and knives.

—Welcome to old Sam's hunting and fishing store. — said the old man.

Ethan approached the counter.

—Officer Morgan, how can I help you? —

 The white-bearded old man smiled at him. Ethan was already well known since the Cole incident the day before, so there was no person in town who did not know what he was. —Es is a small town. —I comment when I see the young man's confused face in front of him. — Just call me Sam.

—I want a gun that is really effective and reliable. — Ethan replied.

Sam leaned forward with interest.

—In that case, I think I have just what you need. I have a Beretta 92X, it is the best I have available in my store. You know I only have one of these beauties in stock.

Sam went to a shelf and pulled out a gun with an air of pride. He placed it on the counter, showing Ethan its characteristics.

—This beauty has a Vertec-style steel frame and a Brigadier slide. It weighs only 1,350 grams, which ensures maximum stability and minimizes detection during the shot — Sam explained, pointing out the details of the weapon.

Ethan raised the gun, feeling his weight and balance.

—It seems to be just what I'm looking for. What is the price?

—For you, Ethan, I leave it at a good price, for you at $$ 1,400 — Sam said, offering a smile. — I will give you as a gift, a couple of extended chargers, with a capacity of 15 loads.

Ethan smiled, satisfied with the choice.

—Perfect. I'm going to take her. —After choosing, the Beretta also bought an M4A1 Assault Rifle, accompanied by two extra chargers and two ammunition boxes for both weapons. Sam told him that he could collect the weapons in the afternoon, since as a law enforcement officer, the process was faster.

—All right, let me prepare the papers — Sam said as he began to fill out the necessary documents. —I assure you that this Beretta will not disappoint you.

Ethan waited while Sam was preparing the sale, feeling more secure with his new acquisition, even though the price was a little high, his father's insurance check had left him several thousand dollars in the bank, but the first thing was to ensure his survival. . 

 Upon leaving the store, Ethan was still concerned. The weapon he had purchased seemed insufficient for his needs. He couldn't wait for the Moody brothers to come looking for him. He decided that he should act first and find a black weapon. The one he had acquired was only for self defense.

At that moment, a BMW roared past him, and a little girl leaned out of the sunroof, laughing happily. Ethan recognized Deva Hopewell, the daughter of the district attorney. According to the plot of the original story, a Proctor worker named Hanson organized a rave in an Amish barn, greening ecstasy to the youth of the town.

Is there any of Hansen's clandestine laboratory? - Ethan thought quickly gets right to follow him on the self. Surely in one place like that, it should be easy to find a black weapon.

After driving down a remote rural road for more than ten minutes, I saw the BMW in front of me turn toward a fork in the road and the smoke and dust raised by the wheels stopped.

Ethan slowed down and drove a few hundred meters, then found a hidden corner and parked the car.

After a while, he walked to a ruined house. Ethan bent down and hid behind the brush to watch for a while. The BMW was parked in front of the house moving away from the house and leaving only a couple of old cars at the front entrance.

From inside, music was heard. Ethan saw that there were no sentries in sight. He approached a window that was open and, after carefully pushing it, entered the house. The music grew louder.

Through the door, he saw two people lying on the bed, clearly too drugged to wake up. He opened the window completely, crawled into the room, and upon landing stepped on a slowly spinning vibrator. He pulled it apart with disgust and began to search carefully among the clothes lying on the floor. He found some wrinkled bills and used syringe.

Outside the door, heavy footsteps were heard. Ethan approached a safe, it seems the idiots had forgotten to close it, and slowly opening the drawer, he found messy pistols and chargers next to several stacks of bills. He took an M1911 pistol and an additional magazine, as well as a Colt .45 bullet box, and put them in the storage space.

He looked at the stacks of bills and decided not to take more, thinking that opportunities might arise in the future to get more. Now he had what he was looking for so it was time to get out of the place Back in the car, Ethan lit a cigarette giving him a drag to relax his nerves, and then get away from the place. 

It was still early, so he decided to go to Milles' restaurant to kill time before going to Old Sam's house to get the weapons. At the restaurant, Ethan was having a careless lunch and Dalia passed him for the sixth time, every time he passed him, a trivial accident occurred.

For example, if a napkin accidentally fell to the ground, it bent down in front of it flirtatiously to pick it up. Or if the tomato sauce stains your fingers, it doesn't hurt to lick them to clean them.

After finishing his lunch, Ethan decided to wash his hands. He got up from the table and walked to the restaurant bathroom, where the echo of his steps echoed in the small space. Opening the door, he saw someone following him closely.

Dalia stared at him, her breathing choppy.

—I came to clean ... but it seems that you also need ... a little more service. — she replied, with a playful and nervous smile at the same time.

Ethan did not respond in words. Instead, he let his actions speak. He shortened the distance between the two, trapping Dalia against the cold ceramic in the sink. He stared at her, looking for some trace of doubt in his eyes, but what he found was desire.

Dalia did not wait any longer. She threw herself at him, trapping her lips in an urgent kiss, full of contained passion. Her hands ran through Ethan's body, feeling the hardness of his muscles under his clothes. He responded with the same intensity, stroking her waist, sliding her hands under the cloth that covered her.

The bathroom, which seemed too small a moment ago, was now the scene of a rampant encounter. The clothes were left aside, their bodies colliding with despair, seeking to satisfy a need that had been latent for too long.

The sound of his broken breaths, the clash of skin against skin and the trembling of the ceramic under the weight of his passion filled the space. Each movement was a mixture of desire and urgency, as if they both knew that this moment was inevitable from the beginning.

When they finally climaxed, they hugged each other, breathing heavily, their bodies still intertwined. Ethan stroked Dalia's hair, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

—The case all non-acquentible nuestros will be in a bathroom —dijo Ethan dijo in fun tone-

—If you're lucky. — Dalia replied, without moving from her place with a smile.

After a few minutes, they both began to dress silently. When they were ready, Ethan gave Dalia one last look before leaving the bathroom.

—See you outside — he said, going back to his usual tone, although the fire in his eyes had not yet gone out.

Dalia nodded, watching the door close behind him. He still felt the warmth of his body, the adrenaline running through his veins. He knew this complicated things, but for a moment, he didn't care.

Upon leaving the bathroom, Dalia took a deep breath, trying to calm her heartbeat. The restaurant was calm, as if nothing had happened. 

After a while, his cell phone rang and Sam informed him that the procedures had been completed and that he could go pick up the gun.

Returning to Sam's old fishing and hunting store, Ethan bought some accessories, put a lot of things in the back seat, and headed home.

When he got home, he immediately took an old wooden table out of the tool room and placed it in front of the simple shooting range he had previously installed. He placed the Beretta 92X, M4A1, and M1911 on the table in order.

Ethan first took the Beretta 92X. The body of the steel gun and black scales, I pull out the magazine until the cartridge is filled. He grabbed the gun and aimed at the thin iron plate not far away. With a muffled "explosion" sound, a small hole was drilled in the iron plate.

Ethan smiled with satisfaction as he felt the recoil of the Beretta and continued to pull the trigger to fire the remaining five bullets, practicing his aim, the recoil was quite strong, but with his improved physical constitution he did not feel at the smallest in it.

Ethan left Beretta and picked up the assembled M4A1 he had set aside. This weapon, most used by the American army, over the years he saw it in many films, so now that he had the opportunity to own one, of course he had to buy one.

He pressed the butt of the gun to his shoulder, adjusted his posture, and aimed at white spray-painted targets on the ground twenty meters away. When the flames emerged from the mouth, the bullets quickly penetrated the fixed targets. It's a shame that without the blessing of skills, the precision was average, not as accurate as when using a gun.

After finishing a charger, a beep appeared on his head. Ethan quickly opened the system panel and discovered that a firearms ability had changed due to his actions.

Number: Ethan Morgan's

Combat Skill: Rookie

 It has acquired some practice and shows better coordination and control in the fight.

Short Firearms Handling: Competent

 You have a good understanding of gun handling and can fire accurate shots in a variety of situations. He is able to use the weapon effectively in combat.

Management of Long Firearms: Rookie

 He has begun to familiarize himself with rifles and shotguns, showing basic competence in the use of long firearms.

Dimensional space: a cubic meter

Skill Points: 0

Mission: None

Happily he replaced the magazine and, after a while of shooting the targets, kept the beretta and the M4A1 in space. As long as the skill is generated in the system panel, as long as you get the skill book in the future, you won't have to worry about learning about your skill.

In the end, he took the stolen Browning M1911, first disassembled the gun into parts, carefully cleaned it with gun oil, and then reassembled it. At aiming at a couple of scattered cans, the shot was very smooth and the landing points were very dense. Ethan blew with satisfaction. The weapon had been well maintained before.

After packing everything, Ethan went to the tool room and found a shovel. He loaded it and walked into the woods next to the house. The sound of fallen leaves on the ground caused some small animals to flee.

His was the only family nearby. Old Morgan had bought a large area of surrounding mountains and forests and surrounded them with simple wooden fences to prevent unauthorized entry. Now it was an advantage for Ethan.

Arriving a few hundred meters from the house, Ethan found a hillside full of light yellow flowers. She was very beautiful in the sunlight. He stepped on the soft ground with his feet. This land was really fertile.

Ethan took off his shirt and started working with a shovel. After more than an hour, he estimated that the depth was almost there. Ethan wiped his sweat, threw the shovel, and left the well with his hands. Pushing the shovel toward the nearby mound, Ethan whistled and returned home, jumping into the lake to wash the dirt off his body.

Night soon came. Ethan put on black sportswear and a visor cap and drove to Forge's sugar bar.

The arrival saw Chief Hood sitting on the barn stairs eating. The bar was quite lively. As he recalled, Cole's wife would hold a wake here and believed that the Moody brothers would also be there.

Not long after waiting, Dex and Marcus soon appeared. The two pointed their weapons at Hood, who was apparently trying to dissuade them. The dispute quickly subsided thanks to the friendly deterrence of Sugar, who was armed with a double-barreled shotgun.

From a distance, the two of you could be heard continuing to roar about seeking revenge. Ethan smiled, took the bottle of water and took a sip, while watching the scene, he would not be prey to two idiot villagers. After the conflict ended, Dex and Marcus returned to the bar to continue drinking. Hood quickly went up to the second floor of the barn to rest after finishing his meal.

Ethan continued to wait patiently. When they arrived around ten at night, people at the Bar dispersed. Marcus and Dex got into a truck and left the scene without foreseeing that they were being followed.

Ethan followed them from a distance and the vehicle soon stopped at Savoy Gentlemen's Club. After the two entered the club, Ethan parked the car next to his truck, turned off the engine, and waited, he had to be patient if he wanted to get it right, selling the rural places was that there were no traffic cameras and most did not lend attention to their surroundings.

This time he waited until after 1 a.m. to see them both stagger out of the club. The two arrived at the front of the car and helped each other hold each other to urinate in the bushes.

Ethan looked around in the car and made sure there was no one around him. He no longer hesitated, lowered the wing of his hat, opened the door, and got out of the car. He pulled the prepared wooden stick out of space and quickly walked behind the two of them.

Hearing the footsteps, Marcus, drunk, shook his head, looked back, and saw a wooden stick whistling toward him with the sound of the wind breaking.

After knocking them both out cleanly, Ethan threw the wooden stick into space, took out two rags, and put them in his mouth, then tied them with ropes, picked them up, and threw them to the back of the car, covering them with a tarp. to quickly leave the scene.

Soon, the F150 arrived at the place where it was occupied today, went up to the back to lift the tarp. Marcus and Dex had already woken up and looked at Ethan in horror. His gagged mouth groaned and twisted in the truck box.

Ethan said nothing. He pulled the two of them out of the car respectively, kicked them into the pit, threw the wooden stick he had just used, and took the M1911 out of space. He took a deep breath, raised his gun, and aimed the two people at the well — Bang, bang.

The sound of the shots scared a crowd of night birds and the moonlight fell particularly brightly over the mountain forest.

After saving the gun, Ethan took the shovel and continued working. It took a lot of effort to dig, but the filling was pretty fast. He used a car to move the hole from side to side several times. After the terrain was completely level, Ethan left. He believed that the flowers in this place would bloom more strongly next year.

Back at the house, Ethan connected the water pipe, rinsed the mud off the car tires and the rear bucket several times, then drove the car back to the garage and parked it, now it was just enough to wait and go back to work, not having enemies looking for his head.

Next chapter