
First Social Media Post

Olaedo suddenly straightened, as if shaking off the cloud of worry that had been hanging over her. She decided she couldn't afford to let her emotions weigh her down any longer. Turning slightly toward Chibuzor, she broke the silence.

"Hey, today is Sunday, isn't it?" Her tone was deliberately casual, though a hint of determination underscored her words. "Since we didn't practice yesterday, shouldn't we make up for it today?"

Chibuzor glanced at her, startled by the abrupt change in topic. For a moment, he thought she was joking, but her expression told him otherwise. He let out a soft laugh, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"Practice? That's what's on your mind right now?" he asked, his voice laced with mild amusement.

"Why not?" she replied, shrugging lightly. "There's already so much going on. Sticking to a routine might help keep things in order. Even if it's just something small."

Chibuzor regarded her for a moment, admiration flickering in his gaze. He had to admit, he hadn't expected her to refocus so quickly.

"Yeah, we should," Chibuzor agreed, his tone lighter now. "Okay, after this, we'll head back home and have our weekend practice."

Back at their home

The moment they stepped through the door, Olaedo let out a deep breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Finally, she felt some resemblance of peace. Nnenna was in good hands, settled comfortably in the hospital under Olisa's care. For now, that was enough to ease her mind.

"I'll be upstairs in a few minutes," she told Chibuzor as she removed her shoes near the door.

He nodded in acknowledgment, heading to his room without another word.

A little while later, it was time for their weekly rehearsal. Chibuzor entered the designated room, finding Olaedo already seated with a notebook in her hands, her expression a mix of focus and anticipation.

She looked up at him with a small smile and announced, "Let's start with that sweet tradition you wrote in clause 2, our weekly compliments on social media. It's the first time we are posting a public picture and I think I should start it off."

Chibuzor raised an eyebrow, amused. "You starting it off? You must really enjoy this."

"Of course I do!" Olaedo shot back with a playful grin. "It's good PR, and it keeps up appearances. Besides," she added with a mock serious tone, "You don't seem to mind being showered with praises."

"Okay, go ahead," Chibuzor approved, giving her a slight nod.

Olaedo tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Let's take a picture first. It'll look better that way," she suggested with enthusiasm.

Chibuzor raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Don't we need to change our clothes for that? Isn't this too... casual?"

Olaedo shook her head quickly, though a hint of uncertainty crept into her voice. "No, it's better in home clothes. It says we're so in love, we don't even mind taking pictures in our everyday outfits. At least... that's what I've seen on TV."

Chibuzor stared at her, a mix of amusement and disbelief crossing his face. "TV, huh?" He paused, then shrugged. "Alright, let's do it. You're the expert here."

Five minutes later

"Ugh!" Chibuzor groaned, throwing his hands up in mild frustration. "You're supposed to stand on my right while I put my hand on your shoulder. Then you look at me like you actually like me!"

"Um, you're the one not getting the pose right," Olaedo shot back, folding her arms with a defiant look. "You're supposed to be looking away, like you don't even know what's happening. The picture's supposed to look like I caught you off guard."

Chibuzor arched an eyebrow, crossing his arms in mock indignation. "Excuse me, at the very least, I'm nailing the loving expression. You, on the other hand, look like I'm forcing you to take this picture. Like you're a prisoner in this marriage."

"Technically, I am a prisoner," she said with a sly smile, then sighed. "Okay, let's try this again. You stand on the left, I'll be on the right. No, wait, you stay on the right, I'll stay on the left. You look away, acting like you're busy on your phone, and I'll smile mischievously at the camera. Got it?"

Chibuzor blinked at her, his expression caught between confusion and amusement. "So... you're the mastermind, and I'm the oblivious victim?"

"Exactly!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together as if she had just solved a world problem. "You're finally catching on."

"I think I have a better idea," Chibuzor said after a moment, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "If we're standing in the picture, it won't really seem like we're deeply in love. How about we sit down on the couch, like we're watching a movie or something? That way, it'll look more natural, like it was taken unplanned."

Olaedo winced slightly at the suggestion. "We've never stayed that close before. It's kind of... new territory."

"Well, there's a first time for everything," he countered with a small shrug.

She sighed, resigning herself. "Fine. Let's just try it."

What followed could only be described as a comedy of errors.

They awkwardly adjusted themselves on the couch, trying not to sit too close yet struggling to achieve the right angle to make it seem like they were a cozy, movie loving couple.

Chibuzor stretched his arm along the backrest, making it appear casual, while Olaedo tilted slightly away, her expression caught between forced amusement and disbelief.

"Your smile looks like someone's forcing you to hold a carrot in your teeth," Chibuzor teased, breaking the tension.

"Well, you're not exactly giving 'movie date vibes' either," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

Finally, after a few failed attempts, they managed to capture a photo that looked just right. In the shot, Olaedo leaned forward slightly, pretending to adjust something on the table, while Chibuzor glanced toward the TV with a neutral expression.

The camera angle made it seem like they were nestled together on a lazy afternoon, absorbed in a movie.

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