
41- A vision to turn the tides

When Sirius opened his eyes, his alternate self was sitting next to a woman who he recognized to be Saoirse's mother Amali.

She sat next to him on a grassy hillside under the shade of a tree. There were farmlands down the hill below them and the sun was shining brightly. It didn't burn him. He felt its warm rays warm his arm, turning it and feeling the warmth tickle his skin. He smiled, unable to grieve with such peace around him.

The woman looked at him and said, "It has come time to show you something."

He watched as she shifted, and became a little girl around 10 years old. She had a bright blue and white dress on and her feet were bare. She had a scuffed knee and her hair was red and long and messy. She didn't seem to notice him sitting beside her. She didn't look at him or say anything. 

Then up the hill came running a 10 year old boy. He had blond hair and wore clean clothes. He had wolf ears and a tail but besides that he was human. He reminded Sirius of Lachlan a bit with his bright blue eyes. 

As he came up the hill his face gleamed as he saw the girl. His canine teeth a bit pointy. "Hey Molly I got these for you!" He presented flowers he had picked himself, some of them a bit bent. 

"Oh Timoteus! They're lovely!" She said and he sat next to her. Neither of the kids seemed to notice Sirius there. She gave him a hug and began smelling the bouquet. "I just love them!" 

They played for a while on the hill and did their homework until the sun began going down. "Hey, I think it's time for you to head home, I have some…werewolf stuff to do."

He looked anxiously at the forest as if he saw someone standing there in the edge of the trees. He hadn't meant to linger here so long with her. Amali nodded and packed up her backpack, about to head home when a young boy their age finally tired of watching them from the shadows.

The sun had gone down enough now he didn't want to let them go. Ignoring the slight simmer coming off his skin, he jumped out of the forest.

"Whatcha got there lover boy!" He sneered, "Give it to me!" He took the flowers and stepped on them. "Oops I guess they are wilted, you would probably expect that from a werewolf." 

Timoteus glared at him, "Don't touch those Alastor they're for Amali!" 

"I don't care, you aren't supposed to be hanging out with a human anyways, I'll tell your dad!" 

"We go to the same school, believe it or not! So my dad wouldn't care!" 

"Is that so? And how come I don't get to go to this school of yours huh? How is that fair?" 

"Ask your dad then! It's not like it's my business!" 

Fenrir woukd never allow it, the both of them knew that.

"Well I'm your best friend so she can't be in our club!" He said with a mean sneer.

"Is that so?" Amali demanded, shoving Alastor to the ground and picked up her flowers. "Well who wants to be in your rotten club anyways, you're just a bully!" 

Alastor flashed his fangs and his eyes glowed red, "I'm not a bully!" He stood up and looked like he would pounce on her.

"Amali it's ok don't make him mad." Timoteus said cautiously. He tried to stand between her and Alastor. 

"I don't care, I don't let bullies push me around!" She said getting closer to Alastor and looking at him right in the face. "If you bite me then I'm right and you're wrong aren't I. Then you would be a bully!" 

Alastor looked into her fierce eyes and faltered a bit. "Well I don't think you'd taste good anyways." He scoffed. He turned to leave and then Timoteus grabbed his arm. 

"Hey it's ok, she can be in our club can't she? I really think she's sweet!" 

"You would, you flower boy." Alastor looked at Amali again and stuck out his tongue at her. 

Amali stuck out her tongue too. 

Alastor got red with embarrassment. How dare this human girl defy him, the future king, that way!

Amali paused as if an idea suddenly came to her mind and she took off her backpack. She pulled out a folder with sheets of paper in it. She pulled out pages she had written on and then handed them to Alastor. "Hey I decided that you're just a bully because you're lonely and don't get to go to school, so I'm going to teach you what I learn at school from now on ok!" 

Alastor was shocked at Amali's announcement. She had read right through him, no one had really noticed that he was lonely before. He wanted to say thank you but then maybe people would think he was soft so he snatched her notes away from her and wripped them up. "I don't need to know what you stupid humans learn at school!" 

"Now you'd better go home before my father comes and eats you!" He chased her and pushed her down the hill. She scratched her palms of her hands and began to cry. 

Timoteus folded his arms. "If you can't be nice to humans you're going to be sorry once your race goes extinct, that's what my dad says." He yelled.

"You can't go extinct when you're a vampire stupid." Alastor said crossing his arms. 

"Let's go Tim." Amali said. He turned to look at her struggling with her papers, not even responding to Alastor's opinion, and began helping her pick them up. Alastor snapped, "I said get out of my forest or my dad will eat you!"

Amali stood up and dusted herself off and grabbed Timoteus by the hand. "Its fine Tim. Let's go." 

Alastor stood strong for a while and watched them leave before carefully picking up the papers. 

He put them into the folder that Amali had dropped and then went to where she had fallen and picked up her backpack. He dug through it and found tape and began taping it back together. He pulled out her math book and studied it for a while. He found her homework and began filling it out. He smiled to himself. 

"This human math is kind of interesting huh?" He muttered, intrigued. 

The next day he returned to the hill a little earlier, clothed in black leather and sunglasses, as if he worried they wouldn't be there when the sun went down. He found the two of them again. They hadn't intended to stay long enough for another encounter with him. "Blah." He said to himself when he saw them holding hands.

This made them jump, surprised that he would go out in the sun like that. 

"Hey you two, I decided that Amali can be in our club on one condition. If she teaches me this math stuff. I decided I like it." 

He threw her backpack at her and she opened it to find that he had filled out her homework for the next week. In their class, they always got a packet for the week. It was at least twenty pages long.

Amali's eyes widened as she looked over the pages that she didn't even know how to do yet. "Wow Alastor! You're really smart!" She beamed. 

Alastor, expecting her to reject his request, or at least argue didn't expect this kind of response at all. He wasn't used to people being nice. He blushed with embarrassment, her kindness making him uncomfortable despite himself. Then he composed himself and folded his arms. "It was easy math. It wasn't hard, stupid human." 

Timoteus pushed him, "Don't call her stupid!" 

"You're stupid then!" He said and pushed Timoteus back. 

The boys began shoving each other angrily, fighting over Amali. She shoved her way between them, making them stop. "I'll teach you if you two are nice to each other ok?" 

The boys continued glaring at each other, making her strain as she held them apart.

Alastor realized she wasn't backing down. He sighed. "Ok fine." 

Timoteus kept pushing, "He's a liar, he has to stop saying bad stuff about you too and he will never do it!"

"I'm not a liar!" Alastor yelled and the boys tried going at it again.

"Stop it! The both of you!" She screamed at the top of her tiny lungs.

She shoved the boys in opposite directions, making both of them fall on their bottoms.

Alastor got up and dusted himself off. Amali assumed a martial arts stance and showed him her tiny fists, defending Timoteus as if challenging him to try something.

He scoffed. Then he backed away, "Fine, I just want you to teach me that Math stuff ok? I'm not going to fight with Timoteus."

"Good." Amali said, suddenly smiling again as if she were this innocent red head girly thing. "We are going to be best friends then!" She said, "pinky swear it!" She held out her pinky and forced the boys to cross their pinky with hers. 

Timoteus stuck his tongue out at Alastor again, but then he got up and left. "I already went to school I'll just see you guys later then, you'd better not hurt her." He grumbled. "She's my girlfriend." He added.

Amali ignored him. "He'll get over it." She said, pulling out the math book. "Ok I'll teach you some math."

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