
Chapter 10 : Old Friends

"Looks like we've finally made it." Sunny said as the trio were standing in front of pristine white arch that monsters seemed to avoid. 

In front of them was a big gate. With a beautiful architecture. But an unpleasant view attracted Sunny's and Neph's eyes. Above the gates, there were skulls hanging on chains. Representing all the people who challenged Gunlaug authority.

Then, a familiar stench hit Sunny, the stench of the slums. Even if it had been a long time since he lived there, the smell would be something that he never forgot.

As the trio walked past the makeshift cottages and tents, they were followed by empty eyes that seemed to observe these new comers.

After looking at the place, Sunny was surprised by how much Neph changed it. From looking like a dumpster filled with trash and pitiful existences. To a place that's filled with the determination and hope.

While Sunny was walking towards the bright castle. He saw a familiar figure. It was one of the hunters in this area. Jubei, the one who got killed by Harus.

But then, Sunny's eyes fill on a tall woman who was chewing on a large piece of meat.

'Effie!' Sunny felt happy inside seeing one of his friends again. But of course, he didn't show any expression. Right now, they're strangers.

Effie noticed the trio. "Hey there, i didn't see you here before. Are you perhaps newcomers?"

Neph took the lead. "Yes, indeed. We've just arrived. I'm Nephis. And this is Sunny and Cassie."

"Oh, so you're indeed are newcomers. You can call me Effie. Congratulations on surviving 3 weeks out in the labyrinth. Now that you're here. Just relax and enjoy some peace." Effie said while chewing on a meat.

"Emm... excuse me, Effie. Do you mind telling us where the gate is? " Cassie asked Effie with anticipation.

Effie looked at Cassie with a pitiful look. "I'm sorry to break it down to you, Cassie. But there isn't any gate here. We're trapped here."

After hearing this. Cassie's face paled, tears started coming out of her eyes. Both Sunny and Neph looked at her with pity but didn't seem to be affected by this tragic news.

"Hmm... why do you seem calm after hearing these news?" Effie looked at the two with curiosity

"Well... we've already suspected that. I mean, there was no information about this place. And we knew that we're not the first people that had been thrown here." Sunny said while scratching the back of his head. Neph nodded with him.

"Ohh... you're pretty sharp, doofus." Effie looked at Sunny and teased him.

"Who do you think you're calling doof--"

"Anyway, I'm in a good mood today. How about you come inside my hut. its the most luxurious place between all the tents here." Effie said while cutting off Sunny.

Sunny was clearly upset from the fact that Effie cuts him off. But the trio nodded in agreement to Effie's offer.

"Well then, c'mon in." Effie welcomed them inside.


After some time, three figures could be seen going up the steps of the bright castle. It was almost night at that time. After talking with Effie for a while and knowing about the current situation.

Sunny, Neph, and Cassie. Decided to stay in the castle for a week. While talking about Gunlaug and that all the skulls at the gate are people who challenged him and he is basically a tyrant. Neph was clearly furious, and Sunny was sure that she's already coming up with the same plan as before his regression.

Soon, they reached the apex and stopped in front of unfriendly looking guards.

"Stop right there. Where do you think you're going?" One of the guards said with an annoying tone.

"I am Changing Star of the Immortal Flame Clan, and I seek entry into the castle." Neph said coldly while staring at the guards with cold eyes.

The guards shivered and were dumbfounded, too. Suddenly, the guards behavior changed 180 degrees.

"Of course Ms.Changing star of the immortal flame. But you'll need to pay a fee to enter." One of the guards said nervously

Sunny pulled out three soul shards and threw it to them. They catched it awkwardly and then bowed to Neph and started opening the gate.

After the guards opened the gate. The trio entered the gate and saw the hustle and bustle of the castle's caretakers doing their duties.

Nephis led the way to the receptionist's desk. The young man looked up at her and was briefly stunned before giving her a small smile.

"Welcome to the Bright Castle. My name is Harper. I'm responsible for guest accommodations. I have never seen you around before. Is this your first time paying tribute?"

Sunny looked at Harper. He remembered the time he killed him just because of a mistake Sunny made. The moment that has changed a lot in Sunny.

Neph continued the process with Harper. And Sunny just kept looking around the place.

Harper took them in a tour around the castle, explaining the rules and some fun facts that he knew about the castle. Sunny noticed that he was saying more than he did last time and judging by the way he kept glancing at Nephis. He was clearly trying to show off.

'What do you think you're looking, asshole? She's my girl. Keep your eyes off her or I'll rip it off' Sunny kept his thoughts to himself as Harper stopped and looked at the trio.

"How many rooms will you need?

Instantly Sunny, Neph and Cassie. all spoke at the same time.




The trio froze and looked at each other. They didn't expect to have the same opinions. All of them giggled a bit. Harper was confused from them.

"Anyway, can we get rooms next to each other?" Sunny said while looking at Harper.

"Of course. Follow me." Harper said nervously. And started walking forward.

Soon, they were standing in front of two rooms next to each other.

"Here we are. The rooms are not very big. but they're really... uh... cozy. Enjoy your first night of safety, guys! You must have not felt safe in a long time. I know I never did before entering the castle. Thank heavens that time is behind me! Anyway food will be served one hour after sunrise tomorrow, in the main hall of the Keep. See you there!"

The young man left after taking a last glance at Neph

'Should I just pull out his eyes?' Sunny made a tsk in himself and just looked at his room.

"Have a good night, you two." Sunny said as he was entering his room.

"You too, Sunny." Both of them replied with a smile.

After entering his room. Sunny went and laid on the bed. He closed his eyes and used his shadow sense, and looked around the whole castle. This time, when he sneaked his eyes on Seichan, she didn't notice his stare.

'I guess even her sharp sense can't sense me now.' Sunny smirked as he was still looking around to discover anything new.

Suddenly, his gaze fell on a particular figure. The figure was so handsome and had green eyes with auburn hair.

'Kai!' Sunny was happy to see that his friend looked totally fine. Unlike the first time where he met him trapped in a will.

'How should I approach him?' Sunny wanted to leave an impression on his friend before leaving the castle. He already had a plan in mind, but it would be for his last day at the castle. Now, Sunny just wanted to start a normal chat with him.

'It's too late now. I'll leave it for tomorrow.' Sunny then let himself fall asleep. Luckily, he didn't get that nightmare.


When it was the morning, someone knocked on his door. He opened it and saw Neph and Cassie waiting for him outside the door.

"Good morning." Sunny greeted the two girls while yawning.

"Good morning, Sunny," they both replied with a casual smile.

Over the past few weeks. Neph has improved her ability to control her facial expressions so well, unlike his past life where she was smiling like she was going to kill him. But now, Sunny knew that Neph wasn't just faking a smile.

It seems like the three of them grew so much closer. Even more than his past life. And that is understandable since Sunny showed trust in Neph and Cassie. Neph was especially happy about the fact that someone strong like her hates the sovereigns and willing to stay by her side against them.

"Let's go eat break fast," Sunny said as he let Neph take the lead and followed after her as she guided Cassie through the route they were shown by Harper.

When they entered the keep, all eyes were drawn to them. Well, technically, it. It was drawn to Neph and Cassie. Sunny was just left out.

But neither did Sunny or Neph cared about the looks they were getting and just got some food and sat on an empty seat.

While the three were enjoying their meal, two rough looking young men rose from their seats and were heading towards Neph and Cassie with unpleasant excitement burning in their eyes.

Sunny noticed that they were the same men that they approached him before in his past life. 'Fate is surely twisted, isn't it?' Sunny chuckled in himself.

Sunny stood and stopped their way. Stopping them from reaching Neph and Cassie. Neph looked at him with confusion, and Cassie was oblivious about what's currently happening.

"Excuse me, gentleman. Where do you think you're going." Sunny said with a provocative tone.

"Get away from our way, rat. This is none of your business, " one of the two shouted at him.

"Well, actually. It is my business, as you see. These two are my companies. So their safety is my business. So again, where do you think you're going?" This time, Sunny's tone turned cold.

The hall suddenly turned silent as everyone was looking at what was happening. Sunny even noticed that Kai was between the sleepers on the table.

"Well, we were just hoping to introduce ourselves politely. So get away from our way rat. Don't you see that we're Gunlaug's men." One of the two guards shouted.

Sunny glared at him and smirked and said in a provocative tone "ohhh so you're one of his men. And you're a guard, too. So, as a guard, it's your job to just protect the residents of the bright castle. Not introducing yourself to them. And we're just staying here for a week. So we don't even care about some random guards' names." Sunny smiled provocatively.

Some of the maids and the people giggled. The two guards looked around in frustration and then glared at Sunny

"You little piece of shi-"

"Leave them alone, please. They're my friends. " Just when the two guards tried attacking Sunny, a calm voice sounded from his back.

Sunny turned his face and saw Caster. Sunny was sure that Caster would interfere in this fight, but even if he didn't, he had some plans for these guards.

"Oh. It's you." One of the guards said

Caster looked at them with a silent smile. There was no apparent hostility in his eyes, but for some reason, Gunlaug's men seemed to lose their desire to stir trouble. After glancing at each other, one of them said in a hesitant tone:

"You know these guys, Caster?"

"Yeah. We were in the Academy together. And please don't mind his rude behavior. Maybe it was tough for him out in the labyrinth."

'Tough, huh? If anything, it was like a shadow fragments special event.' Sunny chuckled to himself

The guards looked at Caster with hesitant eyes. But then, trying to keep the appearance of being in control, they glared at Caster darkly and backed down.

"Teach him some manners. We won't let any other disrespect slide. " Sunny held back the urge to continue arguing and making more trouble, but he just wanted to finish his food.

After the guards went back, Caster turned to great Neph and totally ignoring Sunny and Cassie

"Lady Changing Star of the Immortal Flame clan, on behalf of the Han Li clan, I welcome you to the Bright Castle." For some reason, Caster's voice was loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear.

The silence then broke in whispers and shock.

"What?! did he just call her with a true name"

"Idiot, what's more important is that's she's from the immortal flame clan."

"Oh my god, I must be the luckiest sleeper to meet a living legend."

Sunny saw as all the sleepers were whispering, but he just sat back at his seat and continued eating.

"It's good to see that you're doing fine"

Caster continued asking Neph and her time in the dream realm. And disrespectfully ignoring him and Cassie.

Neph didn't care about that and just talked with him and asked him about everything in the bright castle. Even if Sunny didn't tell Neph, she already knew by herself that Caster was the assassin sent to kill her.

While they were still talking, Sunny finished his food and got up. He already told Neph that he had something to do and that he wanted to be alone for a while.


Sunny was walking in the halls of the bright castle while checking every corner to. Then when he turned to the right he saw a handsome sleeper in front of him that bumped into him.

"Oh, Sorry about that" Kai looked at Sunny as he was apologizing, but then he recognized Sunny as one of Changing Star companions.

"Aren't you Ms. Changing Star friend?" Kai looked at him with surprised eyes.

"Yep, that's me." After saying that with a proud tone, Sunny looked at Kai with inspecting eyes.

"Wha...what?" Kai asked hesitantly.

Sunny kept looking at him and said, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

"Ohhh. Well, actually, I'm Night from Nightingale" Kai said while scratching the back of his head.

"Ohhh, you're that idol. My little sister is a huge fan of you. But anyway, I'm Sunless. But you can call me Sunny. That's what my friends call me" Sunny said with a smile while raising his hand in a shake.

"You can call me Kai." Kai took his hand with a big smile on his face

'Agghh, how can this guy be so handsome?? It's not fair!!' Sunny cursed his friend but kept it to himself

"It's nice to meet you, Kai. Also, I know we just became friends. But can you do me a favor and tell me where can I find a memory market here."

"Of course, Sunny, no problem. I actually know the one in charge of a special memory market here. But I'll have to get something first, after that we can go there." For some reason, Kai looked so happy when he said that.

'Is this guy a loner? Why is he so happy when I said that we're friends?' Sunny looked at Kai with confusion


Sunny waited for Kai to get the invitation to the memory market and then went with him. Moments later, Sunny found himself in a medium-sized hall with no windows and with a lantern in the center.

"Sunny, this is Stev. He's the person in charge here. And Stev, this is Sunny, your new customer." Kai introduced them both with a cheerful tone.

"Welcome, new customer. Hope something catches your eye." Stev said with a businessman tone.


After roaming the hall for a while. Although Sunny had only enough shards to buy the underworld mantle, but it'd be suspicious if he straight up walked to the memory.

After 10 minutes, Sunny asked Stev how much the damaged underworld mantle costs.

Stev looked at him with confusion. "You know that it can't be fixed unless you're an awakened, right?"

"Yeah, I know" Sunny said while his arms were crossed

"Then why are you buying it?" Stev asked while raising an eyebrow

"I have some extra soul shards to spend. Besides, it's none of your business. What are you? Some kind of detective? I buy what I want to buy" After saying that. Stev burst out in laughter.

"You got a funny customer here Kai. But anyway, this will cost 10 soul shards." Stev said while looking at the armor.

Sunny hesitated for a moment, but thinking about his future plans. 10 soul shards is nothing compared to what he'll have.

"Deal!" Sunny shook Stev's hand. Then, he felt the memory transfers to him.

After getting the memory, Sunny and Kai started heading. Kai looked at Sunny and started speaking hesitantly

"Emm... Sunny, I don't mean to offend you, but.... why did you spend so many soul shards on just a severely damaged armor that can't be fixed unless you're an awakened. Isn't that a waste of money?"

Sunny looked at Kai and thought for a while.

"Well, there are two reasons, Kai. The first reason is that in the next months, I'll have so many soul shards that no one will compare to how rich I am." Kai opened his eyes wide. What Sunny just said was true, but why was he so confident?

"The second reason is because it's so cheap for its real value. No, it isn't just cheap. It's like giving it for free for its value. No one besides me here know it's value. Unless, of course, it gets repaired."

Kai was shocked from what Sunny just said. "Then, Sunny. What's its real value?" Kai asked with pure curiosity in his eyes.

"Promise me not to tell anyone. Knowing its real value. I'd gladly pay about 1000 ascended soul shards."

Kai jaw dropped after what Sunny just said. He was so shocked that he kept silent for the rest of their walk.

"Anyway, Kai. We can talk tomorrow, I need to get back now." Sunny said while waving his hand.

"Ye.. yeah, we'll meet tomorrow." Kai said with still shock in his tone.


'So one time isn't enough, huh?'

In the night, Sunny was in his room looking at the mantle of the underworld. He used Serpent ability to help him move his essence that he can't control to repair the damaged mantle. But his essence wasn't enough to make it fix itself yet.

And now that he used his little essence that is used to summon memories, he wouldn't be able to summon his memories. But he wouldn't get in any fights that requires him to summon his memories in the next days.

'I guess it'll take around 3 days to be fixed enough to repair itself.'


And so, the days passed in the bright castle. Sunny was able to fix the mantle of the underworld enough for it to repair the damage itself in his soul sea. Since it was severely damaged and considering its high rank, it would take a whole week for it to fix itself.

Caster stayed glued to Neph like he was some kind of puppy getting his owner attention.

Their stay was calm with no trouble, but when their last day came. A commotion could be heard at the main hall.


[Hello everyone. I know I said that I'd post the chapter right after chapter 9. But I got busy with many things. University stuff. After the next chapter, there will probably won't be any chapters until I finish my exams. Which would take around 3 weeks. But I'll try posting one chapter a week. I also know that this chapter is also rushed but I promise this is the last time..... hopefully🙄. But anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it.]

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