
Chapter 13: Hidden Truths and Revelations - II


" * " : Indicates abilities that can be upgraded with practice, experience, or unique opportunities.]

> System inner voice ["speaking"] <

> Ash inner speech "speaking" <


As the laughter echoes across the clearing, Selina takes a deep breath. The decision she had been wrestling with moments ago solidifies in her heart.

Selina, deciding that she is ready to reveal her secret, calls out to the group, her voice calm but firm. "Guys, there's something I too want to tell you."

Ace, understands that Selina is also about to share her secret, gives her a small, encouraging nod.

Ash, fully aware of what's coming but choosing to act as though he doesn't know, leans forward with a curious expression.

Ash, Uta, and Lucy simultaneously ask, "What is it?"

Selina takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she begins. "I was born into a wealthy noble family in the Goa Kingdom," she starts, her tone measured but filled with emotion.

Ash, Uta, and Lucy listen intently, their curiosity growing as Selina continues.

"Despite the privilege, I hated the greed and corruption that consumed the nobility. The way they exploited the poor living in the Gray Terminal was disgusting. My parents were no different. They were obsessed with maintaining our social standing, even arranging a marriage for me to boost their status."

Selina's voice hardens with a mixture of frustration and sadness. "There was no love in that house. My parents never cared about me as a person; they only saw me as a tool to secure their influence. That life suffocated me, and I couldn't stand it anymore. So, I ran away."

She glances at Ace with a faint smile before continuing. "I ended up living in the Gray Terminal, where I met Ace. Together, we spent our days stealing from bad people in the trash heap and saving up treasure to one day buy a pirate ship. We dreamed of freedom, of living life on our own terms."

Selina's eyes light up briefly with the memory, then turn serious again. "My dream became to be pirate or be an adventurer and sail freely across the seas, far away from the constraints of my noble upbringing. I want to fight for what is right and stand up for people who can't do it themselves."

The room falls silent as Selina finishes, her words hanging in the air. Her revelation adds a new depth to the group's understanding of her, and they take a moment to absorb what she has shared.

Lucy, ever the bundle of cheerful energy, exclaims with surprise, "Wow, Selina! So, you're a princess?"

Selina chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Not princess Lucy but used to be like that, but not anymore," she replies with a warm smile.

Ash grins teasingly, leaning in just enough to make Selina blush. "So, a noble, huh? You know, I always had this feeling. Maybe you're the princess from my dreams," he says, adding a playful glint to his eyes.

Selina's cheeks turn red, her usual composure faltering. Before she can respond, Uta steps in, hands on her hips, her expression a mix of mock annoyance and amusement. "Oh? So now Selina is in your dreams, huh?"

Ash feels the glare and immediately starts stammering, turning his attention to her. "U-Uta...I...?"

Uta cuts him off sharply. "Uta what?"

Ash turns helplessly to Ace, Lucy, and Selina for support, only to find no salvation.

Ace smirks, crossing her arms. "You deserve this," she remarks, clearly enjoying the scene.

Lucy chuckles, watching the spectacle unfold like it's the best entertainment of the day.

Selina, still blushing from Ash's earlier comment, shrugs with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Ash. You're on your own this time."

Seeing no way out, Ash quickly thinks of something. He turns back to Uta, gently taking her hand. "Uta, you're not just in my dreams. You're my reality, the song in my heart."

Uta's cheeks flush, and she looks away, pretending to still be annoyed but clearly affected by his words. "Hmph, you're lucky you're good at this," she mutters, her voice softer now.

Ash exhales, wiping the sweat from his forehead as everyone else bursts into laughter.

Ash turns to Selina and Ace, his expression soft yet resolute. "Selina, whatever history you might have, and Ace, whoever you might be—it doesn't matter to me or us. From now on, you're family to me, just like Uta and Lucy."

He pauses, letting his words sink in, his voice firm with conviction. "If anyone dares to hurt you, they'll have to face my wrath. I promise you that."

Looking directly at Ace, he adds, "Ace, don't ever think you're not needed or that you have no one to depend on. You have us now."

He shifts his gaze to Selina. "Selina, don't think for a second that you're not loved. You are, and you always will be."

Turning to Lucy, his tone softens. "Lucy, you're not alone, either. Don't worry about not having friends or family. You have us."

Finally, he faces Uta, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Uta, I don't even need to tell you, do I? I already promised Shanks I'd protect you with my life, and that promise stands forever."

He steps back, looking at all of them, his eyes shining with determination. "I'm here for you guys. Always."

Uta, Lucy, Ace, and Selina widen their eyes at Ash's heartfelt declaration, his words resonating deeply within them. Without hesitation, they all rush toward him, their emotions overwhelming them.

Wrapping their arms around him, they embrace Ash tightly, their voices overlapping as they promise, "We'll be here for you too, no matter what."

In that moment, the warmth of their bond surrounded them, creating a love-filled scene that spoke volumes of their growing connection. The sincerity in their promises and the strength in their unity lit up the space around them, making it clear that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

After a few more moments of their heartfelt embrace, the group finally loosened their hold, stepping back with warm smiles on their faces. Ash cleared his throat, his tone shifting slightly as he brought up something important.

"There's still something from yesterday that I got from Celeste which I haven't shown you guys yet," Ash began, glancing at the girls. "The topic got diverted, and I forgot to bring it up."

He reached into his inventory, materializing several items and displaying them: Skill Combining Ticket, Gravitational Weights, Equipment Upgrade Ticket, Soul Bind Orb, Chest of Bound Essence.

Ash started saying "1st it is Blaze Repeater ace holding, I already gave this to Ace." He turned to her with a grin. "I've explained how it works, right? But remember, Ace—if you want to use different customization bullets effectively, you'll need to increase your stamina."

Ace nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes.

Next, Ash held up one of the Skill Combining Tickets. "This one's pretty straightforward. If you tear this ticket, you can combine two or more compatible skills that you are good at into a new skill. The fused skill will be much more powerful than the originals and you'll gain the knowledge of the new skill."

The group leaned in with curiosity, clearly intrigued.

Ash then picked up the Equipment Upgrade "This ticket allows you to upgrade equipment as its name suggests. It can make your gear even more effective and might unlock hidden potential. Definitely useful for these kinds of items." pointing to the Blaze Repeater ace has and the Soul Bind Bracelet they are wearing.

He paused to let the group absorb the information, their eyes already darting between the items.

Ash held up the Soul Bind Orb, its ethereal glow captivating everyone. "Now, about this," he began, "we're all wearing these bracelets, right? This orb is partially connected to them."

The group nodded, glancing at their respective bracelets, intrigued.

"As I mentioned before," Ash continued, "these bracelets show if someone is in danger beyond their ability to handle. It immediately notifies the rest of us and guides us to their location. This orb," he said, holding it higher for emphasis, "when crushed, allows one person to instantly teleport to the side of the person in danger. That way, they can provide immediate assistance while the rest of us are on the way."

Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Sugoi! Let me crush it now!"

Before she could even move, Uta promptly bonked her on the head. "Didn't you hear him? It's only for when someone is in danger—not now, you idiot."

Everyone chuckled at the scene, the light-hearted moment dispelling any lingering tension from the earlier revelations.

Ash held up the Gravitational Weights and began explaining their use. "These weights are designed for training and can be adjusted to any desired level, from very light to incredibly heavy. When you wear them, your Strength and Agility are reduced by 70%, and your Endurance drops by 40%. This forces your body to work harder under pressure.

Here's the benefit: when you take them off, the training pays off. You'll get a permanent boost to your Strength, Agility, and Endurance based on the weight you used and how long you trained with it. The greater the weight and longer you endure, the better the results."

He gave a serious look to emphasize his next point. "But you have to be careful when increasing the weight—if you push yourself too hard without enough stamina, it can lead to injuries. So use them wisely and increase the weight gradually."

The group listened intently, clearly impressed by their potential. Lucy couldn't help but blurt out, "So cool! Can I try them now?" only to be met with a playful bonk from Uta, who reminded her to take it slow. Everyone chuckled at their antics.

Ash held up the Chest of Bound Essence and explained its function. "This chest is a rare tool that can duplicate consumable items. Place a consumable inside, and minimum two days, it'll create an exact copy. But there's a cooldown; once it finishes copying, you'll have to wait a week before using it again. "

He added a note, "But I feel like for a different consumables like some rare one it takes long time. I have to test and try different consumables which I have and see it. So, we can choose wisely when using it."

The group nodded in understanding, recognizing its potential for creating backups of valuable items. Lucy, always curious, leaned in with a sparkle in her eyes, "What should we duplicate first?" Uta gave her a knowing smile. "Something we'll need, obviously."

Ash smiled at the group and said, "I already placed the Seed of Conqueror inside the chest."

Uta nodded in agreement, but Lucy's jaw dropped in disappointment. "Ash! I was going to suggest keeping meat in there. Why couldn't you wait?"

Uta rolled her eyes and scolded her, "Stop thinking about food all the time, you idiot!"

Ignoring their playful banter, Selina furrowed her brow in curiosity. "Seed of Conqueror? What's that?"

Ash leaned back and began explaining. "Before meeting you both, I got some other items. You know how I told you about Haki, and how Conqueror's Haki is rare, right?"

Selina and Ace nodded, recalling the earlier discussion.

Ash continued, "Well, the Seed of Conqueror is special. Even if someone doesn't naturally exhibit Conqueror's Haki, this seed helps unlock their latent potential. Everyone has the spark for it deep down—they just don't know it or leave it untouched. The seed nurtures that spark, bringing it to life."

The group listened intently, marveling at the possibilities it held.

Ash took out the remaining items he had received from Celeste before meeting Ace and Selina and briefly explained their uses, though Uta and Lucy, already familiar with them, simply nodded along.

Selina, noticing that Ash had gifted special items to Lucy, Uta, and Ace but nothing to her, shot him a pointed glare.

Ash, confused, asked, "What's wrong?"

Selina crossed her arms. "You've given them a gauntlet, a transforming pendant, and now the Blaze Repeater to Ace. But me? Nothing."

Sweat dropping, Ash quickly pulled out an iron rod he had lying in his inventory and offered it to her. "Here, take this for now."

Selina raised an eyebrow. "A... normal iron rod? After all the fancy items you just handed out?"

Ash scrambled to explain, "Don't be like that! For now, just keep this. I promise the moment I get something worthy of you from Celeste, I'll give it to you. Until then, please accept this, my lady."

Selina huffed, holding the rod with mock grandeur. "Fine. But don't forget your promise!"

Ash saluted her dramatically. "Of course, my lady."

Ace smirked at Ash's awkwardness. Meanwhile, Uta and Lucy chuckled at his predicament, clearly enjoying the moment.

Ash pulled out the Masks of Alteration and handed one to each of them—Lucy, Uta, Ace, and Selina—keeping one for himself.

Ace inspected the mask curiously. "Isn't this the one you mentioned that can change our appearance?"

Ash nodded. "Exactly."

Uta tilted her head. "Why are you giving everyone one now?"

Ash grinned. "I was thinking… down the line, we could temporarily become bounty hunters. Not now, but maybe in a few years when we're stronger. It's a good way to make some money."

Lucy gasped dramatically. "Ash! You said you wanted to be a pirate, and we're supposed to be one crew! Are you leaving me and uta already?"

Ash laughed, shaking his head. "Of course not! But when we do become pirates, we'll need money, right? For a ship, supplies, and everything else. That's the reason. Don't worry—there's no change in my goal to become the Pirate King."

Lucy grinned; her earlier concern gone. "Shishishi! Good idea, Ash! Let's collect money and buy a ship. Yosh!"

Ash continued, "Since there are five of us and I have five masks, I figured why not make a team for bounty hunting? It'll be a way for us to stick together and get stronger while preparing for our real adventure."

Everyone liked the idea and agreed enthusiastically.

Lucy suddenly clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling. "Oh! We should come up with secret names, like ninjas!"

Ash chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Alright, let's think of some then!"

As the group gathered around, Selina thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers. "I got it," she said confidently. "I'll go by 'Silver.' What do you think?"

Everyone nodded, agreeing that it suited her well.

Ace, with a thoughtful expression, then declared, "I'll go by 'Crimson.' It feels right."

Uta, her eyes sparkling with excitement, added, "I'll be 'Siren.' It's perfect for me."

Ash, a mischievous grin on his face, announced, "I'll be 'Shadow.'"

Lucy, after a few moments of contemplation, finally settled on her name. "I'll be 'Ember.' It has a nice ring to it."

Ash stood up, feeling a surge of pride in the group's unity. "From now on, we'll go by 'Phantom Vortex.' We'll make sure the everyone knows who we are."

Ash took out a physical training book and a manual titled "Rokushiki Manual" from his inventory. He placed them in front of the group, his expression serious. "From tomorrow, we'll be training with the help of these," he said, pointing to the books. "The physical training book will help us build strength, agility, and endurance. It's basic, but it'll push us to the next level."

He then picked up the Rokushiki manual, his voice lowering slightly. "This is a Marine secret, and you need to be careful when handling it. If a Marine finds out about this, we could be in trouble. The techniques inside are advanced, but they'll give us an edge if we can master them."

The group nodded, understanding the importance of their upcoming training and the risks involved. They were ready to push their limits and grow stronger, together.

Ash leaned forward with a curious smile. "So, what do you guys think?" he asked, gesturing to the training materials.

Selina was the first to speak, her voice thoughtful. "With the help of these items, we'll surely get stronger. But I think with the gravity weights, we should take turns—each of us using them one day at a time. That way, we'll have time to adjust to our strength and speed after removing them."

Ash and Ace nodded in agreement, and Uta chimed in, "That's a good idea, Selina. It'll keep us from overdoing it too soon."

Ash then added another suggestion. "Also, I think Lucy and Uta should practice with sea stone shackles on alternating days when they're not using the gravity weights."

Lucy tilted her head, puzzled. "Why?"

Without answering directly, Ash pulled out the sea stone shackles. "Touch them," he instructed, holding them out.

Lucy, ever impulsive, reached out without hesitation. The moment their hands touched the shackles, both girls felt their strength drain away. Lucy slumped like a loose rubber band, while Uta bonks calling her idiot saying didn't Ash already told what it does to Devil fruit User.

Ash quickly removed her hands from the shackles and waited patiently as her strength gradually returned.

"It's to train your stamina and resilience against sea stone," Ash explained. "If you ever face a Marine or someone else who uses it, you won't be caught off guard. It'll also help you build up your resistance and focus."

The group exchanged glances, realizing the wisdom behind the plan.

Ash smiled, seeing their curiosity. "If you train with these shackles, you're indirectly training your body, just like with gravity weights. For Devil Fruit users, it's a way to build endurance and adaptability. Plus," he added, "you'll gain resistance to sea stone, which can be a lifesaver in tough situations."

Uta, still recovering her strength, nodded thoughtfully. "That's actually a good idea. It'll make us more prepared if we ever face someone who tries to use sea stone against us."

Lucy, her strength fully returned, grinned. "Yosh! Bring it on! I'll become even stronger!"

The rest of the group chuckled at her enthusiasm, feeling a renewed sense of determination.

Ash held up the Equipment Upgrade Ticket and announced, "I'm planning to use this on our Soul Bind Bracelets."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Why the bracelet?"

Before Ash could respond, Uta chimed in, "Because the bracelet is also a type of equipment we use, and there's a chance it could be upgraded. Ash mentioned this before."

Ash chuckled, nodding. "Exactly. We might get some exciting new features or improvements that could make the bracelet even better. What do you all think?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Ash then asked, "So, who wants to try upgrading it?"

Lucy shot her hand up enthusiastically. "Me, me, me! Please let me do it!"

Ash laughed and handed her the ticket. Lucy held it carefully, then glanced at Ash. "What should I do?"

The group collectively slapped their foreheads, groaning in unison.

"You tear it," Ash explained, shaking his head with a grin. "Then imagine what equipment you want to upgrade. Think about the bracelet clearly, Lucy. Don't mess it up."

Lucy nodded firmly. "Got it!" She tore the ticket, focusing hard on the Soul Bind Bracelet.

The moment she did, the bracelets on everyone's wrists began to glow, a warm, radiant light enveloping them. Everyone watched with anticipation as the upgrade process began.

Ash smiled as the glow of the upgrade faded and the new ability revealed itself. "Looks like the upgrade is in," he said, ready to explain. But before he could continue, Ace interrupted.

"I got the information in my mind," Ace said, his eyes narrowing with understanding. "The bracelet now gives us Aegis Skin—a skin-tight barrier that protects us from physical and elemental attacks three times a day, automatically activating against threats or malicious intent. We can also activate it manually."

Selina, Uta, and Lucy nodded, each of them seeming to experience the same surge of knowledge as Ace.

"I got it too," Selina said, a satisfied smile on her face. "The upgrade's pretty powerful."

"Same here," Uta chimed in, stretching her arms. "Now we can take on even more, and it feels like the bracelet just got a lot more useful."

Ash, slightly amused, gave a playful nod. "I was going to say that, but it seems you all got the information in your minds."

Ash looked at the everyone. "With this upgrade, even if one of us is in danger, the person can hold themselves up until the rest of us come to help, or at least try to escape if things get too overwhelming," he explained. "It gives us a bit more time to think, fight, or get away without being completely defenseless."

Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of the upgrade. It was a big step forward in ensuring their safety and increasing their chances of survival in dangerous situations.

Uta and Selina both looked at Ash expectantly. "Do you have any idea how to train Haki?" Uta asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Selina nodded, adding, "Yes, Ash. If what you said about Haki is true, we understand how useful it will be in the future. Even at a basic level, it could help us in difficult situations."

Ash sighed; his expression slightly regretful. "Unfortunately, I don't fully know how to train for it. But for Observation Haki, I know that you need to start by tying your eyes closed, then dodging attacks and projectiles. It's about developing your sixth sense to avoid what you can't see."

Ace nodded thoughtfully. "That's a good start, though. We can work with that. Starting from somewhere is the important part."

Ash agreed, "Yeah, if Celeste comes up with a manual or some way to train it in the future, I'll be sure to get it. Or we can always ask Garp when he comes in a few months."

Everyone nodded, feeling more confident now that they had a plan to begin training their Haki. The sense of unity and purpose filled the group as they agreed to start practicing, no matter how small the first steps might be.

While they are discussing the training plan, Ash reminded Uta, "Remember, you have to the Purity Crystal to remove the curse. You have to get stronger if you want to use it."

Uta nodded, determined. "I remember it Ash and I won't neglect my training. I'll take it seriously," she said. Ash chuckles and says "It is fine to take break now and then. We are there to help you get strong."

Ace, curious, asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

Ash glanced at Uta, who gave him a subtle nod. She then spoke up, "I'll tell them." She took a deep breath and began explaining the incident on Elegia, how she had inadvertently released Tot Musica and caused the destruction of the island. She shared how Shanks had helped her and saved Elegia from destroying completely, but took the blame on himself for the disaster to protect her.

Selina, hearing the story, immediately hugged Uta tightly. "You weren't in the wrong for Elegia's destruction. It wasn't something you could control," she said softly. "Just like how we've all accepted each other's past and faults, both Ace and I accept you for who you are. You're a good person."

Uta smiled, tears welling in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling the weight of her past ease with the comforting words of her new family.

With the plan set, all five of them stood together. The bonds between Ash, Uta, Lucy, Selina, and Ace had grown stronger with each moment, and they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them as a team.

"Are you guys ready?" Ash said, his voice filled with resolve. "Tomorrow, we start our training, and we grow stronger together."

Uta grinned, "We'll be unstoppable."

Selina nodded in agreement, her earlier worries about her past fading into the background as she focused on the future. "We have each other. That's all that matters."

Ace smirked, "And with our plan, we'll be ready for whatever comes."

Lucy, ever cheerful, pumped her fist in the air. "Let's do this!"

With a final exchange of determined glances, they made their way back to Dadan's house, ready to rest and prepare for the challenges that tomorrow would bring. The night was peaceful, and as they settled in, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey. Whatever the future held, they would face it together—stronger, united, and with a shared purpose.

The sun would rise tomorrow, and with it, the dawn of a new chapter for the five of them.


To be continued...

Hey everyone! I'm always looking for ways to make this story even better, and I'd love to hear your ideas. What powers do you think should be available in Ash's store? Maybe you have some cool concepts for abilities, weapons, or items that could make the adventure even more exciting!

Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments, and if there's anything specific, you'd love to see in future chapters, let me know! I might even integrate your ideas into the story.

Also, don't forget to give some Power Stones if you're enjoying the journey! Your support means the world. 😊

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