
chapter 16

As lith walk out of the door he finds himself in a super large world. With his sciences he could easily determine that this is a low level universe. It is the centerln plain. The headquarters of all the big forses and churchs are located here. The star academy is also looked here. The energy in air here is several times stronger than the outside.

Acouding to the information lith soon finds the place were the entrance exam was held. Lith first go to the resepsenist to register. At this time there is not many people here as most of them has taken the exam and was admitted to the academy.

When Lith came to the resepsenist and ask..

Hello mam I want to register for the exam.

The resepsenist frowned looking at lith. She thought that lith was some small novel who came from outside of the central plain. The people here look down on the people outside.

She was arrogant as she tose a magic paper to him.

Lith frowned at her behavior but didn't say anything as he fill the from and go to take the test.


The test side is quiet peculiar. Every one needs to take 3 test and if they pass all 3 they will admitted to the academy.

Soon it was Lith's turn. The first test is about the afanity. Normally all people have only one afanity. But some rare people have more the 1 afanity.

There was a burly man standing behind a cristal ball. When he looked at Lith's outair he also frowned as he say importantly to lith to put his hand on the ball.

This man is very powerful. And he is a teacher in the academy. He thought the same as the women early and lith must be some spoiled son of some small Nobel.

The moment Lith's hand touch the ball the ball first show red. The man raise an eyebrow. Then the color change again to blue. The to Green. Then to yellow. Then to brown . At first the man fast just surprised as someone having the 5 common elements are normal among the students here. After that the man could maintain his composor as he looks at the color display after. Light, darkness, time, fate, void, space, Devin, abyssal, holy, ice and many more. He was so shocked that he was shaking in fear. He never seen someone having so much afanity in his entire life.

Then lith puld his hand as he looks at the man and as if he pass the test. The man nodded in fear. Lith didn't looked at his a he go to the next spot.

On the other side all the teachers and the senior student and the leaders of the major forses who see this scene also become shocked.

The students were shocked by the numbers of afanity lith hold. But the leaders were shock more because they thought the books behind lith back are grimoire. All mages after can contract with a grimoire. This grimoire record the spells they created. It is said that the grimoire are gift from the void to them who created new spells. Every one when get the grimoire only reserve one in there life. But here they saw with here own eyes as a boy was holding 11 of them. This is more shocking that the afanitys.

Murmurs of disbelief eacho throw the entire academy as the witness lith going to the next test spot.

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