
The Seer’s Warning

"So let me get this straight. You're a seer, have known me for a long while and are about to tell me something important. Why exactly should I trust what you say ? Mom always told me that people who hide their eyes live full of lies.", said Ragna, not fully trusting her even though she was friends with Effie.

Cassie smiled gently put it was also slightly cracked because of his distrust towards her.

"I'm sure Effie has told you I'm blind and all. I'm only wearing the halfmask because it's a useful memory and doesn't hinder anything. It's also useful for protection, at least when it comes to my eye area. You don't need to listen to my advice but you surviving also benefits me so why don't we sit down and drink a cup of tee while we talk ?"

Ragna hesitated, glancing over to Effie, who gave him a small nod of assurance.

"Fine, I'll hear you out. But that doesn't mean I'll take your words for the truth."

Cassies smile widened and reached her eyes, or rather where her eyes would've been if the halfmask wasn't there.

"Thats fine by me.", said Cassie before turning to Effie and continuing.

"How about you prepare us some tea while me and Ragna talk privately ?"

Effie looked slightly disappointed, clearly wanting to have heard what her seer friend had seen about the future.

"Alright, but don't call for help if he bites your hand off because you told him some nonsense."

"Why would I do something like that!? ... Let's just start already, miss Cassia. I want to hear what you have to say."

After Effie left to go towards the kitchen, Cassie sat down next to Ragna on the couch, no too close but still close enough to create a certain warmth and trust.

"Before we start I have to say that I can't tell you everything I know. You knowing too much might change the future to something we don't want to."

'What a cliche. The seer who can't tell me too much because it might change the future.', thought Ragna with a bitter taste since he'd heard similar lines in all kind of stories and movies. But if Cassie was truly as powerful as he thought, there surely was a good reason for the amount she was willing to tell.

"Just tell me what you deem as enough."

Cassie sighed, leaning back slightly, as though bracing her against his rude tone.

"I get it, Ragna. But this is not about keeping you in the dark but its about making sure you have enough freedom to make your own decisions. Fate has a weird way of making things fall in perfectly if given its time to progress naturally."

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'm sorry. Just get to the point now."

Cassie clasped her hands and smiled once again, which she did a lot

"Let's start then.", said Cassie who leaned forward slightly, her tone changing to one of more seriousness.

"Ragna, in the future, in your second Nightmare, you'll come across a red ocean. When the sun falls, you'll drown underneath and suffer." She trailed off for a second, choosing her words carefully. "They who you will meet are your own, do not fight back."

Ragna started at Cassie for a while, thinking about her revelation. At one hand what she said did make sense but it also didn't give him a lot of information. Everything he knew was that he would come across a red ocean in his second nightmare and that at night something would happen.

"So you're telling me that something will happen in the ocean and that I am not supposed to fight back ? Doesn't sound that lovely, does it ?"

"Yes, thats what I said. I know that it sounds unreasonable but you need to trust me.", said Cassie before suddenly looking up to the ceiling.

"Hmm, maybe I should help you with something so you trust me more. Im also a part of Valor, you know ? My powers make me an important asset so they surely would think about my recommendation, especially if they know it's you."

"You're a part from Valor ? And what do you mean with "especially if they know it's you" ?"

"Oh haven't you seen the news yet ? Your name has been a hot topic for the past few days. They call you a hero for fighting off a gate alone for so long. I'm sure the higher ups from Valor already have you on their radar and if I recommend you, they would surely take the chance."

"And you'd do that for me, just like that ?"

"Just see it as a gift for future reference. We'll surely meet again some day. And having you on my good side will surely be something positive."

Just after she said that Effie came back, having prepared the tea.

"Did I miss out on something ?

Cassie turned towards Effiee, her smile still constant.

"Nothing too dramatic, just a little bit of guidance for Ragna."

Ragna, still processing Cassie's words, started sipping on the tea.

'This is a lot to take in but it's also very vague. I should just be happy about her wanting to help me getting into Valor.'

For a hour Effie and Cassie had just conversed casually, talking about some important stuff. Ragna listened the whole time, only rarely deciding to speak up too. But then Cassie suddenly stood up and stretched her arms over her head.

"I'll be going now since I still have a lot of stuff to do.", said Cassie before turning towards Ragna and continuing.

"I'll talk with someone from Valor. They'll probably search for you themselves so be ready to be spoken to in a few days. Well then, have a nice evening.Bye Effie, bye Ragna."

And just like that the door had shut behind Cassie, leaving Ragna and Effie alone once more.

"Seems like I don't need to call princess over anymore if Cassie wants to help you"

"Who is princess anyways ?"

Effie raised an eyebrow, just remembering that she had never told him, not even in the stories of the forgotten shore.

"Nephis, who else ?"

"Eh ? N-nephis in like Earths last hope Nephis ? I k-knew you were friends with her but calling her over just for me ? Ah, im glad Cassie came rather than her."

Later that day Effie had gone into the dream realm for personal reasons, giving Ragna the chance to hog the couch for himself and just relax. He pulled out his communicator and just scrolled through social networks. What he quickly found were two articles of people he knew. The first person was he himself and the second person was Layla.

Since curiosity overtook him, he first opened the articles that covered Layla.

'New rising star ? Wait what ? Layla started modeling? I knew she was beautiful but this ?! I wonder why. She isn't really the person who would just decide to model out of the blue. Well, lets just look at the other articles now.'

When he opened the articles that covered his actions with the gate, he found out that his name had spread far, really far. There were many people who now saw him as a hero of earth. Fighting off gates of course wasn't something unusual, but normally you'd do it in teams of multiple people. Doing it alone, like he did it, was basically unheard of. And then even surviving was on a whole different level.

Ragna leaned back, staring at his communicator with disbelief, a mix of disbelief and proudness building inside him. But what the society didn't know was that he didn't do it for the greater good but for his own survival and wants. He then decided to read comments under the article.

Some were purely positive and praised him

JusticeWins736: "We need more people like him. He's the real deal ! Total legend."

Some were skeptical

Im12AndJustHateOnEverything72: "The Media is just hyping him up. No way he took down a whole gate all by himself."

And some even just criticized him for doing something so dangerous.

But a fact was that his name had definitely become known, just how he intended to. The great clans had also surely seen him and thought about recruiting or adopting him. And with the help of Cassie, Valor would definitely take the first step.

'Things are about to get interesting.'

——-Author's Notes——-

Words: 1407

Another chapter finally done. I have two weeks of school now so my uploads will increase slightly. Maybe I'll release a chapter every other day.


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