Five Years Later
Selim concentrated, accessing his unique ability to recall knowledge from his past life. Wikipedia... It was like having a vast library in his mind, glimpses of entries and facts scrolling through his thoughts.
He reviewed Ottoman history: the foundation of the empire by Osman I, the triumphant conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453, and the pinnacle of Ottoman glory under Suleiman the Magnificent in 1520, who transformed the legal system with the Qanuni. The empire had stretched from North Africa to Morocco, up to Austria, and across the Balkans and the Arabian Peninsula. But then, stagnation. In 1683, the Ottomans suffered a critical loss at Vienna, thwarted by Austrian forces reinforced by Poland's famous Winged Hussars.
A sense of urgency stirred in him. We're in a precarious position, he thought. If only the empire could find new strength...
Suddenly, the door swung open, and his half-sister Şah poked her head in.
"Selim?" she called cheerfully.
"Can you at least knock first?" he replied, feigning annoyance.
"Hehe, sorry," she said, slipping into the room. She glanced at him curiously, raising an eyebrow. "You look like you're deep in thought again. Plotting something?"
Selim quickly straightened up. "Me? Just...thinking." He tried to look casual, but Şah wasn't convinced.
"You're always thinking about something serious!" she teased, nudging him lightly.
"Well, maybe you're not thinking enough!" he retorted, smirking.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm not the one who's already acting like a miniature statesman."
Selim laughed, but his mind lingered on his thoughts. If only she knew how much this empire needs to change…
"Anyways, father called us to come to the grand dining room. We're having lunch, also he had return from his duties."
"Alright Şah, I'll be right there."
Şah left Selim in the room. Alone. Technically, Hatice and I are not real blood siblings because she is from Rifat Kadın, while I from Mihrisah Sultan. In Ottoman Harem system, it were divided into 4 titles which starts from ;-
1.Odalık (servants)
2.Gedikli (one of the Sultan's twelve personal servants)
3.İkbal or Gözde ('favorites' who allegedly had affairs with the Sultan)
4.Kadın or Haseki Sultan (wives who bore children of the Sultan)
Kadın or Haseki Sultan is considered the highest title, because their sons are heirs to the sultanate. Technically, Rifat and Mihrisah share the same title which is Kadın. So yeah that's in the Ottoman harem system. It has eunuchs and people that will take care of the Ottoman dynasty. Selim sighed. These titles may sound like honor, but they fuel ambition, tension, even conflict. In the past, the Sultanate of Women—a period when mothers and other female relatives wielded immense power—had led to both great influence and serious instability within the empire. These power struggles, sometimes driven by mothers seeking to secure their children's futures, could even end in bloodshed.
Selim shuddered. Maybe they meant well, but this is not the way a state should be ruled.
"Selim!! Hurry up!!"
"Ok ok, I'm coming." Rushed outside from the door, with an outfit of ottoman prince, a blue with gold embroidered caftans, with sword on my left side. And the ottoman white turban. I walked out to the grand dining room, where my mothers, and Sultan Mustafa III, were waiting…
"Oh shit…"
"Shit? What is shit?"
"Oh nothing, Şah." Selim replied hastily, trying to hide his slip. Focus, Selim. You're not a modern student anymore; you're the future of the Ottoman Empire.
"Oh my son, thank god you and Şah are here, please be seated"
Both of us took a seat, just beside each other. And the food in front of us are Pilaf and Şiş Kebab, also with a set of desserts like Baklava and Güllaç with Sherbet (Şerbet).
While they were enjoying their meal, Sultan Mustafa III looked at Selim with a proud smile.
"Selim, I heard you managed to memorize the Quran in just two months. That's quite remarkable."
Selim nodded modestly. "Thank you, Father. Alhamdulillah."
"And it's not just that," Mustafa continued. "You've learned to read and write fluently, and even grasped arithmetic and algebra at such a young age. Truly impressive for a five-year-old."
Selim chuckled nervously. "I… just enjoy learning."
Mihrisah Sultan, who had been quietly observing, smiled warmly. "He has always been curious, always asking questions and reading whatever he can get his hands on."
"Curious is an understatement," Mustafa said with a laugh. "I think we've raised a prodigy, don't you agree?"
Mihrisah glanced at Selim, her expression a mix of pride and wonder. "Yes… though sometimes I wonder how he understands so much, so quickly."
Selim felt his face heat up under their gazes. He looked down at his plate, fidgeting slightly. If only they knew the real reason, he thought. Being reincarnated is both a blessing and a secret I'll have to carry.
Then, Rifat interrupted with a sly smile.
"It is indeed fortunate for you, Mihrişah, to have such a promising heir. But I must say, Hatice has been quite remarkable herself. Even though she is a girl, she already has a knack for economics. Just last week, she answered a question her tutor struggled with."
Mihrişah raised an eyebrow, her voice calm but with a subtle edge.
"That's wonderful, Ayşe. Şah is very bright, as we all know. Still, it's a pity she won't have the chance to govern or rule directly. Selim, on the other hand, has responsibilities awaiting him that are far greater."
Rifat's smile tightened. "True. But perhaps intelligence and wisdom will support the realm in unexpected ways. Who knows, Şah might one day advise Selim on economic matters."
"Perhaps," Mihrişah replied smoothly, "but ruling requires more than just knowledge—it demands strength, vision, and the ability to inspire loyalty. Qualities that Selim is already beginning to show, even at his young age."
Selim glanced between the two women, feeling the tension in the air despite their polite tones. He decided to defuse the situation.
"Hatice is amazing at numbers," Selim said with a smile. "She's even helped me with some problems. I think we'll make a great team when we grow up."
Hatice beamed at the compliment, while both Ayşe and Mihrişah looked momentarily taken aback.
"See, the children already understand cooperation," Mustafa III interjected with a laugh, breaking the moment of silence. "Perhaps we should learn from them, no?"
The table shared a polite chuckle, though Selim could still feel the undercurrent of rivalry between the two women.
Though I am the only son, my love for my siblings remains unwavering. I could never bear to see discord among us.
OK first of all, sorry there's a mistake, I decide to change Hatice to another sister and another Mustafa's wife named Şah and Rifat Kadin after further gather information. Sorry for the changes