
Chapter 14: Making Kiya-chan All Hot And Sweaty

*In The Library*

Sasuke spends an hour first understanding all he can about Taijutsu to the best of his knowledge. Once done he realizes he needs to fight strong opponents in order to get a solid foundation. As of now he can safely say he's at an mid Genin level and training with Naruto is fine but soon he'll see diminishing returns as Naruto just wants to compete with him, which would be fine but he's not trying to refine his brawler style.

Still he managed to find a solid style for Sakura that will serve her well even after she meets Tsunade. The problem with Tsunade's style is her speed, focusing on just landing one hit. If she could lower the power output and focus on quicker strikes she'll be the strongest Kunoichi in our class including the sand. Then in the top 5 of strongest fighters as an adult.

Thanks to Kiya I was able to get a detailed workout plan for Kunoichi's, at least for a Genin wanting to make it to Chunin. Of course the woman couldn't help but try and tease me.

Ah is this for your little girlfriend, is that why your working so hard

Not a girlfriend, more like an associate. As for why Im asking its mainly because I don't want her to die on our first C rank and have to wait a couple months or until the next batch of genin graduate the academy to replace her.

Ouch why so harsh, and I doubt it'd take Lord Third so long to assign a replacement if it comes to that.

Why say that

Your a Uchiha so the leaf higher ups probably want to show off you and the rest of the clan heirs to the rich customers and Damiyos.

Hmm so the Chunin Exams are coming up, can you tell me about them

Yea sure but not to much or it wouldn't be much of a surprise then would it? Kiya says with a wink.

The Chunin exam's take place bi-annually where all of the major and smaller villages get together to point their new shiny weapons at each other. Being a way to stop war. As for what the exam topics are, my lips are sealed.

Uh huh and so what's it going to take for those pretty lips of yours to open

Nothing you could do genin-chan. But seriously they would call me into questioning at the T&I Department. Making me stand trial in front of the council for treason. So yeah not dealing with all that it's too troublesome.

Aww and look at you trying to flirt, are you trying to graduate from crayons to sticking your sharp kunai in a holster. So cute. But you should study a bit more before stepping up to the plate.

My inner man burns up by that comment. Is she trying to friendzone me? Ight bet.

So you think I'm cute, 

Yes like a little brother I walk to the academy

give me 5 years and I'll turn into devilishly handsome real quick. Ready to sweep you off your feet. 

Hai Hai

But something you should know about the exams. Its said to be bi annual but in reality you'd now have to wait. As the exams are more of a once every two years sort of deal.

Why is that

Simple the leaf isn't going to send promising genin to enemy countries.

Oh so countries like Iwa and Kumo

Exactly, if we do their main job is to lower the competition by killing enemy countries genin in a legal way.

They would also kidnap the Genin with keke genkai or doujustu's like yourself. The Big nosed disgusting Koala's back in Kumo are proud of their theft with it baked into their culture like a shitty pumpkin pie on the Yondaime's Autum Festival. I'm sure the Kumo ladies would love to get thier hands on the last Uchiha Shota boy. Heck you might even get a kick out of them squeezing you dry until you die.

I visibly shutter from the thought

Kiya-chan looks down at me. Not so pleasant, isn't it?

Well now you know what it feels like to be a Kunoichi surrounded by enemies in hostile territory.

Like do you think the leaf would ever send a main branch Hyūga to Kumo just for some chunin exam. Not on your life. Not to mention anyone of importance or could cause political issues. Hiashi would have gone to war all by himself if his precious Hinata-Hime was sent their. The fact that the Kumo planned their delegation meeting the week of her birthday should say enough. No nation should have details such as that on a three year old. I feel bad for the girl as she has a giant target on her back the moment she leaves the gates to be a Genin. Heck it makes sense why the girl is raised so strictly, Hiashi is probably worried knowing she has a gigantic target as Kumo wishes to use her to breed a new Hyūga clan. Even if my clan's heir was put in danger the head of the Nara clan would cause intelligent nightmares for the higher ups. 

I raise an eyebrow hearing this information. "That makes me want to ask, how's the structure of your clan work, like how is a Clan head chosen."

Most or less by blood of the previous clan head.

'I'm not surprised by this, but I still need to ask.' And you're okay with that? Why?

Of course, why wouldn't I, all that paperwork would be a hassle. Ruling over people isn't all its cracked up to be. A then heaven forbids your good at your job and other clan heads push more responsibility onto you. Trust me, it's not worth it. It's nothing more than a thankless job on top of that.

Yes, yes it's a crime to disturb a Nara's sleep. Let me bet you have a designated room just for taking naps. 

"Yes, how did you know." Kiya-chan looks back at me seriously.

So, you do have such a place, I knew it. I point at her, as if I've solved one of the 12 legendary mysterious of the world.

Kiya looks at me now disappointedly. "Yeah, it's called the bed? So, this is the genius of the Uchiha clan."

Shut it I just had a brain fart, its not going to happen again its just that you Nara's are just natural smarter

Or your brain just doesn't work properly, I swear you people give us too much credit.

Anyways, did you come here just to flirt with me or to actually study because it looks like I was right as all your showing is your nothing but hot air.

Maybe in the future I'll come just to pay you a visit but your right I should get back to hitting the books. What did you specialize in to get to the rank of Chunin again?

I would focus on the Nara style jutsu I was thought so that won't help you but a good substitute would be poison senbon and as for the Genjutsu I used try

This is good because it all revolves on a high yin release, adding the genjutsu to make shadows more subtle and senbon to slow down the aponiente. Since she can' use the Nara style Taijutsu then the Cherry Blossom Embrace style should be fine since most civilian born shinobi use it for quick consecutive blows. I've seen kunoichi use it even as a chunin going to Tokubetsu Jonin.

Thanks this will heavily speed up the process

If you really want to thank me then let me sleep, I haven't had to do this much work in months.

Quit acting like a Tsundere Kiya-chan you love the company.

If anything maybe I should invite you to give a demonstration.

I like you Sasuke-chan but I'm not going to wasting my time to get all sweaty practicing Taijutsu on academy genin.

Gaki quit it with the sex jokes your much too young for me.

And besides all you guys talk a big game but can't last a minute under the pressure of a real woman. Like what if I take you up on the offer. Then what?

I never Back down from a challenge that's my ninja way. But unlike others I know I can reach the highest peaks of the ninja world.

Geeze how big is your ego


Whatever, I'm over it. If you need me then don't.

All you're gonna do is sleep.

Yup! She says while walking away and giving me the bird as she walks out.

'I think I'm in love. That ass should be a national treasure.' Sasuke says while stare at her retreating form.

Well that was fun, I'm sure in a few years I can change her opinion about me. But I know she's not someone that would follow me to Otogakure. As much as I would love that. Kiya has a career, decent pay, a family, and decent good looks. She'll be around sure, but she'll pick the partner who doesn't cause trouble, won't wastes her time, is a little witty and is dependable. 

'As the Last Uchiha destined to save the world as one of the reincarnated souls of a god. Unfortunately, that's not me. Probably won't be me until it's too late. I would need to clean up all my family problems in a couple of years. A by that point she'd probably find a partner, or her clan would put her in a marriage contract. As good women like her don't stay on the shelf for too long. Honestly no one ever talks about the downsides to being all powerful.' Sasuke thinks while looking at his textbook.

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